Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

Thank you for your research in this thread MJF and may your family members find peace and comfort.

Didn't the C's say that one physiological change resulting from the fall was a knot or bump forming on the upper spine and that was the advent of jealousy?

From the Key sentences thread:
- What was the true event behind the story of the "Mark of Cain?" Advent of jealousy. What occurred to allow jealousy to enter into human interaction? Lizard takeover. An event that occurred at the time of the fall of Eden. Was this story of Cain and Abel part of that takeover? Symbolism of story. This was symbolic of the Lizzie takeover, the advent of jealousy, and the attitude of brother against brother, is that correct? Partly. The mark of Cain means the "jealousy factor" of change facilitated by Lizard takeover of earth's vibrational frequency. Knot on spine is physical residue of DNA restriction deliberately added by Lizards. We mean the occipital ridge. Spine had no ridge there. Jealousy emanates from there, you can even feel it.

- At the time, this "Mark of Cain" came about, were there other humans on the planet that did not have this configuration? It was added to all simultaneously. DNA core is as yet undiscovered enzyme relating to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the first ten factors of DNA by burning them off. At that point, a number of physical changes took place including knot at top of spine. Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal. How many people were there on the planet and did they have to take each one and do this individually? 6 billion. How did they effect this change on all of them? Light wave alteration. And light waves, actual light waves, affect DNA.
This I found reinforces the idea of melanin as an agent for human photosynthesis:

In this case, the fungus uses radiation to produce melanin. Which tells us that this is somehow feedback.

Well, I think it deserves a separate topic. I have no intention of going another way when it's MJF's thread. Still, as it still relates to the blue apples, blue grapes and blue blood issue, new information keeps coming to me. In this case about the Extra Cellular Matrix:

Interestingly, I found a thread on X / twitter that talks about this extra cellular matrix, and mentions that it is related to structured water:

I have marked in bold, the parts that seem to me relevant and could be fulfilled as this fluid that according to the C's was truncated. From what we read, it is not only the melanin. There are several systems capable of interacting with light.
1/ What is the ECM? It is a dynamic structure of proteins (collagen, elastin), glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans Occupying the space between cells which spans the entire body, it provides structural support while acting as a dynamic signaling and biochemical regulator.

2/ Structured Water as a liquid crystalline matrix. Water in the ECM is not "bulk water" (random H₂O molecules). It is highly ordered and coherent, forming structured layers around hydrophilic surfaces, such as collagen fibers and proteoglycans. This structured water (referred to as Exclusion Zone (EZ) Water by Gerald Pollack) has unique properties: -Negatively charged-Semi-crystalline-Acts as a detoxifier, charge separator, and signal conductor. The ECM essentially serves as the hydration scaffold for structured water, which is critical for cellular detoxification and communication.

3/ Gilbert Ling’s AI Hypothesis. Gilbert Ling proposed that cellular function is governed by water structuring around proteins rather than random diffusion: His hypothesis challenges the conventional "pump and channel" model of cell physiology. Instead, he argued that: Proteins and macromolecules in the ECM and intracellular spaces induce water structuring, creating layers of ordered water.These water layers regulate ion movement (e.g., K⁺ vs. Na⁺ distribution) and cellular energetics. According to Ling, water structuring in the ECM and at cell membranes determines: Bioenergetics Detoxification Nutrient gradients

4/ Gerald Pollack’s Structured Water (EZ Water) Gerald Pollack expanded this with his concept of Exclusion Zone (EZ) water, a phase of water distinct from liquid or ice. EZ water forms at hydrophilic surfaces, such as those found the ECM’s proteins and glycoproteins.It’s negatively charged and can "exclude" solutes and toxins, creating a natural detoxification zone. Within the ECM, EZ water facilitates nutrient transport, ion gradients, and even electrical signaling. The ECM is essentially a battery powered by light and charge separation.

Mae-Wan Ho’s Biophysics of WaterThe ECM isn’t just a physical scaffold—it synchronizes cellular processes via bioelectricity and vibrations. Water molecules in the ECM align into coherent domains, allowing instantaneous signal transmission across tissues."Coherent Domains" - comes back to work of Emilio Del Giudice​
Thank you for your research in this thread MJF and may your family members find peace and comfort.

Didn't the C's say that one physiological change resulting from the fall was a knot or bump forming on the upper spine and that was the advent of jealousy?

From the Key sentences thread:
Thank you for your kind sentiments.

