Cassiopaea Forum Reading Workshops - Public

(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 30 66.7%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 15 33.3%

  • Total voters
Hi everyone,

Below are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group workshop for The Master and his Emissary by Iain McGilchrist.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slideshow

**New link for this slideshow

We will finish the rest of Chapter 5: The Primacy of the Right Hemisphere for our next meeting this Saturday at 7 pm Sydney time (+10 GMT). See you all then!

Below are the links for the threads we looked at during our discussion:

~ Paradise Lost Book XII (Extract) by John Milton ~



The art of tailored clothing

Edit: Updated link for Paradise Lost excerpt read by McGilcgrist.
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Hey y'all,

The Am-EU group continues with Chapter 3b of Dr. Andrew's Łobaczewski's Logocracy: A Concept of the State System (translation by Harrison).

Start: "At the core of a very modern social system should be the acceptance of the most general religious truth, something already accessible to mature cognitive induction."

End: "On this road, the optimal creativity of society in every field should be achieved."

Logocracy - Chapter 3b: Man, Society, State

A core belief of the new social system would be a realization of the most general religious truth, as this will help answer social and political questions, and guide individuals towards mutual cooperation and understanding with one another. Ingraining this religious truth within the logocratic constitution will help to prevent an entropic ruler from dismantling the power of the church. This is a defensive aspect, as acceptance of this truth would be at its core, and the religious ideas emanating from it would be propagated downstream and reinforced by its institutions. The universality of this core also provides the means to fluidly adapt to countries of different religions.

logos5x5 brings attention to Harrison's footnote regarding Christopher Langan's idea of a metareligion (see the extras section below). One inherent property is syncretism, which aims to unify "internally consistent religions in a well-structured metareligion, i.e., a theological relationship among religions which provides their valid truth claims with logical support.” In a multicultural approach, it would be good to find common ground between different religions and to lessen the tribe mentality, which bars people from truly uniting.

This cooperative, and entwined effort between church and state entails foregoing our current traditional legal schemes, as they'd be a detrimental regulator between the two and open a gap in the armor, so to speak.

The new system will be at its base, one that deeply understands the multi-faceted aspects of men and women—their physical needs, instinctive substrates, emotionality, intellectual abilities, and their quest for spiritual knowledge. While this applies to people who are "qualitatively mentally normal", there are individuals that aren't, which can be as high as 10% in a given society. Those with obvious mental illness create less social problems than those that are masked, as they fly under the radar among their peers. Many of the latter display a "characteristic overactivity" that can bleed into social life (and politics!), causing havoc.

Repressing those with mental aberrations causes them to live a life of strife and pushes them to be in conflict with society, which will only exacerbate the issue at hand. This repression will naturally lead them to dream of a "just" social system where they can be at the top and "win" the respect of others (see revolutionary types and psychopaths). This cause and effect is not well understood and continues to threaten the world.

Those who are unwary of the true natures of psychopaths are more susceptible to their "charms". They hide behind charm and intellect as masks to their insanity—appearing normal to his or her peers, yet bearing hidden fangs within.

logos5x5 adds that the psychopaths in our current system have so much power and are so ingrained, that it'd be hard to create a new system as is right now. The current one would have to collapse first before we are given a chance to create a good system. Bluefyre asks: "Is the idea of gathering knowledge in this critical period to prepare for this eventual collapse?". logos5x5 answers that we have and continue to be given the tools and knowledge to save others. With an anti-fragile mindset given by hard Work, we have the responsibility to read objective reality right and left, and help those who are open.

Normal folk form the large majority of societies, and psychological studies show that a normal individual's personality is the richest mentally. It's in their nature to shape social relations, and are the main drivers of natural law and morality. "Therefore, the principle of the proposed system will be that the power on which the fate of other people depends should always rest in the hands of normal people."

To create a new social system with inherent protection from the genesis of evil at all social scales, individuals must have deep knowledge on a wide variety of mental anomalies that can plague the human mind and be able to treat them with an understanding level of care—the only price they pay is relinquishing their dreams of power and to not hold high offices in the new system. To truly know another is to love another. And we have the knowledge at our fingertips—to learn the mistakes of history along with its advancements in psychology up to our modern age.

This session quote relates more generally to the ideas mentioned above: Session 28 April 1996

Q: (L) Are you saying that SV is not a portal?

A: People are not portals!!! They are only victims of the things that come through the portals. Otherwise, many could describe you as a "portal."

Q: (L) Well, I never said that I wasn't. Speaking of that...

A: When you concentrate on the people as portals, you falsely direct negative energy upon the soul units themselves. Rather like treating acne with the therapy to be found in a shotgun!

Q: (L) What is the appropriate response when you are in a situation and you know that the person is being victimized, yes, by the forces coming through the portal, but their victimization is causing you a great deal of problems? What is the appropriate response here?

A: How do you view those afflicted with disease? Do you throw rocks at them?!?

Q: (L) Well, no, you don't throw rocks at them...

A: What do you do, then?

