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Christianity or Machiavelli and The ETs

Summer 2003: In recent weeks it has dismayed me to no end to be made aware of the fact that there is a growing anti-Cassiopaean lobby emanating from individuals posing as “Christians.” Many of these so-called “Christians” actively regurgitate the libelous articles written by Vincent Bridges and Jay Weidner as “proof” of their assertions, and certainly without notifying their readership that said articles are written by two guys whose main ambition has been to claim the title of the baddest black magician on the planet! Of course, when one notices that Most and Wiley are associated with Rick Ross, whose main agenda has been to destroy Christianity as a “cult,” it then becomes apparent that the individuals propagating the lies of Most and Wiley may not, in fact, be “Christians” at all.

Aside from the outright humor of purported Christians quoting Satanists to back up their claims, we can note that there is certainly something troubling about Christianity as it has been promulgated and taught since about the 5th century A.D. (Perhaps even earlier!)

Machiavelli observed that religion and its teachings of faith, hope, charity, love, humility and patience under suffering were factors that render men weak and cause them to care less about worldly and political things, and thus they will turn political power over to wicked men who are not influenced by such ideals. Of course, the real trick is to convince people that the “afterlife” is the only thing worth thinking about, and it is to this end that Christianity has been formulated. It is also to this end that many of the New Age beliefs and “formulations” of the truth about Ascension have been engineered. All you have to do is have faith or meditate or love everything and everybody.

You could say that this is a tendency toward entropy.

The “general law,” as Boris Mouravieff describes it in his book, Gnosis, is what Gurdjieff referred to as the mechanical nature of the world, and Castaneda exemplified as the “flyers,” or “the predator’s mind,” could also be described in terms of gravity.

It seems to be the nature of this reality to move toward entropy, and those individuals who do not have an equal “organizing consciousness” to balance the gravitational pull of matter are unable to escape this general law of entropy. Unable to create they seek for the meaning of life in destruction.

This “gravitational” pull induces the sensation that leads to the idea that “all are one” in a very specific context. This context mandates that the “all is one” idea be manifested by total unification. It never can accept the idea of Unity in diversity because the gravitational pull of entropy seeks – like water – the lowest possible state. And of course, in order to achieve that “oneness,” it is presented as “spiritualizing matter,” or “becoming a light being,” when, in fact, exactly the opposite is the consequence of eliminating diversity and active creation.

It seems that, as the ages have progressed, this entropy has been expressed in graduated forms to the peoples of the world. Yes, we speculate about the types of consciousness that will seek to promote such ideas – calling them grays or lizzies or whatever – but that nomenclature is of less importance than the idea behind it: a more or less mechanical “winding down” of the cosmos.

As the cosmos has “wound down,” (also expressed as “world ages” or “yugas”), certain mechanical ideas have been promoted more and more widely in the world in a “gravitational” way. They are designed – again, possibly only mechanically – to exert the “pull” on consciousness toward matter – to convert waking consciousness which seeks creation and diversity – to a “unity” of “total oneness,” or “cosmic sleep” to destroy the work of others who may be different or with whom they do not agree. It is to be noted that they are UNABLE to create anything original of their own.

When we survey the broad sweep of history, one of the gravitational “shocks” that occurred in our reality was the introduction of Monotheism. It was the beginning of the outward manifestation of the entropic activity of the winding down.

Monotheism came to us courtesy of Judaism. Some would say that Monotheism came to us from Akhenaten first, and thence to Judaism, but there are many problems with those ideas and we will address them at another time.

Now, it would be a cheap and easy solution to say that this Monotheism is the fault of the Jews, that there is something inherently “wrong” with them that they “created and manifested” such an aberration in our reality. The problem is, a close study of the matter shows that the Semitic peoples have fought this imposition of monotheism tooth and nail for centuries!

They didn’t do it: it was done TO them!

Nevertheless, the forces of entropy – mechanical or conscious – had an ideal environment in the middle east – during a certain period of our history – in which to accomplish this dirty deed and they succeeded in fencing in and amalgamating widely diverse groups of peoples and then using their own consciousness and inclination to network against them. Pretty much the same is being done in the present day in America, courtesy secret government mind control projects, the mass media, etc.

But, I don’t want to get ahead of myself here.

The questions as to why and how the Semitic peoples were used as the “fertilizer” to grow monotheism are complex and intriguing. For a broad view, read my series “Who Wrote the Bible.” There is more research that will be added at some point in the future, but for now, this will give the general reader some idea that the theme of COINTELPRO has long been with us! As Richard Dolan has written:

Anyone who has lived in a repressive society knows that official manipulation of the truth occurs daily. But societies have their many and their few. In all times and all places, it is the few who rule, and the few who exert dominant influence over what we may call official culture. – All elites take care to manipulate public information to maintain existing structures of power. It’s an old game. […]

[And war is the key element of power and control.]

Deception is the key element of warfare, and when winning is all that matters, the conventional morality held by ordinary people becomes an impediment. When taken together, the examples of official duplicity form a nearly single totality. […]

The secrecy stems from a pervasive and fundamental element of life in our world, that those who are at the top of the heap will always take whatever steps are necessary to maintain the status quo. […]

[C]over-ups are standard operating procedure, frequently unknown to the public for decades, becoming public knowledge by a mere roll of the dice. But also […] information has leaked out from the very beginning. It is impossible to shut the lid completely. The key lies in neutralizing and discrediting unwelcomed information, sometimes through official denial, other times through proxies in the media. […]

[E]vidence [of conspiracy] derived from a grass roots level is unlikely to survive its inevitable conflict with official culture. And acknowledgement about the reality of [conspiracies] will only occur when the official culture deems it worthwhile or necessary to make it. Don’t hold your breath. [Dolan, UFOs and the National Security State]

Now, let me repeat the crucial point here: Ideas about conspiracy are not delusions or paranoia. From a historical point of view, the ONLY reality is that of conspiracy. Our “freedom” is to large extent an illusion. Secrecy, wealth and independence add up to power. …Deception is the key element of warfare, (the tool of power elites), and when winning is all that matters, the conventional morality held by ordinary people becomes an impediment. In other words, creating religions to deceive people is standard procedure from the most primitive “witch doctor” who scares the tribe so that he can stay in power, right on up to the controls exerted by George Bush in the name of Christianity.

[Note: We speak of organized religions here, not about the very idea of God-Creator and the Mysteries of the Soul and Mind. If anything, we think that the evidence shows Creation to be far more grand and glorious than the organized religions even admit, and that the Cosmos is not reducible to the simplistic “god theories” of human beings.]

Secrecy about the true nature of our reality, and the true foolishness of these religions, stems from a pervasive and fundamental element of life in our world, that those who are at the top of the heap will always take whatever steps are necessary to maintain the status quo.

And maintaining the “status quo” via religion is one of the main objectives of the Power Elite.

And how do they do that?

By “official religious culture.”

And official religious culture, understood this way, from the perspective of elite groups wishing to maintain the status quo of their power, means only one thing: COINTELPRO.

Here we do not mean the specific FBI program, but the concept of the program, and the likelihood that this has been the mode of controlling human beings for possibly millennia. In fact, I like to call it “Cosmic COINTELPRO” to suggest that it is almost a mechanical system that operates based on the psychological nature of human beings, most of whom LIKE to live in denial. After all, “if ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise.” And this is most especially true when we consider the survival instinct of the ego.

Remember: those who are at the top of the heap will always take whatever steps are necessary to maintain the status quo.

And maintaining the “status quo” via the clever manipulation of people via religion is one of the main objectives of the Power Elite.

And just how was this done? Well, you could call the overtaking of the Semitic peoples one of the earliest cases of Stockholm Syndrome.

The term, Stockholm Syndrome, was coined in the early 70’s to describe the puzzling reactions of four bank employees to their captors. On August 23, 1973, three women and one man were taken hostage in one of the largest banks in Stockholm. They were held for six days by two ex-convicts who threatened their lives but also showed them kindness. To the world’s surprise, all of the hostages strongly resisted the government’s efforts to rescue them and were quite eager to defend their captors. Indeed, several months after the hostages were saved by the police, they still had warm feelings for the men who threatened their lives. Two of the women eventually got engaged to the captors.

Psychologist Dee Graham has theorized that Stockholm Syndrome occurs on a societal level. Since our culture is patriarchal, she believes that all women suffer from it – to widely varying degrees, of course. She has expanded on her theories in Loving to Survive: Sexual Terror, Men’s Violence, and Women’s Lives, which is well worth reading.

One of the primary problems of dealing with a large human population in terms such as the above seems to be that it’s a lot more energy efficient to get the victim to like his captivity and even to help you to use and abuse him or her. The primary way to do that is to play the “good cop, bad cop” game. In other words, set up someone to play the persecutor and then you can come in and be the “savior.”

