Hoagland, Hyperdimensions, Space and Time
Hoagland, Hyperdimensions, Space and Time, and Assorted Strange Connections |
The following excerpts are a more or less chronological presentation of the many instances in which we have discussed concepts relating to hyperdimensionality with the Cassiopaeans. On many occasions, they have “led” us in these directions with some obvious intent. I wish to apologize in advance for the fact that, very often, the discussion breaks off at precisely the point when it gets really interesting. This is due to the fact that the Cassiopaeans will not give us any information that would be “dangerous to know.” Those who are familiar with the subjects, can fill in their own conclusions as we have. There are many strange “connections” in this series, and many more I have had to omit for the sake of brevity. These relations only serve to highlight the homogeneity of certain phenomena down through the millennia which point, inevitably, to the idea that SOMEONE on this planet has been time traveling for a very long “time.” See the work of John Keel for many more similar instances.
Q: (T) Who created the structures on the moon that Richard Hoagland has discovered?
A: Atlanteans.
Q: (T) What did they use these structures for?
A: Energy transfer points for crystalline power/symbolism as in monuments or statuary.
Q: (T) What statuary are you referring to?
A: Example is face.
Q: (T) What power did these crystals gather?
A: Sun.
Q: (T) Was it necessary for them to have power gathering stations on Mars and the Moon. Did this increase their power?
A: Not necessary but it is not necessary for you to have a million dollars either. Get the correlation? Atlanteans were power hungry the way your society is money hungry.
Q: (T) Was the accumulation of this power what brought about their downfall?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Did they lose control of this power?
A: It overpowered them the same way your computers will overpower you.
Q: (L) Who built the great pyramid?
A: Atlanteans.
Q: (L) What year was it built?
A: 10643 years ago.
Q: (L) Why was it built? What purpose was it used for?
A: Capture cosmic energy.
Q: (L) And what was this cosmic energy used for once it was captured?
A: Many things. Power, transport, healing, mind control, climate, etcetera.
Q: (L) Who built the sphinx?
A: Same.
Q: (L) Was the sphinx built at the same time?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Why was the sphinx built? What was its purpose?
A: Temple.
Q: (L) Are there records buried under the sphinx?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was the story of Noah’s flood the story of the breaking up of Atlantis?
A: Yes. But symbolic.
Q: (L) How many people were on the planet at that time?
A: 6 billion.
Q: (L) Out of this six billion people, how many survived?
A: 119 million.
Q: (L) Was Noah’s flood caused by the close passage of another celestial body?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Which body was that?
A: Martek.
Q: (L) Do we know this body in our solar system now?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What name?
A: Mars.
Q: (L) Was Martek an inhabited planet at that time?
A: No.
Q: (L) Did it have water or other features?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) When it passed close to the earth did it, in fact, overload our planet with water we did not have prior to that time?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did we, prior to that time, have a water-vapor canopy surrounding our planet?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What event transpired to kill off most of the dinosaurs?
A: Comet impact.
Q: (L) Did a comet actually strike the earth?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was it a large comet?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How large?
A: No one was large enough for event. 14 hit at that occasion.
Q: (L) How large was the largest one that impacted at that time?
A: 18 miles diameter.
Q: (L) Did it happen before the flood of Noah?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How many thousands of years ago counting backward?
A: 27 million years ago.
Q: (L) Now, the general scientific opinion is that the major dying of dinosaurs occurred 65 million years ago. You have given us the figure 27 million years ago. Can you explain the discrepancy?
A: Radio carbon dating is not exact science.
Q: (A) By your figures, Carbon dating is incorrect by a factor of at least two prior to 10,000 years as L has suggested? We observe, on a number of occasions, a factor of 2 variation in the scientific dating versus your dating. This is a repeating phenomenon on nearly all dates you have given.
A: “They” fail to take into effect the influence of magnetic aberrations caused by ancient cataclysms.
Q: (L) How can these magnetic aberrations affect radiocarbon dating?
A: By altering the isotopal imprints of matter.
Q: So, the cataclysm of about 1500 B.C….
A: All of them scramble the radiological data because of magnetic surges.
Q: (L) Was Velikovsky correct when he said Venus was on a 52 year orbit during a certain period in our history?
A: Close.
Q: (L) How many passes did Venus make through the solar system before it was precipitated into a regular planetary orbit?
A: 7
Q: (L) Where did Venus originally come from?
A: 19 light years away.
Q: (L) So, it is actually an extra-solar system visitor?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it true that at regular intervals the sun radiates massive amounts of electromagnetic energy which then causes the planets of the solar system to interact with one another to a greater or lesser extent, even to the extent of disturbing their orbits?
A: Other irregular pulsations determined by external vibrational events.
Q: (L) The sun is not the source of the periodicity of “dyings”, is that correct?
A: Sometimes. Many causes.
Q: (L) Well what is the cause that recurs like clockwork? Is there some cause that is a regular pulsation?
A: Cometary showers.
Q: (L) Where are these cometary showers from?
A: Clusters in own orbit.
Q: (L) What is the periodicity or cycle to this comet business?
A: 3600 years roughly.
Q: (L) Where is the orbit of these clusters? Is it the Oort cloud?
Q: (L) Does this cluster of comets orbit around the sun?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is this cluster of comets the remains of a planet?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is the cluster of fragments in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter the remains of a planet?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What was that planet known as?
A: Kantek.
Q: (L) When did that planet break apart into the asteroid belt.
A: 79 thousand years ago approximately.
Q: (L) What body were the Sumerians talking about when they described the Planet of the crossing or Nibiru? This body of comets?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Who were the Annunaki?
A: Aliens.
Q: (L) Where were they from?
A: Zeta Reticuli.
Q: (L) Do they come here every time the comet cluster is approaching to sap the souls energy created by the fear, chaos and so forth?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) The two events are loosely interrelated?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is that why they are here now?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Is there a large fleet of space-ships riding a wave, so to speak, approaching our planet?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Where are these ships from?
A: Zeta Reticuli.
Q: (L) When will they arrive?
A: 1 month to 18 years.
Q: (L) How can there be such a vast discrepancy in the time?
A: This is such a huge fleet that space/time warping is irregular and difficult to determine as you measure time. Mass affects electromagnetic transfer within gravity wave. Mass affects time cycle: small equal short cycle; large or dense equals long cycle. It is a large fleet.
Q: (L) How many planets are in our solar system?
A: 12
Q: (L) Could you tell us the names of all the planets, their distances from the sun, the chemical composition, and the diameter.
A:Mercury=Opatanar, 36 million miles from Sun; 3000 mi diameter.
Venus=Pemuntar, 67 million miles from Sun; 7,500 mi. diameter.
Earth=Saras, 93 million miles from Sun; 7,900 mi. dia.
Mars=Masar, 141,500,000 miles from Sun; 4,200 mi. dia.
Jupiter=Yontar, 483,400,000 miles from Sun; 88,700 dia.
Saturn=Zendar, 886,700,000 miles from Sun; 74,500 dia.
Uranus=Lonoponor, 1,782,700,000 miles from Sun; 31,566 diameter.
Neptune=Jinoar, 2,794,300,000 miles from Sun; 30,199 dia.
Pluto=Opikimanaras, 3,666,100,000 miles from Sun; 1,864 dia.
NI=Montonanas, 570,000,000,000 miles from Sun; solid matter; 7000 miles dia.
NII=Suvurutarcar, 830,000,000,000 miles from Sun; 18000 miles diameter;
hydrogen, ammonia.
NIII=Bikalamanar, 1,600,000,000,000 miles from Sun; 46000 miles diameter; hydrogen, ammonia.Q: (L) Is Martek an ancient human name for Mars or is it an Alien designation?
A: Combination of both as were many things at various levels of the development of your history.
Q: (L) The remark was made that the planet earth, prior to its interaction with Martek, had a water vapor canopy. How was this water vapor canopy suspended?
A: The water vapor canopy was a natural element of the particular composition of your atmosphere at that particular measure point in space/time.
Q: (L) Was the gravity level the same as what it is now?
A: It was somewhat different. But not perceptible to you. That difference is part of the explanation of why that vapor canopy remained suspended.
Q: (L) Did that condition prior to the flood of Noah, the altered gravitational state as well as the water vapor canopy, was that condition more conducive to extended life ps than the conditions that exist on the planet now?
A: Not only those things but all the other conditions that existed on the planet at that particular point in space/time were more conducive to longer life ps. And, by the way, Noah is a symbolic message rather than an historical event.
Q: (L) Do you mean a historical event in the terms of Noah being in an ark or historical event in terms of the flood?
A: First of all, there was no Noah. Secondly there was no actual real flood as depicted in that story. Thirdly, the whole story was a symbolic message as opposed to an actual event.
Q: (L) What did actually occur and what does the symbolism have to tell us?
A: It is a very broad representation. It simply means that there was a cataclysmic event that did envelop the whole planet at that time and that those that were ready to experience that as part of their soul development without exiting the body, were warned ahead of time. But not by trying to manipulate events, but by simply allowing faith to let them acquire knowledge and being naturally drawn into position to experience what they needed to experience to survive the event.
Q: (L) At that time was Martek drawn close to the earth and did it have water on its surface which the earth then robbed or borrowed?
A: That is very close to being the case. It is far more complicated than that so we will leave that at this time.
Q: (L) How many years ago did the flood of Noah occur?
A: 12656.
Q: (L) What land did this symbolic Noah live in, what continent?
A: Atlantis.
Q: (L) Where did the majority of the symbolic ‘Noahs’ go to after the receding of the waters?
A: Egypt. Americas. Reference: Inca. Aztec. Maya. Hopi Tribe. Pima tribe.
Q: (L) What caused Martek to pass close to the earth at that time since that was many thousands of years before the Venus interaction?
A: Planetary alignment gravitational aberration related to Venus.
Q: (L) So, there was a planetary line-up that caused Mars to be pulled out of its orbit?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What was the event a hundred or so years after the flood of Noah that was described as the confusing of languages, or the tower of Babel?
A: Spiritual confluence. Electromagnetic concentration of all gravity waves.
Q: (L) And what did they intend to do with these concentrated waves?
A: Mind alteration of masses. HAARP assembly was a continuation of the Montauk project which is an effort to resurrect Antlantean crystal principle.
Q: (L) Do they plan to actually attempt to bring up the Atlantean crystals?
A: No.
Q: (L) Do they plan to use this for mind control?
A: And other uses.
Q: (L) What intention did they have in altering the mind of the masses?
Q: (L) What is the true meaning, the original meaning, of the Hebrew word “shem”?
A: Purity.
Q: (L) Why was this word related to the obelisks or standing stones later called “shems” by the Hebrews?
A: Symbolic of purity: unification. Uniformity.
Q: (L) Did these stones themselves actually possess any power?
A: Residual.
Q: (L) What object were the ancients going to place in the tower of Babel to…
A: Crystal.
Q: (L) Is “shem” also synonomous with “crystal”?
A: Close.
Q: (L) How were Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed and the other cities of the plain? And by whom?
A: Nuclear; EM pulse. Who else?
Q: (L) The STS Orion gang?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Why?
A: To implant fear and obedience.
Q: (L) Weren’t the Sodom and Gomorrans really evil and bad doing sodomy and Gomorrahy?
A: That is a deception of history.
Q: (L) Who were the original inhabitants of the city of Jericho?
A: Aramaic.
Q: (L) There was a stone tower at one of the lower levels, what was it built for?
A: Energy disbursement. Attempt to duplicate tower of Babel and Atlantean crystal towers.