Q: (L) Well, a person with a disease: you send or take them to a doctor or suggest that they go to a doctor.

A: For what purpose?

Q: (L) To discover the diagnosis of the disease, to obtain medicine, to either relieve the symptoms or cure the disease.

A: Bingo!

Q: (L) We are talking about people who won't even admit they have a disease! How do you tell someone to go to a doctor when they don't think they are sick? Most people do NOT believe that they are subject to control or manipulation from other densities! You have told a number of people that they were going to be subjected to attack and manipulation and they have blithely said 'Oh, there is nothing in our lives that would permit that...'

A: Denial is not incurable until you give up. Patience combined with kind invitations to participate in the learning process eventually allows the victim to awaken, thus to be open to cure. This helps you to build the "army" you seek. Isolation cures nothing. Thereby stifling progress, as any and all will ultimately be seen as "portals." Rather like "spinning one's wheels," yes??

Q: (L) So, in other words, you are saying I should remain married to my husband, I should have SV and other disruptive and destructive people over here constantly to 'participate' in the learning process?

A: The point is not to rigidly adhere to specific lifestyles, nor maintain exact patterning of behavior, merely to not close doors completely and permanently.

Understanding individuals, both mentally sound and anomalous, is the prerequisite for understanding society. While this knowledge has been researched in the past, it has not been able to really seep into humanity's collective awareness, causing the inclusion of inadequate policies, and thus the inevitable creation of vulnerable societies at all levels.

Bluefyre asks: "How do people build resistance against the psychopathic spellbinders?" logos5x5 shares an answer: to build awareness in the population, for it is hard for psychopaths to get into positions of power over others. This group awareness will help identify these individuals early and shield themselves accordingly (see extras below regarding Sandra Brown).

laurs adds that society should be small-scaled at first so psychopaths can be more easily identified, and that it may be good to create policies that would enable them to be more productive individuals. We also wonder: what would happen to the internal and external states of psychopaths if they lost their connection to 4D STS? anartist reiterates that part of the reason psychopaths dream for power is because they are attacked, marginalized, and shunned. To their minds, they will naturally channel and fuel their negativity and make it easy for them to seek revenge on society at large. In any case, prayers will help guide us as saki brings up the Prayer of the Soul.

Łobaczewski mentions that historic social structures based on blood inheritance, and modern ones governed by those with wealth failed to create an optimal, flourishing social system full of creativity that respects psychological variance and one that naturally allows individuals to adapt based on their various talents.

In closing, the new social system will be a new one that is guided by the "Council of the Wise" as to steer society away from degeneration. It will be one that honors truth, objective reality at all levels, and of course, the people (with their wide breadth of mental states and talents!).

For Next Week - August 20, 2023

The Am-EU reading workshop will push further beyond and may finish Chapter 3b next week (11 chapters left). It may be good to read a few paragraphs ahead of Chapter 4 case we finish it. See y'alls then!

This is how the people in Geneva, Switzerland, dealt with psychopathic doctors in the year 1530:

This is how the people in Geneva, Switzerland, dealt with psychopathic doctors in the year 1530:

Thanks @Laurs. Just read an article on Sott this am about a couple in BC who had their infant child seized by the provincial health authorities. Really horrific, I get so angry when I read about these.:mad: Please read the article.
Health and Wellness section.
Hi everyone,

Below are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group workshop for The Master and his Emissary by Iain McGilchrist.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slideshow

We will be having a roundtable discussion on related topics to TMAHE for our next meeting this Saturday at 7 pm Sydney time (+10 GMT). Feel free to share poems, videos or anything of interest. See you all then!

Below are the links to what we explored in our discussion:





Forum threads:

Papers on Biophotons
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Howdy folks,

The Am-EU group finishes Chapter 3b of Dr. Andrew's Łobaczewski's Logocracy: A Concept of the State System (translation by Harrison). We started on the sentence: "On this road, the optimal creativity of society in every field should be achieved."

Logocracy - Chapter 3b: Man, Society, State

The quality of a social system is based on biosocial, psychological, and moral factors rather than economic and ones based in doctrines of power. Cultivating these factors helps to enrich individuals' psychological worldview, and therefore a society's ability to coexist with others. In this way, moral virtues are also enhanced.

The Roman empire, especially in its later periods, had deficits in psychological knowledge that has been felt throughout Europe post-collapse. Anartist adds that all men were treated the same as other men, and the same went for women too. This stems from a flawed understanding of psychological variance. We see this also in the USA, where many people, from the poor to those in higher professions, make damaging decisions due to a limited psychological worldview. To learn from these mistakes of the past is a criteria for the formation of a good and new system. Łobaczewski mentions England or Switzerland as learning models for countries with inherently less influence from Roman legal traditions.

The fate of nations isn't decided in a single victory or a single loss, but rather by qualities that are more subtle. Qualities of intellect, morals, culture, accurate thought, the ability to understand the oneself and others, practical knowledge, and talents.