William Bramley writes:

“Much of the Old Testament is devoted to describing the origins and early history of the Hebrew people. According the the Bible, the Hebrews descended from a clan which lived in the Sumerian city of Ur around 2000 to 1500 B.C. The clan was befriended and ruled by a personality named Jehovah. The Bible claims that Jehovah was God. …Jehovah was clearly an important character [in the Bible]. Who was he? Was Jehovah God, as the Bible alleges? Was he a myth, as skeptics with secular orientaion would have us believe? Jehovah appears to have been neither.

“The name Jehovah comes from the Hebrew word ‘Yahweh,’ meaning ‘he that is’ or ‘the self-evident.’ This appellation conveys the idea that the Biblical Jehovah was a pure spiritual being; a true Supreme Being, if you will. But was he?

“Old Testament descriptions of Jehovah have provided a field day for UFO writers, and for good reason. Jehovah travelled through the sky in what appears to have been a noisy, smoking aircraft.” [See: Genesis 19:16-19, 20:18; Exodus 13:21-22, 14:24, 40:34-38, and Numbers 19:1-23, for examples.]

“The ancient Hebrew eyewitnesses responsible for the descriptions were not able to get a closer look at Jehovah. The Bible points out that no one was permitted to approach Jehovah’s mountaintop landing sites except Moses and a few select leaders. Jehovah had threatened to kill anyone else who tried.(Well, that’s a “loving god” for you!) The early bible therefore contains only descriptions of Jehovah as eyewitnesses saw him from a distance. It was not until much later that one of the Bible’s most famous prophets, Ezekiel, was able to get a closer look and describe Jehovah in greater detail. Ezekiel’s description is probably the most often-quoted Biblical passage in UFO literature. [See Ezekiel 1:1-25]

“The first portion of Ezekiel’s vision resembles earlier Biblical descriptions of Jehovah: a moving fiery object in the sky emitting smoke. As the object moved closer, Ezekiel was able to observe that the thing was made of metal. Out of the metal object emerged several human-like creatures, apparently wearing metal boots and ornamented helmets. their ‘wings’ appeared to be retractable engines which emitted a rumbling sound and helped the creatures to fly. Their heads were covered by glass or something transparent that reflected the sky above. They appeared to be in some sort of circular vehicle or a vehicle with wheels.

“We can safely conclude from the [passage in Ezekiel] that ‘Jehovah’ was not a Supreme Being. He appears to have been a succession of Custodial management teams operating over a time span of many human generations. [Bramley, 1989]

Regina Schwartz, a principle investigator at the Park Ridge Center, and Director of the Chicago Institute of Religion, Ethics, and Violence, in her book The Curse of Cain:

Many of us imagine that the secular world has freed us from the encumbrances of religion, the rule of one deity and the authority of his priesthood, but the myth of monotheism continues to foster our central notions of collective identity.

As a cultural formation, monotheism is strikingly tenacious. Its tenet – one god establishes one people under God – has been translated from the sphere of the sacred to nationalism, and thence to other collective identities.

Most historians of nationalism concede that the concentration of power in an omnipotent sovereign was far too useful to divest at the birth of modern nationalism, and so allegiance to a sovereign deity in order to forge a singular identity became, in secular terms, allegiance to a sovereign nation to forge a national identity.

That issued in such ironies as the following rhetoric from one of the architects of (secular) German nationalism: ‘He who does not love the fatherland which he can see, how can he love the heavenly Jerusalem which he does not see?’

In other words, the injunction of Romans 13:1: ‘Let every person be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God’ – has been farther reaching than Paul could have ever imagined.

In our nation’s infancy, John Cotton advised John Winthrop of the Plymouth Colony that a ‘distinction which is put between the Laws of God and the laws of men becomes a snare… surely there is no human law that tendeth to common good but the same is a law of God.’ And this has endured. […]

Monotheism is a myth that grounds particular identity in universal transcendence. And monotheism is a myth that forges identity antithetically – agains the Other.

Monotheism would make an ontological claim that only one god exists. Monolatry or henotheism would better describe the kind of exclusive allegiance to one deity (from a field of many) that we find in [the Bible]. [Schwartz, 1997]

But, as Ms. Schwartz points out: What about the Canaanites? What about the Amorites, the Moabites, the Hittites? And, today, what about the Palestinians?

And how is it that this very same concept that had its most enduring inception in the Jewish belief system, came to be used so effectively against them as the underpinnings of the Holocaust? How indeed!

While the Bible is telling us the story of the poor Hebrews who go through so many troubles to become free, under the direction of their god, there is almost no sympathy permitted for the other peoples and their gods. In other words, the Bible is telling a story of a situation right out of Machiavelli. If Machiavelli had been there at the right hand of Moses, it could not have been more clearly modelled after the tenets of “The Prince.”

As Machiavelli points out, collective identity is linked to exclusive worship.

But, what is the underlying principle, the abstract idea, the “form” from which monolatry is drawn? Ms. Schwartz writes:

Why is claiming a distinctive collective identity important enough to spawn violence?

I found an answer to this question in a principle of scarcity that pervades most thinking about identity. When everything is in short supply, it must all be competed for – land, prosperity, power, favor, even identity itself.

In many biblical narratives, the one God is not imagined as infinitely giving, but strangely withholding. Everyone does not receive divine blessings, some are cursed – with dearth and with death – as though there were a cosmic shortage of prosperity. […] Scarcity is encoded in the Bible as a principle of Oneness (one land, one people, one nation) and in monotheistic thinking (one Deity), it becomes a demand of exclusive allegiance that threatens with the violence of exclusion. […]

History has shown that in the name of our identities – religious, ethnic, national, racial, gender – we commit and suffer the most horrific atrocities. …Acts of identity formation are themselves acts of violence.” [Schwartz, 1997]

What is it that generally makes others “other?” Their worship of “foreign gods.” Their allegiance. Their free will to do or be something else!

What was it that this Yahweh/Jehovah wanted to get clear from the very beginning with his “chosen people?” That exclusion of worship of any other god at all was the fundamental and primary basis on which the covenant was based. Curiously, this was expressed in terms that made it equivalent to sexual infidelity!

“I am a jealous God, you will have none but me!”

Of course, this was immediately translated to the ownership of women and their demotion to mere chattel, but that is another issue.

What is important here is that the Others against whom Israel’s identity is forged are abhorrent in the extreme, and vast numbers of them are obliterated, while in the “New Covenant” of Christianity, they are offered the choice of being obliterated or converted!

Now, what is the foundation of the “covenant” that Yahweh/Jehovah made with Israel?

Well, the rules of a covenant, including the one between the Jews and their god, are pretty explicit in ancient Mideastern archaeology. Foremost among these rules is the demand for the vassal’s complete loyalty to the overlord. Then, there are the “blessings and curses.” The overlord promises blessings in return for the vassal’s loyalty, and threatens complete annihilation should the vassal fail to fulfill the stipulations.

Again, this doesn’t sound like a Free Will choice; it sounds like an ultimatum!

It also sounds like pure Machiavelli.

Historically, such treaties were made with a vanquished people by their conqueror. The treaty gave the conqueror the option of letting the vanquished people live, and in turn, they could choose to be subjected to the stipulations of the treaty instead of having obliteration chosen for them. […]

The covenant at Sinai is given amid a huge display of such terrible power, with the full fanfare of fire, brimstone, thunder, and lightning… ‘Moses spoke and God answered him with peals of thunder’ (Ex 19:19) ‘I am Oz, the great and powerful. Who are you?’ ‘I am Dorothy, the meek and weak,’ begins the parody of the Sinai theophany that exposes God as an inept hot-air ballonist from Kansas. Toto pulls back the curtain of the holy of holies, and we see the all too human wizard from Kansas generating his own mysterium tremendum at a microphone.

We are, then, the heirs of a long tradition in which monotheism is regarded as the great achievement of ‘Judeo-Christian’ thought…

Monotheism is entangled with particularism, with the assertion that this God and not any other gods must be worshipped, a particularism so virulent that it reduces all other gods to idols and so violent that it reduces all other worshippers to abominations…

The danger of a universal monotheism is asserting that its truth is THE Truth, its system of knowledge is THE System of knowledge, its ethics THE Ethics – not because, as in particularism, any other option must be rejected, but because there is simply no other option

[This] presupposes a kind of metaphysical scarcity. They imagine hoarding belief, hoarding allegiance, and even hoarding identity. Because there is a finite supply – of whatever – it must be either contained in the whole or protected as a part. Whether small or large, limited supplies suggest boundaries.

