Posts Tagged ‘Cass Transcripts’
The Hero’s Journey During the early months of 1996 the Cassiopaean sessions were often quite personal. This was a consequence of the tremendous changes going on in my life, many of which were occurring at some other level of reality and could be sensed only dimly and “through a glass darkly.” When I look back […]
The reader should probably be getting the idea by now: the approach takes to the Cassiopaean Experiment really is a case of 10% inspiration, 90% perspiration. One question asked, or one answer given, is often enough to inspire a whole line of research leading to data and conclusions that might only be tangentially related […]
Update: We covered a list of prophecies in the first part of this series. The idea of California ‘falling into the sea’ was mentioned. Just a few days ago, another chunk of it did just that. Specifically, part of the Paseo del Mar road in San Pedro fell into the Pacific Ocean after a landslide […]
Note: This is the first in a series of articles on the track record of the Cs (Cassiopaeans), those sometimes sarcastic and always insightful perhaps-future-intelligences and subject of the Cassiopaean Experiment. We aim to present those instances of statements that have proven themselves to be accurate, to greater or lesser degrees, as a result of […]
We started this series with a pretty ‘out-there’ topic: prophecy. But the Cassiopaean Experiment, while pretty ‘out-there’ to begin with (at least from the mainstream perspective), also deals with more ‘down-to-earth’ subject matter. Issues relating to more conventionally understood and practiced science (albeit with often unconventional interpretations) make up a large portion of the received […]
The trip to Gulf Breeze was all Frank could talk about. I had the idea that we would drive up in my van, split the expenses three ways, and we could park the van on one of the great beaches up there and camp out with sleeping bags. Frank would have none of that! He […]
An Exercise in Seeing At this point in this series of volumes, I find that I must change direction again. What you are going to read from here on, was not originally part of The Wave Series as it was published on the Internet beginning in spring of 2000. What happened was that writing and […]
A Reader writes to Laura: What amazing dialog going on here. I really appreciate everyone else’s questions too, and am learning alot in this whole process. This evening I’m especially grooving on Adam’s questions and the dialog with the C’s on the subject of intent, anticipation and realization. I’ve been going round and round on […]
Stripped to the Bone The Shamanic Initiation Of The Knighted Ones: Technicians of Ecstasy It may seem to you, the reader of these pages, that I have been hitting very hard on the concept that man is asleep and it is almost impossible to awaken. For some of you, this may evoke a sense of […]
The Tree of Life “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. He was present originally with God. All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being. In Him was […]
A Walk In Nature Among The Names of God Where We Have An Interview With the Vampire And Discover a Cosmic Egg At this point, I want to share with you the fact that, like many of you who write to me, coming to understand the whys and wherefores has been a process that has […]
The Bacchantes Meet Apollo At Stonehenge And Play The Third Man Theme Now, I want to make some little observations and conjectures. Most of the creation myths speak about some sort of ritual fault that occurred to bring about humankind’s Fall from Grace. These myths mostly attribute this fault to something having to do with […]
We are still asking “why?” We have peeled the onion, layer by layer, and have come to the center and found nothing there. Or, is that altogether true? It may take a little time to put the puzzle back together, and I hope the reader will bear with me because it would be completely useless […]
The Nexus Seven Meet the Cassiopaeans Why? That’s the big question I am asked over and over again. Why? Why do the Cassiopaeans tell us that we live in a prison? Why do the Sufis teach that we are in a prison? Why did Gurdjieff, influenced by the Sufi teachings, or even older mystery schools, […]
Roswell Revisited or Shades of the X-Files A recent correspondent wrote: In May, this year, I met Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips in Sydney. If what they said in their book and the two tons of material they possess cannot prove their story, what can? But for Cassiopeians that is not credible. What sort of […]
Black Lightning Strikes… or Marjoe Gortner Meets Ted Patrick After reading about Greenbaum programming, we more or less have some idea of the kinds of things that might be going on in the so-called real world, i.e., human engineered mind programming; and we have a lot to think about. We have also talked about people […]
Dr. Greenbaum And The Soul Hackers… Now, aside from the bizarre way in which it was depicted (i.e., being raped by a Reptoid) this “changing the program” was something I had heard before. To be more specific, in one of Candy’s numerous sessions focused on regression to the time of purported alien abductions, such a […]
A Trip to “Alligator Alley”! This now brings us to a most interesting thing. I am jumping over about a year here to get to this incident, but it is directly related and crucial to the understanding of what is going on “out there” in the world of attack/lessons. It will be rather graphic and […]
Wandering Around In 3rd Density Can Be Hazardous to Your Health! We’re going to back up a bit here and focus on another line of events that were occurring parallel to the events of the previous section, involving some of the same people and occurring just prior to my decision to distance myself from the […]
Laura Finds Reiki And Ends Up In the Soup… Pea Soup, That Is Remember what I said above: I had seemingly achieved a state of love and acceptance for all people, for all paths, for all who struggled in ignorance. I was working as hard as I could (and even in my state of physical […]
He Hideth My Soul in the Cleft of the Rock He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock that shadows a dry thirsty land… He hideth my life in the depths of His love, and covers me there with His hand.1 Writing this segment as background for the events that follow has been […]
Candy Will Ruin Your Teeth! The writing of this book series pretty much took on a life of its own. It started out with a “plan” of only nine segments,1 and I intended to get from a designated “point A” to a conclusion, “point B”, with a minimum of words. I never dreamed that there […]
Some Further Remarks The idea that the material world in which we live, move, and have our being is really a symbol system for a deeper reality is, for some people, pretty obvious. The interpretations, however, are many and varied. Some people believe that the symbol system is a self-created reality that manifests in order […]
Posted in The Wave Volume 8