Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

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MUST READ: The Entire Trump Investigation by Fani Willis Started after Raffenspergers Aide Jordan Fuchs Lied About Presidents Phone Call to Far-Left WaPo Then Deleted the Recording It Was Later Discovered in Her Trash Folder

In late December 2020, President Trump made a call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger asking him to look at some of the items that were uncovered by his auditor. There was plenty of evidence for a competent auditor or any man of integrity to know that the election was uncertifiable.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger’s office secretly recorded the phone call with President Trump, then lied about it to the far left Washington Post.

Raffensperger’s office later ran to the Washington Post and leaked a fraudulent transcript of the call.

After they were caught lying to the America public, The Washington Post outed Jordan Fuchs as their anonymous source for their garbage hit piece.

Fuchs provided the WaPo with a fraudulent Trump quote that the paper ran in an anti-Trump hit piece on January 9th.

They planned this to do the most damage to President Trump before the sham impeachment trial in the US Senate.

Georgia Chairman of the Republican Party David Shafer later revealed that Raffensperger and Fuchs lied to the Washington Post about Trump demanding that they “find the fraud.”

Then after they leaked their version of the story to the Washington Post they deleted the audio of the call.

The audio file was later found in the laptop’s “trash” folder.

This shows who Trump was dealing with in Georgia!

Fuchs ran Raffensperger’s campaign for Secretary of State.

According to Georgia activists, Fuchs, Raffensberger and the entire Secretary of State’s office were not helpful at all during investigations following the controversial 2020 presidential election in the state of Georgia.

In February 2021 Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis opened an investigation into President Trump’s call to Brad Raffensperger following the 2020 election that was misrepresented to the Washington Post.

Her investigation was ALL based on a lie by Fuchs and Raffensperger.

They knew the Fuchs lied. They indicted President Trump and 18 of his associates anyway.
The Gateway Pundit on a roll:

BREAKING: Newly Discovered Facebook Posts Reveal Atlanta DA Fani Willis Pushed Election Fraud Theories in 2020 Similar to Trump SO WILL SHE INDICT HERSELF?

Corrupt Atlanta District Attorney indicted President Trump on several charges involving speech crimes last week.

Willis and Democrats are gathering up Republican leaders and charging them with crimes for challenging the 2020 stolen election results.

In February 2021 Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis opened an investigation into President Trump based on his call to Brad Raffensperger following the 2020 election that was misrepresented to the Washington Post. The Washington Post later corrected their report after they discovered they were lied to. But the damage was done.

Willis’s investigation into Trump was ALL based on a lie by Fuchs and Raffensperger.

Fani Willis and her team knew that Fuchs lied. Last week they indicted President Trump and 18 of his associates anyway.

Now this…
Recently discovered Facebook posts by Fani Willis in November 2020 reveal the Atlanta District Attorney was pushing similar election fraud theories as President Trump.

Via Collin Rugg:
NEW: The ‘unbiased’ and ‘fair’ District Attorney Fani Willis had multiple Facebook posts commenting on the 2020 election results including one where she raised theories of election fraud similar to Trump.

Should she indict herself?

One post came on November 4, 2020 where Willis commented on the infamous ‘water leak.’

“Georgia could determine who is our next president. A TEAM of lawyers needs to watch them count every single VOTE. They can start in Fulton where we are having water leaks. What ballots are they throwing out? Georgia lets give an honest accounting. No stunts!”


The day before she told her followers she was “scared” that they “messed up” the election.

Days later on November 7th, Willis released multiple posts explaining how proud she was that Kamala Harris was the next vice president.

Does anyone actually believe this woman has the ability to enforce the law equally and fairly?

So will Fani Willis indict herself tonight?


Watch: The Southern Border Is Literally Wide Open (Welding the gates open!)​

"Thousands of illegal immigrants are simply walking over the border into the U.S. after the federal government decided to leave the gates wide open,"

"The report notes that “Border Patrol agents, acting on superiors’ orders, welded some 114 gates open to stop anyone from closing them"

"Brandon Judd, the president of the national Border Patrol union is enraged, stating that “Those gates should never be open,” adding “In my opinion and in the Border Patrol agent’s opinion, those gates should never come open.”