In this remarkable myth, the division of people into peoples is not in their interests, but in the interest of maintaining the power of a tyrannical, threatened deity jealously guarding his domain.” [Schwartz, 1997]

Taking a serious look at this Monolatry business and its inception is, at the present time, forbidden as “anti-Semitism.” I guess that was the maneuver to overcome the difficulties of no longer being able to burn at the stake those individuals who questioned the veracity of the Bible. But be warned, being “burned at the stake” may be returning as a solution!

After Jehovah leapt on the stage of history, the ground was prepared for Christianity.

The point is, it was a clever, Machiavellian move to “create” monotheism in three varieties, convince each group that they had the RIGHT and ONLY God, and then set them at each other’s throats.

Just now, the Jews and Christians are more or less aligned against Islam, but close analysis will show that the pattern will then become Christians against Jews. After all, what is more clever than to turn one group of Semitic peoples against another group of Semitic peoples – first cousins, so to say – and have them duke it out, decimate their own numbers, and then just come in and take over. Sort of like the gingham dog and the calico cat…

Hans Conzelmann, Professor of New Testament Studies at Tottingen admitted that the Christian community continues to exist because the conclusions of the critical study of the Bible are largely withheld from them.

Joachim Kahl, a graduate in theology of Phillips University, Marburg noted that “The ignorance of most Christians is largely due to the scanty information provided by theologians and ecclesiastical historians, who know two ways of concealing the scandalous facts of their books. They either twist reality into its exact opposite or conceal it.”

Dr. Johannes Lehman, co-translator of a modern edition of the Bible remarked: “The evangelists are interpreters, not biographers; they have not illuminated what had grown dark with the passage of generations, but obscured what was still light. They have not written history, but made history. They did not want to report, but to justify.”

The “original texts” of the Bible that are so often referred to in theological hairsplitting do not exist. What does exist are transcripts that originated between the fourth and tenth centuries. And these are transcripts of transcripts, some fifteen hundred of them, and not one of them agrees with another.

More than eighty thousand variations of the “original texts” of the Bible have been counted. There does not exist a single page of the “original texts” without contradictions. The most prominent of them, the Codex Sinaiticus, has been found to contain sixteen thousand corrections, which can be traced back to seven correctors. These correctors made their “corrections” because each one understood the verses differently and they transformed the functions according to what they perceived to be the needs of the time.

Dr. Robert Kehl of Zurich writes: “Frequently the same passage has been ‘corrected’ by one corrector in one sense and immediately ‘recorrected’ in the opposite sense by another, depending entirely on which dogmatic view had to be defended in the relevant school. At all events, a completely chaotic text and irremediable confusion has already arisen owing to individual ‘corrections,’ but even more so to deliberate ones.”

Father Jean Schorer, for many years spiritual adviser to the Cathedral of Saint-Pierre, Geneva, concluded that the theory of the divine inspiration of the Bible is in such contradiction with the most basic, elementary knowledge base of normal human reason, and is so obviously refuted by the Bible itself, that only ignorant persons would defend it, while only people completely devoid of any kind of culture would believe it.

Dr. Robert Kehl writes in Die Religion des modernen Menschen:

Most believers in the Bible have the naive credo that the Bible has always existed in the form in which they read it today. They believe that the Bible has always contained all the sections which are found in their personal copy of the Bible.

They do not know – and most of them do not want to know – that for about 200 years the first Christians had no ‘scripture’ apart from the Old Testament, and that even the Old Testament canon had not been definitely established in the days of the early Christians, that written versions of the New Testament only came into being quite slowly, that for a long time no one dreamed of considering these New Testament writings as Holy Scripture, that with the passage of time the custom arose of reading these writings to the congregations, but that even then no one dreamed of treating them as Holy Scriptures with the same status as the Old Testament, that this idea first occurred to people when the different factions in Christianity were fighting each other and they felt the need to be able to back themselves up with something binding, that in this way people only began to regard these writings as Holy Scripture about 200 AD.

Christian theologians claim that the teachings of Jesus (which is the established religious dogma, not necessarily what “Jesus” may have taught), are unconditionally valid. Rudolf Augstein asks:

“…With what right do the Christian churches refer to a Jesus who did not exist in the form they claim, to doctrines which he did not teach, to an absolute authority which he did not confer, and to a filiation with God which he never laid claim to?” [Jesus Menschensohn, Munich, 1972]

Naturally, all of these problems have led to many interesting theological solutions. It is amazing how creative true believers can be when faced with facts that this or that idea they have held for a long time is no longer tenable.

Nowadays, in the presence of widespread sharing of information relating to anomalous appearances of what are now being called “aliens” has naturally led to the identification of Jesus with the “interstellar astronaut” theory. Jesus is an “alien.”

Dr. Vyatcheslav Saitsev of the University of Minsk claimed that Jesus came from outer space. His idea was that Jesus was a representative of a higher civilization, and that this is the explanation of his supernatural powers. He noted: “In other words, God’s descent to Earth is really a cosmic event.”

He may not be so crazy. The only question is: considering the work of COINTELPRO to conceal, distract, disinform, which God?

Meanwhile, the Holy Blood, Holy Grail guys are busy cooking up a “divine bloodline.” This idea is augmented by Laurence Gardiner who has connected the Holy Grail Bloodline to reptilian aliens. At the same time, we have a host of true believers around the planet preaching the gospel of those cute and helpful Grays, and the reptilian Lord who really loves us and never did anything to humanity except teach them all about how to be civilized.

What seems to be true is that the writers of both the Old and New Testaments couldn’t just toss out the oral traditions. They used them in a very special way. It often seems that whatever was positive was twisted and turned backward. With an awareness of how history can by mythicized and then historicized, and any combination thereof, we can look at the scriptures with a different eye. We can theorize that there must have been a real person around whom the legend of Jesus – the mythicized history – was wrapped. We can theorize that he was teaching something important and dramatic for it to have made such an impact. We can also theorize that this “impact” was seen as very dangerous at first, but later – after many twists and turns had been introduced, it was thought that it could be useful to utilize the growing myth as the centerpiece of a Control System. But, as we also suspect, the very nature of the Matrix itself and our current day observations, as well as a broad historical review, suggest that whatever “Jesus” was really doing and saying, it was most certainly twisted, corrupted, and emphases shifted in fairly predictable ways.

In other words, the Bible that we know, in its various parts, were declared to be “holy and infallible” to justify any of a number of political maneuvers.

Regarding the creation of the Bible as it really happened, in examining this process, we find nothing of the “Holy Ghost” in there. That’s the plain fact. And a lot of people in the “business” of religion know it.

Nevertheless, our institutions of higher learning generally have a special faculty allotment for the teaching of theology, financed by the taxpayer, whether Christian or Jew.

One assumes that the students who study this theology are also given exposure to other studies, such as math, languages, science, and so forth.

The question then becomes: what kind of strange distortion, what incomprehensible corruption takes place in the minds of human beings, so that they can so completely separate their academic knowledge from what they hear preached at them from the pulpit?

What kind of brainwashing can so effectively cause the simplest of facts to be forgotten?

How does this happen? It is literally staggering to a logical, intelligent human being, that the fairy tale of the Bible – as God’s word – has endured so long. There is nothing to which we can compare this in the entire seven thousand years of human history of which we are aware. Calling it all a “pack of lies” seems rather harsh, but it is increasingly evident that it is certainly intentionally misleading. And, in that case, what shall we call it?


Because of our own experience with COINTELPRO operatives as we have chronicled on our website, and will be publishing in more depth in a future volume, we – and our global research team – undertook an investigation into the phenomenon in order to track the threads and connections. This led to the study of psychopathy and our growing awareness that there was something terribly amiss on our planet that was being covered up by the psychiatric and medical communities.

The follow-up to this research was, naturally, more questions pose about the specific nature of the beast we were seeing “hidden within the picture.” The answers were both shocking and revealing, indicating that there are actually TWO distinct races of humans on Earth, and TWO main, intersecting realities. As noted, this was an unsettling notion, but we soon found evidence from other sources that it is something that has been known and taught in the interior circles of the most Secret of esoteric groups down through the ages.

There is even evidence that this was the great truth taught by the man around whom the Jesus legend was wrapped.

When researching religious matters, one always comes across prophecy and miracles. It seems that those who are to be kept in fear of the Lord need an unequivocal sign from time to time. Miracles and visions can sway whole armies. We can think of the battle cry “Great is Allah!” and the claim of the salvific blood of Christ that was held up as a shield against the Saracens. We should also be reminded of the mandate of Yahweh to “utterly destroy” just about everybody who wasn’t hanging out with Joshua and his gang.

