The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part XVI: The Crucifixion: The Big Lie
Was Jesus crucified? Did he then rise from the dead?
It is on this point that millions of people believe that they are “saved.” So, it is a pretty big issue!
Barbara Walker writes in her monumental and essential work, The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets:
“From the Christian viewpoint, a real historical Jesus is essential to the basic premise of the faith; the possibility of immortality through identification with his own death and resurrection. Wellhausen rightly said Jesus would have no place in history unless he died and returned exactly as the Gospels said. ‘If Christ hath not been raised, your faith is vain.’ (I Corinthians 15:17) Still, despite centuries of research, no historical Jesus has come to light. It seems his story was not merely overlaid with myth, it was mythic to the core.” [Walker, 1996]
“Modern theologians tend to sidestep the question of whether Jesus was in fact a fable or a real person. In view of the complete dearth of hard evidence, and the dubious nature of the soft evidence, it seems Christianity is based on the ubiquitous social phenomenon of credulity.” [Ibid.]
But, that is NOT what the Cassiopaeans say… they say that there WAS a man who acted as the nucelus around which the myths of the New Testament coalesced; and that he was pretty remarkable in many ways. But, they also say that about 70 % of what the Bible says is either corrupt, deliberate misrepresentation, or outright lies intended to lead people away from the truth.
So, before we talk about the historical documentation of the crucifixion, let’s just see what was said in response to a series of questions on this matter.
Q: (L) Was Jesus crucified?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was somebody crucified on a cross and represented to be Jesus?
A: No.
Q: There was no crucifixion and no resurrection after three day? Is that correct?
A: Close.
Well, when the Cassiopaeans say “close,” it means that the matter requires some subtle thinking and inquiry to establish exactly what DID happen!
Q: (L) Okay, what is the truth on that matter?
A: He spent 96 hours in a comatose state in a cave nearJerusalem. When he awoke, he prophesied to his disciples and then exited the cave. 27,000 people had assembled because of mother ship appearance and he was taken up in a beam of light.
Q: (L) When did he go into this sleep state? Did he just go in one day and go to bed and go to sleep and then a ship came and picked him up?
A: Close.
Q: (L) So he appeared to his followers to have died?
A: They thought this.
Q: (L) Did he get up and say anything to anybody before he left on the ship?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did he come back to life… so to speak…
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And then he told them things he had seen in his extended meditative sleep, is that what happened?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Okay, what happened?
A: Told prophecies then proclaimed eventual return.
Q: (L) Was this information he got during this period of ‘extended sleep?’
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How long was he asleep, or in this state of semi-death?
A: 96 hours.
Q: (L) And then, a ship arrived and took him away, is that correct?
A: Yes. Upon pillar of light. [As is often reported in “alien abductions.”]
Q: (L) Is there any special power or advantage in praying in the name of Jesus?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, if he didn’t die and release his spirit into the earth plane, how is this power conferred?
A: Prayers go to him.
Q: (L) And what does he do when he hears the prayers?
A: Determines their necessity against background of individual soul development.
Q: (L) You say that when a person prays to Jesus that he makes some sort of a decision, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, how can he do that when millions of people are praying to him simultaneously?
A: Soul division.
Q: (L) What do you mean by soul division?
A: Self explanatory.
Q: (L) Do you mean soul division as in cellular meiosis where a cell splits and replicates itself?
A: No.
Q: (L) Does Jesus’ soul divide?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How many times does it divide?
A: Endlessly as a projection of consciousness.
Q: (L) And what happens to this piece of soul that is divided or projected?
A: Is not a piece of a soul.
Q: (L) What is it?
A: It is a replication.
Q: (L) Is each replication exactly identical to the original?
A: Yes. And no.
Q: (L) In what way is the replicated soul different from the original?
A: Not able to give individual attention.
Q: (L) Are any of us able to replicate in this manner if we so desire?
