Are You Getting Enough Sleep? Sleeping properly?

loreta said:
Hi everybody,
Since I take my supper earlier (7 p.m. instead of 12 or 1 a.m.) and since I go to bed earlier, I feel really better. I am very grateful to all of you and to myself also for this change in my life. I do meditation also every night and EE. I dream much more. And yesterday I almost understood why I had problems with my bed. Let me explain: my mother was a woman with psychological problems, she was chronically depress and was always very tired and very sick. I can say that 80% of the time I saw my mother she was in bed, and that was one thing that put my father hysterical. The notion of bed was very negative, and sleep and be in bed was in my mind a problem because I made a relation bed=sickness. So the less I was in bed, the better. I had no conscience that this notion would be negative for my health. The less I slept was for me the best thing to do, it prove that I was not sick. I don't know if you understand me. Maybe because I do meditation and EE I am more able to understand myself better, understand my negative patterns. Its a liberation. The beginning of a liberation!

Now I see my bed and the time of sleeping under another optic. Instead of sleeping just 5 hours per night I sleep my 8 hours. Its incredible, don't you think? To wake up, little by little like a flower. I just wanted to share this with you, my dear friends.


Very good to hear loreta - cheers! :)
T.S. Wiley, author of "Lights Out," will be on Underground Wellness radio tonight at 8pm(Eastern Time). Might be too late for the folks in Europe, so you can get the shows from iTunes as a podcast after they air (just look up Underground Wellness in the iTunes store).

Here's the link to the program -
There are times I stay up until dawn and have no way of convincing my body it needs to sleep, since my brain has lost every kind of time objectivity. Example- I was going to make some rice and set the timer for 30 minutes while I went to the studio and as soon as I sat behind the console the timer rang. I thought the timer had broken so I reset it, but something nagged at me and I went to the kitchen to see the rice is steaming about to burn.
Same with the night time behind the console. I've nick named it the timewarp machine. If I want to get through bunch of time in a short period I get behind the console and get busy. Believe me after all the work, I sleep like- uh, like a bear in winter.
kryon said:
There are times I stay up until dawn and have no way of convincing my body it needs to sleep, since my brain has lost every kind of time objectivity. Example- I was going to make some rice and set the timer for 30 minutes while I went to the studio and as soon as I sat behind the console the timer rang. I thought the timer had broken so I reset it, but something nagged at me and I went to the kitchen to see the rice is steaming about to burn.
Same with the night time behind the console. I've nick named it the timewarp machine. If I want to get through bunch of time in a short period I get behind the console and get busy. Believe me after all the work, I sleep like- uh, like a bear in winter.

Sounds like classic dissociation. Have you had a chance to read The Myth of Sanity yet? Search the forum for more info on that.
anart said:
Sounds like classic dissociation. Have you had a chance to read The Myth of Sanity yet? Search the forum for more info on that.

I see your pointing at the direction of my Freudian friend. He kept on pointing at my distancing my self from something i didn't want to experience until i invited him in the studio and now i have a hard time getting him to go back home, even if i am telling him straight forward go away, i need some distance from you! thus he has become the thing he kept on warning me about.
Thank you, anart, I will try looking for the time to search for the myth of sanity, after i have finished having the time of reading Nevil drury's, don Juan, mescalito and modern magic.
have a good time, :lol:
kryon said:
anart said:
Sounds like classic dissociation. Have you had a chance to read The Myth of Sanity yet? Search the forum for more info on that.

I see your pointing at the direction of my Freudian friend. He kept on pointing at my distancing my self from something i didn't want to experience until i invited him in the studio and now i have a hard time getting him to go back home, even if i am telling him straight forward go away, i need some distance from you! thus he has become the thing he kept on warning me about.
Thank you, anart, I will try looking for the time to search for the myth of sanity, after i have finished having the time of reading Nevil drury's, don Juan, mescalito and modern magic.
have a good time, :lol:

Not sure that I quite understand you, but, no I'm not at all referring to Freud. If you would take the time to explore the recommended reading section, there is a lot to learn there about dissociation and you might actually benefit.
Since we darkened our room - I thought that it was already quite dark before, but now I know it's really dark because I keep bumping my feet on the bed - I am super tired at around 10 PM and I wake up naturally at around 6 in the morning.
I feel more rested overall.
I wake up a lot during the night though and my dreams are quite agitated.
I reduced my melatonin intake to 1gr and I am not sure I should stop taking it altogether ?
I have experimented with the complete darkness and I noticed that I got more vivid dreams then usuall which was quite interesting.
loreta said:
I have metal shades in my room, I'm correcto with this. I don't understand if it is very important for example the light of the interruptor. You know, a red light. A little tiny light.