Q: (T) Are the crystals still active?
A: Bermuda triangle.
Q: (L) And what does that crystal do? Is it continuously active?
A: No. Erratic.
Q: (L) What activates it? And when it is activated, what does it do?
A: Many factors. Transdimensional window is blasted open.
Q: (L) Say a person was sailing along in the Bermuda Triangle and the window was blasted open and these people passed through or were engulfed in it or whatever, in what condition would they find themselves?
A: Something akin to suspended animation.
Q: (L) Would they be conscious of their state of suspended animation or would their consciousness also be suspended?
A: Either or.
Q: (L) Do they stay in this state forever, or do they come back out, or do they come out somewhere else?
A: Open. All are possible. Same thing happened to Philadelphia experiment participants.
Q: (L) If an individual were in this interdimensional state of suspended animation, does this mean they are stuck there forever?
A: Maybe. To them they may perceive something like waiting for millions of years.
Q: (L) Is there no one or no way to rescue them from this state?
A: Why do you think those sailors were hopelessly insane?
Q: (L) Besides the crystal in the Bermuda Triangle, are any of the others still active?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Where are the others located?
A: Off Japan; in Brazil; in Ural mountains of Russia; North and South Poles.
Q: (T) Are the ones on the Moon and Mars active also?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What were the physical dimensions of these crystals and were they cut or naturally grown?
A: Varied in size; were synthetic.
Q: (L) Were they faceted?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) In their faceting, what was the general configuration?
A: Pyramid.
Q: (L) Was that a pyramid with the same proportions as say, the Great Pyramid at Giza?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Where is the Bermuda Triangle crystal located?
A: 380 miles due East of you.
Q: (L) Some years ago a pilot reported seeing a pyramid near there in the water…
A: That is just the top sticking out of the ocean floor. It is 90 per cent buried.
Q: (L) How come this crystal didn’t shatter or break up during the subsidence of Atlantis?
A: Extraordinarily strong. An atomic bomb would not shatter it. The chain reaction of a thermonuclear explosion would be absorbed into the crystal and transferred into pure energy. That relates to the design function.
Q: (L) And then what would happen?
A: Energy dispersal unless focused as engineered by the Atlanteans.
Q: (L) What kind of power frequency did these crystals use?
A: Full range.
Q: (J) When higher density forces of dark and light are fighting, is it any way at all possible for us to detect the battle?
A: First: We don’t “fight.” Second, yes; it’s nature as in meteorology and earth changes.
Q: (T) Your form of confrontation takes the form of physical changes in the atmosphere and environment of the planet?
A: And in space.
Q: (T) But that is how we detect it? The more activity, the more conflict is going on?
A: Remember, we are the light. They are the dark. We are both high level thought forms reflected at all levels of reality.
Q: (T) So, what we perceive, then, is what comes through to third density which is not what we would perceive if we were looking at it from 4th or 5th or 6th. It manifests in all densities, but in different ways?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Does this have anything to do with what Hoagland is referring to when he talks about the tetrahedral form he has detected from the Martian structures he has been studying?
A: Yes. This is a bridge to 4th density.
Q: (L) What are Mars’ moons?
A: Disguised bases.
Q: (L) Who built them?
A: Who else? The Lizzies.
Q: (L) The film I saw at A’s house, the Mars landing, was that an actual film of a Mars landing?
A: False.
Q: (L) Has there been a human landing on Mars by the United States as is claimed by various sources?
A: No.
Q: (L) Did AB work on the Philadelphia project as he claims?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was he brainwashed to have fake outrageous memories?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is he lying deliberately?
A: Instructed by government for disinformation dissemination.
Q: (L) We talked at one point, I believe, of the tetrahedral structures of the various planets and our perceptions of the planets in our solar system, and these matrices being almost like a doorway to another density, and that if we were in the proper dimensional mode that we would see the other planets of our own solar system quite differently from how we see them in our third density mode, and that we would, in fact, be able to look upon Venus, which manifests in 3rd density as a pretty hellish place, with temperatures 900 degrees or thereabouts, and we would find it to be something else altogether with beings inhabiting it, is this correct.
A: Yes. Beings live absolutely everywhere in one realm or another.
Q: (L) Are the beings who live on the planet Venus aware of us on the planet Earth?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are there beings also living on Mars?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are they aware of us?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are the beings on all the other planets in our solar system aware of us here, on planet Earth?
A: Yes, because they are all of higher density.
Q: (T) Are they interacting with us?
A: Okay, stop, whoa! A review session follows: Who is 1st density?
Q: (L) Rocks and minerals, right?
A: And?
Q: (L) Plants?
A: Yes. Now, what awareness do you suppose they have of you?
Q: (T) When we ask why higher beings have awareness of us but we are not aware of them, we need to ask what awareness beings lower than us have of us. (J) Obviously no more than we have of 4th density. (T) But when you play music to a plant, it has some awareness because it makes it grow better. (L) But music is not a being. (T) It’s an energy wave. (J) Wait a minute… what they are saying is: they have no more awareness of us than we, as 3rd density beings, have of 4th density beings. (T) Does this mean that they interact with us the way we interact with plants?
A: Who is “on” 2nd level.
Q: (L) Animals. (T) Insects, lower life forms.
A: Now, think carefully, what level of awareness, and more importantly, understanding, do they have of you?
Q: (L) Well, I guess they are aware of us in some way, but they don’t understand us… (F) But their understanding is entirely different from our understanding of them. In other words, they see these big hulking beings, but they don’t know what’s going on. (L) Was Ouspensky’s explanation of how animals perceive humans very close to the truth?
A: Close. Now, what about 1st level understanding and perception of 2nd level?
Q: (L) Okay, 1st density, minerals and plants… now rocks and minerals combine with plants through growing actions, water dissolution, erosion, and so on, they have a real limited existence. And what happens is that mostly animals come along and eat them. (F) Bees pollinate flowers. (L) Different kinds of animals live in trees. (T) Some animals live in the ground and in caves. (T) So, rocks and minerals and plants have a really limited understanding of the animals above them which interact with them in various ways.
A: Yes, and you have a limited understanding of the densities above you.
Q: (L) Well, that is still begging the question, my question was…
A: Laura, unblock, do rocks and plants “see” you?
Q: (J) Probably not. (D) We don’t really know. (T) We see the 3rd density manifestations of 1st density objects. We don’t see the 1st density perception of itself. So, how do we see the 4th density manifestations, they see us on a 4th density level… not necessarily as we perceive ourselves. (V) So, I am curious… what do rocks look like to each other?
A: They sense each other.
Q: (L) What example of our sensory apparatus would be close to an example of what a rock senses when it is aware of another rock?
A: That is a cross conceptualization and will not work.
Q: (L) So there is no way we can interpret what a rock senses. Well, another 1st density example is plants. We know that plants can react positively to certain persons and negatively to others. They have experimented with hooking them up to polygraph machines and measured these responses. (J) They also react to music… (T) Third density reactions…
A: Yes.
Q: (L) If plants interact with each other, do they feel, say, fondness for one another?
A: Something akin to that.
Q: (L) Does it hurt a plant when we eat it?
A: Does it hurt you when a “Lizzie” eats you?
Q: (T) Yes, you see, on 4th density… we are on 3rd density and we eat 1st and 2nd density, the 4th density eats us. (D) If we hurt plants by eating them like the Lizzies hurt us when they eat us, how are we to survive without eating?
A: When you no longer crave physicality, you no longer need to “eat.”
Q: (L) So part of the “fall” into the physical existence and part of the Edenic story of the whole business, “you shall eat by the sweat of your brow,” has to do with being physical and needing to eat?
A: Lucifer, “The fallen Angel.” This is you.
Q: (L) So, “falling” means going into physical existence wherein you must feed on other life, other beings, is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) So when a plant absorbs nutrients…. (L) Well, a plant is the same density as minerals, so it is almost like… (T) Like two separate entities becoming one? (V) Like Jeffrey Dahmer… [laughter] (L) My bologne has a first name… (LM) Minerals dissolve in water and are then absorbed by the plant, what pain could there be in this?
A: Subjective, L__.
Q: (L) Maybe the dissolution of, say, phosphate in water, is a “death” to it…
A: Close. You limit when you perceive on 3rd level only and think that your perception is all there is.
Q: (L) So, in other words, we should be able to perceive on 1st and 2nd as well as 3rd while working on 4th level understanding?
A: No. Work on 4th, 5th and 6th.
Q: (L) Is it not also beneficial to understand the 1st and 2nd density levels as well, just simply for the exercise in understanding that which is below us?
A: Strive always to rise.
Q: (V) Haven’t we already done our 1st and 2nd level work as evolving souls?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Who eats the Lizzies on the 4th level?
A: No one. 4th is the last density for full manifestation of STS.
Q: (T) So, beings on the 5th and 6th level exist in pure energy?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) The 4th level is the last for full STS. Does that mean that the 5th level, which you have described as the “contemplative” level… what is the state of existence of a STS being on the 5th level?
A: Souls of 1,2,3, and 4 go to 5th.
Q: (T) So 5th level is where they go to while waiting to go back to one of the 4 for their next incarnation?
A: Exactly.
Q: (T) That is why it’s called the contemplation level. You go and think about what you have done. (T) What about souls on 6th density? (L) Are there 6th density STS beings?
A: No, when you get to 6th you no longer need to recycle.
Q: (L) But still, is there an STS experience at 6th density, like the 6th density Orions?
A: These are only reflections of individuals, not unified entities. These reflections exist for balance. They are not whole entities, just thought forms.
Q: (L) Are these 6th density beings what the Bible describes as a “gathering” of angels as in the story of Job where “Lucifer” came in before the Lord…
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, there are STS and STO at 6th density which balance? And they are just there, they exist?
A: Reflection for balance.
Q: (L) Is there any kind of heirarchy to this thing? Do these beings come before some kind of “Grand Council” and make plans and discuss things, and make decisions and implement them?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, how do things happen? Do things just sort of happen as a natural interaction of things and energies?
A: Yes.
Q: (V) If we are on the 3rd density and you are working with us and we are striving to make 4th density, at the same time are you, at 6th density, striving to reach 7th?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Is helping us, helping you to reach 7th density? (V) Are there others at higher densities working with you as you are working with us?
A: No, we all reach 7th level together.
Q: (L) So, in other words, you guys are trying to bring us up and everbody else is coming up, and when all the pieces are back together, we then go to 7th, is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) So that is your purpose in helping us?
A: It’s a natural process.
Q: (T) Will our function be, when we are at 6th density, to help others on 3rd, as you are doing?
A: Yes. We are you in the future.
Q: (L) Okay, what criteria constitutes the means of this ultimate translation into 7th density?
A: The lessons completed.
Q: (T) When all the souls transition to 7th density, will all the souls be integrated into one soul?
A: Close.
Q: (T) So that is why we have to get everybody, because we all become one on 7th density?
A: Don’t have to “do” anything: has, will, is!!!
Q: (L) Okay, you said at that time that a Transdimensional Atomic Remolecularizer was buried at Oak Island. Is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Who buried it there? A: Learn. You already have tools. We are trying to teach you to use your most precious commodity.
Q: (L) And that is, of course, our minds?
A: You betcha!
Q: (L) What I read about Oak Island was that there were legends of lights being seen there prior to 1703.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Prior to 1703 would put the burial of whatever is there at least prior to that time, correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Were those lights the lights of craft of other beings other than the natives of this planet?
A: Electromagnetic profile.
