Thaigrr said:
Maybe there is a distinction to be made between wants and needs.
Some "wants" may be STS distractions whereas "needs" can be more in sync with STO?
I don't know if wanting to create something of beauty is STS. I guess anything that one can want is STS in a way. Even saving the world when one sees the horror I guess in a way is STS as it comes from feeling terrible due to watching the horror and wanting to feel good instead of terrible? I'm not stating anything, as I'm really not sure what the truth about it is, but I think the subject is very interesting, and that it is interesting to explore.
Psalehesost said:
I've lost motivation to do "all the things" I might be interested in. Even if possible, for the most part it would be empty - nothing but a complicated form of entertainment and self-aggrandizement. There's the learning that contributes to understanding reality - and things learned in all kinds of areas can contribute to that - but beyond a certain point, exploration (of one or more areas) that remains stuck at the same fundamental "level" becomes stale and just a thing of detail, empty and dissociative.
After exploring all the general aspects of human life, in terms of learning, an overly long life on Earth would offer only that: empty exploration of detail.
I felt like that for a long time.
And while I felt like that I started to work on getting better at drawing, and got good enough to see how far I was from being able to create something really good, and that is why I started to need more time.
I think for me wanting to create something of beauty to counteract the ugliness is my personal resistance movement in a way.
I often think of a line from the prison letter V got in the movie, and later gives to Eve, "for 2 years I had roses" And I want to create "roses"
I know that the end is ugly (even without psychopaths, and disasters one just gets old, suffer from pains as the body gives up, suffer loss as loved one dies, and then one dies), and I want to be able to say I had roses when I die (even if it's just one little rose) And I want to leave a small mark of beauty in the ugliness, and it takes time to get good enough to actually make something really beautiful (unless one is a rose)
On "TheWallWillFall" facebook Palestine front page I saw this:
Old man: You paint the wall, you make it look beautiful. Banksy: Thanks. Old man: We don’t want it to be beautiful, we hate this wall, go home.
And I understand.
But even though human life feels like a big open air prison, I wouldn't apply this to everything.
I think that if I don't try to make life worthwhile, and if I just see the ugliness of 3D existence, while I wait to have evolved to be able to go somewhere else. If I don't participate in creating something of beauty (this can also be dancing and smiling with other people) and if I just look at smiling and dancing or painting etc. as empty exploration of detail, then the road leads to nothingness in my view. No creation, no smiles, no dancing, no warmth...just cold intellect.
Without those things, I don't really know why it would be important to save the world. I mean if the best thing one can do is to suffer terribly, so that one understands that one has to get out of this world, and stop doing anything that isn't gathering information on the escape route, then I guess things are perfect as they are, as the state of the world will make most sane people suffer terribly and want to get out.
When I hear someone say "Bring the comets!" I understand (and I have said those words myself when at times the politicians do something extra ridiculously evil and stupid)
But whenever I hear it (or have said it) I think that I don't really mean it, or want it, as I wouldn't want to kill off billions of people just because I think life sucks..(then I would prefer just to kill myself)
I generally think there is more suffering than goodness, both in the world and in my personal life so far. But at the same time I think that goodness is such a fine and precious thing, that it makes life worthwhile, even if there is more ugliness, and even if the end is ugly. Even if the goodness is just a little weed breaking through the concrete of a gray psychopathic world, I will applaud it, and support it by feeling a little good about it....