More with videos in the article below:

It just keeps getting funnier!

CNN host, reporter panic that Fulton County DA may actually have helped Trump's campaign: 'Do we really need to do this?'

In Trump's three other criminal cases — one brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D) and two by special counsel Jack Smith — Trump's mug shot was not taken. He is, after all, one of the most well-known political figures in the world and one whom the Secret Service is statutorily obligated to protect.

That Trump is one of the most recognizable people on the planet raises an important question: Is the mug shot necessary?

"Do we really need to do this, when we're talking about a former president of the United States?" Murray pondered. "We know what he looks like."

Trump, in fact, is already using his mug shot to fundraise for his campaign — and it will undoubtedly be monetarily effective.

Not long after Trump's processing at the Fulton County jail, he used his first return post to X (formally Twitter) to release his mug shot in a simple, yet highly effective campaign advertisement.

The link included in the post directed supporters to a fundraising landing page specifically designed to capitalize on his arrest. And yes, that page prominently features the mug shot.

And the mugshot memes continue - my favorite so far!

Some funny - some definitely not:

First they came for the gas stoves and I said nothing
Next they came for the fans...

Actually, they came for the incandescent light bulbs first. And for the most part, they are no more:
It’s a dark time for fans of the incandescent light bulb: Starting this month, retailers are no longer allowed to sell the old-fashioned globes, thanks to regulations implemented by the Biden administration. According to the new guidelines, “general service lamps”—a.k.a. household light bulbs—must now emit a minimum of 45 lumens per watt. Since incandescent bulbs provide only about a third of that, they’re effectively banned in the US.

Not every kind of incandescent is affected: Christmas lights, chandelier bulbs, grow lights, and other specialty bulbs are exempt. But what about compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs? Well, their days are numbered too: At the end of 2024, minimum efficiency levels for light bulbs will jump to over 120 lumens per watt. Since CFLs generate just 50 to 70 lumens per watt, they’ll be taken off the market. That leaves us with LED lights, which can be twice as expensive as incandescents but last 25 to 50 times longer. In an LED bulb, an electric current is passed through a semiconducting material (the diode) to produce light.

And of course, there are significant health issues with LED lights as per this Dr. Mercola article that appeared on Sott:
What's worse, most have replaced their incandescent light bulbs - which most closely resemble full spectrum analog natural sunlight - with energy-saving light-emitting diode (LED) lights, which have a number of detrimental biological effects.

LEDs emit a large amount of aggressive blue light that generates high amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress, and are devoid of near-infrared light that would help counteract some of that damage.

Danger No. 1: LED Lighting Deteriorates Vision
Danger No. 2: LED Light Exacerbates Chronic Disease Through Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Suppressed Energy Production
Danger No. 3: LED Light Impedes Your Sleep

Just as the excuses for banning gas stoves and ceiling fans are bunk, same applies to the light bulbs. Just like global warming/climate change BS and the entire scamdemic. Our reality is nothing but lies.
"Culture of corruption": The US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will start the procedure to impeach Joe Biden as soon as lawmakers return to Washington.

27 Aug, 2023

'Next step: Killary and her family business under probe... No Monica, don't open your mouth, not yet.'
This is the part where everybody screams YEAAAAH! FINALLY, the police have found their teeth again! YEAH, they are taking down the Blue-Meanies (Leftist) for us. And it is exhilarating to watch. But...stay tuned...?

First video very short. (1 minute long) Second (16 minutes)



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This is the part where everybody screams YEAAAAH! FINALLY, the police have found their teeth again! YEAH, they are taking down the Blue-Meanies (Leftist) for us. And it is exhilarating to watch. But...stay tuned...?

First video very short. (1 minute long) Second (16 minutes)



I hate chaos. These events are staged for one reason only, and that is to create chaos. How many of those waiting in the 10 mile line up created by these protestors do you think will say, Oh yeah, I think I will join and support this cause. None, of course. But that was not the objective. The objective was to create chaos, which when broadcast on the media will create fear and intimidation.

This is one of the major themes being played out today. Even at the highest levels of government and institutions.

Those Rangers were certainly the exception, shutting everything down. Usually there are stand down orders to let the chaos and destruction run it's course. A la George Floyd.
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