Q: (L) What was noticed when the kids arrived on the Island was that a limb was sawed off of a tree over the depression and there were marks of the rope and pullys had been utilized. (T) If something more advanced dug the pit, they wouldn’t have used chain hoists and pullys. (L) That is what I am getting at. So, if there was evidence of this kind of stuff on the tree, it would seem to indicate that somebody had been doing something there who was a little more human or limited in their technology, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Now, my thought is that, it is beyond human technology to have produced that pit at that point in history?
A: Beyond known technology.
Q: (L) And yet humans may have been involved in that activity?
A: Bingo. Some humans have always communed with “higher” powers. We are speaking of concious communion in this and other and instances.
Q: (L) When was the pit dug?
A: 1500s. Nationality is not issue. Access sect information. Now, who claimed communion, Laura has in memory banks from absorption of mass reading practice.
Q: (F) Was there a sect from that era that claimed communion?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) I think that this may have had something to do with the people that later became known as the Cajuns, a French religious sect that was living there… They called it Arcadia.
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) Now, this article says that it would have taken a hundred men working every day for six months to have built this pit…
A: No.
Q: (L) The article also says that it must have been dug in 1780…
A: No.
Q: (L) When at one point they drilled into the pit, some bits of gold came up and a piece of parchment and maybe some other odds and ends. What were these?
A: Alchemy is your clue.
Q: (T) The remolecularizer made it. (L) Why not? If these people were involved in doing this, why did they do it?
A: Instructed to do it.
Q: (L) They were instructed by the higher powers they were in contact with, correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What did they intend to do with it once it was there? Did someone intend to come back for it at some point in time?
A: No.
Q: (T) Is it buried there in that location for a specific reason?
A: Sure.
Q: (T) Does the location itself have something to do with the purpose of it?
A: Magnetic.
Q: (T) Are there other ones buried on the planet?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Are they aligned to each other on the planet in some kind of geometric pattern?
A: Maybe.
Q: (T) Do they all work together?
A: Maybe.
Q: (J) Can you tell us where some of the other ones are?
A: Use mind, that is what it is there for.
Q: (T) We are using our minds. And, we are talking to you about this. We are friendly.
A: Shortcut city. It’s not nice to fool Mother Cassiopaea!
Q: [Laughter] (T) Mirth! If we were to follow the coordinates where this thing is buried, would it lead us to others?
A: Try it and see. When L__ said he wanted to hunt for buried treasure, do you think he had this in mind? All the clues are there for you to find if you do your homework!
Q: (L) Okay. I want to get back to the function of this thing. You suggest it is buried not to be dug up. It is actually buried to stay there? Is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Then that explains a lot of things about the way it was buried. It is claimed that there was found, at a certain level, a rock with carving on it. It was destroyed through carelessness. I am curious as to what this said.
A: Measure marker.
Q: (J) Could it be possible that this device was somehow related to the crystal pyramid principle of Atlantis?
A: In a small sense.
Q: (L) Is this device continuously operational?
A: No.
Q: (L) What stimulates it to go into operation? That is, assuming it does.
A: Magnetic anomalies.
Q: (J) Is it affected by earthquakes?
A: Can be.
Q: (L) Are these magnetic anomalies ones that occur naturally on the planet?
A: Both.
Q: (L) So, they can occur naturally on the planet or they can be generated or stimulated by some other source?
A: Yes.
Q: (J) Is this device a doorway for entry into this dimension?
A: Can be used as such.
Q: (T) Is it a stand-alone machine or is it to be used in conjunction with others? A: Either.
Q: (L) Next question: In reading about crop circles; I know that we have been told that they come from sixth density, but I would like to know the exact mode or mechanism by which they are made. Is it like electromagnetic imprinting, is it like a whirlwind. Can you tell us a little bit about how they are actually physically created?
A: Field transfer.
Q: (L) What kind of field?
A: Magnetic.
Q: (L) Are they transferred directly from sixth density to third density?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are they manifested by an object that has come into third density, such as a craft of some sort?
A: No.
Q: (L) Can you give us a clue here?
A: We can give “clue.” See Hoagland.
Q: (L) What does Hoagland say? (T) He says that basically what we see in this density is a 3rd dimension reflection of 4th dimension and that it can be seen mathematically by looking at the cloud patterns on the different planets. If there was not another dimension above us, circular would be circular and the circular motion of the clouds would be maintained, but if it is a transfer from fourth density to third density, when you are looking at a fourth density object, what the third density version of it would look like would show a hexagonal figure with angles to it, and that the photographs from the Voyager Probe that show that the cloud patterns from the North and South poles of most of the planets are not circular, they are hexagonal. Something like that, anyway. (L) Okay, in sixth density, what are crop circles?
A: Thoughts.
Q: (L) Who is thinking these thoughts?
A: Yours truly.
Q: (L) Okay, if they are thoughts… (J) They are messages so they could be thoughts before they are messages. (T) Well, they have described sixth density as pure energy, therefore there is nothing physical in sixth density to reflect back through the densities. So the only thing that can come from there to here is thought. Because, that is all there is there. (L) So, it is a field transfer of thought. (T) So, when sixth density thinks and they pass that down, most likely skipping fifth density to fourth density, and then stepping down from fourth to third, we end up with a three dimensional crop circle. But what does a crop circle look like in fourth density?
A: “Look” is not point. You need visual stimuli in order to remember. Yours is a physical dependent existence. Your media resists, why? Suggest discussion.
Q: (L) The media resists crop circles and I know this is so because when I went to the Library to research them, there was not a single, solitary book, magazine or article on the subject of crop circles in the entire county system. (J) There wasn’t anything in Barnes and Noble either. (L) Now, the two books on the subject I do have, I had to order special. Why would the media resist crop circles? (S) The same reason they resist everything else. (F) But, they don’t resist everything else as much as crop circles.(L) Here is something I got of the net recently. [reads]“To some people, the circles which began appearing about a decade ago represent the handiwork of extraterrestrial invaders or crafty tradesmen bent on mischief after an evening at the pub, or even hordes of graduate students driven by mad professors. To others, the circles suggest the action of microwave generated ball lightening, numerous whirlwinds or some other peculiar atmospheric phenomena. These scenarios apparently suffered a severe blow late last summer when two elderly landscape painters, David and Doug admitted to creating many of the giant, circular wheatfield patterns that cropped up over the last decade in southern England. The chuckling hoaxers proudly displayed the wooden planks, ball of string, and primitive sighting device they claimed they had used to construct the circles. But this newspaper orchestrated, widely publicized admission didn’t settle the whole mystery. Gerald Hawkins, a retired astronomer who now divides his time between an apartment in Washington and a farm in Woodville, felt compelled to write last September to Dave and Doug, asking how they managed to discover and incorporate a number of ingenious, previously unknown, geometric theorems of a type that appear in antique textbooks, into their “artwork” in the crops. He concluded his letter as follows: “The media did not give you credit for the unusual cleverness behind the designs and the patterns.” And then he says that he is finding ratios of small whole numbers that precisely match the ratios defining diatomic scale. These ratios produce the eight tones of an octave in the musical scale corresponding to the keys on the piano.” That was surprise number one, he said. He began looking for geometrical relationships among the circles, rings and lines and then he found that measurements reveal that the ratio of the diameter of the large circles is drawn so that it passes through the centers of the three original circles to the diameter of one of the original circles, and is close to 4 to 3. What he discovered were geometric relationships which simply are not taught anymore in the modern math. And yet, essentially he says that these guys that came forward and claimed that they did it could not possibly have done it.
(F) Well, the thing that is so strange to me is that since 1992 there hasn’t been any reporting in the American media about this phenomenon at all. (L to TF) Is there any way you could check that? [Tom is a reporter with a major newspaper.](TF) I already have. (L) You have? What have you found? (TF) There’s a lot. (L) What is it and what does it say? When? (TF) I didn’t notice the dates. I didn’t notice if there was any turned out after 1992… (F) There’s not… (TF) I liked my photo so much I had someone check it out. One of the librarians. Some things you call up you get material that is that thick… this is only this thick. [Indicates file thickness large to small] But I don’t know what years any of it is. (F) Well, it is not after 1992, I can assure you because I have been keeping very close track. (TF) I know it hasn’t been in the news. I don’t remember seeing anything in the news for several years. (F) It hasn’t been here, but it has been in Britain. (TF) Right! (F) It is very strange when we are hooked up to the cable news channels that there has been a television black-out on it here. The other thing is Linda Howe showed the new ones from 1994 and they are more spectacular than any that have appeared. Now, if these artists are still going around doing this… (L) Well, I hate to get paranoid, but, do you suppose this Dave and Doug were set up to make this claim so that the media would have an answer they could tout and then just drop the whole thing? If so, why? (F) Because it’s too frightening. I remember in 1991 and 1992 this thing was heating up and heating up. (TF) That’s true. (F) It was unusual because this type of subject matter is usually not attended by the mainstream media to any great extent. When there is a big UFO wave there might be a little blurb about strange lights reported by various people. This subject was actually focused upon by all of the major networks, it was on all of the major wire services, it was everywhere. All of a sudden, these two drunken artists appeared and they all said: “Oh! That’s it! Okay, forget about it.” That was so strange because my impression of journalists has always been, at least it used to be, that they want to dig up the truth, and here, mere placebo, surface type explanations that don’t explain anything and which are not adequate, suddenly caused them to lose interest. It would be like Watergate: “Oh, the 18 minute gap… well, Mary what’s-her-name stepped on the pedal. Oh, okay, no problem!” Obviously that didn’t happen! This just didn’t make logical sense for those of us who had looked at the crop circles, and even people who don’t follow this type of subject matter closely, who I have talked to, people who brush off the subject of UFOs, have told me that this explanation just doesn’t add up! These two guys did all of this under the noses of thousands of researchers who were trying like the dickens to see anything that happened in the middle of the night – in the middle of this, a simple, ridiculous if you get right down to it, explanation is offered and the whole subject is brushed off?! (J) And, the explantion would only work if the crop circles were within their physical reach logistically speaking. (F) Well, not only that, if you have ever calculated what is involved, they started in 1973 with just a handful throughout the summer and by 1992 it was hundreds all over the planet. These guys would have to be working non-stop, 24 hours a day, flying all around the globe… [laughter] …and I thought, how can they accept this brush-off explanation? The other thing is, you would expect, obviously if that were the true explanation, as crazy as it seems, if they could actually, physically do this all by themselves, which is physically and mathematically impossible, but never mind that; it has happened since then. If these two guys are pulling a hoax and nobody is going to pay any more attention, why would they bother to continue to do it each and every summer since that time. Wouldn’t somebody catch them by now? There are just a hundred arguments against this explanation that come to mind. Yet, in this country it is completely ignored. My own theory is that it is too sensitive an issue. Here is something that can be photographed. (L) It proves that there is somebody else out there. (F) It doesn’t prove it… (J) there’s something else going on… (F) I don’t think it proves it, but it makes it very hard to ignore. As I have stated before, my father was a physicist and he was also a skeptic. A very brilliant man… when we would see on television… I remember one night in particular, we saw a very comprehensive segment on crop circles, and he actually got angry when I pointed out to him that this phenomenon seemed awfully bizarre, awfully intense, widespread and so on. He tried to brush it off: “Oh, I think it is a fad,” were the words he used. This is a scientist! (L) He dove headfirst into the deepest river in the world! Denial. (F) Like a whirlwind is going to form a pattern like an intricate geometric figure? Come on! Sure! He grasped that whirlwind theory and when I pointed out to him that this was not logical, he got angry which I perceived as fear. Being very defensive because it stabbed into the heart of his whole life’s work. (L) That right there is the answer, culturally speaking. (F) Exactly! (L) It stabs into the heart of materialism. (F) In this country somebody does not want this to be reported on because you can’t brush it off. You can brush off UFOs… well, not if you really study the issue, but if you don’t pay too much attention to it you can brush it off… (J) Because there is no physical evidence. You have evidence with crop circles. They are there. You can see them. (L) And, they are astonishing! Just to look at them is astonishing! (F) Any of them, really, except for the very simplest ones, I mean, just using pure, simple logic, who would have the time, the energy, the expertise to do these things… (J) And to do it in the dark, without any light… (F) And in just short periods of time! It just doesn’t make sense. Just imagine, Mr. F, it is your assignment to go out into the wheat fields of England, in the dark and to make this intricate figure… (TF) I would ask them to do it for me and show me how they did it! (F) Right! (S) I don’t know if it was Sightings or Encounters, but one time they had a segment on crop circles in Mexico, and they even appear on rock cliffs… (F) Yes, and it’s happening in Puerto Rico. And, the alleged report on this one was that Army type vehicles came in and destroyed it so people couldn’t see it. Which leads me to believe, with my suspicious mind, that somebody doesn’t want this stuff going on, for whatever reason. (L) Yes, what are you going to do with a population that suddenly asks you: “Well, you’re in charge; what is this? What’s going on?” And, you can’t answer them. You have lost credibility as the authority. (F) And, none of the answers you can come up with are safe. It offends the church because they can’t explain it. It offends the scientific community because they can’t explain it. (L) Yes, the church calls everything they can’t explain “The Work of the Devil.” (T) Which one? (L) We think we have come up with an answer. Are we anywhere on the right track?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) Anything further you would like to add to what we have said?
