salama said:One day i was in a auberge (inn) and i had a conversation with the innkeeper. He told me that he was going to Israel for the peace and than he talks about the fact that he will have a weapon when he gets there...I was supicious about the fact that he told me that he was going there for peace and i told him ....How come you go for peace and get an weapon? an i don't remenber what he said because i was shoke to see a reptiliens in i told him that he was an aliens , that i just see it in his self. Than he start to tell me that all of his life he try two make contact with them, and he tanks me.
Going to Israel to make peace with a weapon Based on the conflict in Palestine, I'd say a good number of the "peace keepers" moving there are not quite right in the head, if not downright psychopathic and serving the STS forces. I'd be a bit creeped out if I saw aliens in someone too! But better to be able to "see" than not. All we can do is fine tune our "wave reading machines" as best we can and be able to recognize danger and avoid it. Yet at the same time, we still need to tend to what is in front of us to "do" and keep on "chopping wood and carrying water".
I am métis more indien, i dont really know why i can see them but what i know is that i didn't have critic and judgment about him and i always say the truth that i know has the truth. But all of that make me stop everithing, i isolate my self because i have try to tell my family about everything that i discover but they did'nt accept those thing, i was kick out and welcome back if i was stopping to say thing that they don't want to know.
As for sharing truth with everyone around you, not everyone wants to know. Some are just not ready to "receive" the information. So as we learn, we have to be externally considerate of others and not discuss topics that are known 'red lines'. Maybe even bite our tongues. :P People must come to this information by themselves. As the saying goes, "you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot force them to drink".
And now i don't know what to do with that except see it for my self. Right now i'm living with a friend (woman) and we decide to help are self ... she works and me i do some research for the truth, and try to find a way to help us (humain). And has humain it very difficult to be a person who is not working and had a another person just has humain friend pay for her an my 3 kids for 5 years. But we decides to do it so we can come more concious about are world.
How long ago did you meet this innkeeper? Are you saying your family kicked you out of the house because you told them what you saw? Have you read Laura's book High Strangeness? Once you know what we're really facing, that knowledge protects you because you are aware. That awareness allows you to see what's coming and prepare for it and avert danger.
If you feel you should be doing more to help your friend, then look for things you can do to make your friends life easier. Maybe a part time job? Maybe a task around the house? Perhaps the two of you can talk about it and set goals together then work in that direction. Knowledge that is not applied doesn't help us, we must DO, and time is a wasting! If you keep up with the news, we can see cold winters, space rocks, economic inequality, and ever more policed society - so like I said, time is a wasting!