The Wave Chapter 66: The Zelator
If I had not fried my computer (most likely by getting upset), I would not have read Zelator before writing this. And I would not have fully understood exactly what I was doing or why. So, once again, the efforts of the Control System to do damage ended up doing just the opposite. We are handed lemons and we make lemonade.
I had wept. I had dried my tears and decided that it didn’t matter if I was an object of attack and ridicule and cruelty. I would continue. But even with this commitment, there was the question: Why? Is anything I am doing worthwhile?
And there was the book. Sitting there on the stack. I had gotten up to resume my labor, knowing only that it was what I was committed to do; but not really knowing why. And the computer would not work, and there was the book.
I began to read, and as I read, I understood. And I felt the care and comfort of the vast and limitless Universe reaching hands out to dry my tears and send me words that told me what I needed to know.
Zelator is a book written by Mark Hedsel, a seeker on what is known in arcane parlance as the Way of the Fool. The Way of the Fool is apparently an initiatory path of those who set out on their own and, from time to time, encounter a teacher who they interact with for a period, and then move on. As David Ovason, Mark Hedsel’s scribe, describes it:
The Way of the Fool is the way of the independent traveller on the Path of Initiation. Such a traveler may study under a variety of Masters, yet will strive always to preserve his or her own identity, and rarely undertakes vows of silence which will bind his or her being to a particular school or teaching. … The most enduring arcane image of this wandering Fool is that found on the early Tarot cards … (Hedsel 2000, 20, 23)
In the monastery of Santa-Maria-la-Real, Najer, La Rioja, there is a 15th century carving of a Fool. He has two dogs at his feet similar to the Fool in the Tarot deck. But, the interesting thing about him, as Mr. Hedsel points out, is that he wears a robe that is so designed to fall open at both front and back. In this way, his private parts are always visible. He is a naked fool.
‘… His nakedness is a sign that the true Fool is prepared to show those things that others prefer to hide. Those Fools who show the way to that higher vision arising from initiation are often seen by the Sleepers as foolish.’ (The Sleepers are those who have not elected to follow a spiritual path. They are content with the realm of appearances, and want only to be left alone, to sleep.) …
‘… A man or woman’s life reveals the archetypes they have followed. That’s why the Fool is prepared to go through life naked to the world, knowing that the lower is nothing more than a reflection of the higher.’
‘… the Fool progresses only by means of the questions he asks.’
‘… A Teacher can indicate the Way, but he cannot show the Way. There are the two Ways – the Way Up and the Way Down – and among the ways up is the Way of the Fool. The zero marks the intersection between the Way Up and the Way Down, where there is neither Up nor Down. …’
… ‘To what purpose, we must ask, would anyone wish to follow the Way of the Fool? It is no easy role to play. The Way of the Fool is so open to misunderstanding and mockery. To the casual glance – which is the glance of most people – it does not even appear to be a Way at all. … Yet there is such a Way, even if it is only one followed by men and women striving to establish a Spiritual identity for themselves, divested of outer trappings.
‘On this way, the Fool is sensitive to symbols. Indeed, if the Fool is alert enough, sufficiently progressed along the Path, then everything becomes a symbol. …’
… ‘The keyword for all the paths is commitment. … when you have committed yourself to an action, then the whole cosmos will conspire to help you.
‘… the cosmos recognizes commitment, which is in itself a kind of prayer. If you commit yourself, then you will find that the angels are ranged on your side.
‘And so, make a commitment. Remember it. Stick to it. And if you choose the Way of the Fool, do not fear appearing to be a Fool in the eyes of the world, for, if you do not stray too far from the ancient road, in the eyes of God, you will always remain the beloved Fool. …
‘… Yet, this is certainly no mystical injunction to forget the world, for the hermeticist is trained never to forget the world – as it is his or her forging ground. The hermeticist is ever prepared to burn in exchange for gnosis, or to peel away the onion which wrap up the world’s Mysteries and himself. …
‘… For every faltering step taken by Man, God in his stillness bounds towards Man a hundred steps.’
‘… Initiation is an art, a Spiritual performance which can last a lifetime, and then pour into subsequent lifetimes …’
… ‘There is only one complete initiation for one who dwells in the body. Then, at that marvelous moment of initiated insight, you will see that life itself is art: it is the art of the gods. The art of Man merely reflects the shadow of this creative exuberance. Initiation is the ultimate art of the gods, practised with more or less imperfection by men.’