A: No.
Q: (L) As you know, I have been studying the Sufi teachings, and I am discovering so many similarities in these Sufi “unveilings” to what we have been receiving through this source, that I am really quite amazed, to say the least. So, my question is: could what we are doing here be considered an ongoing, incremental, “unveiling,” as they call it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Now, from what I am reading, in the process of unveiling, at certain points, when the knowledge base has been sufficiently expanded, some sort of inner unveilings then begin to occur. Is this part of the present process?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) My experience has been, over the past couple of years, that whenever there is a significant increase in knowledge, that it is sort of cyclical – I go through a depression before I can assimilate – and it is like an inner transformation from one level to another. Is there something we can do, and if so, is it desirable, to increase or facilitate this process in some way?
A: It is a natural process, let it be.
Q: (L) One of the things that Al-Arabi writes about is the ontological level of being. Concentric circles, so to speak, of states of being. And, each state merely defines relationships. At each higher level you are closer to a direct relationship with the core of existence, and on the outer edges, you are in closer relationship with matter. This accurately explicates the 7 densities you have described for us. He also talks about the “outraying” and the “inward moving” toward knowledge. My thought was certain beings, such as 4th density STS, and other STS beings of 3rd density, who think that they are creating a situation where they will accrue power to themselves, may, in fact, be part of the “outraying” or dispersion into matter. Is this a correct perception?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Al-Arabi says, and this echoes what you have said, that you can stay in the illusion where you are, you can move downward or upward. Is this, in part, whichever direction you choose, a function of your position on the cycle?
A: It is more complex than that.
Q: (L) Well, I am sure of that. Al-Arabi presents a very complex analysis and he probably didn’t know it all either… Nevertheless, in many places it is almost a word-for-word reflection ofthings that have been given directly to us through this source.
A: Now, learn, read, research all you can about unstable gravity waves.
Q: (L) Okay. Unstable gravity waves. I’ll see what I can find. Is there something more about this?
A: Meditate too! We mean for you, Laura, to meditate about unstable gravity waves as part of research.
Q: (L) Okay. Would it be alright to ask a few more questions about the Sufis?
A: Not unless you wish to get off the track.
Q: (L) That would be off the track from the way we are moving at present?
A: Not until you have memorized Sufi teachings to the extent that you can cross reference with Bible and similar works.
Q: (L) Okay. So, we are onto something with the Sufi teachings. But, we don’t need to get off the track. I guess that they did with the Koran what some other mystics have done with the Bible. It is clear that there is something under the surface of it, but it is corrupted and twisted. And, I was convinced by seeing this underlying pattern that it was possible to penetrate the veil, and that gave me the impetus to push for a breakthrough.
A: Unstable gravity waves unlock as yet unknown secrets of quantum physics to make the picture crystal clear.
Q: (L) Can we free associate about these gravity waves since no bookstores are open at this hour? Gravity seems to be a property of matter. Is that correct?
A: And….
Q: (L) And hmmmm….
A: And antimatter!
Q: (L) Is the gravity that is a property of antimatter “antigravity?” Or, is it just gravity on the other side, so to speak?
A: Binder.
Q: (L) Okay. Gravity is the binder. Is gravity the binder of matter?
A: And… Gravity binds all that is physical with all that is ethereal through unstable gravity waves!!!
Q: (L) Is antimatter ethereal existence?
A: Pathway to. Doorway to.
Q: (L) Are unstable gravity waves… do unstable gravity waves emanate from 7th density?
A: Throughout.
Q: (L) Do they emanate from any particular density?
A: That is just the point, there is no emanation point?
Q: (L) So, they are a property or attribute of the existence of matter, and the binder of matter to ethereal ideation?
A: Sort of, but they are a property of anti-matter, too!
Q: (L) So, through unstable gravity waves, you can access other densities?
A: Everything.
Q: (L) Can you generate them mechanically?
A: Generation is really collecting and dispersing.
Q: (L) One of the crop circles you interpreted was an “astronomical twin phenomenon.” What is an astronomical twin phenomenon?
A: Many perfectly synchronous meanings. Duplicity of, as in “Alice through the looking glass.”
Q: (L) Double images. Does this relate to matter and antimatter?
A: Yes, and…
Q: (L) Gravity and manifesting on one side and manifesting a mirror image on the other…
A: Yes, and… Astronomical.
Q: (L) Okay, that relates to stars and planets… astronomical in terms of another universe, an alternate universe composed of antimatter?
A: Yes, and….
Q: (L) Is this alternate universe of antimatter the point from which phenomena occur or are manifested in our universe?
A: More like doorway or “conduit.”
Q: (L) Is this alternate universe the means by which we must travel to 4th density? Is it like a veil, or an abyss of some sort?
A: Think of it as the highway.
Q: (L) Is something going to happen in terms of interacting with this antimatter in order to bring about some sort of transition to a new universe?
A: No. Realm Border is traveling wave.
Q: (L) Okay, you say “traveling wave,” and then you say that antimatter is the highway. Does this mean moving through antimatter or interacting in some way with antimatter via the the impetus of the traveling wave, or realm border?
A: Bends space/time, this is where your unstable gravity waves can be utilized.
Q: (L) Utilizing antimatter by creating an EM field, which destabilizes the gravity wave, allows antimatter to unite with matter, creating a portal through which space/time can be bent, or traveled through via this “bending.” In other words, producing an EM field, bringing in the antimatter, IS the bending of space/time? Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Unstable gravity waves… antimatter… destabilizing the gravity waves through EM generation allows the antimatter to interact with matter which then creates a portal… is it in the antimatter universe that all this traveling back and forth is done by aliens when they abduct people?
A: Close. They transport through it, but most abductions take place in either 3rd or 4th density.
Q: (L) Is this movement through the antimatter universe, is this what people perceive in their abductions as the “wall of fire?” The coming apart. The demolecularizing?
A: No. That is TransDimensional Atomic Remolecularization.
Q: (L) Okay, if a person were passing into the antimatter universe, how would they perceive it?
A: They wouldn’t.
Q: (L) Why?
A: No space; no time.
Q: (L) Antimatter universe has no space and no time… so, the antimatter universe is possibly where the poor guys of flight 19 are stuck?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And you can get stuck in this place?
A: Yes. And if you are in a time warp coccoon, you are hyperconscious, i.e. you perceive “zero time” as if it were literally millions of years, that is if the cycle is connected or closed, as in “Philadelphia Experiment.”
Q:! (L) Is this Mars Rock in the news leading up to some definite, overt interaction with aliens? (T) They told us, we know it, yes!
A: Gradually.
Q: (T) That’s what it’s all about. Now if they want to go to Mars to look for civilizations and stuff, which they’re going to lead up to, and back to the moon here, and all this, and they’re going to make Hoagland feel really good, because he’s right!
A: Notice how you heard nothing about the Mars Probes until the rock announcement? The excavation robot spacecraft. One Probe is already on its way, another to follow. No further explanation about “loss” of Mars Explorer.
Q: (L) What did happen to the Mars Explorer?
A: Blacked out. You see, ‘Too risky.’ And too much too soon, due to pressure from Hoagland and others.
Q: (T) My own opinion is that they’ve already been there, and they know what’s there.
A: No. Microbes are easier to swallow than humans in togas!
Q: (T) Cleopatra and Antony are not going to go over real big this week! Especially with the Bible scholars. (F) And the scientists! OK, you just mentioned that somebody from this planet already launched a Mars Probe. A new Mars Probe, that no one in public knows about. Because it’s never been talked about. So, it’s a secret probe. Who does it belong to?
A: Was secret US government.
Q: (J) When did it go up?
A: September of 1995.
Q: (T) Last September, a year ago. So, it’s gone for a year. It takes it a year, two years to get there? Maybe not that long. So, it’s over half-way there at this point.
A: Yes. Next year.
Q: (T) Next year for the next probe?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Is this going to be one of those public ones? A publicly announced one?
A: They both are.
Q: (T) What is the purpose of these probes?
A: Excavation to display living organisms.
Q: (T) Display? (L) Yes, for public consumption. In other words, not only do we have a rock now, that shows evidence that there was… (T) Oh, display, as when they find it and dig it up, they’re going to show it on camera! (L) Yes! (T) Connie Couric will interview it! (L) Right! (F) First they said they found no evidence, then they said it was inconclusive… Now, who the hell knows what they found! In revealing things, we’ll start with fossilized life, and then move on… (L) So, they’re going to display the discovery of living organisms on Mars to take the next step to acclimate…
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, in other words, this process is going to be something of an on-going thing, and that all of these people who are cranking around about, you know, alien landings…
A: No faces, though.
Q: (L) There’s not going to be any ‘Faces On Mars?’ They are not going to show us…
A: Won’t be revealed, what do you think happened with Mars Explorer? Hoagland forced their hand.
Q: (T) What do we think happened to the Mars Explorer? I think they switched channels. They just moved it from one communication post to another, and it’s doing exactly what it’s supposed to be doing. And they did it in such a way, that the NASA people really didn’t know what happened, so that when they were asked, they could say, ‘We don’t know what happened to it!’ Because they really don’t know what happened! (L) When we’re talking about this dealing with these Mars Explorers – is all this stuff, or most of this stuff, coming from the 4th density manipulations of human minds, rather than…
A: Yes.
Q: (L)… rather than actual, physical entry and doing of deeds? Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) I have a question. They’re going to display live organisms, like, how did they put that ‘Living organisms’? How big are these living organisms going to be? How advanced?
A: Teeny-tiny.
Q: (T) So, we’re still talking about microscopic organisms here?
A: Yes.
Q: (J) So, they won’t wave at us!
