Barack Obama

Hey Nomad, I would agree that it doesn't really matter who is president and yes the main reason for modern day elections is to change the public perception of what is going on, the illusion of change.

I would have to disagree that lobby interests exert complete control on what happens. The lobby interests are just a part of the machinery but by no means in control, they are more like parasites feeding on a host system and without the system they would cease to exist.

The system is slavery and it uses a corrupt monetary system to power itself. If the system has allowed Obama to be the representation of this system to the people his intentions for good or evil are completely irrelevent.

The system is being collapsed and will subsequently be rebuilt, bigger and better, just as it has been doing for hundreds or thousands of years now. The system wants to rid itself of the parasites as it forever consolidates power, among other things.

Any human being that has not yet submitted to complete slavery for the benefit of the system is a parasite, sucking resources that could be used towards empowering the system further. Admit it, this is how you might look at someone living on the street, dirty, miserable and alone. A useless eater if you will.

What might be the most ironic realization is that TPTB, them, the elite, now into their 5th, 6th or 10th generation of the plan to rule the world no longer even recognize the system for what it is. Slavery, and they themselves will eventually be victims of it.

To an alien, the similarities between an army ant colony and modern civilization would be obvious. We think nothing of sacraficing a few million minions for the bigger good.

When you see an ant wandering around on its own, seemingly lost, do you ever wonder if it just said "screw this, I'm out". :D

We like to think of ourselves as free and independent but nothing is further from the truth, its in our nature to colonize and adapt best we can.

I like Obama but his presidency is meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

This is the great thing about planet earth, it tends to rid itself of parasites from time to time too!
What might be the most ironic realization is that TPTB, them, the elite, now into their 5th, 6th or 10th generation of the plan to rule the world no longer even recognize the system for what it is...

The system wants to rid itself of the parasites as it forever consolidates power, among other things...

To an alien, the similarities between an army ant colony and modern civilization would be obvious. We think nothing of sacraficing a few million minions for the bigger good...

Hi pablonite,

Your posts seem to say that you have not read much of the material on the forum and the QFG related sites. If this is true, what've you got to lose?

You may also find interesting the difference between critically sharing knowledge and preaching.
PepperFritz said:
Mmmmmm, confusing. If the guy's just a puppet who is fooling everyone with his "hope and change" agenda, why would the PTB seek to assassinate him? Doesn't make sense....

In covert gov sponsored assassinations, the reason that the person is killed is not always (or even often) because they were on to something but because they weren't and the ptb wanted people to follow the decoy.

They're pretty sneaky when it comes down to it
Perceval said:
PepperFritz said:
Mmmmmm, confusing. If the guy's just a puppet who is fooling everyone with his "hope and change" agenda, why would the PTB seek to assassinate him? Doesn't make sense....

In covert gov sponsored assassinations, the reason that the person is killed is not always (or even often) because they were on to something but because they weren't and the ptb wanted people to follow the decoy.

They're pretty sneaky when it comes down to it

An assassination by some 'neo-nazi' would seem to fall in line with the 'right-wing domestic terrorism' program being implemented and it would be following through with a counter shock to the euphoric transmarginal inhibition felt when Obama was elected.
I know that there were many people who thought that Barrack Obama would be a leader who would not accept the norm and start the process for real change in this country. His actions to this point would lead one to think otherwise. I certainly don't know if he was 'playing the people' or if he really thought that he could change the way things are done. Either way, the evidence is that he is following the same path of those before him. His latest promise to protect the masses from the Credit Card companies thieving practices has been exposed as another 'false promise'. Check out this article from Sott.

As for Obama's other follies or rather false promises, read the latest Signs article, 'Connecting the Dots'.

If I have learned anything from this, it is that the PTB are in full control and that they control everything, when it comes to politics and this world we live in! For one to think otherwise would be nothing short of wishful thinking. The only thing they can't control is one who is 100% totally objective in there thinking. Those of us who are seeking to become totally objective, are still subject to being controlled and thus must be aware of this.


gwb said:
If I have learned anything from this, it is that the PTB are in full control and that they control everything, when it comes to politics and this world we live in! For one to think otherwise would be nothing short of wishful thinking.....