A: Could if in same circumstance. The way the process works is thus: When Jesus left the earth plane, he went into another dimension or density of reality, whereupon all “rules” regarding the awareness of time and space are entirely different from the way they are perceived in your reality. A “Time warp cocoon, if you will. At this point in space time his soul which was/is still in the physical realm, was placed in a state of something akin to suspended animation and a sort of advanced form of unconsciousness. From that point to the present his soul has been replicated from a state of this unconsciousness in order that all who call upon him or need to be with him or need to speak to him can do so on an individual basis. His soul can be replicated ad infinitum–as many times as needed. The replication process produces a state of hyper-
consciousness in each and every version of the soul consciousness.
Q: (L) So, you are saying that Jesus is in a state of suspension, voluntarily, in another plane of existence, having chosen to give up his life on this plane in order to continuously generate replications of his soul pattern for other people to call upon for assistance? A sort of “template generator?”
A: Yes. Precisely.
Q: (L) If one calls upon him more than once, does one get a double dose?
A: Define.
Q: (L) If one repeatedly calls upon Jesus does one get repeated replications or additional strength, power or whatever?
A: No. Once one has truly made the connection, that’s all that’s needed.
Q: (L) This is an interesting concept. Has any other soul volunteered to perform this work?
A: Yes. 12 at the present “time.”
Q: (L) Can you name any of the others?
A: Buddha. Moses. Shintanhilmoon. Nagaillikiga. Others; Varying degrees; Jesus is the strongest currently.
There were some other remarks made in another session several years later in response to a completely different question that sheds a tiny bit more light on this matter of the “96 hour comatose” state:
Q: Who was Joseph of Arimathea?
A: A disciple of the Unibound.
Q: What’s the ‘Unibound?’
A: Singular Thought Transcendant Discipline.
Q: And what does one do if one is a participant in this “discipline?”
A: Up to 96 hours of clear channel meditation.
Q: Okay, so Joseph was a disciple of this… is this an individual or a concept?
A: Each.
Now, in all fairness, I need to present here an opinion of such “channelled” information as I have just outlined. In a book I read recently (with a clearly “Christian” bias) the author declares:
“Extraterrestrial and their New Age channels have a fascination with Jesus Christ. They teach that Jesus is half human, half extraterrestrial, who was sent to Earth during the age of Pisces to educate and enlighten mankind.
“In the Bible we are told that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead after undergoing the crucifixion…
“In the book of Acts we are told that Jesus, after giving his disciples their final instructions, ascended into a cloud and up to heaven. Then the disciples were told that he would return ‘in like manner as you have seen him go up into heaven.’ When he was asked by his disciples about his Second Coming, he told them that they would see him ‘coming in the clouds with great glory.’
“As expected, our ‘space brothers’ have an explanation for all of this.
[…]“However, this is just another example of the bizarre twisting of things Biblical… contrary to the historic Biblical view.
[…]“The Bible repeatedly authenticates its uniqueness by describing history before it happens, and this discovery totally shatters our concept of reality… Perhaps even more amazing are the detailed prophecies concerning Jesus Christ. More than 300 prophecies concerning his birth, ministry, and sacrificial death are detailed in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the new Testament.” [ Miser and Eastman; 1997]
WHAT?! Did we just observe x being defined by y and y defined by x?
Most biblical scholarship involves speculation. So does SOME historical research. But, while historical research speculates on the basis of historical fact, theology and clerical teachings speculate almost entirely on the scriptures themselves – often without any relation to historical fact. This is precisely what we see in the above extract.
Unfortunately, this was not just a speculation, but a DECLARATION of FACT that may or may not be true. It COULD, therefore, be a lie. Jesus is purported to have said: “By their fruits you shall know them…” and, we can observe in our lives that this is true, so whether Jesus said it or not, we can safely use it as a standard. So, if we apply this standard to the above quoted passage, what do we see?
