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666 – The Mark of the Beast?

94-10-16 Session: Q: (L) On the subject of the 666, I was given an insight into this several years ago as to another meaning of it, is that interpretation also correct? A: Maybe. VI is 6 in Roman Numerals. S was 6 in ancient Egypt. A was 6 in Sanskrit. VISA, see, is 666. Interesting […]

Ancient Israel, Religious Delusions and Growing Up

It has been quite a long time since I’ve actually written a post here or, for that matter, anywhere else. The quick answer to those of you who have written to inquire is that I had major surgery to rebuild my right shoulder back in April and went into a serious health decline after, probably […]

Burton Mack and 9-11

As many of my readers know, I spend a LOT of time reading and writing about religion. I have some favored authors: Philip Davies, Giovanni Garbini, Niels Peter Lemche, Thomas Thompson, John Van Seters, Keith Whitelam (the Copenhagen school), certainly Mircea Eliade, Joseph Campbell, Georges Dumezil, and – the subject of today’s post – Burton […]

Christianity or Machiavelli and The ETs

Summer 2003: In recent weeks it has dismayed me to no end to be made aware of the fact that there is a growing anti-Cassiopaean lobby emanating from individuals posing as “Christians.” Many of these so-called “Christians” actively regurgitate the libelous articles written by Vincent Bridges and Jay Weidner as “proof” of their assertions, and […]

Darkness Over Tibet – Part 1

Spring, 2002: As I write the Adventures With Cassiopaea Series and its supplements, readers are busy sending their feedback and the Quantum Future School continues to assess and analyze our observations for deeper insight. This last process has brought us many advances in the “heating of the crucible” of our experiences which, as the C’s […]

Darkness Over Tibet – Part 2

Now, back to Darkness Over Tibet: The reader who sent the book to me was most impressed by its description of the Hidden City of the “Secret Masters of the World.” I have to admit that the C’s material on Underground Bases or cities is some of the most difficult to deal with in terms […]

Darkness Over Tibet – Part 3

Illion’s descriptions of the society in the Underground City were fascinating. He said that sex was not allowed there except when permitted by the ruler, the object being that sexual energy was to be given to a pool to be “channeled” to the higher initiates. Some of the initiates of this “Dark City” were called […]

Gnosticism and the Christian Myth

Taking off from, and expanding on, a number of ideas found in the works of Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy, I’ll be posting a number of concepts and theories for consideration. Freke & Gandy have done an excellent job in their books “The Jesus Mysteries” and “Jesus and the Lost Goddess,” but, as we have […]

Judaism and Christianity – Two Thousand Years of Lies – 60 Years of State Terrorism

A few years ago, when my book The Secret History of the World was published, I rashly promised that volume 2 would soon be completed and ready for publication. After all, I pretty much knew what I wanted to zoom in on – the topic of Moses and the creation of Judaism – and I already had […]

Karl Rove’s Rewriting of History is Nothing New – Hopefully, there will be another Procopius to Write About the Neocons

Historians, when writing about history, not only discuss the theoretical facts that are being proposed as the timeline, but also the means by which they arrived at their ideas. Generally, they draw their conclusions about history by reading “sources,” or earlier accounts of the matter at hand. In some cases these are eye-witness accounts, in […]

Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax

  ©Rodney Matthews   “The time has come,” the Walrus said, “To talk of many things: Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax– Of cabbages–and kings– And why the sea is boiling hot– And whether pigs have wings.” (Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, by Lewis Carroll, 1872, jabberwocky) In the last installment of my series about comets […]

Order out of Chaos

How can anybody be sure of anything in this day and time when the world seems to have gone mad and we find ourselves collectively in the position of the hero/heroine of the horror movie who hears a noise. Indeed, the audience can see that the monster is lurking in the bushes (no pun intended) […]

Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 1

Many readers have written to me asking about the work of Rene Schwaller de Lubicz, and why I have suggested that work based on his ideas is misleading. I have before me the lovely boxed set of his magnum opus, The Temple of Man, in which Schwaller makes all kinds of claims about the “pharaonic […]

Science and Religion

The corruption of science is one of the biggest problems our world has ever faced; it may, indeed, bring about the extinction of the human race. That prospect scares me and it should scare you. But more than being scared, my heart has been broken by the realization that the best hope of the human […]

St Malachy and The Toil of the Sun

Every 11 years the sun undergoes a ‘stormy’ period of activity called the “solar maximum”, followed by a period of quiet called the “solar minimum”. During the solar maximum there are many sunspots and solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CME’s). During the solar minimums, sunspots and related activity are suppressed. On November 4, the […]

Supplement to the St. Pete Times Article: “The Exorcist in Love”

Part of the story behind the St. Pete Times Article… As I recounted in my book, Amazing Grace, when my son, (who is now 17), was born, he exhibited some peculiarly “adult” terrors and reactions to a number of things. I will not describe every detail, but, being involved in the work I have been for […]

