Cancer: causes and cures

Re: Cancer is really a Fungus

I got the info from the mailing list, which is called "Medical News Commentaries".

They are also called International Medical Veritas and I believe they have changed their URL at least once. They used to be Magnesium for Life (?) and I've seen as their URL, but also _ (or something with "imva"). Anyhow, there must be a subscription link somewhere in their page, maybe they do publish more stuff in the mailing list than they do in the website.
Re: Cancer is really a Fungus

Hi goatz, do you have any data to support what you have just said? In order for this forum to function as a network that helps everyone learn, everything that is said needs to be supported by data, otherwise it becomes noise and opinion, which is not conducive to gaining objective knowledge and understanding of our reality. Please see the Opinions thread for a discussion about the nature of opinions.
Re: Cancer is really a Fungus

Hi Goatz,

goatz said:
Most info is supressed, read alternative cancer treatment boards. Apricot kernels contain b-17 which was banned with immense lobbying by pharm. industry in early 80's. Essiac stems from nurse caisse, she found it was used by native americans in canada for almost 200 years. German alchemist I know cured his cancer with apricot meat digested with apricot kernels, he never used standardized medicine.

Do you expect people to believe this at face value?
You provide no data, no link, to back up your statements.
I, too, can register on a forum and come up with a recipe for cancer, claiming goat pooh rolled in vine leaf has been used in China since 300 years and that I have an "alchemist" friend who has cured it that way. And you have to believe me without proof, because faith is what matters.
Do you see the problem with that kind of assertion?

Always asking for proof without faith. Is like asking if the soul exists, it is all relevant to your mental perception.

For now we can't "prove" the existence of the soul though we can be open to this hypothesis. But we can study such concrete things as cancer, cures and remedies. It's totally different.

On this forum we try to reach objective truth, through discussion of facts and data. Posting a so-called remedy for cancer without providing data is considered noise and brings nothing to the discussion, especially considering the seriousness of the topic. I'm not saying your "cure" is wrong or a fraud, I don't know anything about it; and as it's you who brought it up, it's your job to provide the data, which are crucial to discussion and networking. You can't expect people here to believe you when you don't offer any fact or elements to support what you say.
I suggest you read the Forum guidelines to learn about our approach.
Re: Cancer is really a Fungus

Really? Goat poo wrapped in leaves? :scared:
Must be really tasty - yum, yum but not
much flavor though. :lol:

Love the analogy!
Re: Cancer is really a Fungus

goatz said:
Thinking in the terms of proof as you put, this is a government influenced modernistic way of thinking.
I didn't ask for absolute proof, but data, any data that supports what you write, is better than none. This helps others make an informed decision. There is a million claims about what "cures cancer" or what does this or that, most of which are simply assumptions and suppositions and have no basis in reality. And by not including data that someone with cancer can use to assess your claim and differentiate it from a million other unsupported claims out there, you are doing a disservice for all those who are sick. Nobody has the time or ability to try every idea that someone posts on a forum, and finding the truth out of a pile of unsupported ideas is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is not externally considerate to demand that others hunt all over the internet for any evidence of what you say, while you put no effort into presenting where you got your information. Expecting people to accept things on blind faith is not helping anybody filter out the truth from the sea of lies that exists in this world. And no, taking things on faith really has nothing to do with spirituality, and has everything to do with why people have so many false beliefs, illusions, and assumptions, which makes them so easy to control.
Re: Cancer is really a Fungus

Goatz, just posting links to assorted sites is not considerate. We all don't have the time or the bandwidth to search through each site and find whatever evidence you think they contain. It would be helpful if you took whatever data is on each one and provided us with them here, so as to be able to better analyze what they are. So far, your posting record here indicates not only that you do not understand what this forum is about, but that you also do not seem to consider what others here have done to try and get you to understand what this forum is about. I would suggest a careful analysis of why you joined here and whether or not this forum is what you were looking for when you joined.
Re: Cancer is really a Fungus

Sorry didn't mean to step on anyone's toes. Will be more careful and considerate with future posts.
Re: Cancer is really a Fungus