A: But these will be alive. Can’t you see the progression here? “Don’t want to scare Grandma Sally Bible Thumper/Stockmarket Investor!”
Q: (L) All right, let’s get on to our questions here. Let me ask about the tetrahedron. Terry, you ask it, because you know more about it. (T) The Tetrahedron, triangle mathematics that Hoagland is working with in conjunction with the Mars/Cydonia region where he supposedly discovered this…
A: Energy consolidator. EM Wave capturer.
Q: (T) Ok, so it’s an EM wave capturer. Does it also emit EM waves?
A: Close. Channels and enhances, when used properly, and in pristine conditions.
Q: (T) Hoagland is not talking about… whatever he’s talking about, as far as the mathematics go, of the tetrahedral triangles within the sphere, which I’m assuming this planet is calling the sacred geometries, but are physics-type things of different densities, which may not actually be right. OK, this doesn’t apply just to Mars, this is, every sphere has these same properties…
A: Yes.
Q: (T)… a golfball, a base ball; I know they’re not perfect spheres, they have dimples; all the way up to the sun, and so forth and so on, of any size, made out of any material, as long as it’s a sphere, it will have the same properties.
A: No. Must be magnetized.
Q: (T) OK, it’s a magnetized sphere; something that has a magnetic field around it.
A: Yes.
Q:(L) Is the tetrahedral configuration a property of the magnetism?
A: No.
Q: (T) OK, my question is, the sphere has to be able to generate a magnetic field, like the earth has a magnetic field, like Mars generates a magnetic field…
A: Or be magnetized by installation of internal magnetic generator.
Q: (L) OK, what’s the purpose of this? What’s the purpose of these tetrahedrons? What are the…
A: Purpose is not proper term. It is a reflection of universal balance.
Q: (L) OK, well, this guy J__ says that they are designated by different monuments on the planet’s surface…
A: Nonsense!!! Artificial constructed tetrahedrons are placed on strategic locations on the planet’s surface in order to utilize magnetic fields properly.
Q: (L) Who places these artificially constructed tetrahedrons at these points?
A: The artificial constructors.
Q: (L) And who are they?
A: Whomever they may be. Nineteen degrees north and south.
Q: (T) Those are the numbers that Hoagland came up with, with his stuff. On most of the planets, and our sun, we seem to have major events happening, or have happened…
A: Hawaii.
Q: (T) Yes, Hawaii, Puerto Rico… let’s see, 19 degrees north and south, Phillipines, I think, is somewhere close, on the south side. Major volcanos… (F) Phillipines is on the north side, that’s not in the Southern Hemisphere… (T) I’d have to pull out a global map to see what the 19 degrees are. On Mars, Cydonia resides at approximately 19 degrees, the Giant volcano, the dead volcano on Mars is approximately 19 degrees, the stuff that they found on Venus, the major things, are at approximately 19 degrees. The sunspots are approximately 19 degrees, the red spot on Jupiter… (L) Do the tetrahedrons spin within the sphere? Do these power points of the tetrahedron spin?
A: Energy fields flow in balalnce.
Q: (T) Is there… now, am I correct in the fact that there’s a direct relationship here to the real Hebrew Star of David, to these tetrahedrals?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Yes. So that that symbol is not a religious symbol, as such, but a very important… (L)…power symbol.
A: Yes. So is pentagon.
Q: (T) So is the Pentagon? These are part of what humans describe as the sacred geometries.
A: Yes. You as Atlanteans knew this, and lived by it in many ways. For example, the pyramid recharges by capturing exactly half the energy points, thus allowing a positive imbalance buildup to be captured, then expended.<p >07.18.98
Q: (L) Okay, we want to ask about this Donestra named in the Imbrogno book.
A: Symbolic moniker. So is Solarion.
Q: (L) What is the source of this contact with this guy D F who channels this Donestra?
A: Source is partially 5th density, partially 4th density.
Q: (L) Is he really channeling Franz Liszt?
A: No. Mental imprint from hyperspace.
Q: (L) What was this device that came into his room that floated in front of his face and made the sound?
A: 4th density imprinting device.
Q: (L) What was it imprinting?
A: Knowledge.
Q: (L) Well, I would like to play like Franz Liszt! Why haven’t we had something like this? I want one of these!
A: You do not get to choose the nature of interaction with 4th density STS! Unless of course hamsters, chirpy little birds in cages and sweet, sad, dependent doggie “friends” get to choose the nature of their interactions with you!
Q: (L) So, you are comparing Mr. D F to a hamster, a bird, or a doggie?
A: It is the same thing.
Q: (L) And, he seems to be very obedient! (T) So, they are just jerking him and other people around through him.
A: Yes.
Q: (L)Okay, another thing that Imbrogno noted was that they graphed the UFO sightings in this area, and what they found was that they occurred in these places over and over again. So, the guy goes out and investigates the sites and found, more often than not, these standing stones or stone chambers that have been connected to the ancient Celts. Now, this relates to my work with tracking the bloodlines in a way. The remark was made that dancing could charge the stones. But, some of these chambers are sometimes so small. My idea is that they are doorways.
A: Okay.
Q: (L) Well, there was a considerable series of sightings of these black boomerang type craft. Are these stones markers of doorways between densities?
A: Windows.
Q: (L) Do these windows open and close arbitrarily?
A: Electrical storm.
Q: (L) Can they be opened and closed by deliberate, engineered factors?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is the connection between the Celts and these flying black boomerangs?
A: None.
Q: (L) Then why is it that the Celts seem to have been the ones who erected these stones, and the stones and chambers seem to be connected with the black boomerangs?
A: If you build a house, then someone comes along and installs a 220 volt plug in it, what connection do you have with the clothes dryer?
Q: (T) Two different things. You build a house, somebody comes along and installs an improvement and uses it in another way.
A: Crystals make density and dimensional windows open from “time to time” thus making the oblivious quite obvious.
Q: (L) Are the craft always there and the crystalline structure of the stone causes the windows to open and make them visible?
A: If certain factors mitigate… <p >08.01.98
Q: Now, in a previous session when we were talking about the initial discussion about the brown dwarf, you compared the companion star to an electron. In the discussion of the electron, you said that an electron emits gravity. Recently you said that this companion star does not radiate. But, does it emit gravity?
A: Radiation is at lower end of scale, and gravity is present.
Q: I was reading about the interactions between twin star systems, and it is conjectured that when a companion star approaches its primary, that the primary star ‘robs’ something from it. There are even photographs of gases flowing from the smaller star to the larger. Is this the case with this particular system?
A: Was.
Q: And it is now no longer the case?
A: Barely.
Q: I also read about these WIMPs, or Weakly Interactive Massive Particles, that they say are at the core of the sun, and that somehow they modulate the sun’s internal temperature. Do these WIMPs exist?
A: All exists which is imagined.
Q: (A) When looking for clues about Lodz, we came upon these pages of the guy from Lodz, whom I know. He speculates about faster than light particles. The main hypothesis is that neutrinos really travel faster than light. Is this the case? <p >
<p > <p >FASTER THAN LIGHT: Richard Kerner (left) and Jakub Rembielinski (right) at ASI conference in Goslar, Germany, July 1996. Richard Kerner is best known as the one who developed the formalism of non-Abelian Kaluza-Klein theory, based on ideas of De Witt and Tulczyjew. Jakub Rembielinski, among other things, developed the theory of a tachyonic neutrino.
<p >A: This is opening a doorway to hyperspace. Combine with those on the pathway of wormholes.
Q: (L) There have been a couple of movies that we have seen lately, ‘The Sphere,’ and ‘Event Horizon,’ about spaceships that go into black holes and then re-emerge with some very strange things going on. The whole idea of a space ship going into a black hole just sort of boggles my mind. I would like to know what would be experienced by a person or space ship that goes into a black hole? What would it be like?
A: Disintegration, followed by conversion to anti-material energy.
Q: (L) So it would not come out on the other side in another universe? (A) It will.
A: Yes, but not as matter.
Q: (L) After something has gone into a black hole, can it then re-emerge into the material universe intact?
A: No.
Q: (L) So, once it’s gone in the black hole, it’s sayonara, hasta la vista?
A: Stars are also portals of this nature.
Q: (L) So, what we perceive as stars in the anti-matter universe would be black holes?
A: No, windows.
Q: (A) You mentioned hyperspace. What is hyperspace?
A: 4th through 7th density, except 4th only perceives it, as “living in the doorway.”
Q: (L) You say that stars are portals. What, specifically, are they portals for, of, from or to?
A: How about other dimension. Remember, density and dimensional concepts intersect. Density level relates more to conscious awareness, but dimensions house consciousness and all other.
Q: (L) So, you can have many ‘houses’ along a row at one level and many at another level, in a vague sort of way?
A: Close. Think of hyperspace as 4th dimension.
Q: (A) Now, this business that space/time geometry builds a kind of singularity, changes the algebraic structure of the metric tensor; and I was trying to relate it to changing of density at some point…
A: Yes. The answer is in the pentagon.
Q: (L) Do you mean ‘pentagon’ as in the government building, or as in the geometric structure?
A: Why do you suppose they are linked? Why is the “pentagon” a pentagon?
Q: (L) I don’t know. Why is it?
A: Answers are within your grasp.
Q: (A) What was this answer ‘yes’ to the changing of density? Do you mean that it relates to what S___ was working on or that it connect to Kaluza Klein theories?
A: Both. Geometry… pentagon and hexagon, algebraic equations… <p >08.15.98
Q: (A) Now, I was following another clue, Einstein’s 1936 paper then describing Einstein-Rosen Bridge.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) This is a bridge between two different realms, so to say.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) But there is nothing in this idea, really, that relates to hyperspace in the sense of fifth dimensions, pentagons, hexagons. At least I could not see it.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) So there is another piece of information which has to be put together with this idea?
A: Yes. <p >08.22.98
Q: There is a remark in this Graham Hancock book about the pyramids which says here regarding the issue about iron: ‘It is unsettling to discover in the Pyramid Texts, supposedly the work of Neolithic farmers who had hardly begun to master copper, that there were abundant references to iron. The name of it was B’ja, or the ‘Divine Metal.’ We always encounter it in distinctive context to astronomy. For example, B’ja is frequently mentioned in the text in connection to the ‘Four Sons of Horus,’ presumably related in some way to strange beings known as the Shemsu Hor, or the ‘Followers of Horus,’ or the ‘Transfigured Ones.’ At any rate, these very mysterious ‘Sons of Horus’ seem to have been made of iron or to have had iron fingers. […] It is clear that iron was somehow seen by the composers of the Pyramid Texts as being imperative in the rituals aimed at ensuring new life cosmic and stellar. The verses of the Texts connect the metal and its uses to the ancient prototype of all such rituals by means of which Osiris himself, Egypt’s ‘Once and Future King,’ died and was restored to immortal life as Lord of the Sky Region of Orion. ‘The doors of iron which are in the starry sky are thrown open for me and I go through them.’ It appears to be nothing less than an iron stargate intended to admit Osiris and all the dynasty of dead kings after him into the celestial realms of the belt of Orion. But, if the Pyramid Texts are describing a stargate, they are also describing a timegate for they express no doubt that by passing through the iron portals of the sky, the soul of the deceased will attain a life of millions of years.’ So, they are describing the Pyramid as a stargate, a timegate, a portal. However, they are doing so in figurative terms, that the person could mentally travel, or use this in some way. Could you comment on this bit about the iron stargate?
A: Iron is highly magnetic.
Q: Yes, we know that…
A: Opens doorways or portals.
