Posts Tagged ‘Homer’
We had just made an international move and were waiting in our new house for our delayed shipping container to arrive with our library. I was quite at loose ends without anything to read when this book arrived in the mail, sent by a friend who knew I was without books. I can tell you […]
I want to continue now for just a bit on the subject of the geography of the Bronze Age world before we move to other issues that bear directly on our world today. Wilkens locates several more of the places named by Homer using not only descriptions of the landscape, but also place names and […]
Continuing with Wilkens’ survey, we find that the island we now know as Crete also owes its name to Homer, given to it by the peoples who settled there after the collapse of the Bronze Age. Homer described Crete as a prosperous country which is an impossible anachronism since we now know that Crete was […]
The reader who has been following this little series of articles will notice that I have, at this point, slightly reorganized the material of the previous chapter and the present one. Thanks to all of you who wrote requesting more details on Iman Wilkens’ book and those who sent in additional clues which I am […]
The question we left off with yesterday was: Do these three wars, Armageddon, Gog Magog, and Troy have anything in common? The story of the Trojan War is, in Western Civilization, the greatest NON-religious story ever told. It has haunted the western imagination for over three thousand years. “In Troy there lies the scene,” Shakespeare said. […]
Posted in Commentary, Esotericism, History