Bonjour et Bienvenue !

Pippi said:
Thanks for suggesting. I've tried my usual Forum names, they didn't work, and used the search function, but nothing comes up. So, either I never actually wrote anything, or I used an unusual name that I've forgotten in the meantime. Would it be a problem if I only made a few posts at that time?

It's not allowed to have 2 accounts on this forum, so as to avoid any confusion. Do you remember registering on THIS forum?
Maybe it was an older version of the forum, since 4-5 years ago, this forum didn't exist. Actually, it started in January 2006.
Welcome Pippi and Brakk!

Thank you for offering your help with the language barrier. It is greatly appreciated.

By the way, after you've become familiarized with the forum, if you ever are interested in doing translations with us, you are welcome to read this thread.
It's not allowed to have 2 accounts on this forum, so as to avoid any confusion. Do you remember registering on THIS forum?
Maybe it was an older version of the forum, since 4-5 years ago, this forum didn't exist. Actually, it started in January 2006.

You're right, it was probably the old forum, because it was at least 4 years ago. Since then, I've been reading and following this forum so much I had actually forgotten the old one!
Just to be sure, do you have any means to check that I'm not registered twice? I've assumed I didn't double register, as my usual nics don't work, and I don't have any details in my mailbox from a previous registration either. But if I am, I don't want to create a whole mess, and prefer to get that sorted asap. How should I go about?

Thanks for alerting me to this.
Pippi said:
It's not allowed to have 2 accounts on this forum, so as to avoid any confusion. Do you remember registering on THIS forum?
Maybe it was an older version of the forum, since 4-5 years ago, this forum didn't exist. Actually, it started in January 2006.

You're right, it was probably the old forum, because it was at least 4 years ago. Since then, I've been reading and following this forum so much I had actually forgotten the old one!
Just to be sure, do you have any means to check that I'm not registered twice? I've assumed I didn't double register, as my usual nics don't work, and I don't have any details in my mailbox from a previous registration either. But if I am, I don't want to create a whole mess, and prefer to get that sorted asap. How should I go about?

Thanks for alerting me to this.

I think that your old account has been deleted. I have checked some data on your actual account and i did not find anything in double.
bonjour a toutes et a tous,
Je suis francais et j apprends l anglais mais mon cerveau ne suis pas mon envie^^, c est pourquoi je suis assez frustré de ne pas pouvoir communuiquer efficacement avec vous .Cela etant je suis tres interessé par tout les articles et toutes les informations presentes sur ce forum .Merci de continuer a debattre et informer les personnes qui comme moi se posent beaucoup de questions sur le monde .Promis je vais faire de mon mieux pour poster en anglais
Hello nemesispremier, as you may already know the communication language is English (you might read from tthe beginning of this thread). Welcome to the forum.
nemesispremier said:
bonjour a toutes et a tous,
Je suis francais et j apprends l anglais mais mon cerveau ne suis pas mon envie^^, c est pourquoi je suis assez frustré de ne pas pouvoir communuiquer efficacement avec vous .Cela etant je suis tres interessé par tout les articles et toutes les informations presentes sur ce forum .Merci de continuer a debattre et informer les personnes qui comme moi se posent beaucoup de questions sur le monde .Promis je vais faire de mon mieux pour poster en anglais

Bonjour nemesispremier,

Bienvenue sur le forum.

Je t'invite à poster un petit message d'introduction dans la section réservée à cela. Tu peux nous dire comment tu as trouvé le site, si tu as lu l'onde, si tu connais Gurdjieff...

Merci de l'effort que tu feras pour communiquer avec tout le groupe en anglais. :thup:


Hi nemesispremier,

Welcome to this forum.

i encourage you to post an intro in the appropriated section of the forum. Just tell us how you found us, if you have read the wave, if you know Gurdjieff...

Thanks for making the effort to communicate in english for the next time.
Bonjour à tous
celà va faire 2 ans que je suis Laurat, d'abord grace à ma mère, amrita et deuxièmement et surtout par Ark et ces travaux.Je ne peux écrire en anglais :cry: :cry: je le comprends dans des contextes scientifiques et je le lis :D
J'espère tout de meme pouvoir y participer. :cool2:

à bientot
susy7 said:
Bonjour à tous
celà va faire 2 ans que je suis Laurat, d'abord grace à ma mère, amrita et deuxièmement et surtout par Ark et ces travaux.Je ne peux écrire en anglais :cry: :cry: je le comprends dans des contextes scientifiques et je le lis :D
J'espère tout de meme pouvoir y participer. :cool2:

à bientot

Greeting Susy

If you can't write in English, make as me: use the online automatic translator "PROMT".
You write in French and hushed up ask for translation in English!

It is what I make because otherwise I would pass my life to write an a bit constructed message.

And oh well if it isn't perfect!

Welcome to you anyway.
in fact it for health issues, it's panic attack that I have, what intrigues me is that they appeared when I intended to make decisions on myself, and I wanted whether they are caused by attacks or other.
The second relates to quantum gravity and quantum cosmology, is it a good approach?
Well, thank you
Bonjour à tous et à toutes,
A mon avis, la langue n'est pas vraiment une barrière quand on essaie de comprendre et apprendre sincèrement. Ceci étant, sans l'aide des autres, on ne peut pas effectivement progresser.Chaque langue a en effet sa propre importance historique (onde acoustique? Vibration adn? Mémoire?) . Merci aux traducteurs et traductrices.
Bonjour je ne sais pas si je suis au bon endroit, mais je voulais juste offrir mes services pour traduire des articles de l'anglais vers le français. Si ça vous intéresse.
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