@JeanSchemit,Why you think my post is cryptic
For me it was because you only gave "when 1998 " with a flamingo emoji with no explainion or question. Then when @lainey was asking if that is the way you would communicate in an email to someone you don't even know would it make any sense. You never commented on that but then just asked what kind of projects.
FOTCM has many projects that are for members only so you would not know about those but in a sense this whole forum is a project with:
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This all has to be maintained with Administrators and Ambasadors to welcome new members and keep to the guidelines and Terms and Rules of the forum.
If you have a language translation difficulty or whatever I may have lost "patience" unfairly but you certainly should have considered the rules of the forum and tips to new members.
On the other hand it seems like you are acting like a "troll" by playing ignorant of the rules.
when 2021