Amazing Grace

Skyfarmr said:
Anything new on the issue of getting a copy of Amazing Grace? A small Cass study group we've organized expressed interested in Amazing Grace since reading references to it in later works.

Here's an idea borrowed from other user sponsored media: offer a copy of Amazing Grace as a premium for a donation of a designated amount to QFG.

See here:
Skyfarmr said:
Anything new on the issue of getting a copy of Amazing Grace? A small Cass study group we've organized expressed interested in Amazing Grace since reading references to it in later works.

Here's an idea borrowed from other user sponsored media: offer a copy of Amazing Grace as a premium for a donation of a designated amount to QFG.

Hi skyfarmer - I can't stress enough the importance of bringing your 'study group' to the forum in order to study the Cassiopaean material. That is why the forum is here. Are you leading this study group? I realize it's nice to have face to face conversations about the material with people and understand the draw to do that - I can only strongly suggest that networking here about the material, with people who actually have a deep understanding of it, is really the only way to make sure you and your study group don't end up wandering around out in left field. Just a word to the wise since we've seen time and again a group of well-intentioned people ending up as the blind leading the blind.
I'm only half way through this book, and it is an amazing read! I cried at so many parts.. Reading this book has brought about so many memories for myself, especially the issues with my Mum. The part when Laura had a reading around 20 years old from a psychic who referred to himself as "we" was astonishing. It's also a real eye-opener in terms of how suffering and pain really does amount to lessons, and seeing Laura come out of all that alive and strong is truly inspiring.
Lilyalic said:
I'm only half way through this book, and it is an amazing read! I cried at so many parts.. Reading this book has brought about so many memories for myself, especially the issues with my Mum. The part when Laura had a reading around 20 years old from a psychic who referred to himself as "we" was astonishing. It's also a real eye-opener in terms of how suffering and pain really does amount to lessons, and seeing Laura come out of all that alive and strong is truly inspiring.

I have just finish reading Amazing Grace and it is AMAZING! Have been a bit quiet on the fourm as I am also reading Book 2 Soulhackers.

Yes Lilyalic I found it interesting and helpful to read how Laura's Mother acts regarding the narcissistic behaviour just as my own Mother does. Especially the never loosing control (except for ocaaaional narc rage which I have only seen once) ). I really studied her behaviour in the book and learnt alot about the family dynamics.

I would strongly recommend Amazing Grace as a good intro to any one who is wondering where to start.
Tracy Anne said:
Lilyalic said:
I'm only half way through this book, and it is an amazing read! I cried at so many parts.. Reading this book has brought about so many memories for myself, especially the issues with my Mum. The part when Laura had a reading around 20 years old from a psychic who referred to himself as "we" was astonishing. It's also a real eye-opener in terms of how suffering and pain really does amount to lessons, and seeing Laura come out of all that alive and strong is truly inspiring.

I have just finish reading Amazing Grace and it is AMAZING! Have been a bit quiet on the fourm as I am also reading Book 2 Soulhackers.

Yes Lilyalic I found it interesting and helpful to read how Laura's Mother acts regarding the narcissistic behaviour just as my own Mother does. Especially the never loosing control (except for ocaaaional narc rage which I have only seen once) ). I really studied her behaviour in the book and learnt alot about the family dynamics.

I would strongly recommend Amazing Grace as a good intro to any one who is wondering where to start.

I also have recently finished AMAZING GRACE. It was a priority for me as I wanted to lay a foundation for understanding what is manifest here on the Forum. Reading in

general for me is difficult but this book was easier than most. One reason for this is the very real "truth can be stranger than fiction" aspect. (Never have been a fan of most

fiction, but I'm told I need to experience "Lord of the Rings" :-[)
Currently I too am reading Amazing Grace and am on the last chapter. I first read it about 3 years ago and felt the need for a re-read a few weeks ago.

