Available in print: The Cassiopaea Experiment Transcripts

Why you think my post is cryptic

For me it was because you only gave "when 1998 🦩" with a flamingo emoji with no explainion or question. Then when @lainey was asking if that is the way you would communicate in an email to someone you don't even know would it make any sense. You never commented on that but then just asked what kind of projects.

FOTCM has many projects that are for members only so you would not know about those but in a sense this whole forum is a project with:

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This all has to be maintained with Administrators and Ambasadors to welcome new members and keep to the guidelines and Terms and Rules of the forum.

If you have a language translation difficulty or whatever I may have lost "patience" unfairly but you certainly should have considered the rules of the forum and tips to new members.

On the other hand it seems like you are acting like a "troll" by playing ignorant of the rules.

when 2021 :troll:
Sorry but i'm french and I know little english so i'm very basic when I write in english forum but I do think some people judge too easily and can take it like I'm rude, but yeah I should have written "When the 1998 transcript will be released."

If you have a language translation difficulty or whatever I may have lost "patience" unfairly but you certainly should have considered the rules of the forum and tips to new members.

On the other hand it seems like you are acting like a "troll" by playing ignorant of the rules.

when 2021 :troll:


I apologise for my lack of "patience" and jumping to judgement. It seems I was the one who was rude and inconsiderate. Have you tried a translator like
Deepl Translate ? It may be useful for posting and reading.

I give myself a thumbs down :thdown: for my own impatience.
For me it was because you only gave "when 1998 🦩" with a flamingo emoji with no explainion or question. Then when @lainey was asking if that is the way you would communicate in an email to someone you don't even know would it make any sense. You never commented on that but then just asked what kind of projects.
Yeah I know.. I didn't know how to formulate my answer in english and just gave up.. :zzz: but at least I was interested enough to know about the projects and for the flamingoI like to put some random emoji but maybe I need to stop doing this..

I apologise for my lack of "patience" and jumping to judgement. It seems I was the one who was rude and inconsiderate. Have you tried a translator like
Deepl Translate ? It may be useful for posting and reading.

It's okay..my fault looking dumb for trying to write in a foreign language. For the online translators, I think they are not perfect and always a bit "off" to me, especially when I write a 'complex' answer.. it's more of a hassle
JeanSchemit, as I have said many, many times (and I'm sure there are those who can attest to this) I am amazed and proud of the members here who do not have English as their mother language and, yet, do all they can to read and post here. It takes a lot of fortitude to keep doing this, or so I think. So, please, don't feel bad or judged because of you not knowing English. That said, your post was a bit of a puzzle.

There are many here who still can't speak or write in English, but they have found the on-line translators very helpful. Especially deepl as suggested by goyacobol. So you can see, I'll tranlate what I've written in English for you with deepl.

JeanSchemit, comme je l'ai dit de nombreuses fois (et je suis sûr que certains peuvent en témoigner), je suis étonné et fier des membres ici présents qui n'ont pas l'anglais comme langue maternelle et qui, pourtant, font tout ce qu'ils peuvent pour lire et poster ici. Il faut beaucoup de courage pour continuer à faire cela, du moins je le pense. Alors, je vous en prie, ne vous sentez pas mal ou jugé parce que vous ne connaissez pas l'anglais. Cela dit, votre poste était un peu un casse-tête.

Il y en a beaucoup ici qui ne savent toujours pas parler ou écrire en anglais, mais ils ont trouvé les traducteurs en ligne très utiles. Surtout en profondeurDeepL, comme le suggère goyacobol. Afin que vous puissiez comprendreVous voyez donc que je vais traduire ce que j'ai écrit en anglais pour vous avec deepl.

Traduit avec www.DeepL.com/Translator (version gratuite)

Edited: As requested, the translation has been modified.
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The first instance of 'deepl' as been translated into 'profondeur' which make your sentence wrong. The rest is intelligible.
My two francs.

Indeed deepl translator has done a mistake there and it should not have been translated. And as you said, the rest was intelligible.
Have you found any translator you could recommend?