Biological nature also plays a crucial role, as it is a factor in determining whether a nation flourishes or decays. There's a soft eugenic process present in the general population as the average person with a sense of morality will naturally impede pathological minds from having close relations with them. Psychopaths, with their ability to mimic a normally functioning individual (mask of sanity), allows them to more easily avoid this eugenic process.

Bluefyre notes that sexual deviancy is a marked trait of psychopaths, which results in potentially more psychopaths to be born into the world. In addition, Whitecoast shares that traits that are more predisposed to violence tends to spread as time goes on. Łobaczewski adds another key factor: our modern civilization stacks the cards against humanity by producing increasing numbers of "hereditarily aberrant individuals" via medicine and policy.

It'll be up to the Council of the Wise to study holistically the aforementioned phenomena and network with religious representatives in order to prevent society's degradation. Promoting and developing eugenic (soft) awareness and morality in society would "tip the balance of generations to the positive side". Saman points out that Catholicism works off of incomplete knowledge, as they presuppose that all are equal (see USA constitution as well). The result is that this effectively hides the activities of psychopaths, who are by nature, born that way and hard-wired.

Mired in pathocracy and foreign economic exploitation, many societies have been left impoverished and their human energies siphoned. This tipping of the scales, and its resulting suffering has led to ideas on how to balance it. Economic reconstruction, ideal management of human strength and talents, and creation of a healthy educational institutions that honors the growth of psychological knowledge are three such ideas. The old pathocracy will oppose this, so a sort of grassroot movement consisting of normal folks would better herald this regeneration.

Looking ahead, one may imagine a flourishing, logocratic country full of abundance. "Persistent work, providence, moral discipline, the development of character values, and the idea of man’s self-realization in the service of the social good" will be commonplace and practiced by individuals in society. After a while, the upper classes may experience tendencies and proclivities towards "hysterics and psychological regression" (see Roman Decadence), which would then become a big threat to this society. In this same vein, Whitecoast adds that when communities have too much wealth, they tend blow it on social parties and materialistic stuff. This leads to a more psychological permissism, causing hard times ahead.

This complacency can be remedied by putting to use this abundance for the betterment of other nations who seek help, therefore keeping nations on that upward spiral. Young citizens who've been brought up in comfort may also be encouraged to take on difficult tasks, as it would help them overcome the traps of the ego, and understand those different from them, which broadens their psychological worldview.

The Council of the Wise will also play a crucial role in this by being vigilant and alerting the nation of "mental laxity and hysterical regression of society". Appropriate actions will be put in place for the benefit of all. Bluefyre notes that Russia does this by graciously forgiving a huge debt from Niger ($23b!), noting that they have no means of repaying it and are willing to start anew.

For Next Week - August 27, 2023

The Am-EU reading workshop will continue at the start of Chapter 4. See y'alls then!

Summary of our recent Au-Asia-Am Roundtable discussion, with links:

@placematt presented a slideshow with his thoughts on the relevance of vision/sight to knowledge/understanding & thus FRV, looking at quotes from McGilchrist & also FPTM. We spoke about how sight is the only sense with depth & how the R HS sees the peripheral field, the whole picture, while the L HS zooms in on detail in the central vision.

This lead to a discussion about framing things in a positive way (for eg instead of "Don't forget to..." use "Please remember to ..."
And Chu's latest video about self-talk, which @Ryan has been doing more of & feels there is a difference:

Then we looked at the video below, two strangers playing a duet at a train station in Paris:

Here is an article about these boys, and the music they were playing is a mix of Braveheart's For the Love of a Princess, & composer Ludovico Einaudi's Uno Mattina from the French movie The Intouchables. I love how at one point in the duet (about 1:40 minutes in), it looks like the two are so in synch, both playing with one hand each yet one could almost imagine it belonging to the one brain.

It is really cool to see how music fuses people together & how integral it once was to society & the power it has to bring people together. We spoke about folk music including Irish folk music & Indian Raags, where @sid mentioned one of India's greatest female singers (Lata Mangeshkar) and played us a couple of her songs. Her range was truly amazing, poetry in motion especially when taking the lyrics into account.

Next @Keit shared an excerpt of a beautiful Russian poem about the Motherland, read by a boy in a scene from a movie. Then a really funny video showing an ad that David Duchovny did for a Russian beer "Siberian Crown":
followed by a Soviet cosmonaut song that has now become superstition for all Russian astronauts to listen to before leaving planet Earth.

We then looked at some cool posters from the Soviet era for movies:
and then went back to talking about music, especially child prodigies, like this little fella of all about 5 years of age, playing Mozart's Sonata 16 like a boss:

Feel free to add anything I may have missed & share the links for videos y'all posted @placematt, @sid & @Keit. It was a really great discussion, which we will have more of in the coming weeks and it will be recorded next time!

For our next meeting, we will start Ch 6: The Triumph of the Left Hemisphere, up to (not including) the section titled Level Three on page 226, for our next meeting on Saturday 9th September at 7:00 pm Sydney time. See you all then!
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