People have argued, have killed each other, have waged countless wars and genocides throughout the course of the last two thousand years over the question of the acceptance of the divinity of Jesus of Nazareth. Speculation about passages of documents that are extremely questionable for a LOT of reasons that we will discuss further on, have become enshrined as dogma. Then, over the centuries, this dogma has come to be regarded as FACT. Such conclusions are not fact at all. On the contrary, they are speculation and interpretation congealed into tradition; and it is this tradition which is constantly mistaken for fact.
And, based on such “facts,” people continue to “kill” one another either actually or psychologically.
I will admit to having been disturbed by the Cassiopaean’s declaration that Jesus was NOT crucified. Because of the religious programming I, like almost everyone else, had received, I had constructed an elaborate theory around the possibility of this event myself. There WERE things about it that troubled me; it conflicted directly with the idea of reaping what one sows as well as a lot of other related issues. But, at the same time that I was disturbed by the Cassiopaean explanation, I was also oddly satisfied that here was given a more reasonable explanation for the nature of the ‘sacrifice’ of Jesus. The torturing and killing of one human being so as to “shed blood for remission of sins” of the masses, was not only repellant to me, it made no logical or even Theological sense!
It was not too long afterward that I came across the following passage in Manly Hall’s exhaustive compendium, The Secret Teachings of All Ages:
“According to popular conception, Jesus was crucified during the thirty-third year of His life and in the third year of His ministry following his baptism. About AD 180, St. Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, one of the most eminent of the ante-Nicene theologians, wrote Against Heresies , an attack on the doctrines of the Gnostics. In this work, Irenaeus declared upon the authority of the Apostles themselves that Jesus lived to old age. To quote: ‘They, however, that they may establish their false opinion regarding that which is written, maintain that He preached for one year only, and then suffered in the twelfth month. [In speaking thus], they are forgetful of their own disadvantage, destroying His whole work, and robbing Him of that age which is both more necessary and more honourable than any other, that more advanced age, I mean, during which also as a teacher He excelled all others. For how could He have had His disciples, if He did not teach? And how could He have taught unless He had reached the age of a Master? For when He came to be baptised, He had not yet completed His thirtieth year, but was beginning to be about thirty years of age; and, according to these men, He preached only one year reckoning from His baptism. On completing His thirtieth year He suffered, being in fact still a young man, and who had by no means attained to advanced age. Now, that the first stage of early life embraces thirty years, and that this extends onward to the fortieth year, every one will admit; but from the fortieth and fiftieth year a man begins to decline towards old age, which Our Lord possessed while He still fulfilled the office of a Teacher, even as the Gospel and all the elders testify; those who were conversant in Asia with John, the disciple of the Lord, affirming that John conveyed to them that information. And He remained among them up to the time of Trajan. Some of them, moreover, saw not only John, but the other apostles also, and heard the very same account from them, and bear testimony as to the validity of the statement. Whom then should we rather believe? Whether such men as these or Ptolemaeus, who never saw the apostles, and who never even in his dreams attained to the slightest trace of an apostle?”[Hall]
Well, obviously, this “Gospel” that Irenaeus refers to as testifying that Jesus did not suffer and die has disappeared! It could be among those of the library of Nag Hammadi. But, commenting on the foregoing passage, theologian Godfrey Higgins remarks that it has fortunately escaped the hands of those destroyers who have attempted to render the Gospel narratives consistent by deleting all such statements. He also notes that the doctrine of the crucifixion was a vexata questio among Christians even during the second century.
“The evidence of Irenaeus, ” he says, “cannot be touched. On every principle of sound criticism, and of the doctrine of probabilities, it is unimpeachable.” [Anacalypsis , Godfrey Higgins, London, 1836, quoted by Manly P. Hall]
“It should further be noted that Irenaeus prepared this statement to contradict another apparently current in his time to the effect that the ministry of Jesus lasted but one year. Of all the early Fathers, Irenaeus, writing within eighty years after the death of St. John the Evangelist, should have had reasonably accurate information. If the disciples themselves related that Jesus lived to advanced age in the body, why has the mysterious number 33 been arbitrarily chosen to symbolize the duration of his life? Were the incidents in the life of Jesus purposely altered so that His actions would fit more closely into the pattern established by the numerous Savior-Gods who preceded him?” [Hall, 1928, 1988]
Well, there are a LOT of interesting things about the number 33 that relate to our subject of the Grail Quest, but we will get to them in due time.
