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Posts Tagged ‘Cassiopaeans’

A Course in Knowledge and Being, Part 6

– a multi-part video series by Laura Knight-Jadczyk Information Theory and Reality Creation, Part 2 In part two of this subseries of ‘A Course in Knowledge and Being’, Laura continues her discussion of information theory and how it applies to the creation of everyday reality. DISCLAIMER: The use of any of the techniques or information […]

A Course in Knowledge and Being, Part 5

– a multi-part video series by Laura Knight-Jadczyk Information Theory and Reality Creation, Part 5 In part one of this new subseries of ‘A Course in Knowledge and Being’, Laura discusses information theory and how it applies to the creation of everyday reality. DISCLAIMER: The use of any of the techniques or information contained in […]

A Course in Knowledge and Being, Part 4

– a multi-part video series by Laura Knight-Jadczyk Differential Diagnosis in Spirit Release, Part 4 In part four of this subseries of ‘A Course in Knowledge and Being’, Laura responds to questions and comments posed by viewers of Parts 1, 2 and 3. DISCLAIMER: The use of any of the techniques or information contained in […]

A Course in Knowledge and Being, Part 3

– a multi-part video series by Laura Knight-Jadczyk Differential Diagnosis in Spirit Release, Part 3 In part three of this subseries of ‘A Course in Knowledge and Being’, Laura expands on the topic of ‘spirit release’ via use of a ouija board and shares valuable information on how those with a serious and honest interest […]

A Course in Knowledge and Being, Part 2

– a multi-part video series by Laura Knight-Jadczyk Differential Diagnosis in Spirit Release, Part 2 In this long-awaited follow-up video, Laura explains the potential pit-falls awaiting anyone who attempts to use a ‘ouija board’ for the purpose of ‘spirit release’ without the necessary knowlege and understanding of what exactly they are dealing with. DISCLAIMER: The […]

A Course in Knowledge and Being, Part 1

– a multi-part video series by Laura Knight-Jadczyk Differential Diagnosis in Spirit Release, Part 1 In this fascinating introductory talk Laura looks at the history of the modern spiritual movement and the pitfalls and traps awaiting any would-be “channeler”. Laura also provides a look at the events that led to the beginnings of the “Cassiopaean […]

Reader’s Comments on “Adventures with Cassiopaeans”

Hello again… your present series of articles is starting to get very interesting now with all of the connections you are making, and some of these things/connections you are writing about I have not heard anywhere else except in my own ideas. This is difficult to fully explain, but this “quest” (or whatever it is) […]

The Cs Hit List 09: DNA, Rational Design and the Origins of Life

A controversial paper questioning the ‘Out of Africa’ theory of human origins was recently published in the journal Advances in Anthropology. There are quite a lot of references to the origins of humanity in the Cs transcripts, so that’s what I want to discuss in this installment of the Hit List series. I’ll get to the paper in […]

Companion Stars and Cometary Showers: Doomsday?

It’s been another busy week at QFG HQ. I haven’t had much time to write, but today I’m going to make up for it. There are a couple of items in the news that I want to talk about, but first I want to give some background. Yesterday, someone posted in our forum the following: I have been noticing […]

Is Mel Gibson a modern day Suetonius?

An essay on accepted truths and those who identify with them Movie Review by John Humphries A recurring question asked at the QFS is “Who benefits?” when we come across an idea or action or consequence that seems out of the norm; or consider an action that, at face value, seems controversial. “The Passion of […]

Let The Games Begin

Whitley Strieber writes: “Nancy Leider, the voice of Zeta-Talk, has been saying for some time that this mythical monster was going to make a close pass on May 15, and wreak holy hell on earth. From her remarks on Coast to Coast AM on Friday, April 25, 2003, my impression is that she’s apparently putting […]

The Cs Hit List 08: Of Oracles and Conspiracies: TWA 800, 9/11, H1N1, and VISA

So far in this series, I’ve focused a lot on history and science, albeit some of it of a particularly paranormal persuasion. To jog the reader’s memory, the first installment began with a discussion of prophecy and prediction and asked some questions such as: Can prophecies be true? If so, are they all true? All fake? How […]

Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 11

As I continue with this series, laying the groundwork for some belief shattering revelations that our research has uncovered in the past year or two, I feel a certain “oppositional pressure” building in the outside world. Daily, we notice that the “Powers That Be” are circling the planet, closing off alternatives, and battening down the […]

Comet Elenin: Harbinger of What?