Perhaps the key sentence in your post was "Light wave alteration. And light waves, actual light waves, affect DNA". This fact was clearly established when a team of scientists using certain light wave frequencies of a laser were able to change frog embryos into salamander embryos using a system known as 'Wave Genetics'. Quoting from an article - Wave Genetics as Developed by the Late Professor Peter Gariaev (see

Russian scientists took a different investigative route to reach their understanding of DNA that western scientists ignored. In 1925, AA Lubishchev recognized that our DNA and genes are not the code for the living organism in themselves but are the link to our bio-informational field where this information resides and operates at the quantum level as waves and fields. This confirmed what AG Gurvich had already proposed. Another Russian, N Beklemishev came to the same conclusion through his work a few years later.

When Dr Peter Gariaev, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as the Academy of Sciences in New York put together his team to investigate DNA, he already recognized that it was not a case of just sequencing the nucleotides and codons. He took a broader approach and included Biophysicists, Molecular Biologists, Embryologists and even Linguistic experts in his research team. They concluded that the supposed junk DNA that has been completely neglected and forgotten by western mainstream science was not a redundant leftover of evolution at all. Linguistic studies revealed that the sequencing of the codons of the “non-coding” DNA follow the rules of grammatical syntax that gives context to the coding DNA. Dr Gariaev’s team discovered that there is a definite structure and logic in the sequence of these triplets, creating a biological language such that the codons effectively form words and sentences, just like our spoken language follows grammatical rules.

Dr Gariaev continued his research into the function of DNA and concluded that due to its wave and particle basis and in line with its linguistic characteristics, DNA functions on an electromagnetic and acoustic level and can thus be reprogrammed using frequency as sound and words. He then did a remarkable experiment in which he shone a low-power laser through some Salamander embryos in one container onto some frog embryos in a separate container. The frog embryos developed into adult Salamanders. This proved that not only does DNA have an informational aspect that determines its expression, but that it is possible to pick up and transfer this information using lasers, and that post transfer this information remains coherent by its ability to successfully direct the frog embryos to express the Salamander DNA information.

Laser Salamander experiment

Dr Gariaev postulated that the genome is multi-dimensional and exists in a chromosome continuum – a stable wave that travels throughout the organism along the highly structured double helix DNA and holds the genetic information as electromagnetic and acoustic holograms. He considered that these holograms that create nodes on the universal hologram as a record of all that is and has been, are the true record of our genetic blueprint.

Dr Gariaev performed another experiment in which laboratory rats were given a pancreatic toxin called alloxan that induced a diabetic state. One third of these rats were untreated as the control group with none surviving after 4-6 days. Just before dying, the treated rats were exposed to the DNA information captured from a healthy rat pup pancreas. Over 90% of the treated rats survived and regained their pancreatic function by day 10, including one group that were 20km from the source of the Matrix. By this experiment Dr Gariaev proved that information collected from correctly functioning organs can be used to direct unhealthy organs to repair and regain function. Likewise, the healing information within natural healing products such as herbs, royal jelly etc. that help instruct the body how to self-heal can also be captured using this laser technique and turned into sounds.

DNA is also very closely linked in its double helix structure to water. Luc Montagnier recognised that the gap between a turn of the double helix is such that a single molecule of water sits between each turn. He published a variation on Dr Gariaev’s 2003 experiment that proved that DNA functions on a wave and informational level. Dr Montagnier used homeopathic dilutions of bacterial DNA that had transferred its signature frequency to “blank” pure water such that PCR was able to reconstruct an almost exact replica of the bacterial DNA sequence. This ability to generate the DNA by PCR was maintained even after the electromagnetic signal had been emailed to a distant laboratory prior to reconstructing the DNA.

With these and other experiments, Dr Gariaev proved that genetic data and information held on the quantum level can be captured, transferred and influenced using electromagnetic and acoustic waves. His next step was to realize that a photograph not only captures our physical image but is also a means to link back to the universal hologram node that holds our DNA information at the time the photo was taken. By scanning a photograph and recording the reflections this DNA information can be captured. This digital signal can then be converted into a .WAV or mp3 sound file. Because DNA information is naturally held as an acoustic hologram it readily responds to these captured sounds that are very similar in nature to white noise or a badly tuned radio.

However, to do what the Lizards did to human beings on such a massive scale would probably have required them to focus light from a stellar source, one that was not our own sun. I would suggest they may have used light waves emanating from a super nova explosion since the C's have said that this can induce DNA changes. Regardless of what the light source was, this shows that the Lizard beings are masters of DNA manipulation or genetic engineering.