Laura, it is AMAZING all that you went through (especially with your mother in Chapter 24) and were able to remain true to your good, loving nature. Such an inspiration and shining example to me. Thank you!
Hi I read it a few months back and was so immersed in it, i found it emotional at points, intensely interesting but also funny. I read the wave books a year or so ago and I don't think a lot of it sunk in. While reading amazing there were concepts described that I had totally forgotten/misunderstood that suddenly just clicked. I would definitely recommend it, it's packed full of information and very inspiring:)

Thankyou for writing it Laura
Hi Thorn

I tried to read the Wave series too and mostly skimmed through but after reading Amazing Grace I have gone straight on to read Soulhackers and it seems to have a lot of info in it to follow on from Amazing Grace. I have been a bit of a speed reader in the past so it was my second attempt at Amazing Grace and I really took my time to read almost every word. I was so 'into it' and was surprised how little time it took to finish.
I read Amazing Grace online last year and remember being really immersed in it too and finding it inspiring. Thinking of re-reading certain parts that have been mentioned here in this thread. Really grateful for this book.
I haven't read Amazing Grace,

My reason is I assumed that much of it would have been in The Wave which where the first books I read by Laura. I loved Soul Hackers and have read it twice. It really shed light on so many questions I had and was the first book I read of hers.

Maybe this book is different then what I thought, does anyone have comments on this? thanks
SummerLite said:
Maybe this book is different then what I thought, does anyone have comments on this? thanks

It is much more linear, i.e. easier to follow. For that reason it is maybe the best book for beginners. In that book you will find many Laura's experiences which were not described in the Wave. It is worth reading.
Persej said:
SummerLite said:
Maybe this book is different then what I thought, does anyone have comments on this? thanks

It is much more linear, i.e. easier to follow. For that reason it is maybe the best book for beginners. In that book you will find many Laura's experiences which were not described in the Wave. It is worth reading.

I would agree with this, Laura goes into a lot more detail about her experiences some you can relate to, others which are "out of this realm" so to speak, I found I learnt a lot too. And as Persej says Laura discusses some things that were not mentioned in the wave, it really is an amazing read!
Good news! Thanks so much for the replies. I really enjoyed the personal descriptions of experiences that are "out there" in the Wave. So this sounds like my cup of tea. :)
I just finished the book a month ago, and at that point when Amazing Grace came to my hands, I was reading bits and pieces from the Cassiopaea web for couple of years, I started some of the Laura books too and after reading few of The Wave Volumes, I finally took Amazing Grace.

SO it came to me let's say in the middle, and reading the book was amazing experience, needles to say that emotional ride through the life of Laura was so strong. I think that reading A.G. is a must if you want to get to know the people behind this extraordinary work. Life and strength of Laura and her life adventours, since childhood, just took my breath away, as a mother by myself I truly respect her strength and ability to accept all the horrible things that were thrown on her, and ability to go further in search for the humanity and love within herself, in constant struggle with all the programming that shaping us. Apart from hard life, with no understanindg for her talents and quest at all, her almost supernatural powerfull will not to give up to search for answers, gave her strength and she manage to cultivate her extraordinary intelect and to study, and to keep her selfconfidence, and to explore and learn to the point to be able to set up a respectful world wide team and scientific platform, where we on this forum are contributing too, and that is bringing to light truths and discoveries about our existence on earth that are truly revolutionary.

The book gave me deeper and more profound understanding of all other materials I read so far, and at the end it gave me more profound understand of the cassiopaea experiment, and personal story about the journey that leaded to this extraordinary work.

I am very thankful for the Amazing Grace book. I am thankful to be able some how to discover this comunity.
This is most definitely a riveting read, a real page turner. I really did go through quite a few emotions whilst reading this book. Some bits had me laughing out loud (eg the 2 coworkers returning from lunch) as well as gripping the sides of my chair (eg the boat incident in the storm - chp25). Now thinking back, I may have read it too fast, so I may need to re-visit this book.
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