‘… the Fool is prepared to reveal more than ordinary people, if only to lay bare the basic structure of the Spiritual world. …’ (Hedsel 2000, 11, 13, 348–351, 353–354 310)
Zelator devotes some considerable discussion to an 11-house zodiac that was found in the Sagrada di San Michele, which overlooks the Val di Susa. Even though we will not go into that subject in detail, I would like to include some of remarks about this curious thing:
The climb to the first courtyard is by way of a flight of steps called the Scala dei Morti, the Staircase of the Dead. There are tombs near the bottom, but at the top is an archway set with images of the stars: the stairs are a parable of Spiritual ascent from Earthly death to stellar life. The symbolism is simple and perfect, yet it was not quite the symbolism intended by the architects. The archway was translated to this place some centuries after the monastery was built: it was carried, stone by stone, from the baptistry, which had once been outside the monastic enclave, and which is now all but destroyed.
The bas-relief images of the stars, through which one must pass to gain access to the monastery, are among the most fascinating in Europe. They probably date back to the 11th century, and show signs of being derived from Arabic astrological lore. (Hedsel 2000, 72)
I would like to note that the rich astrological tradition of the Arabs was funneled, by way of translations, into Europe from as early as the 10th century, but did not reach its full momentum until the 11th and 12th centuries. It was at this time that astrological symbols were assimilated into Christian architecture. See, for example, F. Gettings, The Secret Zodiac: The Hidden Art in Mediaeval Astrology.
To the left of the portal are 11 images of the zodiacal constellations. There are 11, rather than the statutory 12, because Scorpius and Libra are merged as one, in the image of a scorpion grasping in its chelae, or claws, the balance of Libra. In this form, the ancient Greek images of the zodiac were manumitted from the writings of the Alexandrian-Roman astronomer, Ptolemy, to the architects of the first Romanesque cathedrals. (Hedsel 2000, 73)
Yes, you read right: manumitted.
My first thought about the use of this word was that the guy made an error. Or somebody made an error. In fact, I was entirely prepared for this book to be a complete waste of my time. I was not only prepared for it to be a waste, I expected it. But there was that word.
There were several exchanges with the Cassiopaeans and myself on this subject back in 1997:
August 9, 1997
Q: Okay. Now, next question: I understand that Libra was added to the zodiac and broke Scorpio and Virgo apart. Were there originally 10 or 11 signs in the zodiac?
A: Originally?
Q: You know what I mean!
A: There have been many combinations.
Q: Well, when did the present 12-sign zodiac begin to be established as it is?
A: 1302 AD
Q: And how many signs were there before that?
A: 11
Q: That’s what I thought. What is the source of the oldest zodiac available to us?
A: Atlantis.
Q: Well, fine, what is the oldest extant source in terms of writings?
A: Egypt.
It is important to note the specificity of the questions and answers. The date is given in response to a specific inquiry that includes the qualifier “as it is”. Further, the Cassiopaeans are not saying that an 11-house zodiac is the right one, merely that it is one of many.
Now, there is more to this than meets the eye, so have a look at the following:
November 7, 1994
Q: (L) Does the Catholic Church have in its possession actual original texts of the Bible that have not been corrupted?
A: No.
Q: (L) Were there ever such texts in existence?
A: No.
Q: (L) Who wrote the book of Matthew?
A: Greek enforcers.
Q: (L) What are Greek enforcers?
A: Like your FBI.
Q: (L) Who wrote the book of Mark?
A: Same.
Q: (L) Luke and John?
A: Same.
Q: (L) Acts?
A: Same.
Q: (L) Are any books of the New Testament written by who they claim to be written by?
A: No. Remember this is 70% propaganda.
Q: (L) Is 30% then the truth or the actual teachings?
A: Close enough. You must decipher from instinct through meditation.
Well, doesn’t that just dip your cookies? Greek Enforcers? FBI?
