Cassiopaea Forum Reading Workshops - Public

(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 30 66.7%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 15 33.3%

  • Total voters
@Arwenn , below were the two I shared.

Below is a scene unfolding in a Pakistani court where both the male and female characters are seeing each other after 22 years of being apart. The female, who is a Muslim had assumed the male, a Hindu from India to be long dead and the latter assumed that she is happily married to someone else. Having all doubts removed and the emotional release that occurs could not have been expressed any better.

Below showcases the emotion of a young bride to be, whose heart burns in anticipation of meeting her lover. The voice and composition is quite amazing, in particular the smooth transition between low and high notes.
Is the reading workshop every Sunday 11am CST? What is the current reading material for next week? I’d love to join

Yes, that is the correct time. We started on Chapter 4 of Logocracy by Dr. Andrew's Łobaczewski (translated by Harrison). We got halfway through Chapter 4 and we may or may not finish it next week, so the recommended reading would be to finish that chapter. While it is good to eventually read the chapters you may have missed, Łobaczewski reiterates ideas and themes discussed from earlier chapters in later ones. We've also written synopses of the earlier chapters + our discussions in this thread to help get people up to speed too.

Always great to see new folks :-D
Yes, that is the correct time. We started on Chapter 4 of Logocracy by Dr. Andrew's Łobaczewski (translated by Harrison). We got halfway through Chapter 4 and we may or may not finish it next week, so the recommended reading would be to finish that chapter. While it is good to eventually read the chapters you may have missed, Łobaczewski reiterates ideas and themes discussed from earlier chapters in later ones. We've also written synopses of the earlier chapters + our discussions in this thread to help get people up to speed too.

Always great to see new folks :-D
Thanks! I will set a reminder
Howdy folks,

Turgon has provided the Video and Audio and links to the folder for the Am-EU's reading workshop meeting on August 27th.

The Am-EU group starts Chapter 4 of Dr. Andrew's Łobaczewski's Logocracy: A Concept of the State System (translation by Harrison). We ended on the sentence: "On the contrary, they are regarded as extraordinary, even brilliant, and they spellbind, traumatize, and distort other personalities, influencing them with a specific dynamic."

As a disclaimer, I was extra busy this week with a couple of birthday parties to go to and wasn't able to add y'alls discussion notes here (besides some extras at the bottom). I will have time next week though!

Logocracy - Chapter 4: Ponerology: The Science of the Nature of Evil

Psychological tests are an inexpensive means to study the inner landscape of a person's mind, which in its development, was a monumental step towards understanding and being able to assess what talents they have. Clinically, they are used to assess brain anomalies. Along with careful observation and further developments, they have paved the way towards the creation of rich, objective knowledge concerning psychopaths and other pathologies.

The suffering caused while living under a pathological, communistic state led Łobaczewski and others to contemplate and research the nature of evil and its role in such states. Current bodies of knowledge concerning psychopathology were either inadequate or heavily suppressed by the state, and so had to rely on their current tools and ongoing experience.

What psychological and/or biological reasons caused some people to partake in such a criminal system? On the other hand, what factors contribute to the majority choosing to humiliate, endanger, and impoverish themselves rather than sacrifice their social, moral, religion, and tradition in the face of such evil? These questions led Łobaczewski to visit Greek philologists to help determine the name for this new field of inquiry. It was hereby named ponerology: the study of the nature of evil.

As with any disease, the ponerologist, in their learning of its dark recesses, must be aware and vigilant of its corrupting effects lest it infects their psychological state. The danger may be high, but the reward is greater. It is through this initial foray into the knowledge of ponerology that Łobaczewski and others sacrificed so much for to get out to the public. He hopes that individuals build upon it and use what they've learned to counteract evil in its multiplicity, and to build a much better social system in line with the laws of nature.

In a study of more than 5000 sick, neurotic, and normal patients, he found that 384 of them caused serious injury to others. Most were from Upper Silesia with its harsh living conditions and poisoned air. 30 of them experienced punishment, most often excessive, and were looking to readapt to society. Others have harmed others without legal consequence and some were protected by a ponerogenic state system.

Interviews and tests were done to learn about their mental states and to see whether there is any brain tissue damage had any contribution to their injurious acts. They found that 14%-16% of them didn't have a complicit pathological factor (such as psychopathy) that caused them to do it. While there could be limitations in the test, another reason may be due to the (then) hypothesized phenomena of widespread participation of the population in pathological behavior directly linked to ponerology and ponerogenesis.