“Nothing in the Jesus’ myth occurred at random; every detail was part of a formal sacrificial tradition, even to the procession of palms which glorified sacred kings in ancient Babylon! The details of the story are an accumulation and adoption of the myths attached to every savior-god throughout the Roman empire.” [Lincoln, Leigh, Baigent, 1986]
“Like Adonis, Jesus was born of a consecrated temple maiden in the sacred cave of Bethlehem, ‘The house of Bread.’ He was eaten in the form of bread, as were Adonis, Osiris, Dionysus, and others; he called himself the bread of God. Like worshippers of Osiris, those of Jesus made him part of themselves by eating him, so as to participate in his resurrection: ‘He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him’ (John 6:56)
“Like Attis, Jesus was sacrificed at the spring equinox and rose again from the dead on the third day, when he became God and ascended to heaven. Like Orpheus and Heracles, he ‘harrowed hell’ and brought a secret of eternal life, promising to draw all men with him up to glory. Like Mithra and all the other solar gods, he celebrated a birthday nine months later at the winter solstice, because the day of his death was also the day of his cyclic re-conception.
“From the elder gods, Jesus acquired not only his title of Christos, but all his other titles as well. Osiris and Tammuz were called Good Shepherd. Serapis was Lord of Death and King of Glory. Mithra and Heracles were Light of the World, Sun of Righteousness, Helio the Rising Sun. Dionysus was King of Kings, God of Gods. Hermes was the Enlightened One and the Logos. Vishnu and Mithra were Son of Man and Messiah. Adonis was the Lord and the Bridegroom. Mot-Aleyin was the Lamb of God. ‘Savior’ (Soter) was applied to all of them.
“It seems that Jesus (of the Gospels) was not one person but a composite of many. He played the role of sacred king of the Jews who periodically died in an atonement ceremony as surrogate for the real king.” [Walker, 1983]
“The Semitic religions practiced human immolations longer than any other religion, sacrificing children and grown men in order to please sanguinary gods. In spite of Hadrian’s prohibition of those murderous offerings, they were maintained in certain clandestine rites” [The Mysteries of Mithra, Franz Cumont, Dover Publications, new York, 1956]
“The priesthood of the Jewish god insisted that ‘one man should die for the people that the whole nation perish not’ (John 11:50) Yahweh forgave no sins without bloodshed.” [Walker, 1983]
Many of the specific “miracles” attributed to Jesus in the Christian myth were derived from the Goddess worship of more ancient times. And, of course, many of these same events were later attributed to various “savior” gods as described in our discussion about Gilgamesh. The priestesses at Ninevah were described as curing the blind with spittle; Demeter of Eleusis as well as the Celtic Bran the Blessed, multiplied loaves and fishes (SPECIFICALLY loaves and fishes). And story of the multiplication of loaves and fishes in the New Testament is curiously juxtaposed against not only the Head of John the Baptist on a platter, but also the dance of Salome – the Seven Veils – the annointing of Jesus feet with spiknard which were then wiped with the hair of Mary of Bethany. This is not only powerful symbolic imagery, it is a CODED MESSAGE!
“Healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out devils, handling poisonous serpents, etc., were so commonplace that Celsus scorned these ‘Christian’ miracles as ‘nothing more than the common works of those enchanters who. For a few oboli, will perform greater deeds in the midst of the Forum… The magicians of Egypt cast out evil spirits, cure diseases by a breath, and so influence some uncultured men, that they produce in them whatever sights and sounds they please. But because they do such things shall we consider them the sons of God?” [ Smith, 1976]
Just as Jesus is reported to have declared that his prayer could summon twelve legions of guardian angels, magicians often claimed that their prayers could bring flocks of supernatural beings to their assistance.