Not long after this, I was reading Edith Hamilton’s Mythology. Something she wrote struck me quite forcibly:
Greek and Roman mythology is quite generally supposed to show us the way the human race thought and felt untold ages ago. Through it, according to this view, we can retrace the path from civilized man who lives so far from nature, to man who lived in close companionship with nature; and the real interest of the myths is that they lead us back to a time when the world was young and people had a connection with the earth, with trees and seas and flowers and hills, unlike anything we ourselves can feel. When the stories were being shaped, we are given to understand, little distinction had as yet been made between the real and the unreal. …
But a very brief consideration of the ways of uncivilized peoples everywhere and in all ages is enough to prick that romantic bubble. Nothing is clearer than the fact that primitive man, whether in New Guinea today or eons ago in the prehistoric wilderness, is not and never has been a creature who peoples his world with bright fancies and lovely visions. Horrors lurked in the primeval forest, not nymphs and naiads. Terror lived there, with its close attendant, Magic, and its most common defense, Human Sacrifice. Mankind’s chief hope of escaping the wrath of whatever divinities were then abroad lay in some magical rite, senseless but powerful, or in some offering made at the cost of pain and grief.
This dark picture is worlds apart from the stories of classical mythology. …
We do not know when these stories were first told in their present shape; but whenever it was, primitive life had been left far behind. The myths as we have them were the creation of great poets. … The tales of Greek mythology do not throw any clear light upon what early mankind was like. They do throw an abundance of light upon what early Greeks were like … [we] are their descendants intellectually, artistically, and politically, too. Nothing we learn about them is alien to ourselves.
People often speak of “the Greek Miracle.” What the phrase tries to express is the new birth of the world, with the awakening of Greece. “Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Something like that happened in Greece. Why it happened, or when, we have no idea at all. We know only that in the earliest Greek poets a new point of view dawned, never dreamed of in the world before them, but never to leave the world after them. With the coming forward of Greece, mankind became the center of the universe, the most important thing in it. This was a revolution in thought. Human beings had counted for little heretofore. In Greece man first realized what mankind was.
The Greeks made their gods in their own image. That had not entered the mind of man before. Until then, gods had no semblance of reality. They were unlike all living things. In Egypt, a towering colossus … a woman with a cat’s head suggesting inflexible, inhuman cruelty. Or a monstrous mysterious sphinx, aloof from all that lives. In Mesopotamia, bas-reliefs of bestial shapes unlike any beast ever known, men with bird’s heads and lions with bull’s heads and both with eagles’ wings …
These and their like were what the pre-Greek world worshiped. One need only place beside them … any Greek statue of a god, so normal and natural with all its beauty, to perceive what a new idea had come into the world. With its coming, the universe became rational.
… In Greece alone in the ancient world people were preoccupied with the visible; they were finding the satisfaction of their desires in what was actually in the world around them. …
Human gods naturally made heaven a pleasantly familiar place. The Greeks felt at home in it. …
That is the miracle of Greek mythology – a humanized world, men freed from the paralyzing fear of an omnipotent Unknown. The terrifying incomprehensibilities which were worshiped elsewhere, and the fearsome spirits with which earth, air and sea swarmed, were banned from Greece. … no matter how wild and fantastic the stories are, anyone who reads them with attention discovers that even the most nonsensical take place in a world which is essentially rational and matter-of-fact. Hercules, whose life was one long combat against preposterous monsters, is always said to have had his home in the city of Thebes. The exact spot where Aphrodite was born of the foam could be visited by any ancient tourist; the winged steed Pegasus, after skimming the air all day, went every night to a comfortable stable in Corinth. … If the mixture seems childish, consider how reassuring and how sensible the solid background is …
The terrifying irrational has no place in classical mythology. Magic, so powerful in the world before and after Greece, is almost nonexistent. There are no men and only two women with dreadful, supernatural powers. The demoniac wizards and the hideous old witches who haunted Europe and America, too, up to quite recent years, play no part at all in the stories. Circe and Medea are the only witches and they are young and of surpassing beauty – delightful, not horrible. Astrology, which has flourished from the days of ancient Babylon down to today, is completely absent from classical Greece. There are many stories about the stars, but not a trace of the idea that they influence men’s lives. Astronomy is what the Greek mind made out of the stars. Not a single story has a magical priest who is terribly to be feared …
The world of Greek mythology was not a place of terror for the human spirit. It is true that the gods were disconcertingly incalculable. One could never tell where Zeus’s thunderbolt would strike. Nevertheless, the whole divine company, with a few and for the most part not important exceptions, were entrancingly beautiful with a human beauty, and nothing humanly beautiful is really terrifying. The early Greek mythologists transformed a world full of fear into a world full of beauty.