It now becomes a question of how to lessen the impact of, if not outright remediate these pathological factors as to prevent ponerogenesis. We have a basis of this in current psychotherapeutic practices, but there's still plenty of room to grow and learn in, and outside clinical settings. The need arises due to ponerogenic activity being only recognized when it has already metastasized, so to speak. This is in part due to the lack of knowledge concerning ponerology among the people.

More easily lulled, the spellbinding effects causes confusion and trauma, depriving individuals the ability to critically think and to have common sense. This eventually leads to increased cases of secondary psychopathy in the population, where they aren't inherently true psychopaths, but have become corrupted to the point where their minds and behaviors exhibit more psychopathic traits.

There's a natural human tendency to moralize pathological phenomena—providing surface-level explanations as to why it occurs, but never getting to the root of the issue and dealing with it effectively. This lack of knowledge is in part due to the lack of awareness of effects that only become "apparent" after a long time after. An example given is the influence of a pathological parent on his or her child, which will leave scars that may be felt later in his or her adult years. In this way, there's a need to study the causal knowledge of evil, for if individuals know deeply the underlying mechanisms of how evil forms and operates, the better they are at dealing with it.

In psychotherapy, therapists help individuals with ponerological elements in their psyche by making them aware of it. As with any mirror (as mentioned in the Work), it can be painful, so careful tact is required. If done correctly, the patient will develop the necessary self-knowledge and awareness to be more resistant to these aberrant elements.

Characteropathies, as defined by Polish psychiatry, are the result of neural plasticity in response to nerve tissue damage, which are known as the least regenerative tissues in the human body. Damages in the frontal brain, namely Brodmann area 10 (BA10), gives rise to a shorter thinking pathway regarding decision-making, which in their eyes, may seem like a sign of genius. It is easy for them to despise neurologically normal folk, who take the time to think though ideas and doubts. And thus, pathological egotism and vindictiveness can develop more easily in these characteropaths, leading to violent thoughts and behavior. Many people don't recognize them as being psychologically aberrant, but are instead seen as extraordinary people, leaving the population vulnerable to their abilities to traumatize and spellbind.

For Next Week - August 27, 2023

The Am-EU reading workshop will continue with the latter half of Chapter 4. See y'all then!

Hi all,

Turgon has provided the Video and Audio and links to the folder for the Am-EU's reading workshop meeting on September 3rd.

The Am-EU group finishes Chapter 4 of Dr. Andrew's Łobaczewski's Logocracy: A Concept of the State System (translation by Harrison). We started on the sentence: "On the contrary, they are regarded as extraordinary, even brilliant, and they spellbind, traumatize, and distort other personalities, influencing them with a specific dynamic."

Logocracy - Chapter 4: Ponerology: The Science of the Nature of Evil

Considering the heavy crimes done by Stalin and the leaders of the Russian Revolution, any explanation for their characteropathies fall short without an understanding of ponerology. There's also a trend where characteropaths lay the groundwork for psychopaths to then take over in high positions.

Characteropaths, with their relatively intact brain tissue, belong more with the world of normal people than psychopaths. Their aspirations and heavily distorted worldviews are a result of the "problematic society of normal people", and is a reason why they're able to more easily corrupt the minds of those less critical. This opens the door to further pathologies (like psychopathy), mostly hereditary in nature.

There are many types of pathologies and the author lists here ordered by their frequency of occurrence: "schizoidia, psychopathy proper, asthenic psychopathy, anankastic psychopathy, skirtoidism, and others". Psychopathy, however, as stated by Kazimierz Dabrowski, is responsible for half of the evil in the world and they only occur at a frequency of 0.6%. Psychopaths are revealed via malfunctions in their "syntonic processing of mental stimuli from normal people", and psychiatrists of old refer to them as moral-value Daltonists. Daltonism is genetic colorblindness, so in that sense, the genetics of psychopaths make them "blind" to moral values.

Psychopaths are incapable of truly understanding normal folk, and don't feel any guilt when harming them. They don't feel love in the same way either—only a carnal lust. They carry a mask of sanity (see book by Hervey Cleckley) that they show to others to blend in with other normal people, only to remove it and feed off of others when it suits them. Like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

There are other psychopaths who have developed specific psychological knowledge—knowledge of human weaknesses, how to exploit them, and the fact that there are other psychopaths like them out there. They can instinctually recognize each other in a crowd of humans and organize. They dream of a new world for themselves where their way of thinking and customs pervade.

