Are You Getting Enough Sleep? Sleeping properly?

Myrddin Awyr said:
I've stopped taking Melatonin yesterday before bed, and I've had three bizarre nightmares in a row (for a first time - in a row, that is), so very vivid and so real. After the last one, it was around 1am and I had to calm myself down and try to rest before going back to sleep. Being eaten alive by piranhas was not pleasant.

Gah, I had one a couple night ago where I looked out the window and saw a huge tsumani wave about to engulf my house and knew this was "the end." :scared:
Divide By Zero said:
The only kind of scary thing is that the alarm won't go off if you have smoke. Can you cut some holes that still won't let out light?

Well, there's an alarm in the hall outside and in all the other bedrooms upstairs, and several of them downstairs, plus I have sprinklers in every room that will come on. At least they don't blink!
Mrs. Peel said:
Gah, I had one a couple night ago where I looked out the window and saw a huge tsumani wave about to engulf my house and knew this was "the end." :scared:

Fwiw, I have also had recurring flood/water/wave nightmares recently, except for last night. I thought it had been associated with a specific anxiety that I faced and cleared up recently (yesterday), hence perhaps the reason I didn't have one last night. I notice others here have been saying the same type of thing, so perhaps it may be associated with something larger than just my own anxieties...
Jonathan said:
Mrs. Peel said:
Gah, I had one a couple night ago where I looked out the window and saw a huge tsumani wave about to engulf my house and knew this was "the end." :scared:

Fwiw, I have also had recurring flood/water/wave nightmares recently, except for last night. I thought it had been associated with a specific anxiety that I faced and cleared up recently (yesterday), hence perhaps the reason I didn't have one last night. I notice others here have been saying the same type of thing, so perhaps it may be associated with something larger than just my own anxieties...
Fwiw, last night I had a dream that I was out on a boat on a shallow lake (like 5-6 feet deep) with a bunch of very close friends or family (could be members of this group, I'm not sure), and I don't remember exactly what happened but some sort of accident caused everyone to fall overboard. Some of us were able to climb out of the water and back on the boat and we were frantically looking for others who were not accounted for. It was dark so visibility was very low. We desperately searched and jumped into the water many times to try to at least feel around and hope to stumble on anyone. I think some were found but at least 1 or 2 were not.

The second related part of the dream I was Obama in the Oval office and some neighbor lady came over to ask for some kind of information, and my assistant and I invited her in and demanded some of her jewelry as payment for this information. After she gave it to us, we gave her the info and she was on her way out. I felt really bad taking her jewelry (I had the impression that since we're the evil government then pretty much ripping someone off for every little reason is what we're supposed to do), so I gave it all back and apologized, and then felt really guilty about having taken anything in the first place. Then we both go outside and I see my son or daughter (I don't have children in real life), and I realize that this is who actually drowned and was the last person we couldn't find after the boat accident. I just remember feeling upset/sad/happy to see them and then I woke up.
It really is amazing how just putting this one idea to practice is having so many interesting results, isn't it?
I do not it dream about flood maybe recently and well, I had two or three years ago it often ;) so I have quiet now.

I for tree night have taken 50mg 5 - HTP and from 2 weeks sleeping totally dark 8 hour per night. Resultants are More Detoxic dream about past emotions.
Jonathan said:
Mrs. Peel said:
Gah, I had one a couple night ago where I looked out the window and saw a huge tsumani wave about to engulf my house and knew this was "the end." :scared:

Fwiw, I have also had recurring flood/water/wave nightmares recently, ... I notice others here have been saying the same type of thing, so perhaps it may be associated with something larger than just my own anxieties...

The recurring type of dream/nightmare, for me, is of claustrophobia, of being smothered in a box or something similar, it's difficult to/can't breathe, stuffed up/blocked nose, and difficult to move my body - as if stuck to something, or under something.
I'm really enjoying sleeping in the batcave and look forward to it every night. I'm averaging about 8-9 hours a night and I always feel well rested when I wake up. Last weekend I probably slept about 10-11 hours.

For the most part, my sleep is deeper with a rich dream life. Last night I dreamed of a FOTCM meeting in a castle. I also had a very weird dream where my brother and I killed some man, cut his body up and hid the parts and were trying to escape. (I only dreamed of the aftermath, the actually killing was skipped thank goodness.) The landscape was very odd, like something out of a sci-fi movie and it was almost as if we could fly or walk on the air. I've never dreamed of killing anyone before. Disturbing.
I haven't yet been able to fully darken the bedroom yet but it is much darker than it was and I am sleeping better. I have been having trouble sleeping ever since I went off of a prescription medication (Trazodone) that I had taken for sleep for 14 years, and this is the first real improvement I have seen. Some nights, such as last night, I wake up repeatedly in the middle of the night but I just relax and drift off back to sleep. The only thing that keeps me awake is worrying about being awake, so I don't any more.