Goatz, you don't seem to understand that going back and deleting everything you wrote is also being inconsiderate. How do you suppose someone who reads this thread will understand the responses to you without having your posts to read? What is your reasoning for doing that? Did you think about anyone else but your own self-image on the forum when doing that?
Re: Cancer is really a Fungus

I didn't want anyone to think I was misleading them so I took them off. As far as self image is concerned it does not really matter to me. It seemed clear that it was preferred that I provide an adequate amount of proof, and since I do not have the amount of time it takes to compile the data I have learned over the years I decided to take the info off. I said I was sorry and will try to be more considerate and careful with future post. So again I apologize.
Re: Cancer is really a Fungus

goatz said:
I didn't want anyone to think I was misleading them so I took them off. As far as self image is concerned it does not really matter to me. It seemed clear that it was preferred that I provide an adequate amount of proof, and since I do not have the amount of time it takes to compile the data I have learned over the years I decided to take the info off. I said I was sorry and will try to be more considerate and careful with future post. So again I apologize.

Hi Goatz, you do not seem to understand the problem with your removal of your posts. It is not about you 'misleading' people. What you wrote was a part of a discussion. Right or wrong, it was in context and that context made the entire discussion possible. To remove all of your input because you were no longer comfortable with the discussion is paying absolutely no attention to the needs of anyone other than yourself.

It is rude. It makes the discussion impossible to follow for those who come behind you and it indicates that you are incapable of graciously handling a challenge to the information you have provided. No one asked you for 'proof'. You were asked for data to back up your statements, as this is a research forum, not a chat room.

Please respond to let us know that you understand this distinction.
Re: Cancer is really a Fungus

Ever since this this most interesting thread started I started using sodium bicarbonate on a regular basis. This seems to be the best way to check the accuracy of the claim. It has done me no wrong, on the opposite. I don't know if cancer is a fungus and I have no qualification to get into the debat unless remotely, but that is in any cases a good questionning. I hope there will be more datas to back this most interesting 'theory'.
Re: Cancer is really a Fungus

Yes!!! VERY interesting thread!!!

I Have known for a while that I have relapsed with candida (denial, then stubbornness). Once one has had a severe, systemic case, they are then prone to relapse. (who, ME?!)

I have read through this information with great interest, and realized that when I started using a toothpaste with baking-soda in it, I stopped waking up with a white tongue and a substantial film in my mouth.

So ... I went and picked up some baking soda and some empty capsules, cuz I am a whole lot better at dunking down a pill with plenty of water, than I am with trying to force myself to drink something I don't like (and will thus be less consistent about taking). But I remembered a product that I had gotten a sample of and dug it out my my drawer. It's called, pH-Balance, by Enzymedica. It has Potassium Bicarbonate, Sodium Bicarbonate & Magnesium citrate plus a number of proteolytic enzymes that function at different pH levels.

I thought that might be a good place to start. So I did. WOW! I took 2 on an empty stomach with plenty of water, right before bed, and one when I woke up. Well, all I can say is, LOOK OUT! If you DO have any kind of fungus ... the die-off is MOST uncomfortable. Very crampy (which is familiar). So, that being said, to all those who intend to try the sodium bicarbonate, take it slow! Start off small and gradually increase the dose. When I finish this bottle, I will switch off to straight Sodium Bicarbonate and make sure that I am keeping the minerals balanced by eating avacados and or taking a calcium, magnesium, potassium supplement. Though a part of me thinks that it would be unlikely to throw the electrolite balance out of whack if the body is actually using up the Sodium Bicarbonate for the process of killing off Candida.

I am also on day 5 getting off of caffein. (very acidifying) As a true java junkie, I was drinking WAY too much of the stuff, so I switched off to decaff (which still has a small amount of caf in it) and on day 4 the headaches had mostly faded away. In a couple of weeks I will switch from decaf to yerba mate and then to red and herbal teas only. (cuppa decaf now and then.)

Will keep you all posted as I go along. Wish I could take the stuff in an IV drip, but I"m not sure how to go about doing that. Hmmmmm.

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