This bright picture has its dark spots. The change came about slowly and was never quite completed. The gods-who-became-human were for a long time a very slight improvement upon their worshipers. They were incomparably lovelier and more powerful, and they were of course immortal; but they often acted in a way no decent man or woman would. … There are traces of a time when there were beast gods. The satyrs … the centaurs … There are also stories that point back clearly to a time when there was human sacrifice. … the mythical monster is present in any number of shapes … but they are there only to give the hero his meed of glory. What could a hero do in a world without them? They are always overcome by him.
But what is astonishing is not that bits of savage belief were left here and there. The strange thing is that they are so few. (Hamilton, 3, 4, 7–12)
When I read the above, it gave me chills and made the hair stand up on my arms. I understood that I was in the presence of a significant mystery. The main thing I was interested in was the reference to astrology. Since most of our astrological signs are representations of Greek mythology, how could it be that they, themselves, did not practice astrology? This was a serious discontinuity in history. There was the practice of astrology before the Greeks, and after the Greeks. And, in fact, the whole Greek pantheon was adopted. What’s the deal here? I decided to ask the Cassiopaeans:
July 26, 1997
Q: Why was astrology absent from the myths of ancient Greece?
A: Not absent, “Stalinized.”
Q: What does that mean?
A: Soviets removed Stalin from the history books when he fell from popularity. So, Greeks, Astrology … “Stalinized”…
Q: Why?
A: Deadly secrets would be revealed.
Q: Revealed to whom?
A: You. [My take on this is not just me, personally, but humanity.]
Q: If we could find the pieces and put them together, they would show us the drama and the connection between third and fourth density?
A: You would have to use the original astrology, before cosmic changes of a planetary nature; there was no Venus, for one example, and Earth was oriented differently axially speaking.
Q: And the destruction of Kantek. This was a whitewash. The writings of Homer and so forth were put in place … is there any source where we can get closer to these myths that will help us to figure out who is really on first?
A: Check the Isle of Man.
Q: You once said that the Bible was written by Greek enforcers, and now you have just said that the myths were Stalinized. It also struck me that there were no ghosts or spirits in the Greek texts. These texts portray the Greeks as worshippers of the physical world. They were astonished at Pythagoras’ belief in reincarnation …
A: You have been reading altered texts.
Q: Well, I know that. I have copies of some of the oldest known documents on the planet. Where am I going to get something that is remotely accurate?
A: The Hague.
Q: Where did these Greek enforcers come from?
A: Order of Thelon.
Q: Never heard of it. On another occasion you called the Nephilim “enforcers.” Is there any relation between this order of Thelon and the Nephilim?
A: Maybe …
Q: Where is the headquarters of this group?
A: Sicinthos.
Q: Is that a place? Never heard of it.
A: Yes.
The above excerpt was published in a previous segment of the Wave (in volume 4) and elicited some interesting information from an Italian reader:
Where is Sicinthos? This word recalled in my mind something I studied at the Liceo: the poet Ugo Foscolo, born in Zante or Zacinto, the Italian word for the Greek island Zàkynthos, a 400-square-km island in the Ionio Sea, northwest from the Peloponneso Greek peninsula. In ancient history this is the first known “Achei” colony and then an Athens colony in 455 B.C.
In the legend, the first man on that island was Zacinto, son of Dardano (Dardanus). Achei people seem to have founded a colony also in northern Spain, at Sagunto (maybe that little town called Sahagun south-east of Leon).
Zakynthos and Sicyon were Achaeans colonies. Perseus was an Achaean, and Dardanus, Zacinto’s father, was known in the Greek mythology as a “religious civilizator” and the alleged “Greek Enforcers” have something to do with religion too. He was born in Toscana, Italy (ancient Etruria), in Cortona, an Etruscan city. He founded the Palladium, Samotracia’s mysteries and goddess Cyibele cults. He was the king of the Dardanians and the city of Troy (Troia). In Homer’s Iliade the Achaeans were fighting against Troians. The Spanish colony Sagunto was the ancient Zakantha. The Palladiums were supposed to have been three cube-like objects made of wood that had fallen from the sky. They were lucky objects and there were many in the Greek myths. Robert Graves in Greek Myths writes (translated): “Also Zacinto received a Palladium after a prayer to Zeus.”