The ability to walk on water has been claimed by Far Eastern holy men since time immemorial. Buddhist monks praised it as the mark of the true ascetic.
When and IF Christians are confronted with these historical facts, they insist that all the older deities and their miracle-tales were invented by Satan, out of his foreknowledge of the “True Religion” so that the faithful would be confused by past “imitations.”
But, as some of the so-called “Pagan” thinkers have pointed out: the Christian religion contains “nothing but what Christians have in common with heathens; nothing new, nor truly great.”
St. Augustine answered this by saying: “the true religion” was known to the ancients, and had existed from the beginning of time, but it began to be called Christian after “Christ came in the flesh.”
The most likely source of primary Christian mythology was the Tammuz cult in Jerusalem. Like Tammuz, Jesus was the Bridegroom of the Daughter of Zion. Therefore his bride was Anath, or ‘Virgin Wisdom Dwelling in Zion.’ Who was also the mother of God. Her dove descended on him at his baptism, signifying (in the old religion) that she chose him for the love-death. Anath broke her bridegroom’s reed scepter, scourged him and pierced him for fructifying blood. She pronounced his death curse, Mara-natha. As the Gospels said of Jesus, Anath’s bridegroom was ‘forsaken’ by El, his heavenly father. Jesus’ cry to El, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?’ seems to have been a line written for the second act of the sacred drama, the pathos of Passion.
What a lot of people do not realize is that this “Passion” was originally something else altogether. Jesus’ last words ‘It is consummated’ were interpreted as a sign that his work was finished, but were actually lines echoing the completion of the marriage act of the “Hieros gamos,” the sacred marriage, or the seating of the king on the throne of the World Tree, the Axis Mundi, represented by the Incarnated Goddess.
The “World Tree” of enthronement in Hieros Gamos with the Goddess, the Cross of crucifixion, is the symbol of the alchemical transformation.
As usual, when the god disappeared into the underworld, the sun was supposed to have been eclipsed as is described in the story of the Crucifixion. In their ignorance of both astronomical and alchemical phenomena, Christians of today claim that the moon was full at the same time – Passover is a full moon festival – though an eclipse of the sun can only occur at the new moon.
“Like pagans, early Christians identified the Bride with the Mother. They said Jesus ‘consummated on the cross’ his union with Mary-Ecclesia, his Bride the church. Augustine wrote: ‘Like a bridegroom Christ went forth from his chamber, he went out with a presage of his nuptials… He came to the marriage bed of the cross, and there, in mounting it, he consummated his marriage… he lovingly gave himself up to the torment in place of his bride, and he joined himself to the woman for ever.’ John 19:41 says, ‘In the place where he was crucified there was a garden; and in the garden a new sepulchre, wherein was never man yet laid.’ A garden was the conventional symbol for the body of the mother/bride; and a new tomb was the virgin womb, whence the god would be born again. On the third day, Jesus rose from the tomb/womb, like Attis, whose resurrection was the Hilaria, or Day of Joy. Jesus’ resurrection day was named after Eostre, the same Goddess as Astarte, whom the Syrians called Mother Mari.” [Walker, 1983]
“The Three Mary’s stood at the foot of Jesus’ cross, like the Moerae of Greece. One was his virgin mother, the second was his ‘dearly beloved’, the third must have represented the Crone, so the tableau must have represented the three Norns at the foot of Odin’s sacrificial tree.” [Walker, 1983]
The Fates were present at the sacrifices decreed by Heavenly Fathers, whose victims hung on trees or pillars ‘between heaven and earth.’ Up to Hadrian’s time, victims offered to Zeus at Salamis were anointed with sacred ointments – thus becoming ‘Anointed Ones’ or ‘Christs’ – then hung up and stabbed through the side with a spear.