Yep, it wouldn't have made sense for them to have loosened their hold this late in the game; if anything, they're holding on with a desperate death-grip and will do so right to the end....
This has already been covered in the Barack Obama thread (to where the post) has been moved - ( )
Obama - a foreign president?

A U.S. Army Reserve major from Florida scheduled to report for deployment to Afghanistan within days has had his military orders revoked after arguing he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office.

His attorney, Orly Taitz, confirmed to WND the military has rescinded his impending deployment orders.


I don't know how one could research this and find the truth out. I think it is very very odd that someone did not just prove the president was an American citizen and throw this soldier in the slammer or on a plane for the war! I mean to say even if it was true that he is not an American citizen, I would figure if you were going to pull coup such as that you would just get some falsified birth certificates or something.

I suppose a true pyschopath would just pretend you didn't say anything if you caught them lying, correct? Could that be all we are seeing here?

could every single American soldier receiving orders since Obama took office use this? might want to save this article to disc before it mysteriously disapears from the internet!
Re: a foriegn president?

I think the article definitely needs some research and sourcing. In short, I don't buy it. If anyone has the time and energy to dig into it and find out whether or not it is true, it might be quite revealing...

It's not like it wouldn't be the easiest thing in the world for the PTB to produce proof of birth anywhere they'd like - so the whole issue is yet another distraction - but the article itself needs some serious sourcing. As it is now, it doesn't pass the sniff test. osit.

kenney said:
A U.S. Army Reserve major from Florida scheduled to report for deployment to Afghanistan within days has had his military orders revoked after arguing he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office.

His attorney, Orly Taitz, confirmed to WND the military has rescinded his impending deployment orders.


I don't know how one could research this and find the truth out. I think it is very very odd that someone did not just prove the president was an American citizen and throw this soldier in the slammer or on a plane for the war! I mean to say even if it was true that he is not an American citizen, I would figure if you were going to pull coup such as that you would just get some falsified birth certificates or something.

I suppose a true pyschopath would just pretend you didn't say anything if you caught them lying, correct? Could that be all we are seeing here?

could every single American soldier receiving orders since Obama took office use this? might want to save this article to disc before it mysteriously disapears from the internet!
Re: a foriegn president?

welp just from hunting around the internet, not my strong suit, CBS and FOX have stories about this but they make no mention of his orders being rescinded. The only mention that the case the Major has made is to be heard tomorrow.

Just interesting developments to me. If my boss wants to see my SS card or birth certificate i just bring them in and show them. Is the govt. showing weakness if just shows such documents because a group of people request them?

If all these allegations are false, is it some sick sense of pride that they don't have to prove themselves to us? Or are some of the allegations true?

either way there appears to be some really corrupted logic taking place there. IMO if just one single person said,"I don't think the president is an American," someone should just produce the proof otherwise. There has been numbers of suits filed in courts all the way up to supreme court and they just throw the case out. why not just dis-prove this? i would think it would just take minutes.
Re: a foriegn president?


If you read the latter half of the Barack Obama thread, and/or do a search of the forum using the term "birth certificate", you will see that this has been discussed at length. The birth certificate HAS been produced, but those who are pushing this silly business for their own purposes do not accept it as legit.

And, of course, in the larger sense, what does any of it matter? Obama is just as much a "puppet" of those who are REALLY in control as George Bush was -- and there's no question about where he was born. It's just another side-show to distract you from the real issues.
Re: a foriegn president?

If you read the latter half of the Barack Obama thread, and/or do a search of the forum using the term "birth certificate", you will see that this has been discussed at length. The birth certificate HAS been produced, but those who are pushing this silly business for their own purposes do not accept it as legit.

ahh, ok.

And, of course, in the larger sense, what does any of it matter? Obama is just as much a "puppet" of those who are REALLY in control as George Bush was -- and there's no question about where he was born. It's just another side-show to distract you from the real issues.

this is of course true and obvious. If the birth certificate has been produced it is all a pointless side show and distraction. If it had not.. well it matters not. I will peak at the Obama thread.

thx pepperFritz
Re: a foriegn president?

A humorous take on the legitimacy of Obama's Presidency:

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