Are You Getting Enough Sleep? Sleeping properly?

Seamas said:
Has anyone else ever experimented with sleeping on the floor? Or sleeping on the ground outside, while camping for instance?

I myself sleep on the floor some years ago, during a year or so. I felt like you, my back was better and I had more energy. I used to sleep on a Nordic edredon. Than I return to a bed because here in Spain the apartments are very cold in winter. Now I sleep on a futon. But I love to sleep on the floor, maybe in another life I was a gypsy? ;)

Brunauld said:
I get in berserk mode when I deprive myself, become more mechanic, and sometimes I sleep very late because I have to do the EE programm because sometimes I do not have time in the day or I procrastinate the program.

And the day after its just a hell of a day, but it serves as some kind of fuel...

Yes, this is one of those days for me. I worked until 5 AM; OLAP server problems. I slept a few hours in the evening and then worked from 1 AM to 5 AM, going to bed a dawn. I am not in any "berserk mode" though. I did what I had to do, and there was no "deprivation," though there is plenty of aftermath in my head today. I am just glad that I found the problem and fixed it before we experienced any more workday down time.

Some days are like that. Skip EE or get less sleep -- your choice. Either way you will learn something. Suffer if you will, but suffer consciously.
I have changed my routine of course :P that habit was self-destructive.

If I have to do EE in the night and its late, I skip the BA-HA portion, that its what cause those berserk modes.
Brunauld said:
I have changed my routine of course :P that habit was self-destructive.

If I have to do EE in the night and its late, I skip the BA-HA portion, that its what cause those berserk modes.

Are you doing the entire program every night?
Megan said:
Brunauld said:
I have changed my routine of course :P that habit was self-destructive.

If I have to do EE in the night and its late, I skip the BA-HA portion, that its what cause those berserk modes.

Are you doing the entire program every night?

Mainly, people do the full EE session on Mondays and Thursdays, and then, in between, as it were, just doing pipe breathing and PotS before going to sleep.
Exactly, full programm on mondays or thursdays. Its a little dangerous to do it everyday.
Great thread - I also listened to T.S. Wiley earlier before I read this thread, and it was a treat to read Psyche's scans as I have a few other books on my list before I get to Wiley's.

I am in Northern Europe, beyond the 60th north latitude, and definitely I need less sleep in the summer. My rhythm gets a bit confused up here. I have darkened my room, somewhere around 98% but I will move to the tinfoil to get 100% darkness.

One way to describe the light here, even though the sun does dip below the horizon in this more southern part of Scandinavia, is that at the darkest time of the night here, you can still drive easily without your car lights on.

I find I hit a "second wind" sometimes from 10PM to 3AM, where there is no way I could try and sleep. If I do stay up past 3AM the day starts brightening dramatically but it seems as if my internal clock does not know if at that time the sun is going up or going down! :-) It seems in the summer it is also a matter of discipline: I just want to stay up more and enjoy the lovely summer days, as there are so many dreary and dark winter days. So I end up staying up late. I could choose to discipline myself to be in my dark chamber by 10PM (when it is totally light outside), but although relatively rare in my life the sauna nights, festivals, singing and listening to my buddies playing guitar by the seaside tend to get in the way. Even though socializing is relatively rare, I am for whatever reason reluctant to go bed and let the beautiful summer day come to an end.

What I do to sleep in this 'summer of eternal light' is jump into my dark room, and get anywhere from 5-8 hours of sleep.

My energy level in the summer up here is second to none - I should sleep in winter, and do most of my work in summer as I would get way more done :-) However, if I have had these "second winds" and stayed up late, I usually start feeling less energetic (as it is light outside all night long as I stated). When I feel this way I just go to bed between 9PM and 10PM one night , into my dark room, and I will sleep til about 3AM or so . And due to knowledge from T.S. Wiley and this thread, when I wake up at 3AM, I make sure not to look at any lights, contemplate for awhile, take in a bit of ambient light when I find the toilet and come back, then back to my dark room. Then I may sleep until anywhere between 7 and 9AM.

For example, last night I did EE without Beatha, and fortunately it was a cloudy night so my internal clock started getting me sleepy - by 11:45PM I was in my bed, in the darkened room and I slept till 6:30AM. I woke up for awhile, chatted with my room mate who was making breakfast, then I went back to bed and woke up 10AM! Great life eh? :)

With regular EE, a darkened room, and my low carb diet (I've reached ketosis) one can even get sleep in the land of the midnight sun!!

aleana said:
On the show she said it contained hydro-cortisone acetate, theobromine and caffeine - and that once you have adrenal fatigue you cannot recover and will need to take this for life (rather than for a short-term to help the healing process). She also said that taking the bovine adrenal supplements were worthless. So - basically she is saying that sleeping in total darkness is great...but you need her supplements anyway..hmm.

