Are You Getting Enough Sleep? Sleeping properly?

Mrs. Peel said:
SAO said:
I also feel foggy when I sleep more than 10 hours or so, but I don't mind it as much on the weekends.

I usually wake up early on weekends because of getting up at 6 AM for work everyday. if I go back to sleep for several more hours, then I do get all groggy, and don't want to get up AT ALL.

Also, am about a third of the way through "Lights Out" and the author says that taking over-the-counter melatonin screws things up worse (I forget the exact words). I've been using sublingual melatonin before bed for years now. Not sure whether to discontinue it or not. :huh:

I've continued to take it because it is also known that the body stops making as much as you age.
Mrs. Peel said:
...Also, am about a third of the way through "Lights Out" and the author says that taking over-the-counter melatonin screws things up worse (I forget the exact words). I've been using sublingual melatonin before bed for years now. Not sure whether to discontinue it or not. :huh:
I haven't reached that part of the book yet and I already discontinued melatonin. It was interfering with sleep and making me feel strange in the morning (hard to describe). I guess the effect can vary greatly from one person to the next. What I have read already in this book was enough to convince me to stop the melatonin until I learn more.
Megan said:
Mrs. Peel said:
...Also, am about a third of the way through "Lights Out" and the author says that taking over-the-counter melatonin screws things up worse (I forget the exact words). I've been using sublingual melatonin before bed for years now. Not sure whether to discontinue it or not. :huh:
I haven't reached that part of the book yet and I already discontinued melatonin. It was interfering with sleep and making me feel strange in the morning (hard to describe). I guess the effect can vary greatly from one person to the next. What I have read already in this book was enough to convince me to stop the melatonin until I learn more.

I find it difficult to turn off all sources of melatonin in the body with natural supplementation at recommended doses. Melatonin is produced in the pineal gland, but there are also numerous sources of melatonin in the body including the digestive system, respiratory tract, retina, and kidneys. Total amount of melatonin in the gastrointestinal region may be 400 times higher than that in the pineal gland. It also seems that high content of gastrointestinal melatonin is independent of the pineal gland and that it is synthesized in the gastrointestinal cells, after oral or parenteral administration of its substrate, l-tryptophan (the precursor of 5-HTP).
I cut my melatonin dosage in half last night and actually slept better.
Laura said:
I cut my melatonin dosage in half last night and actually slept better.

I quit taking it about 5 days ago and haven't noticed any difference. I was taking 5 mg. :/
Finally got a solution for the blinking smoke alarm!!! :clap:

I've just finished Lights Out, and the most important thing I got from this book was a real insight into the fact that our lives and lifestyles are based completely on lies and disconnection from nature. I don't think that any other book has brought this home to me so forcefully, and this is largely because the authors don't preach about it, they just coolly and with a little humour lay out a set of facts, and simple facts at that, which show that the human race has become addicted to foods and behaviours that lead to a slow and degenerative death of both body and mind. Other things I have read have made this same point, indeed I've read it over and over in many places, but because Wiley and Formby show that following the natural cycles of day and night, light exposure, food and sleep is so critical to human well-being, and that these cycles are almost completely deranged, the point was really brought home to me very strongly. I mean, if these essential foundations of human well-being have been corrupted, what hope is there for the edifice that rests on such corrupted foundations?

I've changed my sleep pattern so I get 10 hours of rest in complete darkness every night. I used to get 8 hours maximum, and the room was not very dark. After starting to have 10 hours nightly it was really obvious that I hadn't been getting enough sleep for a long time, and it's taken nearly two weeks to adjust to the new regime. It doesn't leave me with much time for other activities outside of work! However I would rather feel that I can cope without feeling sleepy, not having to drag myself out of bed in the morning longing for another hour or two, and know that I am giving myself the benefits of proper rest, than be without enough sleep every night.

For anyone reading this thread who hasn't read Lights Out, I highly recommend it.
For some reason your post reminded me of a Bibical story about houses being built on sand. (It must have been the words 'ediface' and 'foundations.')
These days it indeed seems that way except not of houses, but of a knowledge/living base.

Also I too have sort of lost some 'free time' outside of work, doing the whole -more sleep thing in total darkness-, however the benefits are rewarding! I don't feel that cloudy, distant feeling anymore when I wake up. I actually feel like I sort of did as a kid. Just excited about the day. So it's worth it!

I can't wait to read the book! It's on my list now! :)

Endymion said:
I mean, if these essential foundations of human well-being have been corrupted, what hope is there for the edifice that rests on such corrupted foundations?