The European or Caucasian population today may have stemmed from the Kantekkian survivors brought to Earth by the Greys but most Europeans still have a trace percentage of Neanderthal genes in them, genes which apparently can still be helpful to this day. Our current genome contains about 1 to 2 per cent of Neanderthal genes. Quoting from an article called Neanderthal legacy: How ancient interbreeding shapes US today by Karol Kołtows (See: MSN):

"Neanderthal genes still play an important role in our bodies. They are responsible for immune functions, skin pigmentation, and metabolism. One gene inherited from Neanderthals provides resistance to the coronavirus that caused COVID-19. These discoveries illustrate how long-lasting and complex the relationships between our ancestors and Neanderthals were and how they impacted our genetic development."

It may come as something of a surprise to learn that Neanderthals had a larger brain and cranial capacity than modern humans. This makes me wonder about the human hybrids who had elongated skulls such as the Paracas of Peru. Could they have had more Neanderthal genetics in them perhaps?

But the Neanderthals where not the only species of extinct hominid to have larger skulls than modern man it transpires. In a recent article I came across entitled 'Scientists Discover New Big Headed Human Species in China Sparking Huge Debate on Hominid Evolution' by Andrew Alpin (See: MSN), a new large skulled species, which as been called Homo Juluensis, has been discovered in Northern China:

The discovery was first made in the 1970s at two sites in northern China, believed to be ancient horse hunting grounds. However, it wasn’t until recent analyses that scientists recognized these remains as representing a distinct human species. The name Homo Juluensis derives from “Ju Lu,” meaning “huge head” in Chinese, aptly describing their prominent cranial features.
According to the research at the University of Honolulu and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Homo Juluensis skulls measured between 103 and 109 cubic inches. Comparing this to the cranium of a Neanderthal (88 cubic inches) and a Homo Sapien (82 cubic inches), this meant they possessed larger brains and teeth compared to modern humans. However, as Bae says, larger brains did not mean they were more intelligent. It was just a unique feature of their anatomy.
The research found that Homo Juluensis was not connected to Neanderthals, who existed in Europe and Asia around 40,000 years ago. Instead, they displayed similarities with Denisovans because of their matching teeth traits. Denisovans had more prominent teeth and molars, much like Homo Juluensis. The research showed how the new species lived in Asia in small groups before they went extinct 200,000 years ago. Moreover, data shows how Denisova is not a specific species but is a general term given to a population of ancient people which researchers argue might also belong to Homo Juluensis based on their similarities.’

This period in eastern Asia was marked by diverse human populations, indicating a complex web of interactions and evolutionary developments. The extinction of Homo Juluensis now remains a subject of debate with the big question, how did they go extinct? Some scientists propose that severe cold conditions in northern China, potentially involving catastrophic snowstorms, led to their demise.

The discovery of Homo juluensis challenges the traditional linear model of human evolution, suggesting a more intricate evolutionary process with multiple human species coexisting and interacting. This finding underscores the rich diversity of ancient human populations in eastern Asia and prompts a re-evaluation of existing evolutionary models.

So, could the large skulled hybrids we have encountered have also had some Homo Juluensis genetics in them?


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He then did a remarkable experiment in which he shone a low-power laser through some Salamander embryos in one container onto some frog embryos in a separate container. The frog embryos developed into adult Salamanders
Perhaps if the composition of the light from this laser could be analyzed when it passes through genetic material and can alter another different material, this procedure could be used to cure cancer cells using a laser with the information from the healthy cell of the corresponding organ.

I think this experiment is very important and its results in mice are very promising.

Dr Gariaev performed another experiment in which laboratory rats were given a pancreatic toxin called alloxan that induced a diabetic state. One third of these rats were untreated as the control group with none surviving after 4-6 days. Just before dying, the treated rats were exposed to the DNA information captured from a healthy rat pup pancreas. Over 90% of the treated rats survived and regained their pancreatic function by day 10, including one group that were 20km from the source of the Matrix.
I think we are omitting something very very important MJF and that is how to ask the Grail to manifest a certain thing? Or what did those who obtained it in antiquity ask the Grail from the various forces both STS and STO.
It seems that none of them asked for something that has been recorded.
For example, could another universe be created with the Grail?
Could one ask to eliminate the entire illuminati elite in the blink of an eye?
Could one ask for anything? How to return to a golden age, a happy age where no living being can manipulate another and we are all on equal terms? Imagine the infinite possibilities of what can be done with the Grail! It could bring the entire elite both outside and inside this planet to their knees!