I have increased my sleep time beyond 8 hours most nights, where it used to be 6-7. That will mean less FIR sauna time, but I am starting to think that avoiding chronic sleep loss is more important. Actually, I thought that before, but reading the book (part of it, anyway) scared me a bit. :) I still have time for at least 4 hours of FIR a week.

My main problem now is to do something about my hips, which have been hurting and waking me up for about 3 months, since fall settled in -- they started acting up this way when we had our first rain of the season. The problem is lifelong and it comes and goes (it seems to be a form of sciatica--I felt the full-blown form of it for a while around the time it started raining, right down my leg). I think that the FIR sauna, along with diet, detox cocktail, etc. is the best thing for it, but see above. :)
I do not dream. Or, perhaps I dont remember my dreams. Ever since I stopped taking a powerful opiate perscription 8 months ago, I have dreamt maybe 1 or 2 times. Is this odd, or are there others who dont dream?
Bar Kochba said:
I do not dream. Or, perhaps I dont remember my dreams. Ever since I stopped taking a powerful opiate perscription 8 months ago, I have dreamt maybe 1 or 2 times. Is this odd, or are there others who dont dream?

Not often lately for me - at least remembered.
Odyssey said:
I'm really enjoying sleeping in the batcave and look forward to it every night. I'm averaging about 8-9 hours a night and I always feel well rested when I wake up. Last weekend I probably slept about 10-11 hours.

For the most part, my sleep is deeper with a rich dream life.

I have really enjoyed it as well. I am noticing that I sleep all night, whereas I used to get up a couple of times each night to go to the bathroom. I am also having the most vivid dreams - they are like movies and in one I seemed to be changing places as an onlooker and then as one of the "characters". Other nights I am just "OUT" and don't remember anything.

One other thing I have noticed is that while not exactly "wildly happy", I am far less "moody" than I usually am this time of year. Normally - from early January until mid-February, I feel like I am just hanging on until Spring for dear life! And I live in a fairly southern sunny climate, so don't have much to complain about (except the last couple of days)!! So - that is really HUGE for me - just getting through winter without a major "down" is really nice!! :)

I too have cut down a bit on the melatonin, or at least skip taking it every few days. I have had to stop the 5-HTP all together as I noticed it was giving me severe intestinal/back pain - took a while to determine exactly what was causing it.

Also, I feel like I am developing a cats' sense of sight - I can get up in the dark and sort of "see" now. Today we had rolling blackouts in N TX and had to make trips to the ladies room where it was pitch black. I took my cell phone with me, but it the phone light would go out - and I could still somehow see a bit. Interesting..

I noticed my eyes are getting better in the dark too. It seems they're picking up on any source of light a bit easier.

I've had a couple of minor flare ups of eczema and some psoriasis too. I'm definitely sleeping deeper, and some nights I'll feel deeply rested after 8 hours and others I'll need 10 or more. I'm still working on getting to bed earlier.

I've also been having a lot of vivid dreams, many of which involved my immediate family members and childhood friends. Usually they're a bit dark too, like there is something bad going on in the dream. Nevertheless, I'm another who loves sleeping in a cave. :) I feel refreshed when I wake up and that is huge for me. I'm one who would hit the snooze button every ten min. for an hour or so. It would feel like an impossible task to get up before, but the difference now night and day! HA! When I wake up now it literally feels like a switch is turned on and I'm awake. Whereas before it was sort of like being on a dial moving towards being awake, and I wouldn't really feel awake until noontime. I always loved sleepy time, and now it's just super awesome. for some reason it was really fun setting up my room for complete darkness too.
Shane said:
I've had a couple of minor flare ups of eczema and some psoriasis too. I'm definitely sleeping deeper, and some nights I'll feel deeply rested after 8 hours and others I'll need 10 or more. I'm still working on getting to bed earlier.

Isn't that interesting... I wonder what it is about sleeping in darkness that seems to cause this to happen. My own eczema has finally calmed down now after about a week. Moisturizing with shea butter seems to have really helped. The eczema calmed right down when I switched from beef tallow to ghee as my main cooking fat (roomie and neighbor were complaining about the smell of the tallow). It almost seems as if the darkness somehow made me more sensitive to the things that weren't quite right in my diet causing an eczema flare-up. Or maybe it's just a side effect of hormones going back to normal after being out of whack my whole life.

But, like others are reporting here, I do love me some bat cave! :lol:
Shane said:
...I've had a couple of minor flare ups of eczema and some psoriasis too. I'm definitely sleeping deeper, and some nights I'll feel deeply rested after 8 hours and others I'll need 10 or more. I'm still working on getting to bed earlier...
I have noticed a few "skin things" too. My bedroom is darker, but not yet totally dark. Perhaps it has something to do with sleeping longer, rather than the increased darkness. I have gone from 6-7 hours of sleep to 8-9.
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