Anticipate Not ... Examples in everyday life

@Truthseeker101 I think you've brought up something that is more important than we think, and I think it warrants more discussion.

For example - is anticipation a form of asking ? Could it be demanding the universe create a result that we want for out own selfish purposes ?

One definition of Anticipate is "To imagine or expect that something will happen" - sounds like wishful thinking to me.

It seems the universe does not like to be told what to do!
Well summed up !

Could anticipation be a form of commanding the universe ? Maybe depending on how much you anticipate, or how much selfishness is behind the intent ? Is anticipation a form of intent ?

Consider this
Q: (L) What quality in us, what thing, enabled us to make contact. Because, obviously a lot of people try and get garbage.

A: You asked.

Q: (L) A lot of people ask!

A: No they don't, they command.

Q: (L) Well, a lot of people do ask or beg or plead, but they get all discombobulated with the answers.

A: No, they command. Think about it. You did not beg or plead... that is commanding. After J.W. left, purification began.

So there is a big difference between asking and commanding. Maybe to us there seems not much difference, but to the C's there is a marked difference.

Thank you BlueKiwi

I agree that this warrants more discussion. I appreciate the distinctions you bring up. I have been thinking about it a lot even though I might not have many great crystallizations from that thought. Mostly I have been observing ... both myself and other people and how anticipation of a future outcome seems integrally tied to the fruit the trees are bearing.

What you say makes sense and I agree that for most people assumption/anticipation is a form of command and wishful thinking ... it certainly is not "open". For most, the assumption is so thick that it is a filter that they can barely see through. I see this in the studio in creative situations ALL the time.

I hear a lot of stories in my business of how different people work. People are always talking about their workflow and about the latest modifications to their workflow etc and how those changes have or have not positively affected them. I have been a recording studio owner for years, so I talk with Engineers, Producers, Musicians etc. and in many instances I observe their artistic processes. So I see how relaxed certain artists are when they announce the lyrics have not presented themselves yet for a song that the label is pressuring them like crazy to finish ... with some they may as well have announced that they had trouble finding a parking spot on that particular day. Or I see them go in with unfinished lyrics into the vocal booth and start singing while jotting down lyric ideas in between takes, remarkably unstressed and seemingly making no demands whatsoever on themselves or anyone else ... and yet in these cases it amazingly seems to work out and come together. Or I see or hear about the attitude of certain bands. The mode of wait and see with a general attitude of positive expectancy seems to work the best. You hear of certain famous bands that will matter of factly and fearlessly try any number of different approaches to a song they've worked on forever without blinking and simply use what works while throwing the rest away ... no attachment ... as well as other acts that are unbelievably attached and guarded around their hard won arrangement like it was gold.

When the magic happened, I will hear things like ... "Well I don't really know who's idea it was, we were just trying a lot of different things and then this riff happened and one thing led to another". or "we like to just mess around" But the point in common with most of these descriptions is that they are in "wait and see" non demanding this is kind of cool/fun mode when the magic happens. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Laura in this kind of wait and see mode for some time at the board before Lightning struck and the C's arrived? I think she was.
I have notice that whenever I have set goals or expectations on my life it has also created the opposite. This maybe why expectations are always met with failures where indifference to outcome has resulted in surprises. It seems the universe does not like to be told what to do!
Ha! Yes! It has taken me a while to recognise the pattern, but this is my experience at work in particular - whenever I have determined that I know what my 'next move' should be (without careful discernment), the universe / DCM has allowed me to 'go down that road' for a while.. and then kindly showed me, in one way or another, why that was a stupid idea. After a few rounds of this (I'm a slow learner :rolleyes:) I have learned to have more faith in the process and see what unfolds, i.e. not anticipate..!
Etant handicapée et me déplaçant difficilement et maintenant, pour ainsi dire, plus du tout...
J'ai beaucoup apprécié que l'UNIVERS m'aide à trouver un stationnement proche de là où je me rendais...
Je ne me sens pas égoïste pour cela... J'éprouve une infinie reconnaissance...

