Carl, you can get a neat little kit from amazon which is the one I use. Perhaps you can get one for both of you and see how it goes. I can speak for the probiotic enemas as a major mood booster. It's really helped me out this past while. Good luck!Gaby said:Laura said:Carl said:The food test may be a good idea Gaby, I never did it because it just did not seem to be reliably accurate from what I read. I've never been referred to a dermatologist but my housemate has - apparently they have no idea either, and just give steroid creams.
As for diet, I went back to keto. It has been good in that injuries from exercise don't last as long, my skin heals quicker, and I don't get brain fog from meals. But feels like it has made the rash worse somehow.
My plan is to basically do at least a month on the cleanest diet possible before trying any treatment options, I.E. no nuts, chocolate, coffee, tea, anything with alcohol or sugar even in small amounts, eggs. But as you say, maybe a food test would reveal I'm actually allergic to green beans and I'm barking up the wrong tree!
And thank god no it is not bed bugs. I had them real bad in a student house a few years back and it has left me with bug-checking paranoia.
The skin often tries to excrete toxins when the normal excretory pathways are compromised... such as the colon. Why don't you try coffee and probiotic enemas?
Yes, and if the rash got worse with the keto diet, it might also be an indication of a gut flora imbalance.
I think you have a good plan now!