Jupiter Nostradamus Edgar Cayce and the Return of the Mongols
For the past few days I have been wondering exactly how to go about putting these items together without getting myself into hot water again, and I couldn’t quite see a clear path for this material. However, today the Signs team pulled up a couple of most interesting articles that just happen to provide the […]
Sunday March 7, 2004: As I mentioned yesterday, for the past several months I have been immersed in research for the second volume of the The Secret History of The World series. It was during the course of this research that I stumbled over an item that raised the hair on the back of my neck. This discovery […]
Yesterday we made a number of interesting discoveries that have left a few dangling threads hanging out there that ought to be tugged just a bit before we continue. First of all, there is the question about the death of Dr. David Kelly, the biological warfare weapons specialist who had links to three other top microbiologists […]
Yesterday, the question that we posed was: Who were the Khazars? The Khazars flourished from the seventh to the eleventh century. This means that they emerged following the reign of the emperor Justinian discussed elsewhere on this site. The issues surrounding the reign of Justinian, recorded by Procopius, indicate to us that something very strange was going on […]
Yesterday, we briefly explored the possible origins of the “Long Haired” Franks after noticing that the ancient descriptions of the Khazars were couched in similar terms. Actually, that is true of most of the ancient Aryan tribes; they were fierce with wild, flowing blonde or red hair, and susceptible to a “furor” that came on […]
The question we left off with yesterday was: Do these three wars, Armageddon, Gog Magog, and Troy have anything in common? The story of the Trojan War is, in Western Civilization, the greatest NON-religious story ever told. It has haunted the western imagination for over three thousand years. “In Troy there lies the scene,” Shakespeare said. […]
Today we are going to talk about the most famous woman in Western History after Eve: Helen of Troy. The fact is, Eve and Helen have a lot in common. The first mother, Eve, seems to have acquired a bad reputation because of Helen. Helen: the face that launched a thousand ships and brought about […]
The reader who has been following this little series of articles will notice that I have, at this point, slightly reorganized the material of the previous chapter and the present one. Thanks to all of you who wrote requesting more details on Iman Wilkens’ book and those who sent in additional clues which I am […]
I would like to draw the reader’s attention back to a comment quoted in a previous chapter: Quite apart from the difficulty of fitting most places described in the Iliad and the Odyssey into the physical reality of the lands surrounding the Aegean Sea, there is also a problem with the spiritual content of Homer’s […]
Continuing with Wilkens’ survey, we find that the island we now know as Crete also owes its name to Homer, given to it by the peoples who settled there after the collapse of the Bronze Age. Homer described Crete as a prosperous country which is an impossible anachronism since we now know that Crete was […]
As I continue with this series, laying the groundwork for some belief shattering revelations that our research has uncovered in the past year or two, I feel a certain “oppositional pressure” building in the outside world. Daily, we notice that the “Powers That Be” are circling the planet, closing off alternatives, and battening down the […]
I want to continue now for just a bit on the subject of the geography of the Bronze Age world before we move to other issues that bear directly on our world today. Wilkens locates several more of the places named by Homer using not only descriptions of the landscape, but also place names and […]
Now that we have a theory about the actual location of some of the events of the ancient past, I would like to go back again what Herodotus had to say about the famous Labyrinth of Egypt. Being set free after the reign of the priest of Hephaistos, the Egyptians, since they could not live […]
Posted in Jupiter Nostradamus Edgar Cayce and the Return of the Mongols