According to the authors of the book you ordered it is recommended having absolutely no light on in the room where you are sleeping, also no tiny red light. :) Maybe you can cover it with something?


dugdeep said:
T.S. Wiley, author of "Lights Out," will be on Underground Wellness radio tonight at 8pm(Eastern Time). Might be too late for the folks in Europe, so you can get the shows from iTunes as a podcast after they air (just look up Underground Wellness in the iTunes store).

Here's the link to the program -

Thanks for the link!

With that link you can download the show:
Here are the things I have noticed since darkening our room:

- I get tired at around 9-9.30 (and go to bed at around 10 pm), whereas I used to be wide awake past 11.30.
- I crave carbs less
- I have lost weight (maybe as a result of eating less carbs? Or because of all the hormones that actually have the opportunity to do their work properly now?)
- I wake up naturally at around 6.15
- I have vivid dreams that I remember easily
- I don't stress out when I cannot fall asleep right away (which is rare anyway) because I know that just being in a pitch black room is already working wonders for my body
- I have stopped taking 5-htp and have reduced my melatonin intake by half (now taking 1 mg, but will test soon to see if 0.5 is enough)

So, not bad in such a short amount of time! I still have to read about a third of the book (but already I feel I will need to re-read at some point, because it is so full of info) though, and maybe there are other things I need to put in practice.

Not sure why, but for the last couple of nights I don't sleep so well, even if try to have a good amount of time and at the reasonable hour! Yesterday night went to bed at 10 to do EE, zoned out (or fell asleep :halo:) during most of the Beatha because was so relaxed and tired, just to wake up at 4:00 am and not be able to go back to sleep! I needed to wake up at 6:00 am so just stayed in bed and tried to fall asleep again, unsuccessfully. Don't remember when was the last time I had an insomnia, in fact, it is usually not hard at all for me to fall back to sleep.

The only two reasons I could come up with were an upcoming full moon on 18th (today, actually), and I am also Cancer, so more sensitive. And maybe a combination of a barking dog (though loud noises when I am already asleep don't bother me) and tiny cracks in the shades of the windows you can see the light through when the sun rises. But maybe it's something else like messed up internal clock after staying late, etc. {scratches head}
I've had a few bad nights myself where I wake up too early and can't go back to sleep. I've also had a bit of pain in my neck, shoulders and jaw, so I think I'm inflamed. Must be the shortbread. No more for awhile. Those things are nice occasionally, but sticking to meat is best.
I haven't finished reading through this thread, but I have just finished the book this week and must say a huge thank you to Laura for starting the thread. It is astonishing to me what an improvement the suggestions given in the book are making to the quantity and quality of sleep I am now experiencing. I go to bed between 8 and 8:30 and sleep with usually only one interruption until 6 on work days. I have had to eliminate forum reading during the week as it has reduced the time I have between getting home and going to bed drastically, and well worth it! It seems from the positive results from the darkened room that I am extremely sensitive to the least amount of light. Also I find I need to turn the computer off at least one hour before I sleep. Last night I briefly looked at something (5 minutes) before bedtime and was awake for a long time. I have struggled for years to get a good night's sleep, tried so many supplements, including 5-htp and magnesium and am enjoying the best, restful sleep I can ever remember. The benefits to my waking hours are the slow returning of a functioning brain beyond what is needed for my job.
Laura said:
I've had a few bad nights myself where I wake up too early and can't go back to sleep. I've also had a bit of pain in my neck, shoulders and jaw, so I think I'm inflamed. Must be the shortbread. No more for awhile. Those things are nice occasionally, but sticking to meat is best.

I've had a similar experience with waking up too earlier and staying awake, although more usually I go back to sleep and oversleep by an hour or so. I've had slight pain in my upper arms too, and I definitely agree about shortbread, and desserts in general such as cakes, puddings, and cookies for that matter - far too much sugar and carbohydrates for this time of the year - I'm still trying to lose the extra weight I put on over Christmas and the New Year from eating a lot of fruit cake, tarts and pies, etc.
Trevrizent said:
I've had a similar experience with waking up too earlier and staying awake, although more usually I go back to sleep and oversleep by an hour or so. I've had slight pain in my upper arms too, and I definitely agree about shortbread, and desserts in general such as cakes, puddings, and cookies for that matter - far too much sugar and carbohydrates for this time of the year - I'm still trying to lose the extra weight I put on over Christmas and the New Year from eating a lot of fruit cake, tarts and pies, etc.

I also seem to awake too early. I'm in bed before or by 10 PM. Usually wake once to use the bathroom, then go back to sleep, and sleep till about an hour before the alarm goes off (roughly guessing because I won't look at the time cause then I will just lay there and count the minutes till I need to get up) and can't fall back to a proper sleep.

I see Dr. Mercola is now promoting "Lights Out" and sleeping in darkness in his newsletter. He must have spies on this forum. :lol:
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