Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Vaccines

Yes, I take this much daily. I will post a website that is very informative about the benefits of vitamin c. Have not had a cold since I made it part of my daily routine. Below post is also some info on the importance of addressing inflamation first in order to maximize the benefits of taking vitamin c.

it may not be possible to consume enough vitamin C either orally or IV to stop inflammation. Ascorbate tied up fighting inflammation is not available to synthesize collagen, although it can be regenerated with glutathione and lipoic acid. Vitamin C used to make collagen is forever used up in the collagen synthesis process. ( see pages 89-93, HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER) (Dr. Linus Pauling)

Modern medicine is a numbers game designed to justify the need for prescribing drugs.
Lowering total cholesterol below 160 increases the risk of strokes.
The fact is, the people with the highest cholesterol levels live the longest.
For cholesterol-phobes, The easiest way to reduce cholesterol levels is to eliminate sugar and high fructose cornsyrup from the diet. This research is cited on pages 56-58, HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER. Fructose is a major building block for cholesterol and increases triglycerides. Sucrose, which is metabolized to glucose and fructose is also a major contributor to inflammation and immune dysfunction.

Since vitamin C alone cannot totally reduce inflammation, it is prudent to take steps to eliminate the most probable causes and take additional supplements so there is enough ascorbate left over to synthesize collagen to keep one from literally falling apart.

The primary causes of inflammation in the western diet is the over consumption of omega 6 polyunsaturated fats, too much sugar exacerbated by ascorbemia, omega 3, lysine, vitamin D3 and iodine deficincies amongst others.

Nearly 50 years of the "Oiling of America" has blasted us with the most atherogenic "food" in the diet, common corn, soy, safflower and other vegetable oils.

The supplements that yield big benefits for a small investment are ascorbic acid, cod liver oil, vitamin D, iodine, magnesium, quercetin and EGCG from green tea.

Vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage increase Phase 2 enzymes that may reduce inflammation up to 36 hours or more.

Inflammation is the mother of all degenerative diseases.
Way to go for being vigilant to body's sudden change and quickly taking the necessary percation's to the possibility's leaving nothing to chance ... ;D :clap:...............Thanks for the information and your testimonial... !
truly awesome, way to go for vitamine C! I am so far trying to keep up with 1 teaspoon of ascorbic acid 3 times a day. :thup:
Aragorn said:
So, things here in Finland are really getting hysterical, people panicking and making threats. Keep your fingers crossed... :shock:
Yes, I can confirm what you say. Media is pushing continuous swine flu propaganda in high gear. They keep showing people standing in long lines waiting to be vaccinated. (_ Hardly any real facts are printed and e.g. almost no news are told about the epidemic in Ukraine. The authorities keep repeating the claims that the vaccine is safe, tested and well known. They also proclaim that anti-vaccine information circulating in the net is dis-info or based on unfounded rumours.
great post! ;)

I think H1N1 is just a flu like every other and it should be treated as such; and I don't take vitamins jet but I drink a lot of fresh orange, grape etc juice, like I do every autumn/winter and don't think about it! :lol:

But it's good to know, and perhaps I'll take extra caution and take pills.... :/
There are 5 dead in Serbia with today case.
I cant find the official info which was on our offical statistic health web site, but for 2007/2008 was around 150 as I remember.But that was "epidemic" season , while last year we havent official epidemic of seasonal flu.

last month on local news there was quoting of Coulombier from ECDC said that "A(H1N1) killed a very small proportion of those who caught it, at about 0.2-0.3 deaths per thousand -- a lower rate than seasonal flu, which kills around one patient per thousand"
The Finns have really bought into the vaccine after all. I can only third what's been said. My sister is going to get it, as did our parents and her husband. My brother is still uncertain, even though he heard from one of his friends who was hospitalized about a person who after taking the jab had been disabled temporarily. Thankfully, he is of a questioning type if not a "believer" in conspiracy theories, so he may just come to his senses.

I could be wrong, but my parents, mom in particular seem more tired after the injection. I'll be on the lookout for anything unusual and hoping for best. Need to look into the detox programs.
Tree said:
_ I just watched this interview. She really emphasizes the objective facts regarding the H1N1 virus, where it comes from, the nature of the vaccine, and it's global political implications. I'm not sure if religious affiliation is enough to protect those in the states from mandatory vaccinations. I'm trying to share this info with anyone who might listen and pass it on.
Thank's for the excellent link! Very good, clearly structured and objective video. I didn't know that WHO has changed its official definition of pandemic in may. The old definition was a new virus, which went around quickly, for which you didn't have immunity, and which created a high morbidity and mortality rate. Now the last two have been dropped, and it is possible to have pandemic forever! In the case of a pandemic WHO can give orders that override the sovereignty of member countries.,1518,637119,00.html
In France, they're also trying to push it through alarming news; yesterday the media announced 8 deaths in 4 days and the beginning of the vaccination campaign, beginning with the "at risk" population next week. According to the latest polls though, only 22% of the French population want to take the shot. But it could change if they increase the fear-mongering propaganda to the next level.
Well it has been disconcerting to see the way the Finnish people SEEM to have been routed by the fear mongering and hysteria in the news that I see.

Or have they? I wonder if the Finnish news is revealing itself into being an effective tool of propaganda? First the news says be afraid. Then the news says, lots of people are afraid, and they focus on long lineups in some places in Finland. Certainly that is true, some people are afraid: but how many have really bought into the fear? Maybe there are not quite as many as the news says.

My personal case study: I know one Finnish woman very well, she is my wife. My jaw hit the floor when I discovered she did not wish to give permission to vaccinate the kids! You see, until now, she has detested my research into how the world really works and has usually accused me as having an "unhealthy relationship with society". She usually has a very high opinion and trust in the Finnish system.

