Buffers, Programs and "the Predator's Mind"

Re: Emotions and self-observation

EmeraldHope said:
Thanks Nienna,
I was going to increase the whole program to 3 times a week and the meditation and three stage/warrior's breath to everyday. I will hold back to 2 times a week on the whole program if you think 3 is too much. So far the bioenergetic breathing hasn't been a problem for me really ( nothing overwhleming I mean, I do get some releases) so I didn't think increasing it to 3 would be bad. But I certainly do not want to overwhelm myself, so I will keep it to 2.

As we keep saying, everyone is an individual and everything affects everyone differently. There is no reason for you not to try the whole program 3 times a week if that's what you would like to do. We just like everyone to be aware of what we have found. It really is up to you and how you are doing. :)

It took me quite a while before the repressed emotions started to flow, and when they did, they really did. So be aware that this CAN happen. And if it does, just cut back on the bio-energetic breathing until things come under control, and continue with the rest.
Re: Emotions and self-observation

Another thing to remember, even it it doesn’t seem like things are being processed -- that is, we don’t have major outbursts of tears or other emotions -- regular EE will be working subconsciously... but it needs to be practiced regularly.

Our bodies know how much and what we can take. Some stuff can get worked on without our before aware of it. Other stuff will come to the surface. But even if we aren’t getting any visible signs, as long as we are doing the program, it is working.
Re: Emotions and self-observation

Maybe worth pointing out that emotions don't always stream out in some deluge of tears , shaking etc, they can work out in dreams or go gently as 'off days' over time.
I did Lowen based bio-energetics with a practitioner who also did a Wilhelm Reichien therapy based postural integration program and she was in fits of laughter at my self diagnosed 'lack of progress' due to not having a catharsis. My disappearing tensions were telling her a story of progress. My idiot mind had ideas that progress had to be the way I expected it.

edited for grammar
Re: Emotions and self-observation

What I noticed that doing the full program actually help me to ground unbalanced or otherwise chaotic emotions. It acts as a release and allows me to assess the situation in a more calm and perhaps more objective manner. I still do it no more than twice a week (but pipe breathing and meditation every day), but if sometimes it is delayed a bit, I can definitely feel the difference in the emotional state.
[quote author=Laura]
Projective Identification: this is an unconscious tendency to both induce in another what is being projected, AND to attempt to control the other person who is perceived as manifesting those characteristics that the split person is projecting.

That is, a person who cannot tolerate their own feelings of rage and aggression will unconsciously provoke and frustrate their target in subtle and not-so-subtle ways that will lead the target to actually FEEL the emotions that the split person is denying in themselves.

In this way, the split person can have the satisfaction of the expression of such emotions in a non-threatening way because it "doesn't belong to them," and they are, in a sense, "in control" of the manifestation.