All the best to your sister and your family, MJF! And a peaceful and merry Christmas to you too.

MJF said: Perhaps the key sentence in your post was "Light wave alteration. And light waves, actual light waves, affect DNA". This fact was clearly established when a team of scientists using certain light wave frequencies of a laser were able to change frog embryos into salamander embryos using a system known as 'Wave Genetics'. Quoting from an article - Wave Genetics as Developed by the Late Professor Peter Gariaev (see

On Prof. Garyaev, there is also this information from the C´s about his work:
Session, May 18, 2024
Q: (Keit) According to Peter Garyaev (creator of a ‘wave genome’, author of papers on Linguistic Wave Genetics), the DNA molecule is encoded speech structures, thoughts and images, which he claimed is also possible to treat with information. Garyaev assures us that with the help of thought and correct speech, you can heal yourself. You need to talk to your organs, as if trying to persuade them to become healthy. He created ‘Garyaev Matrices’ (DNA music) that can heal organs, bones, and body regions. Primary recording is carried out by a special laser capable of generating photons that change their polarization (spin states), i.e. recording information when probing any objects (cells and tissues, bioactive substances, photographs, etc.). It creates a quantum representation of the healthy state of a particular person and then corrects deviations by returning to the normal/healthy state.

The questions: Is Garyaev’s work legit and worth looking into?

A: Yes but needs weeding.

Q: (Keit) Would it be beneficial to listen to his ‘Garyaev Matrices’?

A: Wouldn't hurt. Cure? Depends on many factors.

Q: (Keit) There is an official institute that sells all kinds of related equipment. Are they legit or are they frauds?

A: Salesmen.

Q: (Keit) Would it be beneficial to try their equipment?

A: Not so much.

Q: (Keit) If ‘Garyaev Matrices’ are working, the institute claims that only they have the original recordings, and whatever we find online are copies and fakes, and the results are unpredictable. Is it true, and should one buy only their recordings?

A: Partly, but also protecting income stream.

Q: (Keit) Did Garyaev die a natural death?

A: Yes
All the best to your sister and your family, MJF! And a peaceful and merry Christmas to you too.

On Prof. Garyaev, there is also this information from the C´s about his work:
Thank you for pointing this out as it shows there is definitely some validity to his findings. I was in fact aware his work has been discussed before on the Forum (I think I even touched on it in our earlier post on this thread). However, my reason for quoting his research in this case was to show how light can affect a creature's DNA, which supports the C's assertion that the Lizards used light to transform mankind's DNA post the fall. I suggest this evidence may also explain how the light, once seen and felt on Earth, from a massive supernova explosion (probably from a red or blue giant star) could affect our DNA and especially awaken the so-called junk DNA that according to many scientists is not junk at all. Perhaps that time is drawing near judging from what the C's said at the end of the 24th November session:

A: Expect more weather and celestial events to excite the populace. Thrilling times ahead indeed! Goodbye.

Time (which does not really exist of course :-)) will tell.

On a more upbeat note, my sister was able to conduct a brief Skype session with us from her hospital bed this evening, although she still remains very weak.

Continuing the theme of the connection between images of grapes (in ancient times) and modern quantum physics:


Could microwaved grapes be used for quantum sensing?​

Halved grapes boost magnetic fields, paving way for alternative microwave resonators for quantum sensing devices. -

Could microwaved grapes be used for quantum sensing?

There are thousands of YouTube videos in which DIY science enthusiasts cut grapes in half—leaving just a thin bit of skin connecting them—and put the grapes in the microwave, just to marvel at the sparks and plume of ionized gas (plasma) that the grapes produce. This quirky property of grapes might help make more efficient quantum sensors, according to a new paper published in the journal Physical Review Applied.

The plasma-inducing grape effect was first observed in 1994, per the authors. As previously reported, the usual explanation for the generation of plasmas is that grapes are so small that the irradiating microwaves become highly concentrated in the grape tissue, ripping some the molecules apart to generate charged ions (adding to the electrolytes already present in the grapes). The electromagnetic field that forms causes ions to flow from one grape half to the other via the connecting skin—at least at first. That's when you get the initial sparks. Eventually, the ions start passing through the surrounding air as well, ionizing it to produce that hot plume of plasma.

