Cassiopaea Forum Reading Workshops - Public

(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 30 66.7%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 15 33.3%

  • Total voters
Hello everyone. Just to let you know that tomorrow's Am-Eu workshop has been postponed until next week.
Take care and see you next time!

I'll be out of town for the next two weeks, but I'll be back for the October 1st meeting. If anyone desires to write the synopsis for those workshops, please feel free to.

I have another birthday to go to, but I'll be able to have last week's summary out tonight. In the meantime, I'll add Turgon's work on the reading workshop (September 10) here:

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Hi everyone,

Below are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group workshop for The Master and his Emissary by Iain McGilchrist.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slideshow

We will read Chapter 7: Imitation & the Evolution of Culture for our next meeting this Saturday at 7 pm Sydney time (+10 GMT).
See you all then!

Below are the links to what we explored in our discussion:

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Hi all,

The links that Turgon added for the Am-EU's reading workshop meeting on September 10th. are here:
I'll be out of town for the next two weeks, but I'll be back for the October 1st meeting. If anyone desires to write the synopsis for those workshops, please feel free to.

I have another birthday to go to, but I'll be able to have last week's summary out tonight. In the meantime, I'll add Turgon's work on the reading workshop (September 10) here:


The Am-EU group finishes Chapter 5 of Dr. Andrew's Łobaczewski's Logocracy: A Concept of the State System (translation by Harrison). The synopsis follows:

Logocracy - Chapter 5: Democracy

The first known democracy was created in the city-state of Athens in Greece around 6th century BC. Athenian democracy was an elite system composed of (usually) educated citizens, which made it function efficiently. This would trend follow in the founding of the United States, where citizens could only vote if they were literate and had the required knowledge of history and law. In later years however this principle would be demolished with the introduction of universal political rights (i.e. universal suffrage where voting restrictions were removed), paving the way for a "new" class of individuals—actors that, in their shadow-play, would game the system and its people for their own ends.

Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) found value in American democracy and its following influence on the systems of other countries, but saw the danger of granting equal rights to uneducated folks, weakening the voices of those with beneficial knowledge—knowledge that takes into account both short and long-term consequences. This results in the misalignment of the social system with the Laws of Nature, as it posits vast and unique psychological differences between individuals. Without this acknowledgement, society becomes inefficient as leveraging diversity in talents becomes more constricted.

The aforementioned shadow-play becomes more apparent and "viable" when normal and mentally aberrant individuals of weak mind and character, low aptitude, defective social adaptation have a tendency to defer to leaders who can supposedly help achieve and get what they want. There are always those, many of which have psychopathic traits, that get into leadership positions where they prey on the less critical. Democracy inherently has this weakness.

Due to the increased political power given to the less critical, all electoral candidates must satisfy their needs. Those of mature mind may seem incomprehensible to the masses, often seeing them as conceited. Many times they would lose to those who sound good for their needs, but in the end aren't well qualified for the role.

Other sources of inefficiencies built into democracies is the constant, non-stop fighting, causing frustration and wasted energy. This discontent naturally creates opposing tribes (i.e. right-wing, left-wing, self-centered, etc.) where each have ideas on how to improve the efficiency of the system, but would never come to fruition due to the cultural elites.

Historically, adequate democratic structures arose due to centuries of trial and error, lessons etched into its people who have toiled in less democratic systems, through which resulted in tenable societal structures and morality. The facade is still there, but there is a deeper wellspring of creativity to draw from. More aberrant democracies don't have this deeper quality, as their unqualified elites, in their short-sightedness, quickly drain their already limited reservoir, naturally resulting in tyrannical measures to "address" this deficit.

Łobaczewski posits that there can be a just, kind, transparent and resilient social system without the inherent weaknesses of democracy, more aligned to the laws of nature, and better understood and transparent by its citizens. Despite its weaknesses, democracy's crowning achievement is its increased respect for its citizens. Its ideas of separation of power in government institutions and some of its legal solutions are also worthy of consideration of a new and better social system. Good democratic systems to draw inspiration from come from those that are the furthest from typical European democracies and Roman legal tradition, such as Great Britain and (especially) Switzerland.

For Next Week - September 24, 2023

We will The next meeting will be postponed to the 24th of September and we will start at the beginning of Chapter 6. Enjoy the week!