“Scholars’ efforts to eliminate paganism from the Gospels in order to find a historical Jesus have proved to be as hopeless as searching for a core in an onion… His sayings and parables came from elsewhere; ‘his’ miracles were old twice-told tales. Even the Lord’s Prayer was a collection of sayings from the Talmud, many derived from earlier Egyptian prayers to Osiris. The Sermon on the Mount, sometimes said to contain the essence of Christianity, had no original material; it was made up of fragments from Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Secrets of Enoch, and the Shemone Esreh. Moreover, it was unknown to the author of the oldest gospel, pseudo-Mark.
“The discovery that the Gospels were forged, centuries later than the events they described, is still not widely known even though the Catholic Encyclopedia admits, ‘The idea of a complete and clear-cut canon of the New Testament existing from the beginning… has no foundation in history.’ No extant manuscript can be dated earlier than the 4th century AD; most were written even later. The oldest manuscripts contradict one another, as also do even the present canon of synoptic Gospels.
“The church owed its canon to the Gnostic teacher Marcion, who first collected Pauline epistles about the middle of the 2nd century. Later he was excommunicated as a heretic because he denied that the scriptures were mystical allegories full of magic words of power. The epistles he collected were already over a century old, if indeed they were written by Paul; much of their material was made up of forged interpolations.
“The most ‘historical’ figure in the Gospels was Pontius Pilate to whom Jesus was presented as ‘king’ of the Jews and simultaneously as a criminal deserving the death penalty for ‘blasphemy’ because he called himself Christ, Son of the Blessed. This alleged crime was no real crime. History shows that Eastern provinces swarmed with self-styled Christs and Messiahs, calling themselves Sons of God and announcing the end of the world. None of them was executed for ‘blasphemy.’
“If there was a Jesus cult in Jerusalem after 30 AD, it completely disappeared forty years later when Titus conquered the city and outlawed many local customs, including human sacrifice.
“Tacitus described the siege of Jerusalem, but his writing is abruptly cut off at the moment when Roman forces entered the city – as if the final chapters were deliberately destroyed – so no one knows what the Romans found there. However, Romans did express disapproval of the Jews’ or Christians’ cannibalistic sacraments. Porphyry called it ‘absurd beyond all absurdity, and bestial beyond every sort of bestiality, that a man should taste human flesh and drink the blood of men of his own genus and species, and by doing should have eternal life.” [Walker, 1983]
Well, all this talk about cults and the idea of the story of Jesus being merely an amalgamation of various ancient initiatory practices ought not to make us toss the baby out with the bathwater, in my opinion. The masses of people practice a religion that the scholars and theologians KNOW is but a shadow of something altogether different. But in times past, perhaps the priests DID know the meaning behind the symbols? Do any of them know the hidden meanings today? I don’t think so. Or at least very few of them do.
What is it about these ancient cults? These “dying priest/kings” who represented God on Earth?
What is really going on?
Can we find out anything about them, or make any connections, that can help us understand the source of such ideas?
Indeed we can, and much, much more. You may wish to read The Secret History of the World where many more puzzle pieces are assembled. Or, simply read the articles on this site where you will find everything you need to figure it all out on your own!
Baigent, Michael, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln, [1986] The Messianic Legacy; New York, Dell
Cumont, Franz [1956] The Mysteries of Mithra; New York, Dover Publications
Hall, Manly Palmer [1928, 1988] The Secret Teachings of All Ages; Los Angeles, The Philosophical Research Society
Higgins, Godfrey [1836] Anacalypsis ; London
Miser, Chuck and Mark Eastman [1997] Alien Encounters: The Secret Behind the UFO; Coeur d’Alene,Coining House
Smith, Morton[1976] Jesus the Magician: Charlatan of Son of God?; , San Francisco, Harper and Row
Von Hassler, Gerd [1976], Lost Survivors of the Deluge, translated from the German by Martin Ebon, Hamburg, Verlagsgesellschaft R. Gloss & Co.
Walker, Barbara, [1996] The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets; Edison, NJ,
Posted in The Grail Quest and the Destiny of Man