I can’t find anything about “The Order Of Thelon”. But maybe it’s all buried and decomposed from a long time ago. Don’t know about Scythia. Maybe the Sciiti had a link with Troy and the Dardanus people?
Maybe all the known civilizations are linked to Scythia and so to Sumer and Mesopotamia, but I always keep in mind the fact that the Cs answer related principally to Greece. The final phoneme “thos” of Sicinthos is typical of the Greek vocabulary and their answer related principally to that “Greek Enforcers” issue. … The root SIK, SIC seems to mean growing, fertility, prosperity. Sicily was the land of fertility according to Carl(o) Pascal studies. (Personal correspondence, 2000)
Well, that was very interesting, and something of a clue, because there are some dynamic connections to later clues, but I plan to get into all that at some point in the future. Now, going back to our Zelator, remember the most interesting remark:
To the left of the portal are 11 images of the zodiacal constellations. There are 11, rather than the statutory 12, because Scorpius and Libra are merged as one, in the image of a scorpion grasping in its chelae, or claws, the balance of Libra. In this form, the ancient Greek images of the zodiac were manumitted from the writings of the Alexandrian-Roman astronomer, Ptolemy, to the architects of the first Romanesque cathedrals. (Hedsel 2000, 73)
To “manumit” means to “set free.” In specific, it means “to let go from the hand, to free from slavery.”
Claudius Ptolemaeus was a celebrated 2nd century CE Greco-Egyptian mathematician, astronomer, and geographer of the Roman-dominated world. He made his observations in Alexandria and was the last great astronomer of ancient times.
He systematized and recorded the data and doctrines that were known to Alexandrian men of science. … The mathematical and astronomical systems developed by the Greeks are contained in his 113 volume work, Almagest. With credit to Hipparchus as his chief authority … (Columbia Encyclopedia)
And, while I am on the subject of Greeks named Ptolemy, I ought to mention that Ptolemy II, or Ptolemy Philadelphus, the Greek king of Egypt from 285 to 246 BCE, “continued his father’s efforts to make Alexandria the cultural center of the Greek world. He encouraged the translation of the Pentateuch into the Greek Septuagint.” (Columbia Encyclopedia) So we see a very early connection of the Greeks to the control system of monotheism. Maybe what the Cassiopaeans were saying wasn’t so crazy after all.
But, even more than the idea of just setting free the images of the zodiac from the writings of Ptolemy, there is another idea suggested in this remark about manumission – the curious use of this particular word that relates specifically to hands I’d already thought about, and which we had discussed with the Cassiopaeans:
October 4, 1997
Q: In reading the transcripts, I came across a reference to a “pact” made by a group of STS individuals, and it was called “Rosteem,” and that this was the origin of the Rosicrucians. In the book The Orion Mystery, it talks about the fact that Giza was formerly known as RosTau, which is “Rose Cross.” Essentially, I would like to understand the symbology of the Rose affixed to the Cross. It seems to me that the imagery of Jesus nailed to the Cross is actually the Rose affixed to the Cross. How does Jesus relate to the Rose?
A: No, it is from the Rose arose the Cross.
Q: What does the cross symbolize?
A: The symbology is not the issue. It is the effect.
Q: What is the effect of the cross?
A: All that has followed it.
Q: In the same vein, I have noticed that there are two classes of arachnids. There are scorpions and there are spiders. The zodiac was changed by taking the pincers away from the Scorpion and creating out of them the sign of Libra. This image was one of a woman holding a balance scales, usually blindfolded. This was done within recorded history, but was probably formalized through the occult traditions of Kaballah. Now, in trying to figure out who has on what color hat, if there is such a thing, I have come to a tentative conclusion that the spider, or spinner of webs, is the Rosicrucian encampment, and that the Scorpion represents the seeker of wisdom … because, in fact, the word for Scorpio comes from the same root as that which means to pierce or unveil. Therefore, the Scorpion is also Perseus, per Ziu, or “for God.” And the Rosicrucians are the “other,” so to speak. Can you elaborate on this for me? Or comment?
A: What a tangled web we spin, when we must not let you in.
Q: So, the Rose is the Spider?
A: Different objective.