Such “visions” go back into our primeval past. Around 5,000 BC, the divine Ishtar was said to have appeared to Enme-Kar, the ruler of Uruk, telling him to overthrow the city of Aratta. But, at the moment, we are mostly concerned with visions in the context of the Bible since it is the Bible that underpins the beliefs of a staggering number of human beings on planet earth at the present time, including their “revised forms” in the New Age and Human Potential movement, and most particulary George Bush and the Gang. That alone should give us pause to consider the company we keep!

Additionally, when we step back from the situation, the one thing that we see is that prophecy is at the center of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition. The prophets of these religions claimed to be in direct contact with the Creator of the Universe, and this creator seems to have been singularly “personal” in the sense of having personal traits, whims, likes and dislikes. His prophets are, naturally, privileged messengers, receiving his divine revelations and these revelations divide mankind into those who believe them and those who don’t. Naturally, those who don’t are damned.

The Christian religion, and its New Age offshoots, is the chief proponent of the many End of the World scenarios with which we are most familiar. Scenarios about the end times originate mostly in the body of apocalyptic, eschatological writings of the New and Old Testaments. It is in the final book, Revelation, that most striking and symbolic representations about the end of the world are said by many to be depicted.

It is a difficult work to comprehend. Probably no other piece of writing in history has been examined more thoroughly and interpreted more widely. It is the end-of-the world legend, a doomsday tale on moldy bread with virtual reality special effects in abundance. It is the inspirational fountainhead for mad prophets, spittle spewing pulpit-pounders, apocalyptic Enochian magicians, fanatical true believers, grade-B movie makers, and knaves and snake-oil salesmen of every form and sort.

Does this mean that we can just discard Revelation and the other prophecies altogether? It would be nice to think so, but as we have already noted, even though the Control System is always stepping in to do damage control, they do it oh, so carefully! While the above is a rather accurate in terms of the many and varied interpretations that have been given to this Mother of all End Time Prophecies, there is no point in throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Anybody with eyes and ears and half a brain can see that there is something amiss in our world, in our reality, and once that is seen, and once the questions are asked, which then leads to research, we come to the idea that something is really going to happen!

Early Christians are said to have believed that the end of the world and the reappearance of their Messiah were imminent. We are told that, from the earliest days of the organized church, anticipation of the millennium – the thousand-year reign of the returned Christ – was in conflict with ecclesiastical policies that were growing apace in the new church hierarchy.

In what is today Turkey, a man named Montanus claimed to have experienced a vision of a heavenly New Jerusalem about to descend to the earth. Montanus and his idea was perceived as a threat to ecclesiastical authority. Hippolytus, writing in 215 AD., accused the Montanist believers of heresy, including listening to revelations from female seers. Montanism continued to spread, especially after Tertullian – the brilliant legal scholar who had been born in Carthage and converted to Christianity in 196 AD. – joined the movement. He too reported a vision of this heavenly city descending from the sky, a metaphor that has persisted for centuries.

The ubiquity of this vision is interesting for a lot of reasons, most particularly when one considers the possibility that these early Christians may have been interacting with hyperdimensional realities. While some Gnostic groups “spiritualized” the events foretold in Revelation, there were still those who insisted that this paradise was quite real and physical and could exist on earth. This idea became known as chiliasm, a form of apocalyptic vision that depicted the millennium as a physical and material period.

A Gnostic prophet named Cerinthus said that there would be an earthly kingdom of Christ, and that the flesh of human beings again inhabiting Jerusalem would be subject to desires and pleasure. He added, “The kingdom of Christ would … consist in the satisfaction of the stomach and of even lower organs, in eating, and drinking and nuptial pleasures.” One writer described Cerinthus and his followers by noting, “there was great enthusiasm among his supporters for that end…”

No doubt.

Many chiliasts believed that in the millennium all manner of physical craving would be satiated, that men would find all women beautiful, and willing to partake in carnal delights. Others taught that women would bear many children, but without the pain of childbirth or even the inconvenience of sex. It can be noted that there is a thread of sexual allusions in the millennialist vision that – through the centuries – has emerged again and again.

It is fairly simple to see in the “seed” of the primitive chiliasm of the early Christian ideas the concept of Time Loops and hyperdimensional realities as well as the idea of cyclical catastrophes signaling both the end and the beginning of “worlds.” However, there seems to have been something else about this early Christianity that created problems for church fathers who were busy codifying dogma and constructing a far-flung ecclesiastical empire. Since “end time fever” would not go away, it was codified as “believe in our dogmas, and you will go to heaven at the End Time. It will only happen once, and we are the agents of the god who is going to destroy everybody who does not belong to our club.”

The question is: if the early Church fathers eliminated “primitive chiliasm” from Christianity, what ELSE did they eliminate? As noted, what we know as Christianity today is, according to many experts, little more than an amalgamation of many mythical representations of the dying and resurrecting god theme. More than anything, it reflects the Tammuz drama with a major overlay of the Egyptian religion of the time.

What is most revealing is the fact that the only writings contemporary to the times of early Christianity, which mention it specifically, remark that it was a “vile superstition.” Yet, what we have as Christianity today is nothing more or less than the same religious practices of the peoples who branded it a “vile superstition.” Tacitus tells us that in the time of Nero:

There followed a catastrophe, whether through accident or the design of the emperor is not sure, as there are authorities for both views, but it was the most disastrous and appalling of all the calamities brought on this city through the violence of fire. …a rumor had spread abroad that at the very time when the city was burning, Nero had mounted on his private stage and sung of the destruction of Troy, comparing the present disaster with that ancient catastrophe….

In order to put an end to these rumors Nero provided scapegoats and visited most fearful punishments on those popularly called Christians, a group hated because of their outrageous practices. The founder of this sect, Christus, was executed in the reign of Tiberius by the procurator Pontius Pilatus. Thus the pernicious superstition was suppressed for the while, but it broke out again not only in Judaea, where this evil had its origin, but even in Rome, to which all obnoxious and disgraceful elements flow from everywhere in the world and receive a large following.

The first ones to be seized were those who confessed; then on their information a vast multitude was convicted, not so much on the charge of incendiarism as because of their hatred of humanity. [Leon, Harry J., trans., “Selections from Tacitus” in MacKendrick, Paul and Herbert M. Howe, Classics in Translation, Vol. II: Latin Literature, C 1952 (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press)]

Pliny the Younger, who lived c. 62 to 113 AD, was sent by Emperor Trajan as a special representative to the Roman province of Bithynia in Asia Minor. His task was to keep the peace. When he had trouble dealing with Christians, Pliny wrote to the emperor asking how he should proceed against them describing what he knew about their religion:

However, they asserted that their guilt or mistake had amounted to no more than this, that they had been accustomed on a set day to gather before dawn and to chant in antiphonal form a hymn to Christ as if to a god, and to bind themselves by a pledge, not for the commission of any crime, but rather that they would not commit theft nor robbery nor adultery nor break their promises, nor refuse to return on demand any treasure that had been entrusted to their care; when this ceremony had been completed, they would go away, to reassemble later for a feast, but an ordinary and innocent one. They had abandoned even this custom after my edict in which, following your instruction, I had forbidden the existence of fellowships. So I thought it the more necessary to extract the truth even by torture from two maidservants who were called deaconesses. I found nothing save a vile superstition carried to an immoderate length.

The contagion of the superstition has pervaded not only the cities but the villages and country districts as well. Yet it seems that it can be halted and cured. It is well agreed that temples almost desolate have begun to be thronged again, and stated rites that had long been abandoned are revived; and a sale is found for the fodder of sacrificial victims, though hitherto buyers were rare. So it is easy to conjecture what a great number of offenders may be reformed, if a chance to repent is given. [ Heironimus, John Paul, trans., “Selected Letters of the Younger Pliny,” in MacKendrick, Paul and Herbert M. Howe, Classics in Translation, Vol. II.- Latin Literature, C) 1952 (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press)]

So we have these clues:

1 Christians were hated because of their outrageous practices.
2 Their beliefs were described as a pernicious superstition
3 The pernicious superstition had its origin in Judaea.
4 Christians were convicted, not because they were going around inflaming others, but because of their “hatred of humanity.”
5 Pliny describes their practices as benign,” but that the core belief was a “vile superstition carried to an immoderate length. ”
6 This “vile superstition” was pervasive and apparently led to the temples and ancient rites including sacrifice, begin abandoned.

The question that comes to mind is: what would the peoples of that time have considered a “vile superstition” or “outrageous practices” when one is aware of what they considered normal religious practice which included dying god myths and gnosticism and sacrifice and all the other accoutrements of Christianity as we know it today? The only real clue we have is the remark: “not so much on the charge of incendiarism as because of their hatred of humanity – a vile superstition carried to an immoderate length. ”

Their what?

“Their hatred of humanity.”