I've changed my sleep pattern so I get 10 hours of rest in complete darkness every night. I used to get 8 hours maximum, and the room was not very dark. After starting to have 10 hours nightly it was really obvious that I hadn't been getting enough sleep for a long time, and it's taken nearly two weeks to adjust to the new regime. It doesn't leave me with much time for other activities outside of work! However I would rather feel that I can cope without feeling sleepy, not having to drag myself out of bed in the morning longing for another hour or two, and know that I am giving myself the benefits of proper rest, than be without enough sleep every night.

For anyone reading this thread who hasn't read Lights Out, I highly recommend it.
Dawn said:
Also I too have sort of lost some 'free time' outside of work, doing the whole -more sleep thing in total darkness-, however the benefits are rewarding! I don't feel that cloudy, distant feeling anymore when I wake up. I actually feel like I sort of did as a kid. Just excited about the day. So it's worth it!

Well, I'm still on the eight hours a night schedule, getting ten would mean going to bed at 8 PM, and my husband doesn't even get home from work until between 8 and 9 PM, so that would not go over well. I also wouldn't have time to do much besides make dinner, eat, and clean up! I wish we had flex time so I could go to work later. :(

The problem I'm running into now with the newly darkened room is I used to wake up every couple hours before, but last night I slept 4-5 hours straight and couldn't go back to sleep right away. By the time I did, I was yanked out of sleep by the alarm clock shortly after. Ugh. I quit taking the sublingual melatonin and the 5 htp right before bed.

Hopefully things will change when my body gets adjusted to the dark room and the lack of "sleep drugs." :lol:
Seamas said:
You could put a bit of duct tape or electrical tape over the green light from the smoke alarm, and you could buy or make a draft stopper for the bottom of your door, something like this: _ Neither one of those things would alter the room, but they might help you sleep even better.

My parents are very uncomfortable if I put the tape over the green light from the alarm. So, it's now the only thing left that is on - windows and hallway are now darkened.

I usually go to bed around 5pm and slept until 1:15am every night (after a number of dreams so vivid being remembered), go to bathroom, then back to sleep rather quickly until 5am. It's interesting that, when I go to bathroom, my night vision was so clear and can see where everything is in the dark (but the green light from the smoke alarm was so bright).

I've stopped taking 5-HTP for a while and has been on 1.5g of Melatonin - but will stop taking tonight.

I've finished the book, and it's indeed an interesting read - alot of good info on the sleep cycles and the history. It's interesting that illness and cancer and such was started when the lightbulb was invented - and how now everyone has accepted using lights at night without thinking how it would affect their health. I too agreed with recommending this book.
Myrddin Awyr said:
My parents are very uncomfortable if I put the tape over the green light from the alarm. So, it's now the only thing left that is on - windows and hallway are now darkened.
You could try 3 or 4 layers of scotch tape. It will make the light dimmer but still visible.
Mrs. Peel said:
Finally got a solution for the blinking smoke alarm!!! :clap:


The only kind of scary thing is that the alarm won't go off if you have smoke. Can you cut some holes that still won't let out light?
I just began reading Lights Out! and we've added a darkening shade to our window, we now hide the alarm clock. We go to bed about an hour earlier (10.30 pm instead of 11.30 pm) - so still some effort needed there - and try not to eat carbs at night. We are having very vivid and bizarre dreams. There is definitely something being worked on at some level. Since I have been waking up a lot more, I muscle tested yesterday that I needed to cut back on 5-htp and now have to take 50 mg four times a week (I was at 100 mg every day). So I cut my dose in half yesterday and it worked! I actually slept through the night.
Myrddin Awyr said:
I've stopped taking 5-HTP for a while and has been on 1.5g of Melatonin - but will stop taking tonight.

I've stopped taking Melatonin yesterday before bed, and I've had three bizarre nightmares in a row (for a first time - in a row, that is), so very vivid and so real. After the last one, it was around 1am and I had to calm myself down and try to rest before going back to sleep. Being eaten alive by piranhas was not pleasant.
This matter of intense dreams is really interesting. Mine have been like self contained stories, with more structure than my previous dreams when sleeping in a lighter room. In a recent dream I was a fox called Edgard Rasmussen, and my twin brother was called Vallanjer Rasmussen. We were trying to escape from a castle, hidden in a coffin lined with white silk, when the coffin lid was opened and we were discovered. I drew my sword and challenged a tall faceless figure in a pale grey hooded cloak. Then I woke up. This dream was so vivid – the colours of 'our' fur, the textures and colours of the stone walls of the castle.

