NWO & Global Elite
94-10-16 Session: Q: (L) On the subject of the 666, I was given an insight into this several years ago as to another meaning of it, is that interpretation also correct? A: Maybe. VI is 6 in Roman Numerals. S was 6 in ancient Egypt. A was 6 in Sanskrit. VISA, see, is 666. Interesting […]
Last Hallowe’en I was left here at Signs Central to hold down the fort and produce the Hallowe’en Signs page by myself. That page has become a classic and I received a pile of emails from readers about it. What can I say? It was one of those golden moments in journalism where all the […]
For the last few years, our website, Signs of the Times has sought, in all honesty, to present the daily news as truthfully as possible. Signs of the Times is one of the very few news and information portals on the web that remains uncorrupted in any way and is staffed by a small group of people […]
I’ve been sitting back observing the little rumbles of awakening that seem to be emerging here and there across the land. Little by little, one by one, there are voices being raised against the Fascist jack-boots that have been trampling our world into a bloody mess for the past six years. Of course, it is […]
‘They saw a Samaritan carrying a lamb and going to Judea. [Jesus] said to his disciples, “Why is he carrying the lamb around?” They said to him, “So that he may kill it and eat it.” He said to them, “He will not eat it while it is alive, but only after it has been […]
From recent news reports, it has come to our attention that smoking is a vice that “leaders” around the world are determined to stamp out. But why? The official story is that our ever benevolent governments wish to prevent “we the people” from damaging our health, and that of others (if you believe the “second […]
Whether Americans like it or not, the “outside” world judges them on the actions of their “elected leaders”. And so it should be. Any American citizen that persists in laying claim to democratic statehood for their country must also logically accept responsibility for the actions of their government representatives, who they themselves have elected (at […]
Recently it has come to my attention that there are a number of so-called “Historical Revisionists” who have taken up the idea that Adolf Hitler was a “good guy” and that, as one of them wrote to me recently, “we now need an American Leader like Hitler.” I am dismayed by such naivete, but not […]
The BBC reports that Israeli newspapers have printed photos of Defence Minister Amir Peretz trying to watch military manoeuvres through binoculars with the lens caps still on. He is not the first politician to demonstrate so graphically how out of touch with reality they really are. For example, George Bush was caught in the exact same […]
Every year since 2002 the University and College Union (UCU), the largest trade union and professional association for academics working in further and higher education throughout the UK, has attempted to implement some form of boycott of Israeli academic institutions that have been shown to be complicit in the ongoing persecution of the Palestinian people. And each […]
The other day I made a comment on the SOTT blog to the effect that things were getting pretty warm for the administration over the past few weeks, what with the Prosecutor’s purge and Bush’s “Fascist Law Czar” – Gonzales – getting ready to be called on the carpet in a serious way and that now, with […]
Being a Brief History of the Time and Place of Ark’s Origins At the annual party rally held in Nuremberg in 1935, the Nazis announced new laws which institutionalized many of the racial theories prevalent in Nazi ideology. The laws excluded German Jews from Reich citizenship and prohibited them from marrying or having sexual relations […]
SmokingMirrors: And Down Will Come Baby, Cradle and All. Reading the above linked blog nearly made me cry. Why? Well, because I have heard the same frustration and despair expressed by other sincere activists for World Peace in the past couple of weeks. The despair of the front line is setting in. Yes, it looks […]
Reading Robert Parry’s When a Great Power Goes Mad gave me the shivers especially when I read: With the fifth anniversary of the Iraq War and the grim milestone of 4,000 US dead, the nation has been awash with news retrospectives on the war and speeches by politicians, mostly offering sanitized versions of what’s transpired. […]
“Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.” Dr. Jose Delgado “Free Will is the most important law in all of Creation.” Cassiopaeans The […]
Summer 2003: In recent weeks it has dismayed me to no end to be made aware of the fact that there is a growing anti-Cassiopaean lobby emanating from individuals posing as “Christians.” Many of these so-called “Christians” actively regurgitate the libelous articles written by Vincent Bridges and Jay Weidner as “proof” of their assertions, and […]
See also: Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn’t Impact the Pentagon on 9/11 and Neither Did a Boeing 757 by Joe Quinn September 25, 2002 (with updates added) Flight 77 took off at 8:20 a.m. The pilot had his last routine communication with the control tower at 8:50 a.m. “At 9:09 a.m., being unable to […]
Israel’s leading historian on the topic, Benny Morris, although having done more than anyone else to clarify exactly what happened, nonetheless concludes that, morally, it was a good thing – just as, in his view, the “annihilation” of Native Americans was a good thing – that, legally, Palestinians have no right to return to their […]
I nearly snorted my herbal tea through my nose this morning when I read: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Friday criticized Sen. Barbara Boxer’s suggestion that because she doesn’t have family in harm’s way, she won’t pay a personal price in the Iraq war. “In retrospect, gee, I thought single women had come further […]
