(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 28 65.1%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 15 34.9%

  • Total voters
Thanks for sharing, Anya. It's interesting that the peak of fireball sightings coincided with Covid and lockdowns in 2020-2023 when the population was quarantined and not looking towards the skies. Is that another human and cosmic connection, where the heightened fireball activity and 'busyness' of the sector of the galaxy Earth was moving through at the time, coincided with the panic and hysteria that gripped the planet?

Also, I saw a fireball last night really close to the surface and just overhead. It was cool!
Hi everyone,

Here are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group discussion on Darkness Over Tibet.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder

We will read the final chapter for our next workshop on Saturday at 6 pm Sydney AEST time (GMT+10).
See you all then!

Because this was such an important chapter in terms of the main themes conveyed, I have included my notes along with the links to what we discussed for each subsection:

1. Superstition, auto-suggestion, stigmata & possession
Stigmata, The Five Wounds of Christ, the movie Stigmata (trailer can be watched here), and The Parable of the Sower. The soil in this gospel possibly referring to different types of people, & their FRV as to what can take root. The Gospel of Thomas and Gnostic Christianity in Laura's article Christianity or Machiavelli and the ETs, in particular:
Laura said:
[...] the Gnostic gospels, obviously the “other Christianity” that was abolished and buried by the church, had, as the centerpiece of their teachings, that the gods of the many religions down through the ages were merely different manifestations of the negative forces of the hyperdimensional reality and that this realm of evil gods acted on souled beings through the intermediary of Organic Portals.

2. Foreshadowing with the initial descriptions of the place and the inhabitants of The Underground City- automatons for servants (perhaps reanimated humans?), hollow eyes, metallic tone to voices, corpse like appearance with lifeless eyes and robotic gait.
Illion gives the example of the doll in Offenbach's operetta (starts at 1:06) to illustrate the robotic servants.

3. The Initiates' contempt for bodily functions, including joy, laughter, sex and individuality. A very left hemisphere view point, also explicated by Laura in The Wave Ch 24, in particular:
Laura said:
You see, sex as sex, is left-brain. It is desire and goal oriented. It is loaded with anticipation...Nowadays sex comes in a variety of plans which relate back to specific conceptual purposes...There is neurotic celibacy or abstinence to avoid guilt...One can have brief, promiscuous affairs out of fears of intimacy. One can have sex for reproduction. You can even make love just to enjoy sex, for intimacy and pleasure for the idea of love and affection. In all of these, there is an abstract audience and idea behind the act. And that is where the full power of the right-brain is short circuited and caused to release its creative potential to a momentary contraction to a void that is uncontrolled, undirected, and unusable. After such an act, one is indeed in a condition where frequency resonances can be used to chemically or physically alter the DNA, or “put out the eyes”. Going after sex in any of the above ways is a raping of the right-brain function.

4. Narbu as an unwitting recruiter. The hierarchy of the Initiates is like an STS pyramid, all wanting instant nirvana and wanting to be on the same level as God. Michael Topper's Precis on Good and Evil speaks to this perfectly:

5. Illion's fever dream, the archangel and guides saving him from the struggle with the demons.

6 & 7. The food and psychic energies of the Underground City cloud Illion's critical thinking faculties, yet his inner will and boundaries remain intact, despite pressure being brought to bear on him (both overt & covert). This is the process of 'Bidding' that Topper mentions in the article above. The psychic energies of the city, occult/black magic practices, consuming human flesh, water as a cleansing agent & Illion's own appearance changing from being there just a few days and despite being cleansed by the thunderstorm. The importance of individuality and self expression.

With regards to water as a cleansing agent, we can be homeopathic medicaments for the planet:
Cs Session 26 July 2014 said:
(dugdeep) Can they give elucidation about the mechanism behind homeopathy?

A: Frequency vibration resonance. Think of yourselves as "homeopathic medicaments" for the planet.
Cs Session 30 January 2021}<break /> (Pierre) In a previous session said:
A: Structuring of water is good enough.
More discussion on homoeopathy and also the terrain or environment on modulating FRV:
Cs Session 13 March 2021 said:
A: Terrain is important, but that is intermarried with FRV. FRV can be changed in a number of ways both internal and external. This is one of the reasons that knowledge protects. If you have knowledge of the ways and means of external modification, you can counter it.