I think you're right, Mrs T, something is being worked out but quite what it is I'm not sure yet. Lives in a parallel universe perhaps? I remember the Cs once said that we will know all our other 'selves' from other dimensions and densities. Who knows, in some dimension somewhere, the Rasmussen brothers may be escaping from some castle somewhere.

The C's session from December 10, 1994 has some very interesting remarks on this subject.

session December 10 1994 said:
Q: (L) I want to ask again for the benefit of Terry and Jan, what or who were the beings seen by DM in her hypnotic regression the other night? {This session is recounted in the Wave in some detail including direct transcript.} Note from Endymion: you can read it in chapter two of The Wave Book One: 'Multi-dimensional Soul Essences'.

A: Her essence.

Q: (L) Were these in any way physical beings on the earth we occupy in space/time from where we are at this moment?

A: No.

Q: (L) This happened in a so-called alternate reality?

A: Is still.

Q: (L) So, in some alternate reality, DM is a preying mantis being eating little children?

A: And so are you. And all others.

Q: (L) This is an essence of what?

A: Her being.

Q: (L) Are these aspects of our being coming to earth as part of the realm border crossing?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are all of us going to have to face these aspects of ourselves as other beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are there other parts of us in all realms doing other things at this moment?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And how is this going to be affected by the realm border crossing?

A: Will merge.

Q: (L) Do we need to do extensive hypnosis to bring these aspects of ourselves up and deal with these things a little at a time?

A: Will happen involuntarily. Will be like a thermonuclear blast. Message follows: See pattern. Orion, Pleiades, Arcturas, Cassiopaea; check distances from earth; progress locator for wave combined with earth references of space time. For you to figure out. Cross reference channelled messages, printing dates and location. We are where we are.

It's interesting that the Cs used the term 'thermonuclear blast' to describe the merging of selves. Does that mean the experience will be negative? The immediate associations to 'thermonuclear blast' are pretty negative – widespread destruction, radiation and a very high death toll.

We know that longer periods of rest in complete darkness stimulate melatonin production. Here's a few quotes from the Cs concerning melatonin and its effects.

Session 941028 said:
Q: (L) Why should we take the Melatonin?
A: Is mild hallucinogen.
Q: (L) Why do we need this?
A: Keeps exercising psychic abilities and opens paths. Don't be alarmed by vividly erotic dreams.
Q: (L) Should we expect to have vividly erotic dreams?
A: Possible as psyche passes through levels on ascension.

Session 941116 said:
Q: (L) When L*** took the Melatonin the other night, how come he was unable to sleep?
A: Adjusting to the melatonin.

Session 960609 said:
Q: (L) Why does melatonin induce these openings?
A: Gentle hallucinogen.

Session 991023 said:
Q: I want to you have lost a fan because he was not happy with what he considered to be "internal inconsistencies" in that you were NOT favorably disposed toward hallucinations produced by substances such as Mescaline and Ayahuasca, but yet you recommend Melatonin because it is a hallucinogen. Then, you said that spiritual powers could not be obtained through chemicals or plant type means, but then said that Melatonin exercises psychic abilities. Could you comment on this?
A: Several comments: First of all, "fan" is short for "fanatic." Secondly, melatonin does not force an alteration in physiological brain chemicals, as do mescaline, peyote, LSD, etc. Accessing the higher levels of psychical awareness through such processes is harmful to the balance levels of the prime chakra. This is because it alters the natural rhythms of psychic development by causing reliance on the part of the subject, thus subjugating the learning process. It is a form of self-imposed abridging of free will.
Melatonin simply allows the system to clear obstructions in the brain chemistry naturally, thereby allowing the subject to continue to learn at a natural pace. And, it is by no means unimportant that melatonin is a natural body hormone. The other substances mentioned are, at least in part, synthetic, with the exception of peyote. But even that is not a natural ingredient of the human physiological being. And besides, we have already discussed the importance, or lack thereof, of those who pass judgment upon this exercise, or communication.

So: lack of sleep = lack of melatonin = inhibited learning. And if the Cs are correct in that melatonin opens the consciousness to other states of being, it's no wonder that the PTB don't want people to get enough sleep (and melatonin), and it's no wonder that artificial light was introduced and encouraged to spread. Opening the consciousness to one's other 'multi-dimensional soul essences' may well be both a symptom of the approaching wave, and part of facilitating the wave, osit.
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