Q: Were the Egyptians using the Pyramids to travel in time?
A: Maybe in a crude sense, more like an oracle.
Q: They say that there is a subterranean chamber under the sphinx that leads to all the other pyramids. Is this correct?
A: Yes. But more importantly, there is a buried capsule of sorts.
Q: Has this buried capsule been found?
A: Not uncovered, but the evidence exists.
Q: Are those Egyptians over there who are banning all the other people from excavating aware of this?
A: They fear ramifications.
Q: (L) Now, you said that the pyramid was built 10,643 years ago. That would be 8,649 BC. Is that a correct figure, or was there any corruption?
A: Yes. Correct.
Q: Then you talked about the pyramid as a focuser of energy to do ‘all things’ or many things. Later we asked about Stonehenge and you said that StoneHenge was built 8,000 BC by Druids, an early Aryan group, as an energy director to do ‘all things.’ This seems to be that both structures had similar design functions. Is that correct?
A: No. Stonehenge is a vector of energy derived from Solar and Cosmic rays. Pyramids focus electromagnetic energy from the atmosphere ambiently.
Q: If it was built in 8,000 BC, and the Pyramids were built 8,649 BC, which is 10,643 years ago, more or less, that means that they were built at almost the same time, or at least within 600 years of each other. If they were built at almost the same time, were they built by the same, or similar groups of people?
A: Atlantean descendants.
Q: Obviously the Great Pyramid is a marvel of engineering – and Stonehenge is as well – yet the two structures are so dissimilar. The Pyramid presents such a finished and sharp and elegant appearance, and Stonehenge might give a person – of course that is based on how it appears today – a more primitive presentation.
A: Was not originally.
Q: Did they work in conjunction with one another and did the two groups that built them in communication with one another?
A: No and yes. Offshoots of same group.
Q: Were they antagonistic toward one another or were they friendly toward one another?
A: No, yes.
Q: If the flood of Noah, as you have said before, occurred 10,662 BC, that means that the Pyramid and Stonehenge were built more than 2,000 years after this event.
A: Yes.
Q: Did it take 2,000 years for them to develop or create the technology?
A: No.
Q: What were they doing in those 2,000 years?
A: Reassembling.
Q: In that 2,000 years of reassembling, do you mean reassembling as a group through reincarnative processes…
A: All. Built using sound wave technology.
Q: When you say that it was built using sound wave technology, were these sound waves produced by human voices or by instruments or mechanical devices of some sort?
A: Mostly latter.
Q: What kind of a device would this be? What would you call it?
A: Something like tuning fork.
Q: It would be something that could be struck and would produce a sound that could then be directed in some way?
A: A sound enhancing collector/focuser. Must be like a two-way antenna; solidly brass or bronze.
Q: Other than a solid piece of metal, were there any other internal parts such as a mechanism of some sort?
A: Silicon arterial wand.
Q: (A) Can we see somewhere a picture of this?
A: No pictures exist to where you have access.
Q: (L) Was the pyramid itself ever used as a sounding mechanism, the chambers?
A: Not exactly.
Q: How many chambers or cells are there in the Great Pyramid?
A: 19.
Q: So, there are some that have not been found yet. Now, according to this book, the ‘Message of the Sphinx,’they are saying that the orientation of the pyramid complex which includes the Sphinx, designates or denotes a time, or replicates on the ground the pattern of Orion related to the constellation of Leo exactly 10,500 years ago. What is the significance of this date 10,500 years ago?
A: Complex, but what about Orion?!?
Q: What about Orion?
A: For you to surmise. No. Now you should study all you can about supernovae.
Q: Okay, there was a mention of a supernovae in this book. Was there a supernova at that particular time?
A: Maybe, but the real question should be: Will there be one again, and soon?
Q: They have said that this designates the lowest point of Orion in the precessional cycle, the nadir of the cycle, and that the midheaven would be 2400 AD. If you have the representation of this precessional nadir, what is the next ‘notch’ on the clock? Is it going to be the midheaven of the cycle 400 years or so from now?
A: Best not to assume without adequate date.
Q: Okay. Well, the other thing that they mentioned was that this orientation of the Sphinx and the Pyramids dealt with what is called ‘Zep Tepi.’ It says: ‘In their most profound and beautiful religious texts, the ancient Egyptians spoke of the Time of the Gods, Zep Tepi, or the First Time, with the unshakeable conviction that there had indeed been such an epoch. In other words, they believed that Zep Tepi had been an actual historical event. In line with their prevailing dualism, they also believed that it had been projected and recorded in the catalogue of the starry sky, and it was a story that was reenacted endlessly in the cosmic setting by the cyclical displays of the celestial orbs and the constellations. What they had in mind was a kind of Cosmic Passion Play in which each main character was identified with a specific celestial body. Zep Tepi was regarded as a mysterious and golden age that had immediately followed creation.’ What can you comment about this Zep Tepi? Was Zep Tepi the time of the first civilization that had existed immediately after creation?
A: You are pursuing a “dead end” there.
Q: Okay, we will study supernovae. (A) I have a question: A piece from Einstein’s biography says that in 1931, Einstein and Mayer re-formulated Kaluza five dimensional theory, retaining a four-dimensional space- time. I would like to know if it was a step back or a step forward when they did this?
A: Step back, then forward.
Q: (A) Next question: three weeks ago you mentioned pentagons and hexagons. I have here a pentagon and a mathematical formula under pentagon which for me, relates to a pentagon, and it has x, y, z, three dimension; time, which is one dimension, and perhaps the fifth dimension, which corresponds to the fifth. Is this association of pentagon with this mathematical symbol below correct?
A: Yes. Gravity waves, pentagon is the foundation; hexagon is the conclusion.
Q: (A) I want to go back to this little mathematical formula here. I have here a plus or minus and I don’t know which sign to take in front of this field variable. Should it be plus like x,y and z, or should it be minus, like with t?
A: Minus.
Q: (A) Related to these gravity waves, in 1936 Einstein wrote a paper which was rejected, in which he claims to have discovered that there are no gravity waves. Should gravity be quantized as other fields?
A: It can be.
Q: (A) But, if it is quantized, it will be gravitons, and you said that there are no gravitons…
A: Gravitons are really electrons within a time vacuum.
Q: (A) Physicists today and for the past 5 or 10 years have been trying to build a theory of everything which is built on the idea of strings – that everything is composed of oscillating strings – they call it SuperString Theory. Is the idea of strings any good?
A: No.
Q: (A) Now, in many of these internet papers we find the name of Bearden. I have here a page: Utilizing Scalar Electromagnetics to Tap Vacuum Energy. [Reads abstract] This guy wrote several books and several papers. Is there any truth in what he is saying?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Is it worthwhile to study?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Is his idea of scalar electromagnetics sound?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Okay, going back to the pyramid. In the Pyramid Texts, when they talk about the ‘Boat of Millions of Years,’ what are they talking about?
A: Time machine.
Q: (L) Who were the ‘Followers of Horus?’
A: Those who held the 3rd “insight.”
Q: (L) What was the third insight?
A: There are 10. The 3rd involves transcendental existence.
Q: (L) The Pyramid Texts also talk about the ‘Duat.’ What is this?
A: Scene of martyrdom.
Q: (L) They also talk about the ‘Seven Sages.’ You once said that Perceval was ‘knighted in the Court of Seven’ and that the sword’s points signify ‘crystal transmitter of truth beholden.’ Do these seven sages relate to this ‘Court of Seven’ that you mentioned?
A: Close.
Q: (L) When you said ‘swords points signify crystal transmitter of truth beholden,’ could you elaborate on that remark?
A: Has celestial meaning.
Q: (L) Also since the layout of the pyramids and the Sphinx seems to indicate that the constellation of Leo is in some way very significant, does this relate in any way to your remark that your ‘next stop: Leo,’ that we should ‘call Leo?’
A: Getting warmer.
Q: (L) Okay, since you said that the Sphinx symbolized a religion, or worship of a god named Endurra which just ‘fizzled out,’ how can this be reconciled with the obvious celestial relationship to this monument and this whole Giza complex. It seems that there is a far deeper meaning to the Sphinx than just the worship of a feline principle that just ‘fizzled out.’ Comment please?
A: It “fizzled” because the kept secrets faded.
Q: (A) Here is a picture of a pyramid, and they ask what this hieroglyph means. [Picture of a man pointing to something] What does it mean?
A: Passage to higher levels. <p >09.12.98
Q: (L) In the middle of the night the other night as I was going to sleep, I thought of something that you guys once said about the Denver airport, TDARM, that both sides can use airports and that the meaning was ‘much, much deeper than that.’ It made me think of what you had said before about planets and stars being windows or doorways. Is it possible that there are points in deep recesses or underground places of our planet where one can enter a portal and emerge through a portal on another planet or system. Are the centers of planets and stars the emergences of wormholes or something?
A: If utilized as such.
Q: (C) So it would have to be intentional. Is anyone utilizing them as such?
A: Maybe…
Q: (A) What is so particular about the center of a planet as opposed to the center of a snowball. Both are balls, one is just a little bit larger than the other. A planet is a big ball, a snowball is a small ball.
A: Have you ever tried to melt a planet in your hand?
Q: (A) No, because a planet is a little bit bigger than my hand. What is so particular about a planet. It is just a piece of matter like a snowball is a piece of matter.
A: Magnetic field gravity profile.
Q: (L) What is the magnetic field gravity profile?
A: Intensity and… here comes that word… density.
Q: (L) Well, off to the side, just what IS at the core of our planet?
A: Fluid crystalline gas core.
Q: (L) And what is this fluid crystalline gas core composed of?
A: Methane and ammonia.
Q: (L) How does methane and ammonia be crystalline?
A: They can be under the correct magnetic conductivity.
Q: (C) Can the condition found at the core be duplicated on the surface of the planet?
A: No.
Q: (C) So you couldn’t achieve the proper magnetic conductivity?
A: Right.
Q: (L) What is so particular about methane and ammonia that it composes the core?
A: Methane binds to the ammonium crystals.
Q: (L) Well, that’s the bizarrest thing I ever heard!
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, it’s right up there in the top ten! (C) Was that the beginning of the formation of the earth when the methane bound to the ammonium crystals?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, how did it get there?
A: Methane collected at the core after cooling. Buoyancy is determined by gravitational profile. This is why Jupiter and Saturn, for example, both of which are less dense than the Earth, but have immensely stronger gravitational fields, have atmospheres consisting of ammonia as the dominant gas.
Q: (L) How does this very strange core in the earth relate to gravity waves?
A: Well, the wave is an integral factor of the excitation of the basic substance.
Q: (L) Are you saying that excitation of these substances produce gravity waves?
A: Excitation of the environment produces a wave of the foundational entity of that environment.
Q: (L) What is the foundational entity of the environment of this core?
A: Same as all others. 7th density.
Q: (A) I have a problem with this Saturn and Jupiter. If they are less dense, but have stronger gravitational fields. According to what I know their gravitational field is stronger because they are bigger. So, even though they are less dense, they have more mass and their gravitational field is stronger. And that is all.
A: Yes this is true.
Q: (A) Well, they said that this is true what I said…
A: How does what we said conflict with what you said?
Q: (A) What they say, if they are really gasses then the planet must be bigger, but they say it has a stronger gravity field because of that.
A: No, no, no. We did not say it has a stronger gravity field because of that. Review, please!