Q: (L) And obviously if you have knowledge of the ways and means of internal modification, you can consciously modify your internal control over your FRV. So, you can deliberately expose yourself to certain things in order to build up your will, your strength, whatever. Choose the activities you engage in to strengthen a certain FRV or refuse other activities. Interact with certain people. It's kinda like that book about where they were talking about the pendulums..

8. The audience with the Prince, The Temple and the confrontation with the Prince in the library, where Illion has an intense spiritual experience of hundreds of prior incarnations, an experience similar to Laura has as she describes in The Wave.

9. The laws of Free Will and other spiritual laws Illion realises as he is taking his leave from Narbu.
Hi all,

The Am-EU group finishes chapters 21-22 of Pierre Lescaudron's Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection on July 7th. The audio and video of the meeting is provided by Luis.

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here. This is strictly a summary a main points of the chapter, but doesn't include the workshop discussion notes. They will return in a future post.

Chapter 21: Increase in Cometary Activity
  • Data collected by AMS between 2005-2013 have shown a whopping 700% increase in meteor fireballs. It's very unlikely that this marked increase is solely due to an increase in the number of observers and/or an increase of the popularity of AMS.
    • Over time, these fireballs have also increased in mass.
    • (Bluefyre): How can we collect recent data on number of fireball data?
      • (Turgon): Check the AMS data.
        • (Anya112003): Checked the AMS data and found that there has been 2700 sightings of fireballs in the month of July in the USA. In the span of a couple of days this August, there has been around 280!
  • The Chelyabinsk meteor (2013), interestingly enough, was 30 times brighter than the Sun and carried 500 kilotons of energy--20-30x more energy than the Hiroshima nuclear bomb attack.
    • This event left a lingering stratospheric dust belt containing the remnants of this meteor that was tracked by a NAS satellite.
  • Global dimming: reduction in solar radiation hitting Earth during fair weather. One of the causes is atmospheric dust, which can be due to meteors.
    • Richard Hansell in 2008 tested and found that, despite atmospheric dust both absorbing (increases heat) and reflecting solar radiation (decreases heat), overall it induced an overall cooling of the Earth.
    • Researchers from the Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences found that there was a significant reduction of solar radiation hitting the Earth by an average of 2.7% per decade for the last 50 years. A sign of increased atmospheric dust over the years?
    • Mainstream science attributes this phenomenon to man-made factors like aerosols and other pollution. This doesn't explain why the southern hemisphere, which has less industrialized societies and thus less pollution of this kind, still experiences dimming.
      • There is a stronger case for extraterrestrial material being the cause of this due to somewhere between 40-400 tons of material entering Earth daily. The AMS data showing an increase in 655% confirmed fireballs also strengthens this.
  • The number of asteroids discovered between 1980 and 2013 has exponentially increased, with 2013 being dubbed the "Year of the Comets".
  • There is an ever-growing number of moons orbiting planets in the solar system--many of which are captured asteroids.
    • (cassandra): There's an article that I saw where the moon has its own asteroids orbiting it.
      • (Bluefyre): There's a theory that the moon is hollow. And that it was built and parked there by Earth. Compare the moons of Saturn, which looks like captured asteroids, and aren't as spherical as the Earth's moon.
        • (cassandra): There's a book that Laurs shared called Who Built the Moon?
      • (Breo): shares a passage from the Cs session:
        Q: (L) When and how did planet earth acquire its moon?
        A: Was caused by the regular passage of a large comet cluster which caused a gravitational disruption allowing a large chunk of the original earth's surface, which was somewhat less solid at that point in space/time, to break away from the main body and assume a locked in orbit around the main body.
        Q: (L) When did this happen?
        A: This occurred approximately 3 billion years ago.
  • Comets, due to their electrical activity, acts like an EMP--an overhead radiative blast--when it enters the Earth's atmosphere. The news can be masking this cometary activity by saying that these are due to another country's EMP detonation.
    • "We do not need the celestial threat to disguise Cold War intention; rather we need the Cold War to disguise celestial intentions!"
    • (Turgon): In this vein, it may be that wildfires are started in part to mask cometary dust in the atmosphere?
  • Lower solar activity means lesser electric fields and electric stress on comets entering the solar system, decreasing the chances of comets breaking up due to electrical discharge. With Nemesis approaching and sapping the Sun's energy, the shields will be down even further, so to speak.
  • Viruses and microbes can be brought by meteorites and delivered to Earth. See the Black Death (1347) and the Justinian's plague (536 AD), where they were preceded by intense cometary activity.