Tales From The Crypt: The Mummy Returns to Bring Religious War

There has been a gathering storm of potentially explosive controversy between Christians and Jews that we have been observing with some interest. It may not be apparent to some that this issue has the potential to ignite global conflict, but if all factors are taken into consideration, including the fact that this very event was […]

The Beast of Revelation and His Empire

Those readers who have been keeping up with the links and “signs” posted on our Signs of the Times page – and who are familiar with Biblical prophecy – are undoubtedly aware that we are in a period of what seems to be definite and obvious “fulfillment of prophecy.” Even if we might wish to […]

The Companions Devoted to Liberty

Monday, July 28, 2003: There is a very great mystery in the city of Auch. It consists of two masterpieces of Renaissance art preserved in St. Mary’s Cathedral – a cathedral dedicated to “The Black Virgin. As I intend to bring many of the fascinating details forward including photos and interviews with those who are […]

The Fifth Column

The Fifth Column. Emilio Mola Vidal, a Nationalist general during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), originally coined the term. As four of his army columns moved on Madrid, the general referred to his militant supporters within the capital as his “fifth column,” intent on undermining the loyalist government from within. So the fifth column is […]

The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction

When asked what I would like to write about for this issue of the Dot Connector, the first thing that came out of my mouth was “The Golden Age and how we got from there to where we are now and what it all means.” That is the topic that has been exercising my thinking […]

The Hope

My last contribution to the Blogosphere must have been pretty scary. Geeze! You shoulda seen my mail! People going bananas and writing “what to do? what to do!?” Well, this one’s not going to be any better. But let me say in advance that today’s particular collection of items will lead us to a certain […]

The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins by Burton L. Mack

Book Review by Laura Knight-Jadczyk Note: Q is short for the German word Quelle (which is source). Q is one of the two sources for Matthew and Luke, the other being old Mark, but the unknown lost source is now named Q. While this subject comes up under the subject heading of Q hypothesis – […]

The Most Dangerous Cult in The World

During the Reformation era the Biblical Hebrews came to be associated with their modern co-religionists. At the same time it became popular belief among Protestant adherents that the Jews scattered in their present dispersion would be regathered in Palestine in order to prepare for the Second Coming of Christ… The Old Testament not only became […]

The Politics of History

Today I want to review a book I have recently finished reading: The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel. Let me introduce my subject with a quote from another recent book by Nachman Ben-Yehuda, the Israeli sociologist, who writes: “How do we perceive our culture? How do we understand ourselves as beings in […]

The Stargate Conspiracy

A Review, analysis, and commentary on the book by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince As most readers know, we were recently made aware of certain remarks about the Cassiopaeans made by the authors of The Stargate Conspiracy which resulted in a response by us (Ark and Laura). (See: Picknett and Prince on the Cassiopaeans) In […]

The True Identity of Fulcanelli and The Da Vinci Code

At the present time, when millions of people have read the Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown, it seems that the awareness that man’s true history has been hidden is growing apace with the thirst for the truth. In my book, The Secret History of the World, I deal with many branches of the “hidden […]

The Whirling Dervishes

Excerpts from the book by Ira Friedlander ( MacMillan Publishing Co, Inc., New York; 1975 ) Note: The Quantum Future School finds the Sufi Path to be of great interest mainly because the teachings of the Sufis are so similar to the perspective of the Cassiopaean material. There was a tradesman in a small village […]

Thirty Years of Cults and Comets

©Unknown Comet of 1532 This morning I was thumbing through a newly arrived book: Comet/Asteroid Impacts and Human Society, published by the eminent scientific publishing house, Springer, edited by Peter T. Bobrowsky and Hans Rickman. This book is a collection of scientific papers presented at a workshop under the aegis of the International Council for […]

Wars, Pestilence and Witches

©Unknown   It was a warm, clear afternoon in the capital. The bustle of metropolitan commerce and tourism filled the streets. Small sailing vessels dotted the sheltered waters within sight of the government buildings, riding on a soft southerly breeze. The Sun sparkled on the gentle swells and wakes, lending a luminous glow to the […]

Witches, Comets and Planetary Cataclysms

When you think of Halloween, what is the first image that comes to mind? I took a little informal poll among my friends, family and associates. Guess what image came in first? Jack-o-lanterns! Bet you thought I was going to say “witches”. Well, I sure thought it would be witches, but they only came in […]

Witches, Comets, and Planetary Cataclysms

This article was first published in The Dot Connector Magazine, official publication of When you think of Halloween, what is the first image that comes to mind? I took a little informal poll among my friends, family and associates. Guess what image came in first? Jack-o-lanterns! Bet you thought I was going to say “witches”. […]