Being handicapped and moving with difficulty and now, so to speak, not at all...
I really appreciated that the UNIVERSE helped me to find a parking place close to where I was going...
I don't feel selfish for that... I am infinitely grateful...
Or I see them go in with unfinished lyrics into the vocal booth and start singing while jotting down lyric ideas in between takes, remarkably unstressed and seemingly making no demands whatsoever on themselves or anyone else ... and yet in these cases it amazingly seems to work out and come together. Or I see or hear about the attitude of certain bands. The mode of wait and see with a general attitude of positive expectancy seems to work the best.

Are you sure you mean positive expectancy, or just a positive frame of mind ? I only ask because expectancy is another form of anticipation :huh:

This seems to be the recipe though - To just go with it. Let the song write itself. Let the inspiration flow, see what happens and anticipate not.

I guess the opposite would be : Do not accept the current situation if it is not what you desire, rather, control and apply force to obtain the desired result.

STO vs STS maybe ?

I guess I'm trying to speculate if Anticipation is STS - I'm thinking it could be, since it's (maybe most of the time harmless) wishful thinking.
Hey @Truthseeker101 I guess your question has not been answered. Sorry I have deviated from your request.

I would invite members to comment if they have "anticipate not" advice and would be thrilled to learn of other members experience with learning HOW to stay out of anticipation in their everyday lives.

I think it's just a habit that we all do, and to be blunt - you just have to realise when your doing it, and consciously stop it, and "let the universe take it's course". Maybe this is a "monkey brain" thing we need to learn to deal with.

I'm sorry that sounds like It's one of those frustrating things you probably want a better answer for, but from my personal experience, I just consciously try not to anticipate when I know it could be futile.

I hope that helps.
"Well I don't really know who's idea it was, we were just trying a lot of different things and then this riff happened and one thing led to another". or "we like to just mess around" But the point in common with most of these descriptions is that they are in "wait and see" non demanding this is kind of cool/fun mode when the magic happens. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Laura in this kind of wait and see mode for some time at the board before Lightning struck and the C's arrived? I think she was.
Your comment on positive expectancy is what creative consciousness experience when "going with the flow." There is a natural FLOW that is always happening and we have to learn to harmonized with it. Being steeped in STS consciousness for most of my life the learning process was frustratingly difficult. But when I'm in the flow it is like an out-of-body experience and I'm in an ocean of peace and infinite possibilities to play with.
Great thread! Thabk you for such precious input.
In my experience, I invest myself wholeheartedly in every action, be it making art, writing a song, doing the house cleaning, cooking a meal: knowing that all the energy I input will be met with equal energy pulling against my energy spent in the 'right' direction. I call it the 'army of the shadows' and in general if it is an important project I am prepared and aware that the shadows will manifest, either to thwart my endeavour, discourage me, create fear. There is no courage without fear - so I may be scared so I do it anyway! Fingers crossed!
Being steeped in STS consciousness for most of my life
Though I can't speak for everyone, I'm sure that this the experience for most people most of the time - we certainly don't live in a world that encourages having faith in the process (or maybe we are encouraged to 'blindly believe' in the STS way of doing things, as opposed to having real faith).

an ocean of peace and infinite possibilities
What a beautiful place to be! To think that those who hold the reins of the pathocracy will do everything in their power to prevent people from residing in this place with their manipulation and fear mongering is gut-wrenching.
I have been a recording studio owner for years, so I talk with Engineers, Producers, Musicians etc. and in many instances I observe their artistic processes. So I see how relaxed certain artists are when they announce the lyrics have not presented themselves yet for a song that the label is pressuring them like crazy to finish ... with some they may as well have announced that they had trouble finding a parking spot on that particular day. Or I see them go in with unfinished lyrics into the vocal booth and start singing while jotting down lyric ideas in between takes, remarkably unstressed and seemingly making no demands whatsoever on themselves or anyone else ... and yet in these cases it amazingly seems to work out and come together. Or I see or hear about the attitude of certain bands. The mode of wait and see with a general attitude of positive expectancy seems to work the best.

