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A Course in Knowledge and Being, Part 5

– a multi-part video series by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Information Theory and Reality Creation, Part 5

Knowledge & Being
In part one of this new subseries of ‘A Course in Knowledge and Being’, Laura discusses information theory and how it applies to the creation of everyday reality.

DISCLAIMER: The use of any of the techniques or information contained in these videos is at the risk of the individual concerned. No responsibility can or will be accepted by Laura Knight-Jadczyk or the owners of for any physical, psychological, emotional or other injury that may result from the use or misuse of the information in these videos.

We hope that you profoundly enjoy this entertaining and educational multi-part series. We give it to you free of charge, and encourage you to share it with friends and family who may be interested.

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We hope that you profoundly enjoy this entertaining and educational multi-part series. We give it to you free of charge, and encourage you to share it with friends and family who may be interested.

QFG Counts on the support and aid from our committed members and readers, so please feel free to help support QFG with whatever amount you can give!