Discussion Highlights
Worth to watch imo this 12 minute video by Christopher F. Rufo "The Cluster B Society - How psychological dysfunction has been embedded in our institutions," that is on new notes at Harrison's Substack.

As Harrison comments: 'Christopher Rufo gets ponerology.' He mentions Lobaczewski at 4:12.

Worth to watch imo this 12 minute video by Christopher F. Rufo "The Cluster B Society - How psychological dysfunction has been embedded in our institutions," that is on new notes at Harrison's Substack.

As Harrison comments: 'Christopher Rufo gets ponerology.' He mentions Lobaczewski at 4:12.

It's a great summary! We will discuss it in today's workshop.

The Am-EU meeting will start in 30 mins:

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting now
Meeting ID: 953-026-3587

See you.
Hello everyone,

Below are the links for the September 24th Am-Eu Reading workshop for Logocracy.

Video and Audio and link to the folder

And a brief synopsis.

Cluster B Society

Discussion of living in the age of a Cluster B society, which is marked by hysteria, emotional outbreaks, violence and outright chaos. We see rampant narcissism, self-entitlement, feelings of resentment, moral self-righteousness, Borderline Personality Disorder, unstable sense of identity, feelings of emptiness, self harm, suicidal-ideation, histrionic/excessive emotionality, sexual provocation, excessive need for sympathy and suicidal-ideation as becoming more common - Wokeism - and this is a progression that was intended.

Deriving from Post-Modern philosophy and philosophers like Deridault and Foucault, the above is partly a by-product of radical leftist ideology that has brought with it transgenderism, destruction of the nuclear family, sexualization of children via acceptance of pedophilia, etc. In the school system, there is the isolation between children and parents brought on by the State/public school system. Parents have an instinct to want their children to be safe and have a healthy education, but instead, ideologues who predominantly don't have children and wouldn't know how to raise them if they did, want the say in how children are raised.

There are also private equity firms like Blackrock trying to buy up land (to what end?) and companies like Disney and Bud Light who incorporate this ideology are losing money because of it. Dylan Mulvaney ad campaign and Disney's feminist agenda.

Character assassination campaigns happen against anyone speaking out against the current insanity with Russell Brand being the latest person 'crucified' in the media. He has a lot of people who follow his work, which is a good sign as more and more people are waking up and not believing the lies. This is probably why he's been targeted, but still, more people need to become wake up in order to create a solid resistance. It's only a small, loud minority pushing this pathological ideology.

Ch 6: Logocracy

Mainly focuses on the necessity of a proper selection criteria for the Elite, who are a necessary component for any society, but because there are too many advantages provided to them, they eventually degenerate. So having a robust way to vet who is put into positions of power and responsibility is vitally important. European antiquity and philosophies in the East have discussed what to expect of rulers, but have lacked the psychological knowledge to implement this properly over time.

Lobaczewski suggests combining objective scientific principles and knowledge, along with age-old moral values and an understanding of human psychology as all being needed for such a method to be devised and implemented effectively. We need reliable and well-prepared people that actually care about the common people, and who are not ruled by emotional and selfish interests.

Christianity as we know it is flawed, but Orthodox principles have some value and is relatively grounded, but if the values are not lived by a leader, then what they say is not congruent and won't appeal to the masses as a guiding force. Good leaders in the past have been assassinated, such as JFK and RFK who weren't surrounded by enough trustworthy people.

Trying to come up with a macrosocial application to this would be difficult, so it would be better to focus on small communities and progress from there. Functional human beings may be good in one area but not others, and so building a solid team and working with people's strengths and where they would be most useful is equally important.

Finally, a quote from the chapter: "Consideration of this problem in the light of objective psychological knowledge also leads to the conclusion that it is practically impossible to establish some kind of psychological institute which would make the necessary selections, selecting righteous and suitably gifted individuals from society. On the contrary, this process of the growth of such individuals into leadership roles must be integrated into the whole machinery of the system and work as naturally as possible. Therefore, this aspect has been included in all the proposed devices of the new polity so that it triggers natural processes and actualizes social reason in this field. The council of the wise, already mentioned, would only patronize this process, realizing also the principle of the rule of the normal man.”
Just FYI, I won’t make the Aus-Eurasia reading workshop today. Have a great meeting and I look forward to the recording!
No worries Ryan, thanks for letting us know.

We will meet at the same time tonight; for those of us on the East coast there will be a time change for next week. We can chat about it this evening. :-)

See you all then!
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