However, something happened. She does not follow alternative media at all. However from watching the mainstream media, on her own, without my input, she smelled a rat. It was revealing when she made comments something like this: "I read a huge headline in the newspaper that said a YOUNG person died of the flu. But it was only reading the details that it was revealed the person was very unhealthy. It looks like there is fear being purposely created, with the use of such headlines."

Also from the mainstream she has noted the debate going back and forth, and she seems to have concluded that it seems very likely swine flu is merely another variation of the seasonal flu not any more or less dangerous then any other before. I think she now has a suspicion of how big money in the pharmaceutical industry might cause corruption in high places even in Finland.

Her approach? She is trying to help boost the kids immune system through homeopathy. So if they get sick, like any other flu, hopefully they can fight it off.

I remain surprised, but she seems to be preferring to trust nature instead of man, in this particular case.
Lúthien said:
In France, they're also trying to push it through alarming news; yesterday the media announced 8 deaths in 4 days and the beginning of the vaccination campaign, beginning with the "at risk" population next week. According to the latest polls though, only 22% of the French population want to take the shot. But it could change if they increase the fear-mongering propaganda to the next level.

It was quite the same rate in Quebec but after increasing the fear mongering propaganda, they tell us now that the rate is close to 80%. Is the 80% true or it is another way of manipulating the people? But one thing is certain, more people want to be vaccinated now and those who do not want are looked as weird for the moment. What will be the next step?
FWIW, my wife and daughter have been down the last week with H1N1, which they both caught from my daughter's friend who brought it over last weekend for a Hallowe'en sleepover (she didn't tell anyone she was sick because she didn't want to leave the party, but when it started to become apparent that she was really sick and was running a high fever, we had her parents pick her up -- she was formally diagnosed via test last Monday). I have somehow escaped it for the entire last week, which is really strange because in the past I have usually been the first to get sick and my wife the last, if she gets sick at all.

The only difference I can think of is that I take detox formula (which included vitamin C) religiously every day, and have been steadily modifying my diet to try to remove toxins and other things like wheat and dairy (not 100% there yet, but I am happy with my progress); I also do the breathing program, which could interact with our immune system indirectly, I guess. My family members take the detox formula sporadically, and have also changed their diets somewhat in cooperation with me, although they aren't as serious about it -- their symptoms have been relatively mild compared to other kids in my daughter's class that have been diagnosed with H1N1, and that could be why. Based on what I have seen at home, I agree that this is really just like any other flu, and it seems like the best response to it is to manage the things that go into your body and otherwise get rest and drink fluids.
Here's some info from the vitamin c foundation;

Cold/Flu Cure #1: 8 g every 20 minutes
At first sign of cold or flu, begin taking at least 8 g (8000 mg) of vitamin C as ascorbic acid every twenty minutes for 3 to 4 hours until bowel tolerance, and then smaller dosages of 2-4 g every 4-6 hours for ten days to prevent recurrence.

The 'trick' is achieving almost I.V. blood serum levels by mouth as described in the Hickey/Roberts book ASCORBATE: The Science of Vitamin C. Begin protocol at the first sign of a runny nose, tickle in the throat, etc. If not caught at the beginning, the infection can't be stopped, but you may lessen its severity and duration.
Note: Any other form of the vitamin, e.g. mineral ascorbates, will be half as effective for this purpose.
Note: Avoid sugars/simple carbs, which compete with the vitamin for cellular uptake during therapy.
Note: 8 grams equals sixteen - 500 mg pills, or eight - 1000 mg pills.

This recommended surefire dosage is 4 times Irwin Stones recommendation of 2 g every 20-30 minutes for the first two to three hours. If you have trouble with 8 g, you might try lowering to Stone's dosage for the common cold.
If you place your faith in "medical science" (or those who cloak themselves in that term when they insist that vitamin C has no benefit against the common cold) you may be surpised just how easy it is to halt a viral infection at the onset.

Cold/Flu Cure #2: 3.1 g as nasal drops or spray
If you have a low bowel tolerance or stomach distress from oral vitamin C, you may experience great benefit from the nasal spray approach.
At the onset of a cold, mix 3.1 grams (3100 mg or about 1 teaspoon sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid crystals) in 100 milliliters (ml) water or saline ( just enough to dissolve all the vitamin.)
dropper: Use dropper and place 20 drops in each nostril, or

nasal spray: place solution in clean, sterile nasal spray device and apply several fine sprays of the ascorbate solution in each nostril.

ascorbate soaked cotton balls: See this post in our forum for this alternate nasal approach for chronic sinusitis.
Repeat often, perhaps every 15 to 30 minutes for several hours, and then once per hour for 24 hours after all symptoms are gone (to prevent recurrences.) Take Irwin Stone's 2 g dose orally.

The idea behind this technique comes from page 19 of Linus Pauling's book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER (1986 paperback).
"Braenden (1973) reports that administering vitamin C directly into the nasal passage increases the ascorbate concentration in the sinuses to 1000 times that which can be achieved orally. From this we surmise that, 3.1 g (3100 mg) times 1000 might mean that the spray or drops nasally is equivalent to 3 Million milligrams or "units" of Vitamin C orally!
In my area in British Columbia, I know a number of people who have been getting the flu. Everyone tells me that it is no worse than any other flu. A few days and it is finished. The worst part seems to be the pain and discomfort from coughing.
Galahad said:
In my area in British Columbia, I know a number of people who have been getting the flu. Everyone tells me that it is no worse than any other flu. A few days and it is finished. The worst part seems to be the pain and discomfort from coughing.

I second that, based on my family's experience -- symptoms aren't that bad, but the cough creates a sore throat after awhile. They have taken about a week to recover.
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