In Social Intelligence, Daniel Goleman talks about the neural mechanisms that cause what he calls "instant primal empathy". This instant primal empathy is a function of "low road circuits" in the brain and happens automatically without the intervention of conscious thought. Mirror neurons are said to be involved in this process of "emotional contagion". So when a person is projecting his emotions on another, the other person is "catching these emotions" at a level which is usually beyond conscious thought. This primal empathy happens much faster than conscious thought ( akin to the speed differential between the emotional and intellectual centers). Further,
[quote author=Social Intelligence]
Darwin saw every emotion as a predisposition to act in a unique way: fear, to freeze or flee; anger, to fight; joy, to embrace; and so on. Brain imaging studies now show that at the neural level he was right. To feel any emotion stirs the related urge to act.
The low road makes that feeling-action link interpersonal. For instance, when we see someone expressing fear - even if only in the way they move or hold their body - our own brain activates the circuitry for fear. Along with this instantaneous contagion, the brain areas that prepare for fearful actions also activate. And so with each emotion - anger, joy, sadness and so on. Emotional contagion does more than than merely spread feelings - it automatically prepares the brain for appropriate action.
Nature's rule of thumb holds that a biological system should use the minimal amount of energy. Here the brain achieves that efficiency by firing the same neurons while both perceiving and performing an action. That economizing repeats across brains.
Conscious processing involving the prefrontal cortex circuits (the "high road") is a way to override the low road circuits and unwanted "emotional contagion".
However, there also seems to be a possibility to train "low road" functions - like Paul Ekman's study of microexpressions of the face to detect fleeting emotions which are being suppressed by a person.
[quote author=Social Intelligence]
The facial muscles are controlled by the low road, the choice to lie by the high road; in an emotional lie, the face belies what's said. The high road conceals, the low road reveals.
In Ekman's method, people are first shown some photographs of people's faces frozen in a neutral look. Then for a fleeting moment, an emotional expression flashes by. When asked to identify which expression was seen, most people get about 40-50% correct. But then after practice sessions of studying the expressions in freeze frame and analyzing the microexpressions, when a post test is taken, most people get 80-90% correct. And this is after about 30 minutes or so of training according to Goleman and Ekman.
Feedback provided through such training helps the low road learn. Such feedback is not forthcoming in real life situations and so the low road ability to detect emotional lie remains untrained. Reminds me of the Gurdjieff statement about the emotional center or the "horse" being untrained and the "horse" (the low road) not understanding the language of the driver (high road - cognitive functions).
:) Yesterday night I was faithing my predators mind.
I woke up in the night with this filling that my wife have a relationship with
a new student. My heart started to beating faster and I had to open my eyes.
This was not a dream it was thinking about past 24 hours in a sleep like state.
Than it was difficult to calm down, but after a while I talked to the "predator mind"
that he will never feed on me again, and i become quieter and felt asleep.
In the past i had already all phases of my paranoia. This had basically to do
with my peak experiences 10 years ago. I came home earlier then usually and I found
them in our bedroom. I had almost heart attack. This experience was causing
problems between us in many times. But I had to learn my lesson, so I decided
to go forward and face my problems.
Does the predator suggest things are not true or well, you began to assum, but that do not felt bad, like tonosama's post??? I mean something good, like faith, or something like that??? Like some intuition even knowing you go against all odds???
Recently, for a few days I feel I got emotionally hooked in a way and I never expected it to knock me so much. It's about one girl. I was always good with her and she is nice person but there was some distance thee because she has some programs like religion, etc... and she had a boyfriend that she left recently. And what a "coincidence", couple a days ago I was invited to her apartment with other friends from college. I have one friend with which I'm ok because he is open to those things and listens what I have to say , and he agrees with many things when we talk about today's position of a men and society. After few drinks people start talking about everything, I didn't drink for long time and I drank few glasses of vine so it hit me a bit. So, then the truth talking began. I noticed from her talking under the influence of "truth serum" that she felt something for me, ok, I also felt and asked some private questions I shouldn't have. She said that sometimes I'm ok but that at other times there is a like a wall between us. When I'm ok that is when false personality acts sometimes, like it was that evening because of alcohol, when there is a wall that is when I try to be conscious, true to myself and keep distance, but maybe sometimes I get to ahead with it so I maybe look cold. My friend said that I made his evening better and that I should hang out more with them on occasions like that but I'm not so sure because then the ego gets me sometimes and I sometimes talk about things when I should stay silent. I said to him that being isolated in this society is required if you want to stay mentally healthy, and he laughed because he find some truth in that. But now, I think I shouldn't get myself involved in that because I have my work to do, and I know that I should keep my distance. It would be kind of rude to drop it all that nothing happened so maybe it would be good thing to hold a mask but under it hold a distance. Day after that I felt angry on myself because of what I did and being so stupid because I knew I had better things to do then get involved in this way, but sometimes I feel lonely and emotions get me. I was thinking about it a lot so it got me somewhat distracted like matrix doing it best, and it was struggle with thoughts and pressure in my head. In the end I decided to write about it and share it because it makes it somewhat easier to share it with someone who can understand because it really hurts sometimes when you have to beat some of your emotions, but I'm not telling that I got out of that situation yet.
Who says you have to be alone to do the work. IMHO in a relationship this is where the work can be accelerated you will see your programs/insecurities come out and it takes a lot of inner strength to keep quite and not let it get the best of you. Personally a relationship has accelerated the work for me. There were many times when I felt like saying something or that I felt that I was being disrespected but it was my ego, my insecurities that felt that way. Now I am glad I kept quite at those moments and excited to continue the work.

It is tough today being young and also being able to relate to the work - you are around so many people that have surface relationships and do what they want based on likes and dislikes. When I go to a party or sit at a table with other people I laugh to myself because of some of the things that are said in the conversation - no debt and sometimes inappropriate IMO it is great work to keep silent and just listen if asked then answer otherwise I try my best to hear and this is where my sense of humor buffers come out if there is a conversation that is inappropriate or makes me uncomfortable (Talking about sex or past relationships among people who don't know each other very well) I will either joke or keep quite - trying more and more just to keep quite - or Stalking as Michael Topper talks about
Menna said:
Who says you have to be alone to do the work. IMHO in a relationship this is where the work can be accelerated you will see your programs/insecurities come out and it takes a lot of inner strength to keep quite and not let it get the best of you. Personally a relationship has accelerated the work for me. There were many times when I felt like saying something or that I felt that I was being disrespected but it was my ego, my insecurities that felt that way. Now I am glad I kept quite at those moments and excited to continue the work.