Q: (C) Okay, buoyancy. I guess that if we were to walk on Jupiter or Saturn we would be more or less buoyant than on the Earth? (L) Now wait a minute. We were asking about this core, and we were curious as to how this methane could be at the core because we perceive methane as being ‘fluffy,’ or buoyant… (C) But it is bound to the ammonium crystals… (L) And they said that buoyancy was determined by gravitational profile. Jupiter and Saturn have atmospheres consisting of ammonia as the dominant gas because buoyancy is determined by gravitational profile. (C) What does buoyancy have to do with the binding of methane and ammonia or with the gravitational profile. (L) That is HUGELY confusing! What is the gravitational profile of Jupiter or Saturn, for example, as contrasted to the gravitational profile of the Earth?
A: They are much stronger gravitationally.
Q: (L) Is this gravitational profile of Jupiter and Saturn related in a direct way to the ammonia?
A: Indirectly.
Q: (C) Why didn’t their ammonia bind with the methane and sink to the core?
A: Because density affects buoyancy.
Q: (L) The buoyancy of what?
A: The gases.
Q: (L) Why are they less dense?
A: Because of their size juxtaposed with their environment relative to their distance from Sol.
Q: (L) Why did the impact of the comet Shoemacher-Levy, in this ammonia environment produce superluminal effects that were measured on these instruments by these Russian scientists?
A: Ponder based upon what we have given you. Now refer to your knowledge base regarding microdynamic atomic physics.
Q: (A) I want to ask about this macrodynamics. In microdynamics we have Planck’s constant and it is very small, and this is why we have quantum jumps and quantum events in microdynamics. But there is this concept of macrodynamics, perhaps we have probability waves and quantum jumps on a macro scale. This is something which we don’t know…
A: Yet.
Q: (A) So there is something like Planck’s Constant but much bigger that converts on a macro scale?
A: Something like that. And if this is food for thought, you have been presented with a veritable feast tonight. <p >12.05.98
Q: (A) At some point we were asking about this magnetic grid of the earth, and we were told that the grid lines are located about every 200 miles, and that it is a regular pattern of lines…
A: Yes, but those are primary. What happens at the poles?
Q: (A) At the poles, these lines converge, and the pattern becomes more complex, I suspect.
A: Convergence.
Q: (A) Okay, they converge at the poles, and probably go inside.
A: In atmosphere, there is undulation. At core, there is primary convergence, and that is also your doorway/bridge.
Q: (A) Core of the Earth?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) These lines that are being drawn, are they just one dimensional lines, or are they a plane that crosses the Earth along these lines?
A: Latter.
Q: (A) Well, I wanted to make sure because, when we were directed to this place and the term ‘magnetic meridian’ was brought up, and we asked the question as to where the zero magnetic meridian was located, we were told that it was at about 90 degrees East longitude which is in the Indian Ocean. Is this correct?
A: All those lovely, shimmering oceans intersect around a lovely island with really inexpensive real estate!
Q: (A) I have no idea what that means! [Laura stops and gets the Atlas and examines the area in question.] (L) Okay, the only island I can see that those lovely shimmering oceans intersect around, in the terms in which you have expressed it, is Antarctica.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Okay, this brings us to the question about the Piri Reis map. We wanted to know the origin of this map?
A: Complex, but the origin would date back to 14,000 B.C.
Q: (A) Atlantis?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Was this map drawn when Antarctica was NOT covered by ice?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Why was it not covered by ice? (A) Because the climate was warmer.
A: Technologically achieved.
Q: (L) Why would somebody want to technologically warm Antarctica if the whole rest of the planet was available for use? What is so special about Antarctica?
A: The whole rest of the planet was available for use? Not hardly.
Q: (L) Why was the rest of the planet not available for use?
A: Ice.
Q: (A) Much of the planet was covered by ice, but not all.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, instead of using the areas that were NOT covered by ice, why, in particular, was Antarctica…
Q: (L) What I am getting at is: why go to all the trouble to thaw out a whole big island if it might have been easier to have been somewhere else?
A: Is it not obvious by now? Magnetic power grid physics . EM utilization. Crystals, and the like. Seeking paths to the interior? The “Poles” know best! EM generators usually employ a grid. ‘Tis for field creation
Q: (A) When you say this, you mean A grid, not THE grid?
A: Yes. Looks like a waffle iron.
Q: (A) You mean like a waffle iron that is used in transformers?
A: Okay. Why? To duplicate nature. Earth has a web, and so doeth thee!
Q: (A) Now, Earth’s grid is just an imaginary grid related to field, or just a mathematic grid… no, it must really exist….
A: Yes.
Q: (A) If it really exists, is it a field of grid, or is it a grid made out of some matter, like these waffle irons? Just field, or matter?
A: Both. The iron is attracted, not attractive.
Q: (A) Okay, I want to ask about the Whittaker papers of 1903, about solutions of wave equations, and this relates to this Bearden who is talking about anti-gravity and zero point energy devices. At some point, you told us that there was something in this. Bearden speculates that this Whittaker’s ideas were useful. I obtained copies and I am studying them, and they are quite interesting.. Is this something that is worthwhile or another red herring?
A: No. They are worth it.
Q: (A) Recently, by a strange chance, I was pointed to a guy in Brazil who wrote some papers about superluminal waves. He writes a lot of papers about it… and he even says that he believes that superluminal waves can be used technologically pretty soon. Any comment this particular guy, is he on the right track?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) What about quaternions? Lord Hamilton invented quaternions, and this Bearden tells us that Maxwell wrote his equation using these quaternions, and his original papers are hidden from us by the government; that Maxwell knew more than we are told. Is this really the case?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Are these quaternions useful?
A: Partly, but there is a missing link.
Q: (A) Sure. Now, I was thinking today about this Whittaker discovery, and whether I should work on linking it to the pentagons and hexagons. Is it the missing link? Or, did you mean another missing link?
A: Well, linking the geometric factors you speak of is wise, but there are other links missing as well. <p >07.03.99
Q: My first question is regarding this diagram of the pyramid here and this second diagram of the pyramid as we know it and this book about the pyramid where it says: ‘In 1974 the Danish professor, Hubert Paulsen, a retired architect, announced following extensive research within the pyramid, his theory that an undiscoverd chamber existed, probably beneath its foundations. He based his theory on the geometric principle upon which the pyramid was built. This chamber may have been the pharoah’s tomb and may contain treasures even more remarkable than those found in Tutanhamen’s tomb.’ Anyway, this was a 1974 study of the pyramid. This is the only 1974 study I have come across since you suggested that we look for something done in 1974 regarding the pyramid, though you mentioned an ‘engineer,’ so I was first thinking that it must be Robert Beauval’s work, since he is an engineer. I suppose that an architect could be a sort of engineer. Is this the study that you had in mind?
A: Paulsen could use further perusal.
Q: Of these two diagrams of the interior of the pyramid, this one was taken from a booklet published in 1861 which describes a great cavity in the center of the pyramid. When people were visiting the pyramid at that point in time, was this, in fact, the configuration of the interior of the pyramid?
A: Close.
Q: Is it still configured that way but that portion of it is blocked off or concealed from visitors at the present?
A: Close.
Q: Do the present excavators and archaeologists and workers over there know about these other chambers in the pyramid?
A: Some.
Q: Is there a large chamber under the pyramid concealing some sort of artifacts?
A: Yes.
Q: Is this a treasure or is this information?
A: Either/or.
Q: Are the people who are working in or around the pyramid at the present time aware of this deeply hidden underground chamber in the pyramid?
A: Only a few.
Q: There is one woman whose writings are posted on the internet and she claims that the pyramid is a ‘great clock’ and that it would ‘reset the time’ of the planet.
A: No.
Q: Well, she claims that she has been given information that there once existed some kind of a great gear or wheel that was set in the Grand Gallery and that it would roll or something in the notches found there. If that is not the case, what were these notches for?
A: Levelling principle.
Q: Levelling of what? They were used to set a level of something? When something was put in the notches, it set the level of something?
A: Close.
Q: Was what was placed in these notches, these holes some type of a bar-type object that crossed the gallery from side to side?
A: You do not have the base data yet. Be patient. It will come to you.
Q: What is the base data?
A: Clues will lead you there, not proclamations.
Q: I would just like to have some sort of visual image of what was placed in this gallery…
A: We know you would.
Q: Everybody in the world is posting crazy, bizarre theories on the internet, and writing these elaborate web pages about their visions and their information from other ‘sources,’ and that the pyramid is a giant bell, or a clock that resets time, and so on and on….
A: Hoagland.
Q: Fine with Hoagland! He was on the radio the other night saying that Leedskallen moved his Coral Castle because he wanted to align it with Hoagland’s proposed theory about the Miami circle. That is clearly foolishness since Hilliard told us the whole inside story about the moving of the Coral Castle as it was told to him directly by Leedskallen, and that it was because of some county regulatory reasons. Yet Hoagland is out there trying to squeeze even THAT into his ideas! I think he is just capitalizing on the publicity! I mean, Hoagland and a whole slew of them are out there asking for “scientific attention.” We sent two faxes from the University offering to become involved, even at risk of losing face in the mainstream scientific community; the offer was free – no strings attached – and we did not even receive the courtesy of a “thanks very much, but we already have someone!”
A: Whatever else you find true about Hoagland, just remember that genius resides adjacent to insanity!
Q: (A) What is the meaning of this remark about Hoagland?
A: Some of his stuff may be “poppycock,” but some is right on the money, honey!
Q: (L) Well, what did Hoagland ever say about the pyramid? (A) He said that the way the Coral Castle was built was the same way the pyramid was built. (L) Well, we know that because Leedskallen said that himself! That’s not news. Hoagland talks about this 19.5 degree latitude line and this double tetrahedron, but I don’t know how that relates to something that is located at about 29 degrees of latitude such as the pyramid. That’s about 10 degrees off. Has Hoagland ever opined about the pyramid itself?
A: Look it up!
Q: Okay. We will. But there’s only so many hours in the day! We don’t have time to waste pussyfooting around.
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Q: (A) Now, next question relates to the story of creation which L wrote for the website, and I was reading it and trying to make sense, to make it not contradictory, and I found that it is not easy because many of the concepts that are used during these sessions are somehow contradictory to each other or they don’t quite fit with the standard meanings of these concepts, so I wanted to ask for some explanation. First, we were told that gravity is essentially the most universal force and that it is from this that everything originates…
A: Gravity is the binder.
Q: (A) But, my question is: gravity is a term that is defined in dictionaries and encyclopedias and is a term which has a very precise meaning for physicists and mathematicians. I want to know if you are talking about the same thing or if you are using the term ‘gravity’ to describe something completely different that we know as gravity. Are we talking about the same thing?
A: Well, are you certain these “definitions” you speak of are not limited?
Q: (A) Yes, I am sure they are limited. Nevertheless, they are precisely defined concepts and you are using the same term ‘gravity,’ so I am asking if we are talking about the same thing, or if you are talking about something completely different?
A: How about a great expansion upon the same concept?
Q: (A) Okay. That answered my question. So, we are using the same thing, but for you it is more adequate or so. Now, I want to ask about mathematical modelling of gravity. The gravity that we know about is modelled by geometry of a curved space. Is the gravity that you are talking about, which is an expansion of this concept, capable of being modelled in a similar way: by geometry?
A: Geometry is the correct model.
Q: (A) Now, the question is: if gravity can be modelled in this way – geometry is the correct model – what do we need more to model also consciousness? Will it be automatically implied in such a model of gravity, or is it something extra?
A: Consciousness is contained within the expanded realization of the gravity model. The model, if completed, would give one an insight into the synchronous relationship between gravity and consciousness.