Chapter 22: Slowdown of the Earth
  • The Sun's electrical activity drives the spin of its planets due to the Lorentz force. A decrease in solar activity will slow the Earth's spin rate.
  • Another contributing factor in this slowdown is the increasing presence of cometary dust in the atmosphere due to increased electrical drag exerted by the atmosphere on Earth.
  • Small changes in the rate of spin of Earth can cause devastating effects to happen, like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

General Notes
  • (Bluefyre): It's known that Kamala slept her way to the top.
  • (Redrock12): Naomi Wolf had to sleep with someone in order to get approval in the industry. She refused and branched off and was successful by her own will.
  • (Breo): In Germany, there was a scandal where a lot of doctors who were accused of plagiarism.
  • (Turgon): Scum rises to the top. As above, so below?
  • (Turgon): I've noticed that sometimes there's a haze outside. I wonder if some of this phenomena could be some spraying in the air.
    • (cassandra): Could some of these be cometary dust in the atmosphere?
  • (Breo): Shares: Sol (Sun) and its phenomena
  • (Bluefyre): People have been saying that in the past, the Sun was yellow, but it is white now.
    • (anartist): Maybe it looks different because of the weakened magnetic field?
      • (Turgon): It may also be caused in part due to cometary dust.

For Next Meeting - August 11th, 2024

We'll likely be going over at least the next couple of chapters (23 & 24). See y'alls then!


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Space Weather News for Aug. 11, 2024

PERSEID METEORS AND AURORAS: The Perseid meteor shower peaks tonight, Aug. 11-12, with dozens of bright meteors per hour visible from dark-sky sites. The timing is great for northern sky watchers. The shower's broad peak coincides with the expected arrival of one or more CMEs, allowing photographers to catch meteors cutting through the aurora borealis. @ SpacFull story eweather.com.
Hi all,

The Am-EU group finishes chapters 23-25 of Pierre Lescaudron's Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection on August 11th.

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here. This is strictly a summary a main points of the chapter, but doesn't include the workshop discussion notes. They will return in a future post.

Chapter 23: Earth 'Opening Up': Earthquakes, Eruptions and Sinkholes
  • The Earth is wider at the equator due to the centrifugal force acting on it due to the planet's spin. The slower spin rate means the structure of the Earth changes, introducing stress to the Earth's crust, increasing the likelihood of earthquakes, eruptions, and sinkholes.
  • Reduced solar activity lowers the Earth's electric field, which weakens the magnetizing force that pulls the surface and the core together. This further loosens up the Earth.
  • Some rocks, when put under mechanical stress (i.e. via movement of the crust), increases its conductivity, opening up the idea that electromagnetism can also be a vector for causing earthquakes and eruptions.
    • Current can then be run through these underground channels by the aforementioned changes in Earth's electric field. In this way, earthquakes are like lightning, but underground instead of the atmosphere.
  • Mainstream viewpoints attribute an increase of sinkholes due to fracking, loose soil from flooding, and other factors. That doesn't entirely explain, however, the global increase of sinkholes in the past few years.
  • (Luis): In Mexico, with earthquakes of above 6.0 magnitude, there are reports of green lights in the sky. Some discharge happening?
    • (Laurs): Similar to the green lights in Dubai?
    • (Bluefyre): There's a picture of a volcano with lightning strike.
  • (Anya112003): Sinkholes in Ginsburg--it can't just be due to leaky pipes!