In Book III of his Gnosis, Boris Mouravieff discusses what he calls “pre-adamic humanity” and “adamic humanity.” His information is supposedly derived from long held secrets of Esoteric Christianity preserved in the monasteries of Eastern Orthodoxy, so it’s not just something he cooked up. Here are some excerpts of what Mouravieff has to say:

In the first volume of ‘Gnosis’, we already referred several times to the coexistence of two essentially different races: one of Men, and another of Anthropoids. We must emphasize the fact that from the esoteric point of view the latter term has no derogatory meaning.

…The Scriptures contain more than one reference to the coexistence on our planet of these two humanities – which are now alike in form but unlike in essence. We can even say that the whole dramatic history of humanity, from the fall of Adam until today, not excluding the prospect of the new era, is overshadowed by the coexistence of these two human races whose separation will occur only at the Last Judgment.

…The human tares, the anthropoid race, are the descendants of pre-adamic humanity. The principal difference between contemporary pre-adamic man and adamic man – a difference which is not perceived by the senses – is that the former does not possess the developed higher centres that exist in the latter which, although they have been cut off from his waking consciousness since the Fall, offer him a real possibility of esoteric evolution. Apart from this, the two races are similar: they have the same lower centres, the same structure of the Personality and the same physical body, although more often than not this is stronger in the pre-adamic man than in the adamic; regarding beauty, we must not forget that pre-adamic man and woman were created by God on the sixth day, in His image and after His likeness, and that the daughters of this race were beautiful.

By identifying himself with the ‘I’ of his Personality, Adam lost consciousness of his real ‘I’ and fell from the Eden that was his original condition into the same condition as the pre-adamics… The two humanities, coming from two different creative processes, later mingled on the level of organic life on Earth… From then on, the coexistence of these two human types, and the competition which was the result of this, became the norm…we can see that throughout the centuries, even in our own day, adamics in their post-fall condition, have been and are generally in an inferior position to the pre-adamics.

…For the moment we will restrict ourselves to repeating that contemporary adamic man, having lost contact with his higher centres and therefore with his real ‘I’, appears practically the same as his pre-adamic counterpart. However, unlike the latter, he still has his higher centres, which ensure that he has the possibility of following the way of esoteric evolution. At present, pre-adamic man is deprived of this possibility, but it will be given to him if adamic humanity develops as it should during the era of the Holy Spirit. [Mouravieff, Boris, Gnoisi, Volume III, translated and edited by Robin Amis, 1993, Praxis Institue, p. 107, 108-109]

So now we come to an idea that just might fit the bill of a “vile superstition” as well as an explanation for the remark that the early Christians had an “excessive hatred for humanity.” We also have a sudden flash of insight about some of the odd remarks attributed to Jesus such as “I come not to bring peace, but a sword,” and his address to the Pharisees that they were the “children of their father, Satan…”

With the material from Mouravieff, we also come to a fuller understanding of Primitive Chiliasm. Quoting and Paraphrasing Mouravieff, my own replacement of terms indicated by brackets:

The Era of the Holy Spirit has two faces – one of Paradise regained and the other a Deluge of Fire… We can even say that the whole dramatic history of humanity, from the fall of Adam until today, not excluding the prospect of the New Era, is overshadowed by the coexistence of these two human races whose separation will occur only at the Last Judgment. It is to this that Jesus referred in parables when he spoke to the crowds, but described in clear terms for the benefit of his disciples; the most noteworthy description is the parable of the tares and the good seed, on which he made the following commentary:

He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man: the field is the world: the good see are the children of the kingdom: but the tares are the children of the wicked one: the enemy that sowed them is the devil: the harvest is the end of the world…

The coexistence of a race of Anthropoids and a race of Men, confirmed here, is necessary from the point of view of the General Law, to maintain uninterrupted the stability in movement of organic life on earth. It is also necessary because of the principle of equilibrium. The first race is a counterbalance which allows the race of Men to pursue its esoteric evolution. Jesus confirmed this when he spoke about the End in the following terms:

Then, shall two be in the field; one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

Tares grow without having to be cultivated. Good seed, on the other hand, demands a great deal of care if it is to bear fruit.

Pre-adamic man was never an Individuality. Created as a Personality on the 6th day (symbolically speaking), he is deprived of every possibility of direct, “individual individuation – if one may put it thus – for his existence was placed under the law of collective Individuation, which is governed by [the Thought Center of Non-being]. with the aid of a whole hierarchy of spirits who are subject to its authority.

Pre-Adamic man does not reincarnate. Not having any individualized element in himself, he is born and dies but he does not incarnate, and consequently he cannot reincarnate. The individualization of pre-adamics is collective, and is directed in groups by certain spirits of the hierarchy. This does not, however, prevent pre-adamics from entering the evolutionary field that forms the experiences of adamic man in great numbers, and since adamic man suffers from a lack of discernment because of his corrupt state, this disturbs and slows his evolution.

Because of the Principle of Equilibrium, humanity on this earth is divided into two equal parts – adamics and pre-adamics. The equilibrium between them is automatically adjusted to follow fluctuations of the incarnations of adamic souls. However, if the adamic race, by casting its pearls to the swine, denies its divine nature to an inadmissible degree, this balance will be broken in favor of the tares. In the parable of the talents, Jesus foresaw this possibility of such a degeneration – where the servant buried the one talent entrusted to him and, on returning it to his master without having made it multiply, was told: “Thou wicked and slothful servant … and cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. There is no need to emphasize the esoteric meaning here…

When the two humanities were created, they were placed under different authorities. The Fall necessitated special measures and thus the Staircase was provided. From that point on, Adamic man was subjected to the law of birth and death and kept only a dim consciousness of his higher self in spite of the almost complete obstruction of his channel of communication with the higher centers which still exist in him. This gives him the possibility of a choice. If he hears the Voice of the Master, the higher intellect, and resolutely steps onto the Staircase, and if he reaches the Fourth Step and resists the Trial by Fire, then, when he crosses the Second Threshold, he will be welcomed as a Prodigal son… it is an event that will be understood only by those who have accomplished it.

If the adamic humanity, en masse, abandons the combat that leads to restoration of their former estate – Ascension – and if this desertion goes beyond the tolerances of balance, the good seed can be progressively stifled by the tares. The world will then head straight into catastrophe – which this time will take the form of a Deluge of Fire.

If the equilibrium which is already in jeopardy, were to be reestablished, then with the integral and simultaneous incarnation of adamic souls, the Time of Transition would enable Adamic man to enter the Era of the Holy Spirit – 4th Density STO. Then would follow a thousand years consecrated to the perfecting of the TWO races, and after a second millennium, the reign of the Androgyne, the Last Judgment would definitively separate the tares from the good seed. At this point, Adamic man would begin an even higher evolution, and would at last attain the Pleroma, 6th density. At this point, and only at this point, will the Tares of the present time cease to be tares and be promoted to the ranks of “good seed.” They would begin their own long, evolutionary course that the adamics have already achieved. Then they, in their turn, will receive the higher centers of consciousness which, given them in potential, would be the talents they must make fruitful.

At this point, the Adamics who degenerated into pre-adamics, would also have the possibility of taking up their abandoned evolution again while an equal number of the most able pre-adamics would receive the talents that were initially given to the former and this would help them leap forward on the road of esoteric evolution. They may be compared with gifted, hardworking students who get a double promotion while the incapable and lazy ones do another year in the same class.

Meanwhile, the two races are totally mixed: not only nations, but even families can be, and generally are, composed of both human types. This state of things is the belated result of transgressing the Biblical prohibition against mixed marriages.

The dominant position of the pre-adamics that is a result of the esoteric failure of the adamics is now creating a critical situation of unprecedented gravity. The remainder of the Time of transition offers the last chance for humanity to reestablish the threatened equilibrium and so avoid a general cataclysm.

If we do not take this opportunity, the tradition of “Solomon” will finally overcome the tradition of “David/Perseus.” Then, deflected from the goals of Ascension, and even going beyond the limits of what is necessary and useful to feed the Matrix, the false prophets and their followers, thinking that they are right, will hurl pre-adamic humanity – the children of this world – against the adamics – the children of light – and will provoke a final frightful and useless struggle.

If this should happen, if the adamic humanity does not manage to quell the revolt against the Love of the Son, a resistance that would ensure victory, the balance will finally be broken, and humanity will be destroyed in the Deluge of Fire. [Mouravieff, op. cit.]

It is extremely important to understand that the two races have been interbreeding for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years. It is impossible to look at the races on the earth today, the red, the white, the black, or the yellow, and argue that one or the other is this “pre-adamic” and soulless race. We cannot speak of groups, nations, tribes, nor peoples who are members of the “soulless” race as a group. The DNA of the two races is completely mixed, and this is the real meaning of the pollution of the bloodline. Only those with the appropriate genetic makeup are actually able to accommodate a soul and therefore pursue esoteric work, which means that no color or ethnic group is either excluded or has an advantage.

