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The Wave Volume 5/6

The Wave Chapter 33: Introduction

An Exercise in Seeing At this point in this series of volumes, I find that I must change direction again. What you are going to read from here on, was not originally part of The Wave Series as it was published on the Internet beginning in spring of 2000. What happened was that writing and […]

The Wave Chapter 34: The Channel

Having begun writing about the matters contained in this volume, we have received many emails from readers who have thanked us for bringing these issues to the fore. As one reader pointed out, for those who resonate strongly with most of the material, this now gives a platform from which they can “revisit the concepts […]

The Wave Chapter 35: A Strange Interlude

The Matrix comparison is not only useful in describing our global reality; the story of the group who are working to circumvent the Matrix, to wake people up, is entirely synchronous with our own experiences, right down to each and every character! In the case of Frank, we find the classic role of Cypher in […]

The Wave Chapter 36: A Vile Superstition

As we proceeded with our interaction with the Cassiopaeans, we slowly, but surely, came to the idea of the Matrix reality. Of course, in those early days, we had no metaphor for what we were learning, and we certainly were charting little-known territory of soul dynamics. The idea of a theological drama between the gods […]

The Wave Chapter 37: Critical Channeling

Working with a board-type instrument is both a very positive thing as well as problematical. In the early sessions, as I have noted, we were not taping, so reconstructing them was done based on scribbled notes and memory. Sometimes, those notes were being written in my lap with one hand, while the other hand was […]

The Wave Chapter 38: The Feminine Vampire

It’s difficult to describe the state of my mind after the return of the “Prodigal Son.” All of my do-gooder programs had been effectively activated in a powerful way in by the perception of physical and spiritual danger to Frank. My rescue program, mother program and save-the-lost-and-heal-the-wounded program – all were on hyperdrive with one […]

The Wave Chapter 39: The Court of Seven

It is important to remember, in the telling of the present story, that what we are talking about here is where the rubber hits the road. That is: our ordinary relationships with other people. It is in the context of human behavior that we either attract or repel higher influences. It is in the reality […]

The Wave Chapter 40: Secret Agents From Alpha 1

The reader should keep in mind always that when we are talking about petty tyrants, we are talking about agents of the Matrix in almost exactly the same terms described in the movie. In other words, anyone can – in an instant – receive the “download” of an “agent program” and begin to function as […]

The Wave Chapter 41: The Realm of Archetypes

At this point I would like to divert back into the past again for a little bit in order to discuss some of the background issues that are important to this process of recapitulation and revealing the Matrix. Over the course of the past few days we had a meeting of members of the group, […]

The Wave Chapter 42: The Tradition

During the course of our experiences with the Cassiopaeans in the two years before Ark’s arrival on the scene, we had many other experiences with attack that resulted from our association with individuals who were what we had begun to call agents. I have recounted some of these in the Wave Series, including the research […]

The Wave Chapter 43: The Head of Bran

The two months that Ark was here in early 1997 were packed with interesting events which slowly began to reveal a strange situation that made me rather nervous and still gives me the willies when I think back over it. The Hale Bopp comet was in the sky heralding mass suicide, UFOs were hovering over […]

The Wave Chapter 44: The Crane Dance

Any reader who goes through the Cassiopaean Transcripts with care will come to the realization that, more than anything else, the dialogues represent a personal diary of my life. They will also realize the level of trust I placed in Frank at certain points to have him present during so many very personal discussions. The […]

The Wave Chapter 45: The Gulf Breeze

The trip to Gulf Breeze was all Frank could talk about. I had the idea that we would drive up in my van, split the expenses three ways, and we could park the van on one of the great beaches up there and camp out with sleeping bags. Frank would have none of that! He […]

The Wave Chapter 46: The Theological Reality

This section deals with my growing awareness of the Matrix that conceals the theological reality and how difficult it is to break free of the illusion that our reality is as it presents itself to be. Though I didn’t realize it as I went through it, all of the events of this period were simply […]

The Wave Chapter 47: Semiotics and The Content Plane

As I have already described, the suicide of Frank’s father opened a door to past-life memories of an extremely unpleasant sort. It was almost as though the old gentleman attempted to give me a warning, and the Cassiopaeans described it as a “steppingstone” or a “milestone,” indicating that my “superconsciousness” was telling me something. Of […]

The Wave Chapter 48: The Juvenile Dictionary

It is now time for a reality check. I realize that I have been bringing up the idea of “semantic aphasia” somewhat often in this little recapitulation. There is a reason for this aside from the ordinary interpretation that deals with words and our ability to access realms of pure thought via the expansion of […]

The Wave Chapter 49: Frequency Resonance Vibration

It would be very easy to just write off the series of attacks I have been describing as just the way things are. My daughters were just kids who made mistakes, and nearly died because of them. Our lives are just like anybody else’s lives in the sense that about half the time good things […]

The Wave Chapter 50: Shifts in the Matrix

Coming back now to our narrative, I think I will mention that, at the same time that I was dealing with the near death of my daughter, my year-old, super-duper, large-capacity, top-of-the-line washing machine broke down and the Sears repairman delivered the unpleasant news that it would cost almost as much to fix it as […]

The Wave Chapter 51: The Psychomantium

In the two weeks following the end of the Xth Max Born Symposium, Ark undertook the process of cleaning out his office at the University of Wroclaw, the institution that had been a home to him for thirty years. He began to pack his books and papers into large mail sacks of about one hundred […]

The Wave Chapter 52: The Cryptogeographic Being

In response to the original online publication of this material, I received a number of communications from readers who wanted to know how they could develop the ability to see the unseen in terms of perceiving the activity of the fourth-density reality. They wanted to know how to expand the semiotic content of their perceptual […]

The Wave Chapter 53: Strange Birds

As I have already noted, after the used-soap clue played out, Ark and I were so shocked that we almost decided upon the instant to entirely terminate any future interactions with Frank. We realized at that point what the many clues throughout the years had meant, and that the Cassiopaeans were communicating with me directly […]

The Wave Chapter 54: Glimpses of Other Realities

Now, just to keep the sequence of events fresh in the readers mind, Vincent Bridges first wrote to me in May of 1999, after one of my posts to the Ancient Wisdom list had been forwarded to him by Ray Flowers of, a website connected to the Axiom Visiting Faculty, which lists Drunvalo Melchizidek […]

The Wave Chapter 55: 
Albert Einstein, Free Energy and the Strange Deaths of Morris K. Jessup and Stefan Marinov

Let’s talk about death now. Sure, I know, nobody wants to talk about death; but I have in mind some very interesting deaths that ought to be talked about for a lot of reasons. The first death I want to talk about is the apparent suicide of Morris K. Jessup. The problem with Morris Jessup’s […]

The Wave Chapter 56
: Intolerance, Cruelty, and the Economics of Intelligence

There are several curious issues raised by the material in the previous chapter that I would like to review. One of them is that strange remark of the Cassiopaeans that Stefan Marinov was programmed and it was the triggering of this mind-control program that caused him to take the dive from the fire escape of […]