©Department of Defense After the release of the QFG Pentagon Strike Flash Animation on August 23rd, 2004, a veritable onslaught of new articles were published that sought to dismiss the “no plane at the Pentagon” theory. One such article, that is frequently referenced by certain ‘9/11 researchers’ was authored by a member of the forum […]
A friend just sent me a link to an article: Iran accused of September 11 role All I can say is: that is just PATHETIC! Anyway, the only reason I’m writing this late is because something is bugging me. What struck me tonight were a number of strange juxtapositions. First off, there are the items […]
Well, interesting week, no doubt. As many of you know, there was a flurry of speculation because Serpo.org and ATS’ slander companion site projectserpo.org more or less disappeared at the same time. Supposedly, serpo.org was just being moved to a new server and Bill Ryan has been reported as making this profound remark: “I’ve learned from […]
On the February 4, 2005 Signs page, we published the following article: First Artificial Neon Sky Show Created By Robert Roy Britt Live Science Senior Writer 02 February 2005 By shooting intense radio beams into the night sky, researchers created a modest neon light show visible from the ground. The process is not well understood, […]
Being subscribed to dozens of email newsletters, I get lots of interesting news sent to me by compilers of news from various perspectives. The SOTT forum is also a rich source of global news and human doings of various sorts. It was thanks to the forum and forum member a.saccus, that I became aware of […]
The subject of COINTELPRO comes up quite a bit on our websites and has done so since we became fully aware of its activity in the various “alternative news/views” movements back in late 2001. Up to that point in time, we were thinking that it was probably likely that, now and again, a group might […]
With indecent haste, the puppet Iraqi government has executed Saddam Hussein. A dictator created then destroyed by America By Robert Fisk Saddam to the gallows. It was an easy equation. Who could be more deserving of that last walk to the scaffold – that crack of the neck at the end of a rope – […]
Last May I wrote some commentary on the Planet X hoax asking “Will the World End on Thursday?” At the end of that article I commented: That Planet Nibiru/ Zetatalk nonsense sure gets around! The reader may recall a rather lengthy series of articles posted on this site some time back entitled: Has Nibiru/Planet X […]
A few years ago, when my book The Secret History of the World was published, I rashly promised that volume 2 would soon be completed and ready for publication. After all, I pretty much knew what I wanted to zoom in on – the topic of Moses and the creation of Judaism – and I already had […]
Let’s Talk… As Joan Rivers was wont to say. But really, let’s have a nice chat about the fact that our whole planet seems to have descended into lunacy! The other day I noticed an interesting article the SOTT editors picked up: Brain cells work differently than previously thought: Nicotine helps to spark creativity which […]
There exists in our world today a powerful and dangerous secret cult. So wrote Victor Marchetti, a former high-ranking CIA official, in his book The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence. This is the first book the U.S. Government ever went to court to censor before publication. In this book, Marchetti tells us that there […]
Looking out over the sorry state of our world, it isn’t easy to make sense of what is going on. There are so many factors at play, so many levels of play and deception and manipulation with very few of the players having a complete overview of the ultimate plan. This complexity allows everyone to […]
Funny thing: I’m taking a French class in Toulouse. In the class, I met two Americans who vacation on their boat for two months every year. It is currently tied up in Toulouse. He is retired from advertising, she is a school teacher who will retire next year. They made a few remarks about the […]
The other day I was scanning the news reports and came across a rather mundane item that really got me to thinking. It simply read: Cloudcroft chief stops Israelis with suspicious cargo By Michael Shinabery Staff Writer, Alamogordo Daily News CLOUDCROFT, NM — That they were speeding through the school zone first got his attention. That […]
Last week , (Aug 7th) the SOTT Team sat down to watch Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land, which I highly recommend to anyone who thinks that there is any semblance of honest and factual news reporting by the Zionist controlled media in the U.S. What I didn’t know was that, as I was watching this […]
Strange things happen… Those of you who have read some, most, or all of the material posted on the Cassiopaean website, are familiar with the fact that the Cassiopaeans, as a “channeled” source, stand almost alone in the presenting of the “Alien Scenario” as a Threat to mankind. You may also be familiar with the […]
©Rodney Matthews “The time has come,” the Walrus said, “To talk of many things: Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax– Of cabbages–and kings– And why the sea is boiling hot– And whether pigs have wings.” (Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, by Lewis Carroll, 1872, jabberwocky) In the last installment of my series about comets […]
How can anybody be sure of anything in this day and time when the world seems to have gone mad and we find ourselves collectively in the position of the hero/heroine of the horror movie who hears a noise. Indeed, the audience can see that the monster is lurking in the bushes (no pun intended) […]
