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Posts Tagged ‘Rockefeller Foundation’


John Mack: According to Dick Farley, former aide to C.B. Scott Jones,Laurance Rockefeller funnelled “$194,000 to Mack’s Harvard- affiliated ‘Center for Psychology and Social Change,’ via the Washington, D.C. chartered ‘Human Potential Foundation, Inc.’in the 1993-1994 period. Mack’s group then started ‘PEER‘ (Program for Exceptional Experience Research) and operated an ‘alien abductee support group’ who, among other functions they […]


Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Director, said in his book, Between Two Ages, weather control was a new weapon that would be the key element of strategy. “Technology will make available to leaders of major nations a variety of techniques for conducting secret warfare…” He also wrote “Accurately timed, artificially excited electronic strokes could lead to […]


The Ramparts Affair – The radical magazine Ramparts begins a series of unprecedented anti-CIA articles. Among their scoops: the CIA has paid the University of Michigan $25 million dollars to hire “professors” to train South Vietnamese students in covert police methods. MIT and other universities have received similar payments. Ramparts also reveal that the National Students’ […]


Atomic scientist Robert J. Oppenheimer [the Father of the Atomic Bomb] loses his US security clearance. Guatemala – CIA overthrows the democratically elected Jacob Arbenz in a military coup. Arbenz has threatened to nationalize the Rockefeller-owned United Fruit Company, in which CIA Director Allen Dulles also owns stock. Arbenz is replaced with a series of right-wing dictators whose bloodthirsty […]


President Truman survives an assassination attempt on November 1st. Calmly he keeps to his scheduled appointments afterward. The Korean War begins. Department of Defense begins plans to detonate nuclear weapons in desert areas and monitor downwind residents for medical problems and mortality rates. The French conducted research on infrasonic weapons. (From “The Road From Armageddon“, by Peter Lewis, […]


Chinese Communist Party leader Mao Zedong and his supporters gain power in China. George Adamski, grill cook in a roadside hamburger stand, wrote, in his spare time, a document which he called An Imaginary Trip to the Moon, Venus and Mars. He voluntarily listed it with the Library of Congress for copyright purposes as a work of fiction. His […]


Sweden. The Scandanavian countries reported over 2,000 unidentified flying objects over their airspace. These objects usually looked like rockets with fiery exhausts, and they sometimes performed unusual maneuvers as they passed overhead. At first they were thought to be captured German V-2 missiles that were being tested by the Russians, but British radar experts said they […]


United States, Washington, DC. On February 22, Franklin D. Roosevelt writes a Top Secret memo on White House stationary for “The special committee on non-terrestrial science and technology.” Both the title and the content clearly allude to extraterrestrial life, the former using the word “non-terrestrial” and the latter talks about “coming to grips with the reality […]


Four hundred prisoners in Chicago are infected with Malaria in order to study the effects of new and experimental drugs to combat the disease. Nazi doctors later on trial at Nuremberg cite this American study to defend their own actions during the Holocaust. Rockefeller Foundation supports work to improve the design of the Van de Graaff accelerator […]


In his book Aggression, Otto Lehmann-Russbeldt tells us that “Hitler was invited to a meeting at the Schroder Bank in Berlin on January 4, 1933. The leading industrialists and bankers of Germany tided Hitler over his financial difficulties and enabled him to meet the enormous debt he had incurred in connection with the maintenance of his private army. […]


The Tuskegee Syphilis Study begins. 200 black men diagnosed with syphilis are never told of their illness, are denied treatment, and instead are used as human guinea pigs in order to follow the progression and symptoms of the disease. They all subsequently die from syphilis, their families never told that they could have been treated. Rockefeller Foundation grants […]


Herbert Hoover becomes the 31st president and the first president born west of the Mississippi River. Stock Market Crash – The Great Depression begins. The stock market crash throws the nation’s economic system into disorder. Roosevelt’s vigorous relief policies convince people that he is on their side. Joseph Kennedy is one of the few financiers to sense […]


Calvin Coolidge declines to run for president again. Herbert Hoover was “designated” to run for president of the United States. There was only one problem; although Herbert Hoover had been born in the United States, and was thus eligible for the office of the presidency, according to the Constitution, he had never had a business address or […]


Rockefeller Foundation endows a second and third school of public health in the U.S.- Harvard University and the University of Michigan -and launches an ambitious plan to circle the globe with schools. Spending more than $25 million, RF helps establish schools in Prague, Warsaw, London, Toronto, Copenhagen, Budapest, Oslo, Belgrade, Zagreb, Madrid, Cluj (Romania), Ankara, Sofia, […]


RCA founded. Within a year of its foundation, engineers began publishing papers and organizing the study of long-range radio communications. The Rockefeller Foundation’s work in the natural sciences begins, with support to the National Research Council to establish fellowships in physics and chemistry. More than $4.5 million is expended over 33 years to train more than 1,000 individuals. During a […]


At his inauguration on March 4th, Woodrow Wilson notices that a wide space had been cleared in front of the speaker’s platform. He motions to the police holding back the crowd and orders: “Let the people come forward.” His supporters will later say the phrase expresses the spirit of his administration. The Wilson administration offers Franklin Roosevelt several […]

Majesterium and the Tipping Point

“Time passes, but they’re always five to seven years from the bomb.” — Shlomo Brom, Israel’s deputy national security adviser under former Prime Minister Ehud Barak Angel by William Blake As Israeli politicians continue to beat the war-drums over what they (now alone) claim to be an imminent threat from a nuclear-capable Iran, very similar […]