Q: So, the Rose, with its thorns … can you help me with this Rose image … is the Rose the Scorpion?
A: No. Different objective … Rose is a standalone symbol.
Q: So, the Rose can be used by either side, is that it?
A: Maybe.
Q: Another derivation of the word root of Scorpio is “skopos,” or “to see.” You said that the human race was seeded on a planet in the constellation Scorpio, and, therefore, when the zodiac was set up and the clues were laid out, it seems to me that the insertion of the sign of Libra was designed to take power away from human beings, to take their hands away, to prevent them from seeing, to make them defenseless. Is this imagery close?
A: On track.
Am I crazy to see in this message from Zelator something that is being “guided”? I looked at the passage again: “the image of a scorpion grasping in its chelae, or claws, the balance of Libra. In this form, the ancient Greek images of the zodiac were manumitted …”
Why use the term “chelae” in addition to claws? Chelae means claws, so it is redundant. So, not only do we have a word that doesn’t fit, in the term “manumitted,” which means to set free from the hands, we have a redundancy in the same paragraph; and both in a book that is exceptionally grammatical and precise in terminology.
What else do we know about chelae? Well, it is related to chelate and that is a chemical compound resembling or having chelae. The central atom – usually a metal ion – is attached to neighboring atoms by at least two bonds in such a way as to form a ring structure. It is also to cause a metal ion to react with another molecule to form a chelate. (Think of the carbon atom.)
Well, there is more about this issue of Scorpio having no hands:
October 23, 1994
Q: (L) Well, then how did mankind come to be here?
A: Combination of factors. Numerous souls desired physical existence then was altered by three forces including principally Lizards through Grays, Nephalim and Orion union.
Q: (L) Tell us again who are the Nephilim?
A: Enforcers. Slaves of Orion. From Planet 3C, or 3rd star, 3rd planet.
Q: (L) You said the other night that the Nephilim came from some area around the constellation Scorpio, is that correct?
A: Originally seeded there but you were too.
Q: (L) We were originally seeded somewhere else? Where? Orion? What is the name of that planet?
A: D’Ankhiar. Ankh is ancient symbolism of this planet. Is female symbol. Stands for mother planet. [Which suggests that this is the source of all human mitochondrial DNA.]Q: (L) You indicated that we should study the legend of Orion, and I looked it up in several sources, and basically the legend is of the perfect man who fell in love with a woman, and her jealous father caused him to be blinded. The only cure was to gaze at the light, the goddess Aurora, to regain his sight. Can you tell us how this relates to the idea that Orion was the indigenous home of humans?
A: It is up to you to look for answers.
Q: (L) There was an interesting reference in one of the books I was reading of the relationship of Orion to Scorpio, that Orion’s bow is drawn at Scorpio. And, at one other point, you said that the physical bodies of mankind were molecularized, and are being molecularized, on a planet called D’Ankhiar, which is in the constellation Scorpio.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is the relationship of Orion to Scorpio? The Orion “bad guys” shooting at Scorpio, which is the place of origin of the physical manifestation of the human race …
A: Bad guys?
Q: (L) Forget I said bad guys. “Shooting at Scorpio.” Is there any relationship, symbolically, to the fact that the human bodies …
A: It is all interrelated.
Regarding the 11-house zodiac that he had discovered in the Val di Susa, Mark Hedsel adds:
To the right of the portal are 15 [3–5!] images of the constellations. Most of them are named on the marble in a lapidary script. As sculptural images, these may well be unique in European lapidary art. Perhaps the architect had them copied from an Arabic edition of the Phaenomena – a poem about the constellations – of the third-century BC poet, Aratus. The original manuscript prototype drawings seem to be lost, but there is no doubt that these bas-reliefs may be traced back into the loam of classical antiquity. (Hedsel 2000, 73)
Note: The constellation names on the bas-reliefs are Aquila, Delfinus, Pegasus, Deltoton, Orion, Lepus, Canis, Anticanis, Pistrix, Eridanus, Centaurus, Cetus, Nothius, Ara and Hidra. (See: Giovanni Gaddo, La Sacra di San Michele in Val di Susa, 1977.)