I think I know what that state is like. Although for me it's usually procrastination that makes for real efforts so there is some anxiety to perform or finish something.

I think what it comes down to is that anticipation is limiting. Your thoughts of, "This is how it's going to be." simply cannot stand in face of the Universe and all its possibilities. And non-anticipation is of course more unlimited like NewEngland Seeker said, "an ocean of peace and infinite possibilities." There's a place I'd like to be more often. Always trying to control and expect outcomes can be quite draining, and it takes a bit of a leap of faith to get to that relaxed flow state.
Bluekiwi’s approach of simply noticing the anticipation and then rooting it out is excellent and practical. I have already deepened my understanding after starting this thread so thanks to all who posted!!!! But I wonder if we are all clear on what we must strengthen within ourselves such that we won’t stray into anticipation in the first place??? What are the attitudes to be strengthened to keep us out of the A zone.

Gratitude is a biggie. Faith of course which equals trust in the process.

What are the habituated thinking patterns? Intention … plant the seed then let the universe do what it is going to do without telling it what to do.

Also, there are other ways one can trick oneself that can work repeatedly. For example, I have written a lot of my best lyrics in the shower. I don’t go to the shower to write lyrics … but I often come out of the shower with lyrics … this is an approach that works for my songwriting endeavors … it’s easier for me to have less anticipation in the shower and less attachment to the idea that I must accomplish something. Another thing that works for me is if I start thinking hard on a problem I am trying to solve upon awakening. There is something about being in bed that gets me out of expecting(demanding) an outcome in a timely manner and I am able to think more deeply and more clearly. Some people take a walk, some people take cigarette breaks. Lots of different approaches.
This is an interesting conversation, it ties also with the idea of faith, in the universe or in the process.

And I must admit that I have struggled with that concept, recently I was wondering about this very idea, what does faith in the universe actually mean? Does it mean a positive outcome? and sometimes it does not, sometimes the best thing that can happen is not something entirely pleasant, but rather, having faith in the process might mean that there is a process undergoing change and taking place that is leading somewhere, and that sometimes helps a lot with the feeling we get of being stuck somewhere forever.

Now, the reason I mention the concept of faith, and how it ties to the idea of not anticipating, is because it reminded me of an exercise that Laura mentioned once, where she explained how a good way to not anticipate but still focus oneself on an outcome, would be to find oneself imagining already experiencing the positive outcome, without trying to impose the path towards it on the universe.

That is, things will happen in a way that will culminate in a feeling of joy and fulfillment, but the path to get there is still unknown. I hope this makes sense.

The other idea I was thinking about is the idea of PSI phenomena, where experiments have been conducted where people have focused on a specific outcome for a coin toss, lets' say, and in some cases what was discovered was that the outcome was directly opposite to the one desired by the participant. So there is an effect created by focussing on an outcome, but sometimes, and this might be more related to beliefs, the outcome is the exact opposite.

So in terms of parking, there might be a similar process going on, I have noticed similar experiences myself, though I park on the street, and when I stopped worrying about it so much, my luck increased, not sure if it was because I was judging parking too much before, or if the odds actually changed as I allowed the universe to be what it was going to be.
I thought I would add this here since it seems an appropriate

Q: (L) OK, we've been talking earlier this evening about intent, and of course, our own experiences with intent have really been pretty phenomenal. We've come to some kind of an idea that intent, when confirmed repeatedly, actually builds force. Is this a correct concept, and is there anything that you can add to it?

A: Only until anticipation muddies the picture... tricky one, huh?

Q: (L) Is anticipation the act of assuming you know how something is going to happen?

A: Follows realization, generally, and unfortunately for you, on 3rd density.

Q: (L) Is this a correct assessment of this process?

A: Both examples given are correct. You see, once anticipation enters the picture, the intent can no longer be STO.