We had a chat with the Cassiopaeans the other night and got in a few questions about Comet Elenin, to wit: Q: (Andromeda) Is the outburst of asteroid 596 Scheila related at all to Comet Elenin? A: Yes. And other bodies. See McCanney. Q: (Andromeda) So what caused that asteroid to become a comet? A: […]

Fire And Ice: The Day After Tomorrow

  © Inconnu Moonrise over a glacier A few months ago a member of the SOTT Forum posted a link to the following article about investigations into climate change. I wasn’t too sure what the contradictory term “Tropical Ice Cores” meant, but the article seemed to explain all that: Tropical Ice Cores Shows Two Abrupt […]

The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part X: The Fulcanelli Phenomenon

“One of the strangest stories to have emerged from the cloud of mystery that surrounds the ancient science of alchemy is that of the modern master, Fulcanelli.” [Johnson, 1992] During the 19th and 20th centuries, alchemy lost favor with the rise of experimental science. The time was that of such stellar names as Lavoisier, Priestley […]

The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part VIII: Oak Island and the Shepherds of Arcadia

Now we get to some subject matter that is dear to the heart of many contemporary Grail Questors. A connection between Oak Island and the Shepherds of Arcadia would have been unheard of by those who have gone long before us because Oak Island is in North America. Or would it? Actually, I am going […]

The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part VII: The Nordic Covenant and the Coral Castle

The subject of the “Nordic Covenant” emerged only gradually over a period of time and there were many corollary events in our lives that had a strong bearing on the development of this information. The first time it was mentioned was on 12-03-94 when a series of “prophetic markers” were given. These were “signs” we […]

The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part VI: A View of History from Us in the Future

The issue of “channeling” as a scientific experiment – utilizing information obtained by such a method – is problematical, to say the least. Again, we wish to reiterate that the “Cassiopaean Source” is NOT, and never has been, a dialogue with so-called “aliens” or “discarnate” beings as they are generally understood. Again we mention the […]

The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part IV: Machiavelli and the ETs

A number of years ago I came across an interesting book entitled: The Gods of Eden, by William Bramley. I picked it up and read the blurbs on the front and back and inside covers. The back of the book claims: “As a result of seven years of intensive research, William Bramley has uncovered the […]

The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part III-2: Time, cont.

The Russian philosopher/mathematician, P.D. Ouspensky recorded G.I. Gurdjieff as saying: “Man is a machine. All his deeds, action, words, thoughts, feelings, convictions, opinions, and habits are the results of external influences, external impressions. Out of himself a man can’t produce a single thought, a single action. Everything he says, does, thinks, feels – all this […]

94% – Dave McGowan, Hurricane Katrina, Peak Oil and the Cassiopaeans

Last Hallowe’en I was left here at Signs Central to hold down the fort and produce the Hallowe’en Signs page by myself. That page has become a classic and I received a pile of emails from readers about it. What can I say? It was one of those golden moments in journalism where all the […]

Transient Passengers

In recent weeks, the relationships of higher density beings to “one another,” (if there is such a term in relation to 6th density) has come up over and over again. I have to admit that I was somewhat blind to this as an issue because, as a result of the interaction with the Cassiopaeans, I […]

Diet and Health Questions and Can Smoking be Good for You?

Many readers have written with questions relating to health issues. For the most part, this is not a subject that has received a lot of focus among us because, in the very beginning, the Cassiopaeans made it clear that, if one deals with spiritual and psychological issues first, the health problems would take care of […]

Enlightenment and Ascension

A Reader writes to Laura: Hi, Fantastic site, much to consider. Was hoping to get a little more clear on the following Q & A posted from Peter: “Doesn’t enlightenment come with the ascension into higher densities? Where you answered: “We would all like to think so! And it has certainly been a tenet of […]

The Floyd Void or, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and assorted Prophetic Considerations

Before I start getting serious, I want to confess that I am a Pink Floyd fan. I am somewhat amused at the name of the present hurricane that is threatening the coast of my home state, and I would like to share one of the segments from our often humorous sessions. We had been listening […]

Hoagland, Hyperdimensions, Space and Time

Hoagland, Hyperdimensions, Space and Time, and Assorted Strange Connections The following excerpts are a more or less chronological presentation of the many instances in which we have discussed concepts relating to hyperdimensionality with the Cassiopaeans. On many occasions, they have “led” us in these directions with some obvious intent. I wish to apologize in advance […]

The Stargate Conspiracy

A Review, analysis, and commentary on the book by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince As most readers know, we were recently made aware of certain remarks about the Cassiopaeans made by the authors of The Stargate Conspiracy which resulted in a response by us (Ark and Laura). (See: Picknett and Prince on the Cassiopaeans) In […]

The Denver Airport Material

07-16-94 A: Denver new airport big, big, big, big scandal. Q: (L) What kind of scandal? A: Government. Q: (L) Specifically what? A: You will see. Dallas airport is secret base; Orlando too; Miami Too. Q: (L) What about Denver airport and how does it relate to prophecies? A: Denver reveals the government. Look for […]

O.H. KRLL, Val Valerian, the Cassiopaeans and other mysterious beings…

Strange things happen… Those of you who have read some, most, or all of the material posted on the Cassiopaean website, are familiar with the fact that the Cassiopaeans, as a “channeled” source, stand almost alone in the presenting of the “Alien Scenario” as a Threat to mankind. You may also be familiar with the […]