Consider this further. The DNA of these two races is so mixed that both can be found within the same families. And Jesus pointed out that he would turn a husband against his wife, a child against the parent, and so on. And we now begin to really, REALLY understand why.

We wish to insist on this point so that the hard of thinking will not accuse us of racism. The two races are so intermingled that it is a question of the individual genetics of each person on the planet.

We repeat: The DNA of these two races is so mixed that both can be found within the same families. Your brother, sister, mother, father, daughter or son. Not somebody “other” across the world or across the street worshipping a different god or with a different skin color. It may be somebody you live with every day of your life, and if so, they have but one reason to be here, to drain, distract and deflect souled beings from evolving.

That there exists a soulless race, now numbering close to 3 billion inhabitants of this planet, certainly helps explain why the planet is in its current state. That this soulless race are portals used by the 4D STS to maintain their control over us further explains the depth of the manipulations and why it was essential to cover up the teachings of the man we now call Jesus, but who the Cassiopaeans have said was actually named Jesinavarah. The Cassiopaeans have called these human types “Organic Portals” and have suggested that, in the present reality, they are the terminal connections of the geographic overseer sub-units of the Thought Centers of non-being. It is through our relationships with them that we feed and maintain the “World of the Devil.”

They are generic vehicles or portals, in human form, open for use by a variety of forces, which is why they make excellent matrix puppets. It just so happens that they’re being used now by 4D STS to control 3D STS / 4D STO candidates through “clapper” and “vampire” functions – keeping us locked into a behavioral pattern matching the orchestrated norm, and being physically close to us to sap our energies and keep us from having enough “escape velocity” to remove ourselves from the Matrix Control System’s tug, via development of our magnetic centers.

Thus we see that the “natural” function of the OP of imitation of the soul energy, assumes a specific character with the STS development stream of collecting the soul energy of souled individuals in order to pass it along the feeding chain to 4D STS. The principal role of the OP is now to prevent the genuine seeker from advancing along the Way.

And many of these Pre-Adamic humans, or Organic Portals, become Christians. In fact, you could say that the Monotheistic religions are specifically designed for OPs.

If we just learn to “make nice and get along” and suffer as nobly as possible and forgive and forget in our relations with Organic Portals, then we are wasting our time. Forgiveness and understanding extended to a souled being is required. The big problem is: telling the difference between the children of the Kingdom of Heaven and the children of a “lesser god.”

Such an idea, and only such an idea, would have been most definitely a “vile superstition.”

In fact, we have something of a parallel in some remarks about Pythagoras. He was accused of believing the “vile superstitions” of the barbarians, that a soul is born over and over again into different bodies.

In the Cathar Gospel of John, the following passage tells us something very important:

And after that I, John, asked of the Lord, saying: How say men that Adam and Eve were created by God and set in paradise to keep the commandments of the Father, and were delivered unto death? And the Lord said to me: Hearken, John, beloved of my Father; foolish men say thus in their deceitfulness that my Father made bodies of clay: but by the Holy Ghost made he all the powers of the heavens, and holy ones were found having bodies of clay because of their transgression, and therefore were delivered unto death.

And again I, John, asked the Lord: How beginneth a man to be in the Spirit (to have a spirit) in a body of flesh? And the Lord said unto me: Certain of the angels which fell do enter unto the bodies of women, and receive flesh from the lust of the flesh, and so is a spirit born of spirit, and flesh of flesh, and so is the kingdom of Satan accomplished in this world and among all nations.

And he said to me: My Father hath suffered him to reign seven days, which are seven ages.

And I asked the Lord and said: What shall be in that time? And he said to me: From the time when the devil fell from the glory of the Father and (lost) his own glory, he sat upon the clouds, and sent his ministers, even angels flaming with fire, unto men from Adam even unto Henoch his servant. And he raised up Henoch upon the firmament and showed him his godhead and commanded pen and ink to be given him: and he sat down and wrote threescore and seven books. And he commanded that he should take them to the earth and deliver them unto his sons. And Henoch let his books down upon the earth and delivered them unto his sons, and began to teach them to perform the custom of sacrifice, and unrighteous mysteries, and so did he hide the kingdom of heaven from men. And he said unto them: Behold that I am your god and beside me is none other god.

And therefore did my Father send me into the world that I might make it known unto men, that they might know the evil device of the devil.

At one point in the Gnostic gospel of Thomas, the disciples ask Thomas what Jesus told him when he withdrew with him and “told him three things.” Thomas said to them: “If I tell you even one of the things he told me, you will pick up rocks and stone me. Then fire will come forth from the rocks and devour you.”

By now we have an idea of what was so controversial about what Jesus was saying in private that even some of his closest followers could not be told. At another point in this text, Jesus says to his disciples, following a rendition of the parable of the sower: “This is also how you can acquire the kingdom of heaven. If you do not acquire it through knowledge, you will not be able to find it.”

Repeatedly throughout the Gnostic texts, the seeking of knowledge – in the sense of Truth, or the unseen reality behind the symbols of our world – as opposed to belief in salvation from a “god out there,” was emphasized. That was truly heretical in those days. In fact, it is heretical now.

If “three day deaths and resurrections” of savior gods was so commonplace throughout the Middle East, why was Jesus saying:

“You miserable people! You unfortunate ones! You pretenders to truth! You falsifiers of knowledge! You sinners against the spirit! Why do you continue to listen when from the beginning you should have been speaking? Why do you sleep when from the beginning you should have been awake, that the kingdom of heaven might receive you? I tell you the truth: it is easier for a holy person to sink into filth, and for an enlightened person to sink into darkness, than for you to reign.”

At one point, in the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus makes a rather astounding comparison:

‘They saw a Samaritan carrying a lamb and going to Judea. He said to his disciples, “Why is he carrying the lamb around?” They said to him, “So that he may kill it and eat it.” He said to them, “He will not eat it while it is alive, but only after it has been killed and has become a carcass.” They said, “it cannot happen any other way.” He said to them, “So also with you: seek a place of rest for yourselves, that you may not become a carcass and be eaten.”

That’s a far cry from the accepted Christian image of the “Good Shepherd.” The point is, the Gnostic gospels, obviously the “other Christianity” that was abolished and buried by the church, had, as the centerpiece of their teachings, that the gods of the many religions down through the ages were merely different manifestations of the negative forces of the hyperdimensional reality and that this realm of evil gods acted on souled beings through the intermediary of Organic Portals. But such an idea is extremely difficult to deal with when one has been inculcated for all of their life in a belief system that includes, (as a precaution), the idea that such ideas as this will come along as the “wiles of Satan” tempting a person to renounce their faith.

The Control System of the Powers That Be went into overdrive damage control to stamp out the teachings of Jesus in the middle of the second century. From that point on, gnosticism was heresy and the Egyptian model of the dying and resurrecting savior – the corn god – had been substituted into the Christian mythological structure, and a “history” of a “real person” about whom all would revolve was carefully written. But, not carefully enough. Obviously, as with the Old Testament, real stories and real sayings had to be used or the adherents of the system would notice.

By the end of the fourth century the struggle between the Catholic Church and the classical Gnosticism represented in the Nag Hammadi texts was essentially over. The church now had the added the force of political correctness to bolster its dogmatic denunciation. With this material sword, so-called “heresy” was surgically removed from the Christian body; without anesthesia, I should add. Gnosticism was eradicated, its remaining teachers murdered or driven into exile, and its sacred books destroyed. All that remained for scholars seeking to understand Gnosticism in later centuries were the denunciations and fragments preserved in the patristic heresiologies.

The years from the fifth through the fifteenth century – the “Dark Ages” – are among the most mysterious in all of history. It was during this period that Christianity – as we know it – was imposed on the Western world, and any significant opposition to the teachings of the church were destroyed. You could say that this was a “COINTELPRO program” with a twist. Instead of relying on psychological manipulation and character assassination only, the Church did all of that, and more: they destroyed those who didn’t agree with their globalization and conquest agendas.

Catharism was viewed as perhaps the most dangerous rival to the Catholic church. In the same way that modern day COINTELPRO brands opposition to the Bush Reich’s global conquest agenda as either a “cult” or “conspiracy theory,” the Catholic church labeled opposition “heresy.”

The church launched a particularly vicious crusade against the Cathars: 20,000 people were slaughtered in the city of Beziers alone. Reportedly, after the monk in charge of the battle, when asked how to distinguish heretics from Catholics, replied, “Kill them all, God will know his own.” The Cathars who survived then became the original targets of the Inquisition – which of course makes us wonder about the original “witches.” Were they – in part – Catharist in persuasion? If so, what part of their extant ideas might be a reflection of Cathar teachings?