But in 2019, Trent University scientists showed that explanation isn't quite right. The skin bridge isn't necessary for the effect to occur. Rather, the plasma is generated by an electromagnetic "hot spot." The grapes have the right refractive index and size to "trap" microwaves, so putting two of them close together leads to the generation of a hot spot between them. The trick also works with gooseberries, large blackberries, and quail eggs, as well as hydrogel beads—plastic beads soaked in water. ("Many microwaves were in fact harmed during the experiments," co-author Hamza Khattak admitted at the time.)

The microwaved grape trick also shows their promise as alternative microwave resonators for quantum sensing applications, according to the authors of this latest paper. Those applications include satellite technology, masers, microwave photon detection, hunting for axions (a dark matter candidate), and various quantum systems, and driving spin in superconducting qubits for quantum computing, among others.

Prior research had specifically investigated the electrical fields behind the plasma effect. "We showed that grape pairs can also enhance magnetic fields which are crucial for quantum sensing applications," said co-author Ali Fawaz, a graduate student at Macquarie University.

Fawaz and co-authors used specially fabricated nanodiamonds for their experiments. Unlike pure diamonds, which are colorless, some of the carbon atoms in the nanodiamonds were replaced, creating tiny defect centers that act like tiny magnets, making them ideal for quantum sensing. Sapphires are typically used for this purpose, but Fawaz et al. realized that water conducts microwave energy better than sapphires—and grapes are mostly water.

So the team placed a nanodiamond atop a thin glass fiber and placed it between two grapes. Then they shone green laser light through the fiber, making the defect centers glow red. Measuring the brightness told them the strength of the magnetic field around the grapes, which turned out to be twice as strong with grapes than without.

The size and shape of the grapes used in the experiments proved crucial; they must be about 27 millimeters long to get concentrated microwave energy at just the right frequency for the quantum sensor. The biggest catch is that using the grapes proved to be less stable with more energy loss. Future research may identify more reliable potential materials to achieve a similar effect.

PS True, we used GREEN grapes and a GREEN laser here. Perhaps we need BLUE grapes and a BLUE laser to achieve the desired quantum effects.
A: We are here, do not fear. Milonnioa of Cassiopaea.

About Milon
The name "Milon" is of Greek origin and has multiple meanings. It can be derived from the Greek word "milos," meaning "gracious" or "kind." Additionally, it can be associated with the Greek word "milo," which means "apple." As a name, Milon often represents someone who is gentle, compassionate, and has a sweet nature. It can also symbolize fertility and abundance due to its connection with the apple, a fruit often associated with these qualities.

It does not appear to be phonetically similar to the Greek Milon, but Idun is a goddess associated with apples and youth.

In Norse mythology, Iðunn is a goddess associated with apples and youth. Iðunn is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. In both sources, she is described as the wife of the skaldic god Bragi, and in the Prose Edda, also as a keeper of apples and granter of eternal youthfulness.

The Maleae (incorrectly Pyreae) are the apple tribe in the rose family, Rosaceae. The group includes a number of plants bearing commercially important fruits, such as apples and pears, while others are cultivated as ornamentals. Older taxonomies separated some of this group as tribe Crataegeae, as the Cydonia group (a tentative placement), or some genera were placed in family Quillajaceae.

The tribe consists exclusively of shrubs and small trees. Most have pomes, a type of accessory fruit that does not occur in other Rosaceae. All except Vauquelinia (with 15 chromosomes) have a basal haploid chromosome count of 17, instead of 7, 8, or 9 as in the other Rosaceae.

There are approximately 28 genera that contain about 1100 species worldwide, with most species occurring in the temperate Northern Hemisphere.

Ydun (1858) by Herman Wilhelm Bissen
It does not appear to be phonetically similar to the Greek Milon, but Idun is a goddess associated with apples and youth.

View attachment 104641
Ydun (1858) by Herman Wilhelm Bissen
Isaiah 63:1-6 (NIV)

God's Day of Vengeance and Redemption
1 Who is this coming from Edom?
from Bozrah, with clothes dyed red?
Who is this one in splendid apparel?
who advances[a] with overwhelming strength?

"It is I, the one who speaks righteousness,
the one who has power to save."