… we rarely met anyone with whom we could discuss the arcane symbols, or the esoteric ideas they embodied. … few seemed to be interested in the cosmic images of the archway, and none I met ever had the slightest intimation of the challenge they offered. This was not surprising: the symbols were designed by a Masonic Mystery School, and exhibited an arcane knowledge which removed them from the understanding even of scholars.
… We had put a great deal of our time into the study of the astrological images in the Sagrada, but we could find no answers to the important questions which they raised in our soul. We could not find out why, or for what purpose, these images had been carved, and why they were not all absorbed into the artistic repertoire of Romanesque architecture. These images of the constellations were not found in other monasteries, churches or cathedrals: they seemed to be unique to the Sagrada.
No Romanesque architect seems to have seen the arcane implications in these images of the stars, and, as a consequence, these constellation images seem to have been lost to the stonemasons of the West. Few, if any, European specialists had studied these images, and there was a dearth of scholarly material dealing with them. The only possible clue was … the tantalizing manuscript in a secret code.
In our search for the origins of these images, we had found, hidden in the archives of the Vatican Library, a single manuscript which seemed to illuminate our search. It was a document which confirmed the name of the sculptor as Nicholas. … it was clear that this Nicholas had been an initiate, for the whole arrangement of the cosmic images – albeit no longer in their original setting – was redolent with esoteric symbolism and power. …
… In the manuscript which confirmed his name was a long and enigmatic sentence in mediaeval dog-Latin, which we could just about read, yet not grasp its inner meaning. The text seemed to encode something which defied our understanding. (Hedsel 2000, 73–75)
The uneasy dog-Latin, with its alchemical, astrological and even cabbalistic undertones, reads:
Dilexi secreta loca qui in arbore erant hostic factus est luminosus lapis cibus ante animalis et recedens de suprema rami arbor radicibus evulsa in terra quod ita domus ipsa fumabat.
Now, the point I want to make here is that this book, published not long before I began writing this, came to me because the issue of the 11-house zodiac was published on the website. Someone had read it and mentioned it. At that particular time, the drama described above began to manifest, which not only distracted my attention from following this clue but it almost brought the whole project to a halt.
Yet the fact is even if the distractions were an overt attempt to distract and stop me, what actually happened was that affairs were arranged so I was diverted to read this book out of sequence. In reading the book, I found many passages that spoke directly to me; the most astounding of which is this discussion of the 11-house zodiac. And I find it difficult to believe there are a lot of people on the planet thinking about 11-house zodiacs in the terms I have described above; most specifically who have the idea that there is some powerful symbolism in the addition of the sign of Libra; and that, contrary to what may seem to be the case, that Libra – with its blinded eyes so similar to the god Orion – is really a clue to the Control System that dominates humankind, which was known in the ancient past, and which knowledge was “Stalinized” by “Greek Enforcers.”
In our most recent session with the Cassiopaeans, on January 22, 2000, the subject of the “Moon” was reiterated over and over again. Curiously, this was just a day or so after Ark had written his response to the E-group member about Gurdjieff’s description of the Control System as being the fact that humans are “food for the Moon.” (See chapter 65)
As it happened, the subject of the Moon was also brought up repeatedly in Zelator, and I was beginning to wonder what was the big deal with the Moon.
Going back a bit, let me remind you that we began by asking some questions about the Shepherds of Arcadia, and the symbolism of Rennes-le-Chateau. After I had published this page, I received an email from a reader with whom I have corresponded for a period, and who described experiences that lead me to believe that she is one of those who is “suffering” a lot of cognitive dissonance due to her own ability to perceive glimpses of fourth density. She wrote:
I just read the wave 13b. Interesting stuff.
This is regarding the “treasure of Rennes le chateau”.
I have a few friends who are occultists whom I respect. One day one I was talking with one of them; he’d just been on a visit to the “Winchester Mystery House” … I think. This house is a weird house built by Sarah Winchester (of Winchester Rifles), supposedly on the advice of a psychic or something.
Well, my friend thought that the story was made up, was a cover story to explain why Sarah Winchester had built such a strange house. He thought that in reality, the house was built to be a “memory palace”. Not knowing what this was, I asked my friend. Apparently a memory palace (and I guess this is esoteric but known among those who know esoteric stuff, hah, like students of the occult) is a physical building that functions as a sort of a database in physical matter.