The Cathars were pacifistic and they embraced tolerance and poverty. What we would like to know is were they closely associated with the ORIGINAL Christianity before the official church wiped them out and replaced the religion of Christ with the religion of men seeking power?

One thing is certain: they were “well and truly heretical, by every definition except their own.”

As it happens, the Cathars were closely connected to the Grail Legends. This brings up the question: did the Cathars have – at least in part – the knowledge of the ancient esoteric Christianity? It certainly seems that these are the teachings that are portrayed in the Grail Legends before they were corrupted by the Catholic Church. What is certain is that the earliest Grail stories described a spiritual process rather than an object.

There are a number of people nowadays who claim to speak with authority about what the Cathars did or did not believe, but most of them are blowing smoke. The fact is, the only thing we know about what the Cathars believed or taught is what is filtered through the accusations of their detractors. The following account is from a medieval source: “Reynaldus: On the Accusations Against the Albigensians.” (“Albigensians” was another name for the Cathars.):

First it is to be known that the heretics held that there are two Creators; viz. one of invisible things, whom they called the benevolent God, and another of visible things, whom they named the malevolent God. The New Testament they attributed to the benevolent God; but the Old Testament to the malevolent God, and rejected it altogether, except certain authorities which are inserted in the New Testament from the Old; which, out of reverence to the New Testament, they esteemed worthy of reception.

There is no surviving version of the Cathar New Testament, so we are without any idea of what, precisely, they did include as being valid. We do think that the Gnostic gospels are , very likely, if not the same, similar, if not the same, to the Cathar texts. We do know that they esteemed the gospel of John as being the “closest” to the truth, and that the “historical” gospels were all “made up” stories that had nothing to do with the “real” Jesus.

They charged the author of the Old Testament with falsehood, because the Creator said, “In the day that ye eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil ye shall die;” nor (as they say) after eating did they die; when, in fact, after the eating the forbidden fruit they were subjected to the misery of death. They also call him a homicide, as well because he burned up Sodom and Gomorrah, and destroyed the world by the waters of the deluge, as because he overwhelmed Pharaoh, and the Egyptians, in the sea.

This is quite clearly a Gnostic idea. The Gnostics taught that Jehovah/Yahweh was an “Evil God” more like a demon than anything else. But, a part of their teaching as well was that he did have something to do with the creation of the material world. was part of their teachings as well. So, he clearly wasn’t just a “demon” in the sense of an ethereal attacker of human beings who could be “cast out” by an exorcism. No, indeed, he was far more than that! He was a hyperdimensional being of great power and cunning!

They affirmed also, that all the fathers of the Old Testament were damned; that John the Baptist was one of the greater demons.

This is an interesting remark since it relates in a curious way to a comment of “Jesus” in the Secret Book of James. His disciples are asking him: “Lord, how can we prophesy to those who ask us to prophesy to them? For many people ask us, and they expect to hear a sermon from us.” The Lord answered and said:

Do you not know that the head of prophecy was removed with John? When you realize what the head is, and that prophecy comes from the head, then understand what this means: its head was taken away. At first I spoke with you in parables, but you did not understand. Now I am speaking with you plainly, and you still do not perceive.

This is, no doubt, an extremely mysterious remark. Writers of the present day, not understanding the symbolism of the “talking head” and the head of John the Baptist as it relates to the head of Bran the Blessed, the Ark of the Covenant, and the Holy Grail, have erroneously come to the conclusion that John the Baptist was the true object of worship of the Cathars and Templars. [Picknett and Prince.] Some writers have even ignorantly proposed that this “talking head” is the armillary sphere of Pope Sylvester, and that it “talks” about “precessional cycles.”

It is quite probable that the remark of Raynaldus about the condemnation of John the Baptist by the Cathars has some foundation in fact. If so, what are we to make of the claims of those who propose that there has been a secret society for millennia that actually worships John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene in secret? Certainly, if that had been the case with the Cathars, Raynaldus would have said so because such a claim was damning enough in its own right. But that is not what he said. He said that the Cathars damned John the Baptist as one of the greater demons. And then we see the “Jesus” of the Gnostic texts saying that the head of this “demon” had been related to “prophecy” and was “removed.”

They said also, in their secret doctrine, (in secreto suo) that that Christ who was born in the visible, and terrestrial Bethlehem, and crucified in Jerusalem, was a bad man, and that Mary Magdalene was his concubine; and that she was the woman taken in adultery, of whom we read in the gospel. For the good Christ, as they said, never ate, nor drank, nor took upon him true flesh, nor ever was in this world, except spiritually in the body of Paul….

It is indeed likely that the Cathars did not believe that the “historical Jesus” was accurately depicted in the New Testament. Clearly, they did believe that the “Jesus” of the New Testament was a fraud – and that the gospels themselves were fraudulent. We ought to pay some attention to the fact that the Cathars may have believed that the Great Work had been accomplished by the apostle Paul, and that Paul may, indeed, have been a pseudonym given to the man around whom the Jesus legend was accreted. In other words, was Paul the REAL Jesus? An interesting idea to hold in the mind while reading his epistles (those that are confirmably his and not merely attributed to him.

In the teachings of Paul, it is evident from textual analysis that Paul did not know of a “Christ” as a historical personage in the body of a man called Jesus as represented in the New Testament. He knew of a “Christ” spirit that was an “anointing” of gnosis. When his writings are analyzed with all the tools of linguistics, and the additions, glosses, and interpolations removed (not to mention the epistles that are clearly not Pauline), we find a series of teachings that is most definitely Gnostic in flavor and texture. Not only that, but the teacher that Paul referred to had quite a different history than the Jesus of the New Testament.

Raynaldus’ remark about Mary Magdalene does irreparable damage to many popular theories of the present time: that she was the “wife of Jesus,” and that they produced children together and that these children are the origin of the idea of the “Sang Real,” or “Holy Blood.” The point is, if Raynaldus had simply reported that Mary Magdalene was the “mistress” of Jesus, and that they had children, then that would have been sufficiently damning. If he had reported that the Cathars worshipped John the Baptist as the true Christ, that also would have been sufficiently damning. However, his version of what they believed was that 1) John the Baptist represented a demon and, and that 2) there was a “bad man” crucified in Jerusalem, who was connected to Mary Magdalene, but that it wasn’t Jesus. So he probably wasn’t making it up. Clearly, the beliefs of the Cathars were something other than an idea that John the Baptist was the true Messiah, or that Jesus and Mary had children together, contrary to what present day expositors of “occult secrets of the Holy Blood, Holy Grail” would have us believe.

It is also likely that the Cathars believed that any physical “crucifixion” that took place was that of a criminal and not of the “real” Jesus. This was, as they would perceive it, an overlay of the Egyptian religion of the resurrection of Horus, or the Tammuz drama, and it was repugnant to the Gnostic ideas of salvation through fusing the magnetic center and thereby facilitating direct knowing, as opposed to salvation by a “sacrifice.” Their very rejection of the patriarchs and Yahweh was based on the sacrifice issue, which they saw as a violent “eating of humanity” undertaken by evil Archons of Darkness. Nevertheless, that they apparently did, indeed, have some idea of an initiatory process that was part of being Christed is apparent. This is the Gnostic Staircase explicated by Boris Mouravieff.

They said that almost all the Church of Rome was a den of thieves; and that it was the harlot of which we read in the Apocalypse. They so far annulled the sacraments of the Church, as publicly to teach that the water of holy Baptism was just the same as river water, and that the Host of the most holy body of Christ did not differ from common bread; instilling into the ears of the simple this blasphemy, that the body of Christ, even though it had been as great as the Alps, would have been long ago consumed, and annihilated by those who had eaten of it.

Sure, the Cathars probably thought and taught all these things. But then, why not? They were probably right.

Confirmation and Confession, they considered as altogether vain and frivolous. They preached that Holy Matrimony was meretricious, and that none could be saved in it, if they should beget children. Denying also the Resurrection of the flesh, they invented some unheard of notions, saying, that our souls are those of angelic spirits who, being cast down from heaven by the apostasy of pride, left their glorified bodies in the air; and that these souls themselves, after successively inhabiting seven terrene bodies, of one sort or another, having at length fulfilled their penance, return to those deserted bodies.

Now, of all the things said by Raynaldus, this last is the most interesting. But, let me deal with them in reverse order. The item that human souls are those of “higher beings” is quite in keeping with the many myths and legends of The Fall – the former state of man in paradise. But, that this “paradise” is here described as sort of “in the air” and not exactly “in heaven,” is most interesting in terms of hyperdimensional realities. It is also interesting in terms of the Grail Quest and the “ascent of the shamans” and the Great Work of alchemy. The statement that clearly describes a belief in reincarnation, and seven incarnations in particular, is also interesting since it seems to be a garbling of the seven levels of reality that are part and parcel of many other ancient systems of philosophy, originating, in fact, in Siberian Shamanism.