Reading an article from the current issue of Time Magazine really makes one stop and think. At the beginning of the article, one sees a lovely color photo that, except for a few fashion details, could have been taken last week in Paris. And then, one reads the text: The photographs from the early 1940s show Paris as […]
Today I read Paul Craig Robert’s new essay on the state of the U.S. I couldn’t have said it better, though I already figured out that 9/11 was an inside job and Roberts is having a hard time going there. Roberts points out with succinct clarity that: Freedom and democracy in America have been reduced to no-fly […]
Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes by Andrew M. Lobaczewski with commentary and additional quoted material by Laura Knight-Jadczyk Pathocracy is a disease of great social movements followed by entire societies, nations, and empires. In the course of human history, it has affected social, political, and religious movements […]
So you think “the system worked”, democracy has won out, and that yesterday’s election is the first step to straightening out the mess Bush and the Neocons have made on the planet? Think again. It’s not that “the system” didn’t work; it worked very well, but you have again been duped. Nothing has changed. In […]
In this week’s podcast [Links: Part One, Part Two] we discuss what we have identified as the very first problem that must be solved in order for positive changes to be undertaken in America and elsewhere in the world: the Media. Knowledge is power. Those who control information can control the masses; it’s that simple. As we […]
After all the years of digging through the mud of the Matrix Control System and collecting data which leads to the inescapable idea that we are not at the top of the Food Chain here on the Big Blue Marble, there are still things that can affect me with a paralyzing sense of helplessness. Reading […]
The accusation “cult” is almost literally a “kiss of death” in our world, most particularly since September 11, 2001 when – allegedly – 19 fanatical Islamic terrorists – brought the most powerful nation on earth to its knees (or seemingly.) There were years of preparation for this event, including numerous very public “cult” events – […]
There’s been a buzz on the net for the past few days that maybe, finally, Bush is going to get his comeuppance. Cunningham has been sentenced to hard time, Katharine Harris, the “President Maker”, is tainted by a related bribery scandal, Bush has been shown to be a liar (yet again) in public via the […]
It used to baffle me that people who can command literally billions and trillions of dollars can be so stupid. Surely they should know that Saddam, dead, executed by them, is a far more potent mythical symbol for focusing resistance than he ever was alive. I mean, how stupid can people get? Well, obviously a […]
This weekend’s edition of Signs of the Times carries several important pieces that I would like to bring to everyone’s attention and then I am going to present a fable that I read as a child that will shed some light on our present situation. The first article is by Paul Craig Roberts: Is Another 9/11 in the […]
Those readers who have been keeping up with the links and “signs” posted on our Signs of the Times page – and who are familiar with Biblical prophecy – are undoubtedly aware that we are in a period of what seems to be definite and obvious “fulfillment of prophecy.” Even if we might wish to […]
“Look! You fools! You’re in danger! Can’t you see? They’re after you! They’re after all of us! Our wives…our children…they’re here already! You’re next!” ~Dr. Miles Bennell, The Invasion of the Body Snatchers At the end of WW II, an American soldier stumbled into a bunker in Berlin where he found Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and […]
07-16-94 A: Denver new airport big, big, big, big scandal. Q: (L) What kind of scandal? A: Government. Q: (L) Specifically what? A: You will see. Dallas airport is secret base; Orlando too; Miami Too. Q: (L) What about Denver airport and how does it relate to prophecies? A: Denver reveals the government. Look for […]
For readers who are arriving to this page from other sites, it is very important to read this material in context. See: The Denver Airport Material Discussion. Go to the home page for navigation to other parts of the site. Please note that the Poussin painting included in the discussion and the catalogue is NOT […]
The Fifth Column. Emilio Mola Vidal, a Nationalist general during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), originally coined the term. As four of his army columns moved on Madrid, the general referred to his militant supporters within the capital as his “fifth column,” intent on undermining the loyalist government from within. So the fifth column is […]
THE HYSTEROIDAL CYCLE Ever since human societies and civilizations have been created on our globe, people have longed for happy times full of tranquility and justice, which would have allowed everyone to herd his sheep in peace, search for fertile valleys, plow the earth, dig for treasures, or build houses and palaces. Man desires peace […]
It’s Christmas morning in the year of the Christian dispensation, 2010 and I’m finding that I’m hard-pressed to be Merry about much of anything. If you want to read something cheerful and uplifting about Christmas, stop now and go elsewhere. Yes, I am more than thankful for my wonderful family and friends and the extraordinary […]
“We all felt the same, the same happiness and joy. Things were looking up. I believe no statesman has ever been as loved as Adolf Hitler was then. It’s all come flooding back to me. Those were happy times.” [A German farmer, Luise Essig, remembering life in Nazi Germany] As I wrote in my Hallowe’en […]
Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse This is a lecture by D.C.Hammond, originally entitled “Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse,” but now usually known as the “Greenbaum Speech,” delivered at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, Thursday June 25, 1992, at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia. Sponsored by the […]
Funny thing: I’m taking a French class in Toulouse. In the class, I met two Americans who vacation on their boat for two months every year. It is currently tied up in Toulouse. He is retired from advertising, she is a school teacher who will retire next year. They made a few remarks about the […]
I have to admit that I felt fiendishly gleeful when the reports came out that Hugo Chavez had exposed the CIA’s little political destabilization game in Venezuela by getting his hands on the“Operation Pincer” memorandum and publishing it! What a hoot! It was just TOO priceless that the Man Behind the Curtain was exposed as less […]
During the Reformation era the Biblical Hebrews came to be associated with their modern co-religionists. At the same time it became popular belief among Protestant adherents that the Jews scattered in their present dispersion would be regathered in Palestine in order to prepare for the Second Coming of Christ… The Old Testament not only became […]
© KJJ Visual Recently, the formerly highly respected web essayist, John Kaminski, wrote a new piece entitled “Parasite alert: Outing those who pretend to be friends of the truth” in which he took a strange jab at yours truly as follows: […] It’s also interesting that Daryl writes about Zionists but agrees with French law […]
On a Russian News Site, www.strana.ru, there is a report from a Russian ex high official and specialist in Russian secret services which Ark has translated for us. It says: Andrey Kosyakov: “Sequential acts of terrorism in THE USA will be carried out by Wednesday or Thursday of next week.” By Sterkin, Philipp on 14 […]
A Review, analysis, and commentary on the book by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince As most readers know, we were recently made aware of certain remarks about the Cassiopaeans made by the authors of The Stargate Conspiracy which resulted in a response by us (Ark and Laura). (See: Picknett and Prince on the Cassiopaeans) In […]
11-19-94 Cassiopaeans: Beware of disinformation. It diverts your attention away from reality thus leaving you open to capture and conquest and even possible destruction. Disinformation comes from seemingly reliable sources. It is extremely important for you to not gather false knowledge as it is more damaging than no knowledge at all. Remember knowledge protects, ignorance […]
Reading Joe Baegent’s brilliant essay – AMERICA: Y UR PEEPS B SO DUM? Ignorance and courage in the age of Lady Gaga – has added considerable weight to some thoughts I’ve had of late regarding so-called political activism. This issue has, of course, been brought to the fore by the Wikileaks/Julian Assange saga which is, as far as I […]
Wow! It’s been almost three weeks since I have written anything for my blog or SOTT! How time does fly! But, that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been writing; as it happens, I have. Not only am I working on the research for my upcoming book, “The Horns of Moses,” I have been working on […]
Click Here to listen to Laura Knight-Jadczyk interview Richard Sauder on the subject of Underwater and Underground Bases. The complete transcription of Laura’s interview with Dr. Sauder follows here: Joe (J): This planet is controlled and locked down, and has been for centuries if not millennia. And the question is, why? Why must planet Earth be […]
You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death. It is easy to say you believe a rope is strong as long as you are merely using it to cord a box. But, suppose you had to hang by that rope over a […]
Yesterday’s UK Daily Mail informs us that RAF doctor Malcolm Kendall-Smith has been sentenced to eight months in jail after being found guilty by a court martial of failing to comply with “lawful orders” after refusing to serve in the Iraq war. Kendall-Smith is said to have told a pre-trial hearing last month that he refused to […]
As it turned out, a few months ago the world didn’t end on Thursday and all those trying to predict doomsday could take a breather – for a while anyway – but the guys over at “Psyops Central” like to keep us on our toes. So now that “Planet X” has come and gone (so to speak), […]
As I perused the news sources for the Weird Desk here at Signs of the Times this morning, I came across a real zinger in a mainstream news source: The end is nigh: so is 10th planet The article tells us about a strange “doomsday cult” – the “Pana Wave Laboratory” – that is being […]
We are posting these reports more or less as we have received them. We are deeply saddened at the loss of Bill Cooper. We have had communications with him and members of our egroup have chatted with him over the years as well. We didn’t always see eye to eye, and we often felt that […]
by Matthew Kristin Kiel January 14, 2005 Words are means by which Human Beings communicate and we call it a language.In order to communicate, you have to have an understanding of the words you use and that is where the problem arises. The meanings of most of the words we use were learned in […]
From an “Expert” on Lies: The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, because the vast masses of a nation are, in the depths of their hearts, more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them more easy victims […]
Posted in Articles, NWO & Global Elite, Religion