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Posts Tagged ‘climate change’

All For One and One For All

The issue of methane and outgassing has occupied me to quite some extent for the past few years particularly after writing New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection. I even asked the editors to keep their eyes open for news items about anything that might be related to outgassings. There’s quite a collection in the […]

Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies

A few things that should be considered when talking about so-called “chemtrails”: 1) Obviously, there is some “spraying” that goes on and it’s not for the benefit of humanity. I’ve heard a few stories from people about very low flying planes dispersing stuff that lands all over everything or makes people sick. And I do mean […]

Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 1

For the past few days I have been wondering exactly how to go about putting these items together without getting myself into hot water again, and I couldn’t quite see a clear path for this material. However, today the Signs team pulled up a couple of most interesting articles that just happen to provide the […]

The Wave Chapter 57: It’s Just Economics

Until recently, impacts by extraterrestrial bodies were regarded as, perhaps, an interesting but certainly not important phenomenon in the spectrum of geological processes affecting the Earth. This has only been the case since Lyell, Laplace and Newton put a period to such speculations. What seems to have happened is that, through repeated cataclysms, man has […]

The Cs Hit List 01: Prophecy, Prediction, and Portents of Things to Come

Note: This is the first in a series of articles on the track record of the Cs (Cassiopaeans), those sometimes sarcastic and always insightful perhaps-future-intelligences and subject of the Cassiopaean Experiment. We aim to present those instances of statements that have proven themselves to be accurate, to greater or lesser degrees, as a result of […]

Tunguska, the Horns of the Moon and Evolution

©Peter Grego Impression of the 1178 lunar event Last time I said I was going to talk about how much your “glorious leaders” really hate and despise you and how they are plotting your deaths while most of you are so screwed up that you not only do not see this, you actually dance blithely […]

Majesterium and the Tipping Point

“Time passes, but they’re always five to seven years from the bomb.” — Shlomo Brom, Israel’s deputy national security adviser under former Prime Minister Ehud Barak Angel by William Blake As Israeli politicians continue to beat the war-drums over what they (now alone) claim to be an imminent threat from a nuclear-capable Iran, very similar […]

The Younger Dryas Impact Event and the Cycles of Cosmic Catastrophes – Climate Scientists Awakening

The eagle screams, And with pale beak tears corpses. . . . Mountains dash together, Heroes go the way to Hel, And heaven is rent in twain. . . . All men abandon their homesteads When the warder of Midgard In wrath slays the serpent. The sun grows dark, The earth sinks into the sea, […]

Forget About Global Warming: We’re One Step From Extinction!

Often, some of the most important news comes from local papers, stories that don’t make it up the feeding chain and onto the news wires or major newspapers or nightly network news. It can be news that at first glance wouldn’t appear to have a national or international impact. Second glance, and a good memory, […]

Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda

What is the truth about Climate Change? Some time ago I wrote about Climate Change as being probably the most pressing problem facing humanity today. It is so pressing that I am convinced that possibly 90% of the human race – over 6 billion people – could be at risk of certain death in the […]

Fire And Ice: The Day After Tomorrow

  © Inconnu Moonrise over a glacier A few months ago a member of the SOTT Forum posted a link to the following article about investigations into climate change. I wasn’t too sure what the contradictory term “Tropical Ice Cores” meant, but the article seemed to explain all that: Tropical Ice Cores Shows Two Abrupt […]

Is the World Coming to an End? Not necessarily – but the future doesn’t look bright!

Last May I wrote some commentary on the Planet X hoax asking “Will the World End on Thursday?” At the end of that article I commented: That Planet Nibiru/ Zetatalk nonsense sure gets around! The reader may recall a rather lengthy series of articles posted on this site some time back entitled: Has Nibiru/Planet X […]

HAARP, Weather, Roswell Rods, 4th Density Battles & Bleedthrough and 7th Density

Laura presents transcripts from the Cassiopaean Experiment that explain HAARP, weather changes, coming Earth changes, and more…