2 Why are your garments red,
like those of one who treads grapes in the winepress?

3 "I have trodden the winepress alone;
none of the people was with me.
I have trampled them in my anger;
I have crushed them in my wrath.
Their blood splashed on my garments,
and I stained all my clothes.
4 I have already planned the day of vengeance!
The year of my redemption has come!
5 I looked, but there was no one to help me,
I was astonished that no one gave me support.
My own arm gave me victory;
my own anger sustained me.
6 In my anger I trampled down the peoples
and made them drunk with the cup of my wrath;
I made their blood flow upon the earth. may be more helpful to give a summary. You can also post several images in one post.
I thought about it, but a summary would distort it in the end.
Only work you have done yourself is credible. So take your time to read it.
(I know that I can post more than one picture in a post, but I distrust the "forum algorithm". [Means, I was afraid that it all cut be mixed up by myself or whoever] - Better safe than sorry.)
Grapes are depicted almost everywhere on the bas-reliefs of various ancient temples (Baalbek, Palmyra, etc.). This is not only older than Christianity, but even older than the ancient Greeks and Romans, to whom all these temples are attributed (but which were built thousands of years BEFORE THEM).
That's the point.
"Es ist ALLES nur geklaut."
"...everything just stolen" - ...and 'weaponized' for their own 'tribal' (also a lie) theological advantage.
(to put it even better)
I thought about it, but a summary would distort it in the end.
Only work you have done yourself is credible. So take your time to read it.
It is externally considerate to post a summary and the reasons why you think the text you quoted is important. Sharing your own understanding and perspective is a part of networking - not so much the quoting of long texts without explanation.
It does not appear to be phonetically similar to the Greek Milon, but Idun is a goddess associated with apples and youth.

View attachment 104641
Ydun (1858) by Herman Wilhelm Bissen
This is a very curious connection indeed. There is frequently a hidden meaning behind the name the C's use in a session so you could be on to something here with the connection to the Greek name Milos (from which I assume the name Milo may derive).

It has been mentioned before on this thread that there is definitely a correlation between the Norse gods and the gods of ancient Greece. However, in the Prose Edda the Nordic gods are described as human Trojan warriors who left Troy after the fall of that city (an origin which parallels Virgil's Aeneid). Although there is no Greek equivalent to Idun as an apple goddess, the nearest comparison in Greek mythology is probably the night nymphs known as the Hesperides who guarded the tree bearing the golden apples that Gaea gave to Hera at her marriage to Zeus. The mythographer Apollodorus (2nd century BC) located them among the Hyperboreans. The golden apples were also guarded by the dragon Ladon, the offspring of Phorcys and Ceto. As Ladon is the name of an Arcadian river, Arcadia was possibly the original site of the garden. The golden apples figured in different accounts of Heracles’ (Hercules) 11th Labour. In one version Heracles slayed the dragon and took the apples to the consternation of the Hesperides. The golden apples (like blue grapes) may be a stand-in for the Grail just like the Golden Fleece is (see more below on this). This connection to the Grail is further strengthened by the myth of Eris's golden 'Apple of Discord', which precipitated the Trojan War. The apple sparked a vanity-fuelled dispute among the goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite that led to the Judgement of Paris and ultimately the Trojan War. In common parlance, the "apple of discord" is the core, kernel, or crux of an argument, or a small matter that could lead to a bigger dispute. The reference to "core" here makes me think of the C's reference to Kore:
Q: (L) So, he returned the ark to the so-called angel. And then, he gave something to someone else. Previously, when I asked about this, you said that what he gave to Esau was "trampled leaves of wrath, the blue apples incarnate," and remarked that I should inquire into the "core meaning."

A: And who was "Kore?"

Q: (L) Was this Abraham's daughter?

A: It was the last living member of the Perseid family.

Q: (L) Was it a male or female?

A: Female.

Q: (L) And how did Abraham come to be in possession of this female?

A: Search the text and you will see.

The link Apollodorus made to the Hyperboreans makes me wonder if the island of the Hesperides was one of the islands of the Scottish Hebrides group, the islands of Bride (the Irish Bridget) who I have linked to Princess Meritaten or Hagar the Egyptian in the Bible and to the C's Kore, who in turn may be linked to Helle of Greek mythology who fled with her brother on the Golden Ram that became the Golden Fleece (a metaphor for the Grail), which, like Heracles overcoming the dragon Ladon, the Argonaut Jason would seize and take away with him after subduing the dragon that had guarded it.