Chapter 24: Global Cooling
  • Man-made CO2 only accounts for 0.15% of greenhouse effects--extremely minor.
    • Mainstream viewpoints don't account for the fact that other planets during have exhibited a warming looking at the past 50 years of data, which alludes to some cosmic phenomenon triggering this.
    • An independent research center has concluded from recent data through January 31, 2011 that we are entering a global cooling era.
      • (cassandra): In Figure 110, it looks like the Maunder Maximum is higher than the previous maximum. Does that mean that the cooling period that will happen be more intense?
    • (Luis): Having a lot of CO2 is good due to its greening effect--plants would like it more and there'd be more crop yield.
      • (Luis): Homeostasis in nature is becoming imbalanced due to the rulers' climate change agenda.
  • Reduced solar activity leads to the Sun's magnetic field weakening, dampening the shielding effect of the Sun's ability to block against high energy cosmic rays entering the solar system.
    • Cosmic rays and atmospheric dust are the main contributors of cloud formation. Research has shown that clouds have an overall cooling effect on Earth.
      • (Pecha): Could man-made cloud-seeding act to distract from cosmic phenomena?
    • With Nemesis on its way, it's expected that there will be an increase in cloud formation, and thus more cooling effects.
  • The ice-albedo effect demonstrates a nonlinear phenomena where the more snow and ice there are, the more reflection of the Sun's ray occurs. They play off each other to create even more cooling--creating something more than the individual parts.
    • The opposite is true--the less ice and snow there are, the more water and land is exposed, meaning more light is absorbed--thus increasing heat. This creates a feedback loop where this heating causes more snow and ice to melt.
      • In either case, small changes of temperatures can cause these feedback loops to occur and thus gain momentum towards something like an ice age.
    • (Redrock12): Sometimes sunglasses are needed to protect the eyes during particularly bright days and heavy snow. The reflection of sunlight from the snow can damage the eyes.
  • Research in Ireland found that an ice age can occur in as little as 3 months in the north hemisphere--much faster than the purported 10 years scientists believed for the last ice age.

Chapter 25: Strange Clouds
  • Noctilucent clouds have been increasingly prevalent (28% increase per decade) and brighter as of late. Atmospheric/cometary dust and volcanic activity are causal factors. They are very high altitude clouds.
    • They can be artificially created by aerosols generated by space rockets.
    • NASA acknowledged on August 2012 that there is meteor dust in these clouds.
    • Lower solar activity increases the prevalence.
  • As it relates to contrails, there is a point made where it's unlikely that this is a delivery method to introduce poisons on the populace due to its inaccurate delivery method (being they are very high altitude). Winds will blow it every which way and they may just spray themselves in the process.
  • (Bluefyre): Noticed that it will usually rain after heavy contrails in the air. There's aluminum oxide and barium in these aerosols. This rain can also carry these materials closer to the ground.
    • (Redrock12): A pilot from Air Canada saw a plane that landed and saw planes with those aerosol devices on them that creates contrails.
    • (Bluefyre): anartist was doing research on aluminum oxide and found that it effects negatively the hippocampus.
      • (whitecoast): How to detox this aluminum oxide from the body?
        • (Bluefyre): Clif High recommends modified apple pectin to defend the gut from this stuff.
        • (cassandra): Bentonite clay and Zeolite can help detox this--from Clif High
        • (Breo): Borax can help detox this too.
  • Contrails, with jets releasing sulfur molecules that are efficient condensation nuclei for clouds to form, has an overall cooling effect on the Earth.

General Notes
  • (Laurs): There are cities where people are able to register their phone their vaccine status. Others can check their phone who is or isn't.
  • Discussion on increased floodings and other Earth changes.
  • (Breo): How do we stay level-headed with the way the world is right now?
    • (Laurs): Build a community wherever you are. Find who your local farmers are.
  • (cassandra): Perhaps there are going to be more window fallers in the future.
  • (Luis): Increased negativity on the planet would increase the number and intensity of catastrophes on the planet.
  • (cassandra): Shares Session 13 2024
    Q: (Ursus Minor) As the World Economic Forum starts promoting 'Disease X' – what could it be?
    A: A big mistake that very well might take them out!
    Q: (Andromeda) So where's this Disease X gonna come from?
    A: Lab.
    Q: (Joe) And where is it likely to be released? Globally, or in one particular area?
    A: California, New York, Singapore, Paris, London.
    Q: (Andromeda) And what's the purpose of releasing this? Is it the depopulation thing, or is it an excuse to enforce more control or...
    A: Both.
    Q: (Laura) And they're gonna obviously have another vaccine?
    A: Yes.
    Q: (Laura) And they actually think people are going to take it the second time around?
    A: Yes.
    Q: (Laura) Do they think we're all stupid?
    A: Yes.
  • Canada has been exceptionally cooler and more wet compared to previous years.

For Next Meeting - August 18th, 2024

We'll be looking to going over three chapters (26-28) for the next meeting. See y'alls soon!


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