Barack Obama

Re: a foriegn president?

One more: _ :lol:

Mr. Obama won the "Nobel Peace Prize".

times said:
Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize
U.S. President Barack Obama passes by a battered United Nations flag

Philippe Naughton

Barack Obama sensationally won the Nobel Peace Prize today after just nine months in the White House in recognition of his efforts to return America to a multilateralist foreign policy.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee said it was honouring the 48-year-old President for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". It said that it had attached "special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons".

Mr Obama was elected America's first black president last December and assumed office on January 20, succeeding George W Bush. Nominations for the prize closed less than two weeks later, on February 1.

But even though he has yet to serve a full year in office, the Norwegian committee said that Mr Obama had already managed to create "a new climate in international politics".

It said in its citation: "Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations.

"Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened."

It went on: "Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.

"For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama's appeal that "Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges."

I don't for what, it really looks like the world is going insane to me.

So far some of the comments asking the same questions: "For what?"
Maybe they plan to give him prizes before they take him out? You know, like when the PTB assassinate somebody and then name a boulevard, school, plaza or ship after them? Or put up statues of them? Kind of a consolation prize.
Laura said:
Maybe they plan to give him prizes before they take him out? You know, like when the PTB assassinate somebody and then name a boulevard, school, plaza or ship after them? Or put up statues of them? Kind of a consolation prize.

If the ptb took him out would it be soley for the social chaos that ensued and the furthering of their agenda of a total crackdown? It wouldnt be personal would it, like it was with JFK? Cause as a man he seems to be a pretty useful and obediant puppet to have around.
My first reaction was : "WHAT FOR??" Then I got really angry and then I wondered: "what is the plan with this move?"
No scruples? everything done in plain sight...?
Gawan said:
I don't for what, it really looks like the world is going insane to me.

So far some of the comments asking the same questions: "For what?"

Anybody remember Superman comicbooks? Remember Bizzaro World some distant world Superman would occasionally visit; the world where up was down and black was white, etc.? I think we're there.

I think the PTB just want to assure us that Obama is really for peace. You know, really, like look he DID win the Nobel Peace Prize. So there. That PROVES it. -- Pat on the head -- go back to sleep now.
Annette1 said:
Gawan said:
I don't for what, it really looks like the world is going insane to me.

So far some of the comments asking the same questions: "For what?"
Anybody remember Superman comicbooks? Remember Bizzaro World some distant world Superman would occasionally visit; the world where up was down and black was white, etc.? I think we're there.

...Please, Superman, return me to my planet :(

But seriously, I thought these prices were only given to people who *actually* accomplished something?
The only other example I know of is Gorbachev and it signed the end of an empire, maybe this Obama price is to flag something alike?
mkrnhr said:
The only other example I know of is Gorbachev and it signed the end of an empire, maybe this Obama price is to flag something alike?


Other possibilities: an attempt to force him to live up to this award? or

Not to forget, the prize awarded also includes over one million dollars. Maybe it's payment for services rendered -- right in our faces at that. :(
Giving the price to Obama seems a statement of the ptb of the Orwellian saying: War is peace, peace is war. We are in 1984, on a BBM where war is peace.
Could it be that Obama might have some doubts about some of the decisions ''he'' makes?
And that they gave the award so that those doubts could fade away?

Don't know. Could be completely off!
Oxajil said:
Could it be that Obama might have some doubts about some of the decisions ''he'' makes?
And that they gave the award so that those doubts could fade away?

Could be. I thought Jeremy's Freudian slip just then might be right on the money:

Jeremy F Kreuz said:
Giving the price to Obama seems a statement of the ptb of the Orwellian saying: War is peace, peace is war. We are in 1984, on a BBM where war is peace.

A Nobel Prize:- "non-fiscal remuneration" at it's finest (paying someone with something other than cash). Knighthoods spring to mind as a similar example. Then again the million dollars is quite an incentive too!
One of the The Norwegian Nobel Committee member, Kaci Kullmann Five, is actual Knight of the French Foreign Legion..

And the leader, Torbjoern Jagland, have just been apointet as Secretary General of the Council of Europe. He´s a fervent proponent of the globalist agenda here in Norway.
It is interesting to note, that Hitler was nominated once...
it's not saying much, but still...
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