Swerdlow Controlled via Satellite? or “reductio ad absurdum”

Note: Many people have written to ask us about the claims of Stewart Swerdlow, a fellow who claims to have participated in clandestine government projects located at the Montauk Air force/Naval facility. Among these claims are: “Any channeled information is crap. It is 100% disinformation” and “All channeling is disinformation.” While we do agree that […]

Dreams and Disinformation

Hi Laura I was reading Q&A to Caroline and I read the part about dreams ( “You made a remark once that dreams were a prime opportunity for the implanting of negative information and suggestions. This makes me think that we are even more vulnerable during sleep than previously thought.” ) I have kept a […]

The Great Cycle of Life

A reader writes to Laura: Thank you for your courage to publicise such an amazing site. I often find myself surprised by the depth of the answers you receive. It seems that the seemingly cheeky and elusive responses contain hidden meaning and just beg for attention. Amazingly, for a long time now, I have been […]

The Cassiopaeans and Ra

A reader comments: You have some fascinating material on your website. I have noticed a remarkable similarity between the material you have channeled from the Cassiopaeans and the Ra Material, which was channeled in the late ’70’s and early 80’s, particularly in regard to the various densities, and service to self and service to others […]

Crystals, Shems, 4D Takeover and Music

A reader asks: When the Cassiopaeans talk about shems, have you asked if other cultures other than Atlantis created these kinds of synthetic crystals? Dear Stephanie, No, but think it might have been volunteered by the Cassiopaeans in the course of asking other questions about crystals if it had been the case. There were a […]

Evolution of Souls

Hello , I ran across your page about a week ago . VERY interesting stuff . I am very careful about what I embrace , there is so much information out there ( & disinformation ) that people embrace because it sounds “cool ” or “cosmic ” & it’s in print . I have found […]

Contrails or Chemtrails?

I have found your Web Site last week & I found it extremely interesting. Also very Frightening. Seems like the Humans here don’t have much of a chance. You & the Cass’s covered many topics but what I’de like to know is what they say about these Contrails or Chemtrails that thousands of people have […]

EgyptAir Flight 990, Sacred Geometry, Y2K, Origins of the Tarot, Schools of Ascension and other Disinformation

Session date: November 13, 1999 Laura’s introductory remarks at the beginning of the session: We have a lot of questions to get through tonight, and I have sort of organized them so that the ones that will go quickly are in the top of the pile; but we know how THAT goes! Could be a […]

666 – The Mark of the Beast?

94-10-16 Session: Q: (L) On the subject of the 666, I was given an insight into this several years ago as to another meaning of it, is that interpretation also correct? A: Maybe. VI is 6 in Roman Numerals. S was 6 in ancient Egypt. A was 6 in Sanskrit. VISA, see, is 666. Interesting […]

Questions About Ascension

The Cassiopaean information on the subject of the much misunderstood idea of “Ascension” is not only supported by many ancient teachings, (which it would be useful to add to the knowledge base for purposes of being able to “weed” the lies from the truth), it also adds insight and clarity in terms the modern mind […]

Supernovae: Vehicle of Ascension?

November 29, 1999 A very interesting article was shared today by a member of our discussion group which may have some bearing on material delivered by the Cassiopaeans in several sessions of the past years. The article was by Marcus Chown From New Scientist, 27 November 1999, and said in part: THE DOMINANCE of left-handed […]

Picknett and Prince on the Cassiopaeans

From Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, authors of The Stargate Conspiracy Reference SC3330 (Reply to SC3214) Dear Readers, Apparently a reader of our site has recently invited the famous authors of some of my favorite reading material, Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, (The Stargate Conspiracy, The Templar Revelation: Secret Guardians of the True Identity of […]

Supplement to the St. Pete Times Article: “The Exorcist in Love”

Part of the story behind the St. Pete Times Article… As I recounted in my book, Amazing Grace, when my son, (who is now 17), was born, he exhibited some peculiarly “adult” terrors and reactions to a number of things. I will not describe every detail, but, being involved in the work I have been for […]

The Chilbolton Crop Circle and The Cassiopaeans on Crop Circles

Note added February, 2005: At the present time, one wonders even more poignantly about this strange “crop circle,” appearing as it did twenty days before the events that are branded into the global mind as 9-11. It could certainly have been a warning from “Mother Nature” to those who were planning to execute this diabolical […]

Binary Stars: Does our Sun have a Dark Companion?

August 3, 1996 This session started off with a simple question about the Hale-Bopp comet, but led to some startling information… Q: (L) This is kind of an off-the-wall question that just popped into my head. Did we ever ask anything about Hale-Bopp? A: Yes. Q: (L) Is Hale-Bopp going to turn planet Earth into […]