The item about marriage is interesting in the sense that, indeed, it seems that the Cathars taught that their followers ought not to have children so as to not provide more “food” for the Archons of Darkness – the Matrix. It seems that the Cathar’s main point about marriage was that if you bring a child into the world, you are perpetuating darkness because this world is ruled by beings who can invade the mind, and thereby further entrap the soul. However, they did not teach an abandonment of marital relations until an individual was ready to “graduate” and became a “Parfait,” or “Perfected.”

Some people suggest that the Cathars engaged in some sort of sexual rites based on other accusations of their detractors. There are also clues that “sex” of a spiritual sort may have been the rite of “crucifixion” of the original Christianity, the “Christing,” the Hieros Gamos, being the Shamanic ascent to the Goddess. Let us just say at this point that assuming that physical sexual activity has anything to do with it is misleading – an exoteric blind.

So what we see is that “primitive chiliasm,” most likely related to Catharism, was probably closer to the real teachings of Great Teacher- around whom the Jesus Myth was shaped by the church – and that somehow this Chiliasm and Catharism is closely connected to the Grail stories – stories that emphasize “romance” and battles with dark forces, great struggles of a physical and emotional nature. What we also can hypothesize, based on the evidence, is that these teachings included the idea of hyperdimensional realities and literal Time Loops culminating in cataclysm, with a restoration of a Para-physical earth – the Edenic State of the Golden Age – -on the other side of the dissolution.

Let’s go back to one of the Cathar ideas: They affirmed also, that all the fathers of the Old Testament were damned; that John the Baptist was one of the greater demons.

In William Bramley’s book, The Gods of Eden, he noted that when we consider history, we can clearly see that the drive of human beings to have peace is as strong, if not stronger, than the drive to have war. But, when the issue of war is examined, one realizes that, most often, the “trigger” for war and related “inhumanity to man” is that the drive for spiritual freedom is twisted by manipulation.

It’s easy to look back on history and see where this or that group was “misled” in their beliefs and thereby fell into errors of thinking that led to the perpetration of unspeakable horrors. We can point to the genocide advocated by the God of the Hebrews, or the religious-zeal-run-amok of the Catholic church when it instituted the Inquisition. We can see the twisted version of the “genetic superman” that led to the holocaust. It’s easy to discern these errors of the past, because we “know more now.” Well, isn’t that an interesting thing? We KNOW more now. How much more can we learn?

Well, it almost seems as if the game has just gotten more and more complex, but the same essential errors keep getting repeated. What is at the root? (Aside from the fact that we notice the above examples all relate to monotheistic exclusivity.)

Human beings have a sort of “built in drive” for spiritual knowledge. And over and over again we can see that this drive is what is being manipulated. When genuine spiritual knowledge is distorted while, at the same time, the inner desire for “salvation” is constantly being stimulated by various religious teachings, a great many people can be led into doing a lot of cruel and stupid things. The perceived need to “save souls” is a prime example of how such a seeming positive polarization can be suddenly shifted to do the exact opposite of what the religious teachings explicate. And this is an important point to remember!

Zecharia Sitchin and William Bramley following Von Danniken have postulated that the ancient evidence demonstrates the actual, physical presence of an extraterrestrial race who came to earth to set up “controls” over humanity, with possible plans to return and “harvest the fruits” of their efforts. In both cases, their studies have indicated strongly that this “extraterrestrial race” does NOT have humanity’s best interests at heart! These guys did a lot of work, gathered a lot of FACTS, and were not listening to some bug eyed Gray alien who was trying to convince them that “this is for YOU! We are here to help!”

But, those same “aliens” we find today, zipping about, sliding in and out of our reality like slippery eels, gazing and probing and “communicating” all kinds of excuses and scenarios to explain what they are doing based on how gullible or ignorant their victims are; this must be considered also. In other words, what Sitchin and Bramley fail to factor into their arguments is the CONTINUING evidence of “interaction” and “domination” from another “realm” of existence. The Annunaki, as defined by Sitchin, and the “Custodians” as defined by Bramley, did not come as physical beings, (in our terms), occupy, dominate, and then leave for some obscure reason. The evidence of those, now numbering in the multiples of thousands, claiming “alien abduction” and “contact with aliens” and even “visions of the Virgin” and other miracles throughout history, contradicts this view. It seems far more likely that the ancient stories indicate a cultural openness that permitted perception of such beings, acknowledged their reality, and merely made the distinction between them and ordinary human beings by referring to them as “gods.”

William Bramley also chronicled considerable historical evidence of a relation between the sightings of UFOs and the sudden onslaught of deadly diseases or plagues. We have similar concerns in the present time which indicates that this is not a “new thing,” but merely part of a cycle. The Annunaki have never left, and the Brotherhood of the Serpent is still with us, active and growing stronger by the day.

During my reading, I came across a curious remark by the medieval Jewish commentator, Rashi, saying, in effect, that the Genesis narrative was written to justify what we now call genocide! The God of Israel, who gave his people the “promised land,” had to be unequivocally supreme so that no one, not even the dispossessed, could appeal against his decrees. [See Isserlin, B.S.J., The Israelites, Thames and Hudson, London, 1998]

In Umberto Eco’s The Search for The Perfect Language, the idea is suggested, though subtly, that the development of the Hebrew Bible, even if there were some ancient texts involved, (though not nearly as ancient as most believers suppose!) was primarily a “promotion” to validate Judaism. This validation was necessary in order to then “validate” Christianity as the “one true religion.” In other words, the “rights” of the Jews, the unappealable decrees of Jehovah/Yahweh, could be “inherited” by the Christian Church as instituted for political reasons by Constantine!

And, again, during this period, we have the dark ages where very little secondary sources survived. Could there be a reason?

So, what we finally observe about Christianity can be summed up by saying that it is clear that it was taken over by “pre-Adamic” humans as a control system just as Jesus warned. The Egyptian religion became the model of Christianity, and the “Stargate Conspiracy” – substituting essentially “Satanic” ideas for the original Christianity – became a great success. I has been used to kill more people than any other ideology in recorded history. It is, as it happens, the foundation of the Bush Reich Agenda – agents of the Apocalypse. Christianity – and other monotheistic religions – are basically Draconian. They are the well from which much in our society, our mores, ethics, judgments etc… is drawn. It has been the justification for the greatest series of bloodbaths in “recorded” history.

Could there be a reason for this?

Simultaneously, we have an obvious “gradual revelation” plan going on via the government and its space program, and now a big push by George Bush and the Fundamentalists of both Christian and Zionist tendencies to institute a One World Government – the Christian Stargate Conspiracy – entirely appropriate terminology since Christianity, as it is now known, is little more than the Egyptian Isis cult in a new suit of clothes.

So, we have a right to ask: what the heck is really going on? What does it mean to talk about the “New Jerusalem” when, in point of fact – as has been revealed– anything and everything that had to do with the Old Jerusalem was lies and disinformation issuing from that crafty Yahweh/Jehovah guy with control issues?

The reality seems to be that Judaism, Christianity and Islam were specifically designed and created just to produce a particular situation that is desirable to someone at a certain point in time, and again, we see the same operation being run on humanity in the present day as the New Age – Human Potential movement.

And so we know and understand the origin of the Spirit behind those who accuse us of Anti-Christian, Anti-Semitic, and/or Anti-Islamic bias. They are religions all cut from the same cloth, descended as Jesus said, from Henoch:

From the time when the devil fell from the glory of the Father and (lost) his own glory, he sat upon the clouds, and sent his ministers, even angels flaming with fire, unto men from Adam even unto Henoch his servant. And he raised up Henoch upon the firmament and showed him his godhead and commanded pen and ink to be given him: and he sat down and wrote threescore and seven books. And he commanded that he should take them to the earth and deliver them unto his sons. And Henoch let his books down upon the earth and delivered them unto his sons, and began to teach them to perform the custom of sacrifice, and unrighteous mysteries, and so did he hide the kingdom of heaven from men. And he said unto them: Behold that I am your god and beside me is none other god.

And therefore did my Father send me into the world that I might make it known unto men, that they might know the evil device of the devil.

We understand why so-called “Christians” quote Satanists and their lies to back up their claims that we here at Cassiopaea are “anti-Christian.” Let me repeat:

And Henoch let his books down upon the earth and delivered them unto his sons, and began to teach them to perform the custom of sacrifice, and unrighteous mysteries, and so did he hide the kingdom of heaven from men. And he said unto them: Behold that I am your god and beside me is none other god.

This is the god of Judaism, Christianity and Islam… the Devil.

And now, to begin to understand the true work of Alchemy, let us move to the next phase…