Q: (L) Anticipation is desire for something for self. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, so it's OK to intend something, or to think in an intentional way, or to hope in an intentional way, for something that is to serve another, but anticipation defines it as a more personal thing.

A: And that brings realization.

Q: (L) So, desire to serve others, and to do something because it will help others, brings realization...

A: But, realization creates anticipation.

Q: (L) Well, how do we navigate this? I mean, this is like walking on a razor's edge. To control your mind to not anticipate, and yet, deal with realization, and yet, still maintain hope... (J) They said it was tricky... (L) This is, this is, um...

A: Mental exercises of denial, balanced with pure faith of a non-prejudicial kind.

Q: (L) OK, so, in other words, to just accept what is at the moment, appreciate it as it is at the moment, and have faith that the universe and things will happen the way they are supposed to happen, without placing any expectation on how that will be?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) This is, and I'm not asking about Ark, this is something that he has talked about in terms of shaping the future. He talks about shaping the future as an intentional act of shaping something good, but without defining the moment of measurement. In other words, adding energy to it by intent, but not deciding where, when or how the moment of measurement occurs. When the quantum jump occurs, it occurs on it's own, and in it's own way. Is this the concept he's dealing with here?

A: Anticipation.

Q: (L) In other words, is what he's talking about anticipation?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, what do you mean, anticipation in response to what I said?

A: That is the key to shaping the future... Avoiding it.

Q: (T) OK, because we’re not anticipating in what we're doing...

A: Yes.

Q: (T) What we're doing is not anticipatory, it's just happening. We were talking about it on the way up, that with interactions with others, we are facilitating, we are creating reality. This is what they all say about reality.

A: When it hits you, it stops.

Q: (L) When what hits you? (J) The realization. (T) The fact that it's happening.

A: Yes unless you cancel out all anticipation.

Also, there is another thread on a similar topic :

Does anticipating something reduce its probability?
I was thinking about this thread and Carlos Castaneda's/Don Juan's term 'cubic centimetre of chance' popped into my head. From Journey to Ixtlan:

“There is something you ought to be aware of by now,” don Juan said. “I call it the cubic centimeter of chance. All of us, whether or not we are warriors, have a cubic centimeter of chance that pops out in front of our eyes from time to time. The difference between an average man and a warrior is that the warrior is aware of this, and one of his tasks is to be alert, deliberately waiting, so that when his cubic centimeter pops out he has the necessary speed, the prowess to pick it up.

“Chance, good luck, personal power, or whatever you may call it, is a peculiar state of affairs. It is like a very small stick that comes out in front of us and invites us to pluck it. Usually we are too busy, or too preoccupied, or just too stupid and lazy to realize that that is our cubic centimeter of luck. A warrior, on the other hand, is always alert and tight and has the spring, the gumption necessary to grab it.”

I think it's not quite exactly what the thread is about, but, I always really liked that idea (probably because of the funny name), and I see it like: the universe will always place these little chance moments in front of you at some point, by which you can learn something, or have the way to achieve something pointed out to you.. So that's where faith can come into it - having the faith that reality/the universe/the divine cosmic mind is interactive, and directly interacts with us..

And anticipation can make us blind to those tiny chance moments because we're limiting our idea of what might happen. But when we're in a non-anticipatory state, we're open and ready for all possibilities, so can see and act on that moment when it does appear.

Re-reading the cubic centimetre of chance quote also reminded me of Don Juan's term 'not-doing', which, well maybe I'm misappropriating it a bit... I dunno... But if you think of the general concept, in an everyday kind of way, instead of solely how it's presented in his books as a fancy magical act of power, it's basically the same thing as non-anticipation:

I was jotting down my impressions of the surroundings when don Juan, after a long silence, suddenly spoke in a dramatic tone. “I have brought you here to teach you one thing,” he said and paused. “You are going to learn not-doing. We might as well talk about it because there is no other way for you to proceed. I thought you might catch on to not-doing without my having to say anything. I was wrong.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, don Juan.”
“It doesn’t matter,” he said. “I am going to tell you about something that is very simple but very difficult to perform; I am going to talk to you about not-doing, in spite of the fact that there is no way to talk about it, because it is the body that does it.”
He stared at me in glances and then said that I had to pay the utmost attention to what he was going to say. I closed my notebook, but to my amazement he insisted that I should keep on writing.
Not-doing is so difficult and so powerful that you should not mention it,” he went on. “Not until you have stopped the world; only then can you talk about it freely, if that’s what you’d want to do.”
Don Juan looked around and then pointed to a large rock. “That rock over there is a rock because of doing” he said.
We looked at each other and he smiled. I waited for an explanation but he remained silent. Finally I had to say that I had not understood what he meant.
“That’s doing!” he exclaimed.
“Pardon me?”
“That’s also doing.”
“What are you talking about, don Juan?”
Doing is what makes that rock a rock and that bush a bush. Doing is what makes you yourself and me myself.”
I told him that his explanation did not explain anything. He laughed and scratched his temples.
“That’s the problem with talking,” he said. “It always makes one confuse the issues. If one starts talking about doing, one always ends up talking about something else. It is better to just act.”
“Take that rock for instance. To look at it is doing, but to see it is not-doing
I had to confess that his words were not making sense to me. “Oh yes they do!” he exclaimed. “But you are convinced that they don’t because that is your doing. That is the way you act towards me and the world.”
He again pointed to the rock.
“That rock is a rock because of all the things you know how to do to it,” he said. “I call that doing. A man of knowledge, for instance, knows that the rock is a rock only because of doing, so if he doesn’t want the rock to be a rock all he has to do is not-doing. See what I mean?”
I did not understand him at all. He laughed and made another attempt at explaining.
“The world is the world because you know the doing involved in making it so,” he said. “If you didn’t know its doing, the world would be different.”
He examined me with curiosity. I stopped writing. I just wanted to listen to him. He went on explaining that without that certain doing there would be nothing familiar in the surroundings.

It sounds like he's sort of saying that 'doing' = the complete way we perceive reality, based on our filters and accustomed neural pathways.. and 'not-doing' would be to turn off the filters and stop following those neural pathways, which would make us perceive something different, like, the raw information of reality(?)...

Well, we probably don't need to go that far just to find a parking space, or write a song! But I feel like that idea of 'not-doing' has something to do with that kind of non-anticipatory state that lets us be aware of things that are guiding us to something we need to learn, or want to achieve..

Sorry to be all abstract... can't really think of any concrete examples. I notice it when I have to go and deal with stressful situations - if I'm all worried and thinking too hard about things that could go wrong, or trying to plan what I'll say to someone etc, it often ends up less than satisfactory.. But if I manage to relax, go do the thing and "just be myself" and see what happens, usually things go well..
Thank you BlueKiwi for reposting the session transcript.

Q: (T) What we're doing is not anticipatory, it's just happening. We were talking about it on the way up, that with interactions with others, we are facilitating, we are creating reality. This is what they all say about reality.

A: When it hits you, it stops.

Q: (L) When what hits you? (J) The realization. (T) The fact that it's happening.

A: Yes unless you cancel out all anticipation.

Reading the session transcript above is a great reminder ... I was remembering this particular passage at the beginning of this thread.

I am sure the many creative members we have here have experienced a time when they were creating something and it was flowing wonderfully until the moment that they noticed and/or got excited about what they had just been creating. For myself, the moment that that happens ... or the moment that there is that realization, the creative flow usually diminishes. It starts going downhill and I end up being more of an editor of what I have just written as opposed to someone who is tapped into a source of creativity. The intention behind this thread is to better learn how to "cancel out all anticipation". At present, I don't feel like I fully understand how to do that and I wonder if it is even a possibility for me with my current beliefs and vibratory signature. It makes me think that my own degree of STS tendencies would have to have everything to do with my ability to both "not anticipate" as well as manifest that for which I have an intention.
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