A memory palace is supposed to, apparently, mimic in physical matter, the structure of the mind of the person who builds it. The idea, I suppose, is that the person can then enter into the building and call up memories by handling or looking at/etc. the things in the palace. The things in the memory palace supposedly trigger something within the mind …
What exactly can it trigger within that mind? I don’t know … I guess these structures could be constructed to do different things.
Now, could Rennes Le Chateau be a memory palace of some sort? It could be that it is constructed to “work with” a particular kind of mind … a mind that is of a certain bloodline, or soul-line (I am thinking that some humans actually *do* have, in addition to their physical parents, “non-physical” parents who provide the genetics (speaking metaphorically here) for the “non-physical” bodies (the etheric bodies, etc.) of these people.
So … it could be that when a person of this certain physical and/or non-physical “genetic line” stood within Rennes Le Chateau, it would “trigger” something within their mind … trigger “what”? A process of transformation? Memories? I don’t know. A particular reaction on the part of someone visiting this place, Rennes Le Chateau, might even “mark” them as one of this “genetic line”. This might be the secret and the treasure of Rennes Le Chateau – that it is a kind of transformation structure or something.
Also, I have had intuitions that there are certain women in the world … who have a consciousness of a particular type that can be used to influence the world around them by unscrupulous black ship (the term that I use for those you’d probably call “lizards”) beings.
They may have particular and very interesting abilities that would certainly be of interest to anyone who wants to engage in manipulation of the masses. Are these women of the “genetic type” (both physical and non-physical) that “used” to incarnate in the Jesus/Mary bloodline? Rennes Le Chateau may have something to do with this as well, maybe.
Also, I had a kind of waking dream that somebody told me, regarding the Bloodline of the Holy Grail – “Yeah, there is such a bloodline and some royal families may be part of it, but the soul families that ‘used’ to incarnate into that physical line, really no longer do anymore.”
As a result of my research into the Rennes-le-Chateau matter, which brought up the Shepherds of Arcadia issue, I came across a book by Elizabeth Van Buren entitled Rennes-le-Chateau: Refuge of the Apocalypse.
Now, remember that my off-the-wall question about Oak Island led to the subject of alchemy and Fulcanelli. And the questions about Jesus led to the Rennes-le-Chateau matter. I found that all three of them converged into the word “Arcadia.” Oak Island is in the area of northeastern North America that was formerly called Arcadia (although the name was later fixed to “Acadia”); the Rennes-le-Chateau matter circled around a painting with that word in the title.
Fulcanelli was an alchemist who, it was claimed, was last seen in the Pyrenees, and Rennes-le-Chateau is in the foothills of the Pyrenees. The Templars were connected to Rennes-le-Chateau, and when the Templars were supposed to have been destroyed, the Rosicrucians all of a sudden appeared. It was rumored that it was no coincidence. Alchemy was supposedly brought to Europe from the Arabs, and the Templars had a long relationship with Arab potentates and affairs, so were, by deduction, associated with alchemy. And, the alchemical lore of the Rosicrucians is legendary.
Well, all of these are clues, but none of them tell us who’s on first. So, here is Elizabeth Van Buren writing about Rennes-le-Chateau, and she weaves all through her book remarks about Fulcanelli. Not only that, she has ideas very similar to my own about “dimensional doorways” and the “true Ark.”
Nevertheless, the fact still remains that the truly secret schools, if they exist, guard their secrets carefully. And it is not likely that they would reveal a relationship to hyperdimensional beings if they had made vows of secrecy as the Cassiopaeans have defined it:
Lord of Serpent promises its followers infinite power which they must seek infinite knowledge to gain, for which they pledge allegiance infinitely, which they possess for all eternity, so long as they find infinite wisdom, for which they search for all infinity. … And therein you have the deception! Remember, those who seek to serve self with supreme power, are doomed only to serve others who seek to serve self, and can only see that which they want to see.
So, the fact remains that if the Cassiopaeans are giving out information that is clearly related to these “secrets of initiation,” that some credence may be thought to lie in the wider scope of their information regarding the Control System.
No matter where you stand, no matter in what direction you look, you find the web of the spider. It doesn’t matter if you start with metaphysics, if you freely follow the tracks, you may end up in paleontology, or astrophysics or psychiatry or mythology or geology, and on and on. There is no element of human culture that has not been manipulated in order to trap and feed.
Posted in The Wave Volume 8