Needless to say - this was a bit depressing.

I don't think she has proof that you can't get better. If a person goes on a low carb, high fat/meat diet, sleeps properly, there is no reason why the body can't repair itself given the right ingredients unless systems are totally destroyed. And for all we know, the body may even have systems for dealing with that if it is given the right nourishment. I think the good fats and proteins are essential though certainly it may take some time and need some support here and there in various ways specific to the individual.
People have been known to be fully functional with huge chunks of their brain missing, and some
organs can take over the functions of others. The body is insanely redundant, and given all these failsafes, it seems that almost anything can be either fixed or accomodated for, if the body is allowed to function and do it's job. People have spontaneously recovered from cancers and other deadly diseases, so i'd be surprised if there is anything a healthy body cannot handle, short of a beheading. Although I remember reading on the forum about someone who showed no evidence of having a physical brain at all, just liquid in the head with no adverse effect, so even beheadings are questionably fatal :D
SAO said:
People have been known to be fully functional with huge chunks of their brain missing, and some
organs can take over the functions of others. The body is insanely redundant, and given all these failsafes, it seems that almost anything can be either fixed or accomodated for, if the body is allowed to function and do it's job. People have spontaneously recovered from cancers and other deadly diseases, so i'd be surprised if there is anything a healthy body cannot handle, short of a beheading. Although I remember reading on the forum about someone who showed no evidence of having a physical brain at all, just liquid in the head with no adverse effect, so even beheadings are questionably fatal :D

:lol: Now there's an interesting mental image, SAO!

As far as sleeping habits go.... I have never had much luck sleeping in total darkness. I lived in an apartment with no windows for a while (nicknamed it "The Cave"). I always seemed to sleep way too much or not enough. Now that I'm living in the country with almost complete silence, save for nighthawks, owls, and sometimes coyotes, I sleep really well. I especially like the subtle light of the stars coming through the window and the ambient light of the moon.

I have to get up at about 4 AM for work, and this has taken some getting used to. It seems like about once a week I just crash and have to sleep really hard. Yesterday afternoon I took a four hour nap, then slept for ten hours during the night. :shock: That's a lot of sleep! I have started taking vitamins and melatonin before bed in the last couple weeks so hopefully that will help. We'll see!
I've tried to darkened my room totally a few months ago and for my part, the quality and depth of the sleep increased dramatically.

I don't know why, it feels like your sleep is lighter when your room is not dark enough or all sorts of electrical devises have their little lights pulsing all the time.

Now, there is just no way I can sleep if its not dark enough, I will cover my head with whatever is available to make sure I'm in the darkeness for a good sleep.

I went to Island recently and I quickly went insane as the sun kind of didn't want to go to sleep ! Its pretty disturbing to have the sun up at midnight. I guess the people of Northern lattitude must be used to it.
luke wilson said:
Sometimes when I sleep I have hallucinations, what is this?

The first thing that comes to mind is: are you taking melatonin? It can have a mild hallucinatory effect. It is also called Hypnagogic imagery when you see images just before sleep.
3D Student said:
luke wilson said:
Sometimes when I sleep I have hallucinations, what is this?

The first thing that comes to mind is: are you taking melatonin? It can have a mild hallucinatory effect. It is also called Hypnagogic imagery when you see images just before sleep.

Thanks 3D Student.

No I am not taking melatonin. The description of hypnagogic is exactly what I am having. It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does I can be stuck for acouple of hours, never actually getting to sleep or getting my nap, actually quite handy because I can control when I get up, like in a bus before my bus stop.

Once I was hearing music(intrumental type) that I had never heard, like I was in a 20's jazz bar and it was real music that kept changing when I wanted it to, like switching over different stations in a radio, all in my mind!!

Thanks very much for the link.
Endymion said:
Gee said:
One thing that popped into my mind was that there should be minimal light exposure when going to the bathroom, maybe a dim night light in the bathroom will do? I'm pretty sure its discussed in the book.

I think this is correct (I haven't read the book yet!). That would keep light exposure to a minimum, and is much more gentle on the eyes, considering that they have become adjusted to total darkness.

I am now used to stumbling around and finding my way in the dark. Exciting really. :D
Some of our appliances have a small light, but is so bright that I have taped something over it.

I assume that the lights of cars are also bad and should be blocked out?
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