Beautiful Art: architecture, paintings, sculptures, etc

St. Michael's Mount, located off the coast of Marazion in Cornwall, England, is a captivating tidal island steeped in history and myth. At low tide, a causeway emerges, allowing visitors to walk to the island; at high tide, it becomes inaccessible, adding to its mystical allure. Crowned by a medieval castle and a charming village, the island is dominated by the striking silhouette of the castle, which dates back to the 12th century.

I find this painting extraordinary. Perhaps because the color ocher is one of my favorite colors. And there's that dog, so well done. His coat and the waves in it. And his eyes. His look. And then the story, because it is a story. We wonder about the young man's suffering. Is he crying? He's hurt. Is he a soldier in pain from what he has seen and done? But maybe his arm hurts and he doesn't want to show that he's in pain. And there is this extraordinary dog who is there, present, patient, who understands everything, knows everything.


Briton Riviere, 1869

My goodness, what an extra ordinary, stunning beautiful and kind of haunting painting. And the compassionate dog... their love is just... so unconditional. I absolutely love that painting.

Thank You, Loreta !!! 💞
This sumptuous ring is a piece of jewelry inspired by the 13th-century Islamic mystic poet Rumi, also known by his name: Jalal ad-Din Muhammad, who lived in Anatolia, modern-day Turkey.
Rumi was originally a dance circle where participants, usually Sufi men, wore long ritual garb and danced in a circle in a form of moving meditation.
Sufi dancers spun around ritually, symbolizing the search for union with God.
This goldsmith's jewel is the creation of Italian jeweler Alessio Boschi.

PERLOU commendable is your dedication to show us in this forum those wonderful, beautiful and inspiring works of art of all kinds from around the world that we could not otherwise enjoy, and that are a feast for the spirit because they emanate from the soul of those artists .

And to Loreta for showing us the love towards those amazing residents of the second dimension transformed into art, especially the magnificent artistic works inspired by the so-called best friends of human beings.

I include everyone who in some way has collaborated in this thread created by Pierre, who must be very happy from where he is enjoying these magnificent works.

Thank you very much to all.
Impressive urban art featuring a giant 🎻 cellist.
This is a splendid work of art that plays with the perspectives of buildings, created by artist Sfhir Ogt Lcsiete at the Perla Mural Fest in Fene, Spain.

In 2016, a modern art museum in San Francisco got totally trollied!
Two teenagers, Teejay and Galaxy, put a pair of glasses on the floor to see how visitors would react.
And it wasn't long before visitors mistook it for a work of art! 😅
People approached the pair of glasses to observe and even take photos of them, thinking they were part of the exhibition...
The event sparked lively debate and highlighted the often absurd perception of contemporary art...
So, what is art after all, since everything can be visibly interpreted as such?

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