Deepl translator is one of the best so far. And there is a version that you can download on your computer (at least for Window)
Deepl is fine for me. I use it to answer customers in Spanish, Italian and German.
But, first I try to use simple sentences.
Then I read the translated message and often have to change a few things. It is not that much a problem for Italian and Spanish. I may check for a more accurate word on wordrefenece.com
For German I translate from English in the hope that it would be more accurate.
Sorry but i'm french and I know little english so i'm very basic when I write in english forum but I do think some people judge too easily and can take it like I'm rude, but yeah I should have written "When the 1998 transcript will be released."

By the way, if you are french and know just a little english, you probably read the books of Laura in french. And the last book published for the transcript in french was for 1996. So the next one, should be for 1997 and only for the first part of the year just like the english version.

Au fait, si vous êtes français et que vous ne connaissez qu'un peu l'anglais, vous avez probablement lu les livres de Laura en français. Et le dernier livre publié pour les transcriptions en français était pour 1996. Le prochain devrait donc être pour 1997 et la première partie de l'année seulement, tout comme la version anglaise.
Indeed deepl translator has done a mistake there and it should not have been translated. And as you said, the rest was intelligible.

Deepl translator is one of the best so far. And there is a version that you can download on your computer (at least for Window)

I have the downloaded app for Deepl (on a Mac)

Here is the reverse translation of @Nienna's reply from her French into English which seems not bad to me but I suppose that is no guarantee it looks "intelligible" in French.

JeanSchemit, as I have said many times (and I am sure some of you can attest to this), I am amazed and proud of the members here present who do not have English as their mother tongue and yet do everything they can to read and post here. It takes a lot of courage to keep doing this, at least I think it does. So please don't feel bad or judged because you don't know English. Having said that, your job [should be "post"] was a bit of a headache [should be puzzle].

There are a lot of people here who still can't speak or write English, but they found the online translators very helpful. Especially in depth, as goyacobol suggests. So you can see that I'm going to translate what I wrote in English for you with deepl.

It does make meanings different that could be a problem.
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...If it is too much to keep up maybe you need to find better things to do like join another forum. It is in violation of this forum's guidelines to post "noise". I am finding you to be rude and to say the least inconsiderate. :wrongbar:

Hello goyacobol, just curious regarding your response to @JeanSchemit - who is French, and may not have the nuances to reply as people might think appropriate. The post your reference, although perhaps not up to what people might expect - however the questing being asked (1998) seems semi-clear in regard to the sequence of book releases yet to come, if that happens.

Things are pretty intense at the moment for all, it is understandable, yet we can all temper ourselves from leaping to assumptions of another because we don't like how someone responded/formatted et cetera, et cetera. Perhaps they are indeed in the wrong bar, or perhaps this bar is exactly what is needed for growth, and it is for us to help each along when we can. And on that note, you are considerate on bringing up sessions and helping people out, and many of us have benefited.

So, have a second look at what was said in regards to the overall decorum of the response, see if there might have been a better way to address your response to JeanSchemit, or not make one at all. Sometimes things require calling a spade a spade, as you know, yet was this the time? Was this the right reason? If there is something that needs to be particularly discussed, something on your mind, you know you are fee to do so, to talk about things elsewhere, or not.

I apologise for my lack of "patience" and jumping to judgement. It seems I was the one who was rude and inconsiderate. Have you tried a translator like
Deepl Translate ? It may be useful for posting and reading.

I give myself a thumbs down :thdown: for my own impatience.

I'm sorry, too. I missed this post response entirely, so I'll join you in the to-self thumbs down.
yes @goyacobol deepl is not perfect but very good at maybe 90%. As for myself, I keep trying to use my neurons (and not use deepl for what I write, just use it for translating articles) even if it will give some teeth-grinding for English speakers. Because all in all we're a big family and I'm confident that as like I won't condemn someone who makes mistakes trying to speak french, if it's not his mother language, they won't condemn me.

And thank you all for your patience, by the way!
Thank you all for finding the discrepancies of the translation. I'd like to apologize to JeanSchemit for this. Not a very good way to get someone to try to use an online translator. :rolleyes: And, I hope that she has been able to see from what the others have written, what I was trying to say to her. Instead of me doing the same thing again, maybe one you Frenchies can translate this here so she can read it? I don't want to add another translation error.

Also, and I'm sorry for any inconvenience, if someone could translate the part that was in error to her so that she does understand.

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