Q: (A) If gravity is modelled by curvature or torsion of geometry, mathematically, how would consciousness come out of geometry?
A: That is a broken question. What we can say is this: if one could visualize the inverted representation of the gravity geometric model, one would be squarely on the path to understanding the geometric model of consciousness.
Q: (A) Now, there are claims, more or less, shared by many scientists that quantum theory is necessary to model or understand consciousness. From what was said before, it seems that quantum theory is not necessary, that it is sufficient to have the right geometric model of extended gravity.
A: No, not extended, expanded.
Q: (A) Does that mean that quantum theory is irrelevant for understanding the modelling of consciousness?
A: Quantum first needs to be graduated from the realm of theory. Proving is a concept we should now be moving beyond. The currently imposed protocol for “proving” theories is a bit passe, we thinx. Can you imagine trying to fly a plane if you must first prove that there is a sky?
Q: (C) So, don’t try to prove quantum theory, just go ahead and use it, I guess.
A: Pretty close.
Q: (A) Are you laughing at quantum theory?
A: No. We are lauging at 3rd density scientific protocol!
Q: (A) Okay, we are coming to densities. But, before that, one more question: what is matter? How is matter built out of gravity? What forms of gravity correspond to matter in terms of the geometric model?
A: First of all, you live in a “matter” universe, from your perspective. There is an accompanying energy universe which you largely are unable to perceive as of yet.
Q: (A) But, my question was …
A: Who/what is Mandlebrot??
Q: (A) Okay, you are talking about fractals now, certainly…
A: Are we?
Q: (A) Mandlebrot is the name of a French mathematician who is famous because he discovered fractals and some laws that govern fractals and chaos. But, as to ‘what’ – some fractal images are also called ‘mandlebrot.’
A: And where does this lead, Ark?
Q: (A) That brings us to fractal properties of space time and such things.
A: What if matter were the “half-life” of energy?
Q: (C) What if energy decays into matter? Is that what they are saying?
A: Be careful of the quotemarks, they bring you to the crossroads. As in: “you take the high road, I’ll take the low road, and I’ll be in Scotland before ye.”
Q: (L) I guess that means that we are not to use the usual interpretation of ‘half-life,’ but that there is a pun, a clue intended here that is to be deciphered.
A: Look folks, we cannot just spill the secrets of all existence all over this board, but we sure can open the doorways, yeah.
Q: (L) That brings me to a little question that I want to insert here. You have said that Service to Others means ‘giving all to those who ask.’ We are asking, so why aren’t you giving all?
A: Not quite. Cannot abridge free will!
Q: (L) Well, my free will says that I want all the secrets of existence! I mean, other people are channeling sources that just dump endless answers to anything and everything…
A: Other people are channeling ________..
Q: (C) It’s a new breakfast cereal! (A) Now, the two main concepts that we are using are dimensions and densities. Again, you use the concept of dimension in not quite the way physicists and mathematicians use it.
A: Phi.
Q: (A) Well, I have no idea what this phi is doing here which is probably related to Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio…
A: Carbonari.
Q: (A) Yet, still there is my question about dimensions. Phi is not an integer number and we will look into it. But, what I said was that the way you are using the term ‘dimensions’ is not what physicists are familiar with in using this term.
A: The trouble here is with semantics: the general public uses that word to mean different things from the physicists!
Q: (C) Okay, phi is a Greek letter but I don’t see how that is connected.
A: No, not phi, dimensions!
Q: (A) I have tried to guess what you mean by dimensions from all the things that you have said about it…
A: Our “meaning” is closer to that of the general public definition.
Q: (A) Very good, yet you have said certain things in a context that was more related to the structure of the universe. And we were talking about dimensions also in the context of Kaluza-Klein theories. At one point, you said there are infinitely many dimensions, and at another point it was implied that different dimensions meant different universes, which would mean that there are infinitely many universes. I would like to represent these dimensions in some mathematical model. My idea was that these dimensions were like slices; and each slice is a universe and, indeed, there are infinitely many possible slices. So, that was my idea of dimensions: slices. Is it correct?
A: That is good.
Q: (A) There are infinitely many dimensions because there are infinitely many slices. Now we come to densities. There are not infinitely many densities, there are only seven. Or, are these seven just for the general public and there are really infinitely many of them as well?
A: No.
Q: (A) Good. So, there are seven densities. Now, how come, there are seven, and not three or five, or eleven? Does it follow from some mathematics?
A: What form of mathematical theory best describes the concept of balance?
Q: (L) Algebra. (A) So, I had the idea that these seven densities were related to what Gurdjieff relates to the number of laws that apply in the various densities; the higher the density, the fewer the laws that apply, which means there is more freedom?
A: That is very close. Consciousness is the key here.
Q: (A) Yes, so my question relates to the geometric model of gravity and consciousness.
A: Picture an endless octagonal… in three dimensions.
Q: (A) A lattice, you mean?
A: Okay.
Q: (A) Are these densities related to the mathematical concept of ‘signatures of the metric?’ I would like to model densities with slices of different geometric properties, in particular slices with different properties of the distance.
A: Yes…
Q: (A) There are several people who essentially think the same direction as we have been discussing… they are almost on the same track. Matti Pitkanen is one of them and Tony Smith is the other. How can these two guys have these similar ideas without having access to channeling?
A: Who said they they have no access to channeling? Some channel without knowing it.
Q: (A) Today, on this list there was a guy by the name of Boyd who talks about his shamanistic experiences in talking to rocks. He doesn’t sound whacko, but he talks to these stones on a daily basis and these stones talk to him, and these rocks have consciousness, they have memories. I wrote to him, but I would like to know if his experiences are authentic and not just his imagination?
A: That is a very broad question, which assumes limits or barriers where none may exist.
Q: (L) Is anyone able to tune into the consciousness of rocks?
A: What if they are really tuning to a consciousness through the rocks?
Q: (A) To A consciousness? Whose consciousness or what consciousness? Universal consciousness?
A: Another.
Q: (A) Another consciousness. (L) Do rocks have consciousness?
A: Refer to material re: 1st density.
Q: (L) Yes, well it has been previously said that 1st density does have consciousness… that even rocks have consciousness and can learn. That brings us back to Boyd, is he, can he, does he tune into the consciousness of rocks and/or other consciousnesses THROUGH rocks?
A: The latter is closer.
Q: (L) So, the consciousness of a rock might not be amenable to communicating.
A: Right.
Q: (L) What other consciouness might a person tune into through a rock? ANY other or a specific other?
A: Closer to former.
Q: (A) If there is consciousness, it means that there is a consciousness unit, and this consciousn unit can be within or associated with some body of some density. Can one tune to consciousness that resides, so to say, in higher densities than third, using rocks? Is it possible?
A: Close.
Q: (A) So, you can tune to dead dudes or Cassiopaeans. (L) Is the consciousness of human beings something that has cycled from minerals to plants through animals to evolve into consciousness of 3rd density mind, as we understand it?
A: In a roundabout way.
Q: (L) Was each of us, sitting here, at any point in the remote past, using time loosely, a critter, so to speak, or a plant or a tree?
A: You still be a critter, baby!
Q: (L) So, leaving out time, the stream of consciousness that makes us as individual units, branches out and extends into lower densities, or connects to them like a tree?
A: Maybe.
Q: (A) Concerning these rocks, I want to ask about this DNA phantom effect that some Russians recently discovered. They shoot with lasers into this vaccum and record photons with detectors. It detects noise because there is nothing coherent. Then, they put a little piece of DNA there. This DNA has a certain regular structure. So, the photons from the lasers scatter from this DNA molecule in a certain wavy pattern which corresponds to the internal structure of the DNA. Now, they remove the DNA and for a month or two they continue to obtain a coherent pattern from the vacuum as though something was still there. They call it the ‘phantom DNA.’
A: The “phantom” is a remnant of the consciousness residue contained within the DNA structure.
Q: (A) Where does this remnant reside? In the vacuum, in the vibrations of the vacuum, in a gravitational field that is inside the vacuum, in some nonlinear electromagnetics? Where is this remnant? What keeps it? Space itself?
A: You hit it pretty close with the last three.
Q: (C) Wouldn’t it be like leaving an impression in a cushion? (A) Yes, but this is a vacuum. (L) I guess that a vacuum isn’t what we think it is. There is something there that is not amenable to our perception. (A) So, consciousness resides in a DNA structure. (C) Well, going back to the rocks, is not all consciousness connected? (A) Yes, but the funny thing about these rocks is that they have the ability of tuning one consciousness to another consciousness so that even if, in principle, all consciousness is one consciousness, yet there are separate consciousness units, which at some level they connect, yet at our level they seem to be separate, so there is something about rocks. (C) Maybe its the fact that they are so simple. (A) Yes. But, it seems that a rock would do it, but dirt would not, so what is so special about rocks? (L) Okay, this anthropologist, Michael Harner, was doing some field work, and it says here that Harner went to the Peruvian Amazon to study the culture of the Conibo Indians. After a year or so he had made little headway in understanding their religious system, when the Conibo told him ‘if he really wanted to learn, he had to drink ahayahuasca. Harner accepted, not without fear because the people had warned him that the experience was terrifying. The following evening, under the strict supervision of his indigenous friends, he drank the equivalent of a third of a bottle. After several minutes he found himself flying into a world of true hallucinations. After arriving in a celestial cavern where a supernatural carnival of demons was in full swing, he saw two strange boats floating through the air that combined to form a huge dragon headed prow not unlike that of a Viking ship. On the deck he could make out large numbers of people with the heads of bluejays and the bodies of humans, not unlike the bird-headed gods of ancient Egyptian tomb paintings. After multiple episodes, which would be too long to describe here, Harner became convinced that he was dying. He tried calling out to his Conibo friends for an antidote without managing to pronounce a word. Then he saw that his visions emanated from giant reptilian creatures that resided at the lowest depths of his brain. These creatures began projecting scenes in front of his eyes while informing him that this information was reserved for the dying and the dead. ‘First, they showed me the planet Earth as it was aeons ago before there was any life on it. I saw an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky. Then black specks dropped from the sky by the hundreds and landed in front of me on the barren landscape. I could see that the specks were actually large, shiny black creatures with stubby pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies. They explained to me in a kind of thought language, that they were fleeing from something from out in space. They had come to the planet earth to escape their enemy. The creatures then showed me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within the multitudinour forms, and thus disguise their presence. Before me, the magnificence of plant and animal creation and speciation and hundreds of millions of years of activity, took place on a scale and with a vividness impossible to describe. I learned that dragon-like creatures were thus inside all forms of life, including man.’ At this point in his account, Harner writes in a footnote at the bottom of the page: ‘in retrospect, one could say that they were almost like DNA, although at that time, in 1961, I knew nothing of DNA.’ So, I would like to know what was the source and nature of these nearly universal visions that occurs in these shamanistic practices; the various creatures including serpents and bird-headed dudes, and so forth? What is the source of these hallucinations?
A: Be more specific.
Q: (C) In these chemically induced trances, why is there the common experience of seeing these bird-headed or serpent-like creatures?
A: While you have physicality, some part of you will maintain the connection to its roots.
Q: (L) Are you saying that all these people who say that human beings have reptilian genetics, are telling the truth? Do we have reptilian genetics?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do we also have bird genetics?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And that is our physical connection or basis?
A: Yes, as third density bioengineered beings, you lead the smorgasbord parade of that which surrounds you in the physical realm.
Posted in Articles, History, Our Haunted Planet, Science