I have little doubt that some mythic figures were based on real persons who became deified as their mythic tales evolved over time. For me the Celtic goddess Bridget is one such character who in my view, as the daughter or wife of the Dagda, was based on the Egyptian Princess Meritaten, whose father Akhenaten had possessed the Grail until it was stolen by his wife Nefertiti in her guise as the biblical Rachel and given to the patriarch Jacob, a guise for Abraham/Moses. It is curious that in the biblical story of Rachel, Jacob's father Isaac wanted his son to marry from among his own people, so he sent Jacob to Paddan-aram, to find a wife among the daughters of Laban, Jacob's uncle. Jacob would find Rachel, Laban's younger daughter, tending sheep at the well at Haran. Scripture says that Rachel was very beautiful, which also reflects the character of Queen Nefertiti whose name means "a beautiful woman has come". The name Rachel means "ewe" in Hebrew, which, given Rachel's role as a shepherdess, may indirectly link her with the shepherdess in Poussin's painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia. It is interesting that Jacob should meet Rachel at the well of Haran though since this name creates a link to the city of Harran (Haran in Hebrew), which was the home of Terah (Abraham's father), and was for a time Abraham's temporary home. Today Harran lies within the borders of Turkey but in Abraham/Moses's era it was part of the Hittite empire. This fact makes sense of the C's statement that both Abraham (Moses) and Nefertiti (Sarah) were Hittites. If, as the C's state, the biblical Rachel is really Nefertiti, then Abraham in his guise as Jacob did, in marrying Nefertiti, marry someone from his own race or people. In Hebrew, Haran can mean "parched," but is more likely to mean "road" or "crossroad," cognate to Old Babylonian ḫaranu. This reference to Haran being a "crossroad" makes me think of the C's statement concerning Arcadia (Akkadia):

A: Arcadia is a crossroads for the one Essene, the Aryan one of Trent.

Today Haran is usually identified with Harran, now a village of Şanlıurfa, Turkey close to Göbekli Tepe, which more and more appears to have been the cradle of western civilisation post the Deluge and is a site associated with the Anunnaki, who may be the biblical Nephilim of Genesis. Was this area the original Arcadia post the Deluge?

I have recently been watching the re-runs of a British TV series Atlantis, which features a very loose retelling of some of the Greek mythic tales including that of the Minotaur, Medusa and Jason. The hero of these stories is Jason who is in love with the Princess Ariadne. His friends in these tales are Hercules and a young Pythagoras. The whole thing is jumbled up but is still quite entertaining to watch. In one story, for example. Medusa, who is Hercules's great love interest, is turned into the gorgon by looking into Pandora's box, which Jason and his friends have brought back with them from Hades.

According to Hesiod, when Prometheus stole fire (knowledge?) from heaven, Zeus, the king of the gods, took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Prometheus' brother Epimetheus. Pandora opened a jar (which would became a box over time) left in her care containing sickness, death and many other unspecified evils which were then released into the world. From this story has grown the idiom "to open a Pandora's box", meaning to do or start something that will cause many unforeseen problems. In some ways this tale ties in with the biblical story of Adam and Eve where their eating of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge brought around the Fall of Mankind, resulting in sickness, death and all manner of other evils befalling man as a result of the sin of pride.

In Greek mythology, Pandora's box was a gift from the gods to Pandora, the first woman on Earth (who having been made from clay can also be likened to the biblical Eve). It supposedly contained all the evils of the world, which were released when Pandora opened the box. However, it also contained hope, which remained inside the box. Symbolically, the box represents the curiosity and desire for knowledge that can lead to both negative consequences and positive outcomes. As we all know, knowledge can be a double-edged sword, its use leading to both good and evil consequences. This idea is depicted in Marco Angelo del Moro (who was active 1565–1586), work titled "Pandora's Box, or The Sciences that Illuminate the Human Spirit", which portrays a woman (see below) in an antique dress opening an ornate coffer from which spills books, manuscripts, snakes and bats. The snakes crawling from the chest may be viewed as ancient symbols of wisdom but they also remind me of the snakes that writhed from the head of the gorgon Medusa.

Given that the head of the Medusa may be a metaphor for the Grail, which I believe may be the pure crystal skull called Baphomet by the Knights Templar, is there a possible link to Pandora's Box, which represents man's curiosity and desire for knowledge. Well there is another famous, historical box that I believe once housed the Grail and that box or coffer is the Ark of the Covenant (MJF: which may also have been the basis of the legend of the Dagda's Cauldron of Irish mythology). So, could the Ark containing the Grail (the Head of Medusa or Baphomet) have been Pandora's Box, which, once opened, presented opportunities for good or evil depending on how the Grail was used. This idea of the Grail being confined within the Ark makes me think of what the C's said here:
Q: (Galahad) Is it a significant fact that this girl's name [Helle] was similar to Helen of Troy?

A: Could be a clue. All those stories of escape from confinement and flying and cataclysm...? Who was imprisoned? Why? Good night.