IMO yes and no. Cause first a partner would be needed and this is where the problem comes in. That means I wouldn't look for a partner just to continue the work it would be rather not external considerate doing it that way. But I agree, that being in a relationship can help in seeing lots of programs. And it could be as well a distraction/vector, when thinking about a "love bite". :)

dannybananny said:
and she had a boyfriend that she left recently. And what a "coincidence", couple a days ago I was invited to her apartment with other friends from college.

Sounds to me that she was looking for some food.

danny said:
I have one friend with which I'm ok because he is open to those things and listens what I have to say , and he agrees with many things when we talk about today's position of a men and society. After few drinks people start talking about everything, I didn't drink for long time and I drank few glasses of vine so it hit me a bit.

Alcohol messes up your brain chemistry and gets you more hormone trigger happy.

danny said:
Day after that I felt angry on myself because of what I did and being so stupid because I knew I had better things to do then get involved in this way, but sometimes I feel lonely and emotions get me. I was thinking about it a lot so it got me somewhat distracted like matrix doing it best, and it was struggle with thoughts and pressure in my head. In the end I decided to write about it and share it because it makes it somewhat easier to share it with someone who can understand because it really hurts sometimes when you have to beat some of your emotions, but I'm not telling that I got out of that situation yet.

Try to take it as a chance to learn something about yourself. Being lonely, so it often happened to me, has sometimes the tendency looking out for food and is sometimes a drive to get involved too closely.

Eventually have a look in this topic too: Why are you single?
Alcohol messes up your brain chemistry and gets you more hormone trigger happy.

Yes, I know.

Try to take it as a chance to learn something about yourself. Being lonely, so it often happened to me, has sometimes the tendency looking out for food and is sometimes a drive to get involved too closely.

Eventually have a look in this topic too: Why are you single?

I don't have that much that tendency to look for food but this time I admit it was behind it, and I see how forgetful I become. I did it in the past but I totally quit and now I see I have to act more seriously. I did read some of that topic but will take a second look. It isn't that I don't know myself, it's the acting and alarming part that needs to be taken more seriously.

And it could be as well a distraction/vector, when thinking about a "love bite". Smiley

I think so.

Who says you have to be alone to do the work. IMHO in a relationship this is where the work can be accelerated you will see your programs/insecurities come out and it takes a lot of inner strength to keep quite and not let it get the best of you. Personally a relationship has accelerated the work for me. There were many times when I felt like saying something or that I felt that I was being disrespected but it was my ego, my insecurities that felt that way. Now I am glad I kept quite at those moments and excited to continue the work.

You don't, and it takes discipline over your ego to stay quiet like you said, but you could get emotionally involved, attacked and distracted very easily in this way, and why to connect with someone when you can't share yourself in that way, it seems a little bit selfish that way. It looks then like you are using that person to do the work only like Legolas said, or it's only about experience.

It is tough today being young and also being able to relate to the work - you are around so many people that have surface relationships and do what they want based on likes and dislikes.

I agree that it's really tricky.
Logolas - Just a quick reply as I am running out the door and this might be a program, me having to defend myself but anyways - In no way shape or form did I mean you should get into a relationship just to work on yourself, that would be selfish and IMHO that would be very disrespectful to the other person. All I am saying is that since I have been in a relationship I have found out that it provides great opportunity to work on ones self.
Menna said:
Logolas - Just a quick reply as I am running out the door and this might be a program, me having to defend myself but anyways - In no way shape or form did I mean you should get into a relationship just to work on yourself, that would be selfish and IMHO that would be very disrespectful to the other person. All I am saying is that since I have been in a relationship I have found out that it provides great opportunity to work on ones self.

Thanks for clarifying Menna.
Danny - "You don't, and it takes discipline over your ego to stay quiet like you said, but you could get emotionally involved, attacked and distracted very easily in this way, and why to connect with someone when you can't share yourself in that way, it seems a little bit selfish that way. It looks then like you are using that person to do the work only like Legolas said, or it's only about experience."

I wouldn't want to share my ego with someone in any relationship and yes you will get emotionally involved and yes that makes you more vulnerable for attack or distraction this just adds another element to the work. Realizing things about yourself in a relationship is not selfish. You learn new things about yourself everyday from interaction with all types of people is it selfish to take what you have learned from a conversation with the mailman? If you are on the learning curve were you know about the work and can work on yourself everyday you will have opportunities to grow - life with give you these oportunitities. Its not selfish to take what’s given to you IMO
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