When in contact with individuals with psychopathy proper for extended periods of time, a normal individual's personality disintegrates due to their lack of moral values and in emotionality. Unfortunate people under their influence begin to "fight the demons", and their minds become more corrupted over time. While there are methods to helping these individuals on a small-scale, it's not so easy to remedy this on a large-scale as its engrained in the structure of society. Without the knowledge to defend themselves, many people are susceptible to the corruptive force emanating from psychopathy in high places. Laurs relates this to the anti-human effect the lockdowns had on people where some changed for the worse as they weren't able to resist and/or ameliorate the pressures.

A moral crisis of human association occurs when psychological criticism and common sense are at their lows. This decreased collective awareness creates the ground needed for individuals with mental aberrations to infiltrate which further distorts this association. In an advanced state, deviants begin to take over leadership positions (oftentimes with bloodshed via revolutionary acts). In these positions and with psychopathy proper at the forefront, they enact anti-human policies in their hatred of normal, human ideologies.

In studying the Russian Revolution, communism was an ideology peddled to naïve people and was meant to serve as a trojan horse for the true ideology—one that is known by initiates. It is one of the keystone roadblocks towards the "spiritual and political reconstruction of our own and other peoples." Bluefyre adds that the USA doesn't understand communism, and if they truly knew, they wouldn't be in favor of it. What behind it is an ideology full of pathologies and violence—totalitarianism. Turgon looks to the Bolshevik revolution in Russia as an example of this. One way they make it easier to enact is to turn people against one another (i.e. divide and conquer) as Anartist points out.

Effective treatments always treat the root cause. With knowledge of ponerology, countermeasures can be enacted by individuals to inhibit the genesis of evil. The awareness and vigilance increases the criticality of minds, which protects people from evil's spellbinding effects, stopping it from taking space within one's being. As such, public knowledge of this operating within a sort of zeitgeist that becomes common knowledge would add protective measures against ponerogenesis, help in the upkeep of mental hygeine, and counteracts the buffer of moralizing interpretations of evil.

With pathocratic individuals attaining high power positions and spellbinding its citizens, common sense and the ideas of right and wrong are flipped. In this misalignment with the laws of nature, many in the near future will see this as the pathocratic era. Realization and gaining knowledge ponerology and its deep, entwined effects in society will help open the way towards a better future, an era of normal folks.

For Next Week - September 10, 2023

We will start anew at the beginning of chapter 5 for next week. See y'alls then!


Definitions from the internet and passages from the chapter of the various types of pathological factors mentioned in chapter 4:
  • Schizoidia - Characterized by social anhedonia and avoidant behavior regarding close relationships.
  • Asthenic psychopathy - "Asthenic psychopaths are sometimes not devoid of a certain idealism and a shallow sense of psychological realities. We meet them in various social organizations, where, depending on the severity and variability of this anomaly, they may play positive or ponerogenic roles. They are almost always characterized by aggression toward people with psychological skills."
    • Seato adds that these psychopaths by nature gravitate towards more social organizations as to get a lay of the land and see where there are opportunities to drain and enrich themselves.
    • In response to Turgon pointing out that these psychopaths may play a positive role:
      • Bluefyre answers that psychopaths can make good CEOs. This is due to their ability to make quick decisions that would benefit the company, however damaging it is to the individuals in the lower rungs.
      • Seato adds that these psychopaths may play a philanthropic role which may benefit others, but in the end they may only do so to improve their self-image on the grand stage of life.
    • Turgon and I discuss the idea of Mephistopheles of Faust lore, where in his intent on doing evil, does inadvertent good.
  • Anankastic psychopathy - Anankastic as in "arising from compulsion especially in an obsessive or compulsive neurosis". A marked need for a psychopathic to be controlling and disharmonious with his or her environment.
    • Laurs adds that these types of individuals determine the atmosphere in a house.
  • Skirtoidism - "Coarse-skinned and psychologically resilient skirtoids are good soldiers. However, in conditions of peace and comfort, they prove incapable of recognizing moral values, good education of the next generation, and easily become hysterical. Anankasts who are difficult-to-get-along-with silent despots become causes of neurosis in others."
Hi everyone,

Below are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group workshop for The Master and his Emissary by Iain McGilchrist.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slideshow

We will continue with the rest of Chapter 6 to the end, for our next meeting this Saturday at 7 pm Sydney time (+10 GMT). See you all then!

Below are the links to what we explored in our discussion:


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