Q: (Galahad) Stories of escape - there's the story of Daedalus and Icarus... We have Colchis, Jason, the Argonauts. We have [Kore] the last living member of the Perseid family... all mixed up with Abraham and Sarah otherwise known as Paris and Helen who was also Nefertiti. (L) And Abraham wanted to save this individual from the fury of Helen. (S) And why was Helen furious? What happened when Helen got furious? (Galahad) A thousand ships got launched... (L) And a lot of people died and have been dying ever since from this whole monotheistic rant. And it looks like Helen/Nefertiti/Sarah is the main source of the whole deal. A Hittite hybrid with a big skull like those heads of the Ica in Peru. And the C's have said that there were hybrids in Peru that were supposed to have been attempts to create a 3rd density body for direct STS incarnation. And it looks like Sarah/Helen/Nefertiti was one of them. No wonder women have been given a bad name. We have our work cut out for us.

Daedalus and Icarus were not the only example in Greek mythology of confinement and escape since Perseus, the legendary founder of the Perseid dynasty, who was the demigod (hybrid) son of Zeus, was cast adrift in a wooden chest with his mother Danae in the sea by his grandfather Acrisius. Mother and child would eventually be washed ashore on the island of Seriphos. And it was Perseus, of course, who was destined to kill the gorgon Medusa and cut off her head as a trophy he would subsequently present to the goddess Athena (Sir Francis Bacon's muse in her guise as Pallas Athena).

So was the Medusa's head, Pandora's Box and Eris's Apple of Discord all really metaphors for the Grail, which had been confined in the Ark of the Covenant? Where the C's ask "Who was imprisoned?" should that have really been "What was imprisoned?"

If Helle was Princess Meritaten/Hagar and Kore all wrapped up in one person, was Helen's (Nefertiti's) fury in reality connected to the Grail, with which Meritaten and her five sisters may have been linked to as the Hesperides of Greek mythology? Did Akhenaten's daughters have some special connection to the Grail when it was in their father's possession? Had Meritaten, as a princess of Egypt and priestess of the Temple of the Aten in Amarna, been dedicated to serving the Grail and acting as its protectress. If so, is it possible that Meritaten in her guise as Helle fled with the Grail to the British Isles with the assistance of the Tuatha de Danaan, the biblical Tribe of Dan, who mysteriously disappeared from the Bible without explanation, which event may be recalled in the Bible through the strange story of the rape of the Levite's (Abraham/Moses's) concubine (Hagar) and the resulting Battle of Gibeah, which saw the Tribe of Benjamin almost annihilated (for the Tribe of Benjamin we should read here the Tribe of Dan?). Was Helle's possession of the Grail (the Golden Fleece or Apple of Discord) and its arrival in Britain the eventual spark for the Trojan War, which saw the Grail being recaptured and returned to the Middle East?

As Bridget, Meritaten would have been long dead by the time the Trojan War took place in Cambridge (Illum) in England, given that the C's have said recently that the siege of Troy occurred around 1100 BC* (Meritaten's era is normally cited as being the mid-14th century BC but it could have been much earlier than this, perhaps the 17th century BC if we go by the C's calculations). However, the Trojans could well have been the descendants of the princesses' retinue that had arrived from Egypt in ships like the Egyptian boats discovered at Ferriby in Yorkshire on the Humber Estuary into which the river Trent flows. If she had brought the Grail with her, was it subsequently kept in the city of Troy? Intriguingly, 1100 BC places the Trojan War within the ball park of the age of King David of Israel. Could David or his followers have possibly been involved in the siege and, if so, could he or they have brought the Grail back to Israel where it ended up being returned to the Ark of the Covenant? This is pure speculation and conjecture on on my part. However, the C's once said that King David's story was a gloss of the Perseus legend, which involved the killing of Medusa, her head being a metaphor for the Grail, which, as discussed previously, may have the power to open up a portal to 4th density:
Q: Is the story of David a gloss of the Perseus legend?
A: Yes. More than that though.
Q: Okay, can you tell me what it is more than that?
A: A Tale of 4th Density.
Q: So it's interactive in the sense of groups, not individuals?

A: Yes.

So, who knows? However, it is interesting that the Norse gods should be linked to the human Trojan warriors who left Troy after the fall of that city. Were these Trojan refugees, who may subsequently have taken up residence in Scandinavia, the descendants of the god-like Tuatha de Danann who may have inspired the stories of Odin, Thor etc?

*I have tried to track this confirmation down in the transcripts but without success yet.
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