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Posts Tagged ‘Ponerology’

The Trick of the Psychopath’s Trade: Make Us Believe that Evil Comes from Others

Henry and I are interviewed by Swiss journalist, Sylvia Cattori. After reading the book Political Ponerology, A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes by Andrzej Łobaczewski, I wished to interview the author. However, given that he was sick, he was unable to respond to my questions except in the shortest way, a single […]

Paul Craig Roberts sez “We Are All Prisoners Now”

Today I read Paul Craig Robert’s new essay on the state of the U.S. I couldn’t have said it better, though I already figured out that 9/11 was an inside job and Roberts is having a hard time going there. Roberts points out with succinct clarity that: Freedom and democracy in America have been reduced to no-fly […]

The Crossroads

The mother of one of the SOTT editors recently wrote to him about my post, The Hope, which compared the background ideology of the current U.S./Israel Administration to that formulated by the Catholic Church in the creation of the Inquisition. I think she was rather incensed that I compared the arrest of the Imams to such a dark […]

The Bushes and the Lost King

The assassination of John F. Kennedy is a lot like the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Since that terrible day, almost 43 years ago, there have been over 2,000 books written about the JFK assassination. There have also been numerous television programs and several movies. There is endless theorizing and […]

George W. Bush: A Cancer on the Body Politic

Well, interesting week, no doubt. As many of you know, there was a flurry of speculation because and ATS’ slander companion site more or less disappeared at the same time. Supposedly, was just being moved to a new server and Bill Ryan has been reported as making this profound remark: “I’ve learned from […]

Bridge Over Troubled Waters

SmokingMirrors: And Down Will Come Baby, Cradle and All. Reading the above linked blog nearly made me cry. Why? Well, because I have heard the same frustration and despair expressed by other sincere activists for World Peace in the past couple of weeks. The despair of the front line is setting in. Yes, it looks […]

The Destruction of the 911 Truth Movement

Lately, it sure looks like the whole Alternative News and 911 Truth movement is being subjected to the Ponerization process (being twisted to become an agent for Evil), so perhaps now would be a good time to take a look at how that process develops. First, a little background. Lately, it sure looks like the […]

V is for Vendetta, COINTELPRO and the Alternative Media

You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death. It is easy to say you believe a rope is strong as long as you are merely using it to cord a box. But, suppose you had to hang by that rope over a […]

My Mother Will Never Dance Again…

Last week , (Aug 7th) the SOTT Team sat down to watch Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land, which I highly recommend to anyone who thinks that there is any semblance of honest and factual news reporting by the Zionist controlled media in the U.S. What I didn’t know was that, as I was watching this […]

America’s Nervous Breakdown

Recently it has come to my attention that there are a number of so-called “Historical Revisionists” who have taken up the idea that Adolf Hitler was a “good guy” and that, as one of them wrote to me recently, “we now need an American Leader like Hitler.” I am dismayed by such naivete, but not […]

Stupid Is as Stupid Does

It used to baffle me that people who can command literally billions and trillions of dollars can be so stupid. Surely they should know that Saddam, dead, executed by them, is a far more potent mythical symbol for focusing resistance than he ever was alive. I mean, how stupid can people get? Well, obviously a […]

Al Gore and the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy

I’ve been sitting back observing the little rumbles of awakening that seem to be emerging here and there across the land. Little by little, one by one, there are voices being raised against the Fascist jack-boots that have been trampling our world into a bloody mess for the past six years. Of course, it is […]

From the Fire Comes Light Part 2

On 21 October 2006 I wrote The Mystic vs. Hitler The remainder of this article will be that item in toto with additional commentary added. ~~~ ~~~ Recently, the formerly highly respected web essayist, John Kaminski, wrote a new piece entitled “Parasite alert: Outing those who pretend to be friends of the truth” in which he took a strange […]

From the Fire Comes Light Part 1

One of SOTT’s favorite essayists, Les Visible of Smoking Mirrors, was interviewed by Mike Rivero of WhatReallyHappened on April, 12, 2008. A SOTT Forum member has provided a rush transcript where we read the following: Mike Rivero: Getting back to the lessons of history and to the remembrance that our President’s grandfather was business partner with what’s his name?… We have all heard […]

The Gift of the Magi to the Elect – A Christmas Essay

It’s Christmas morning in the year of the Christian dispensation, 2010 and I’m finding that I’m hard-pressed to be Merry about much of anything. If you want to read something cheerful and uplifting about Christmas, stop now and go elsewhere. Yes, I am more than thankful for my wonderful family and friends and the extraordinary […]

The Wave Chapter 58: Alien Reaction Machines

We come now to a subject of immense importance: Psychopaths as “alien reaction machines,” which directly relates to what we have all been learning from the activities of Frank Scott, Vincent Bridges and others we will meet as the series progresses. As noted in the previous chapter: intolerance and cruelty are needed to guarantee the […]

Science and Religion

The corruption of science is one of the biggest problems our world has ever faced; it may, indeed, bring about the extinction of the human race. That prospect scares me and it should scare you. But more than being scared, my heart has been broken by the realization that the best hope of the human […]

The Cult of the Plausible Lie

“Never ascribe to malice those things which may be explained by stupidity.” That is an important phrase, and a necessary one; it keeps people from being paranoid. However, it has a corollary most people don’t know: “One MAY ascribe to malice those things which stupidity cannot explain.” Robert Canup As the mail continues to come […]

Psychopaths in Sheep’s Clothing: An Excerpt from the book In Sheep’s Clothing By George K. Simon

Two Basic Types of Aggression There are two basic types of aggression: overt-aggression and covert-aggression. When you’re determined to have something and you’re open, direct and obvious in your manner of fighting, your behavior is best labeled overtly aggressive. When you’re out to “win,” dominate or control, but are subtle, underhanded or deceptive enough to […]

Eight Ways to Spot Emotional Manipulation

Emotional Manipulation is Also “Covert Aggression.” See: “Psychopaths: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing” Here is a list adapted from an article by Fiona McColl There is no use in trying to be honest with an emotional manipulator. You make a statement and it will be turned around. Example: I am really angry that you forgot my […]

The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part XII: The Priory of Sion

When Holy Blood, Holy Grail was published in 1982, it aroused a firestorm of controversy. The local St. Petersburg Times, Florida, published a review that quoted the Rt. Rev. Montefiore as saying: “Academically absurd… howler after howler.” This was balanced by a quote from one of the book’s author’s, Henry Lincoln saying: “Is it more […]

The Psychopath In History: Excerpts From “The Mask of Sanity” by Hervey M. Cleckley

Over a period of many decades psychiatrists, and sometimes other writers, have made attempts to classify prominent historical figures-rulers, military leaders, famous artists and writers-as cases of psychiatric disorder or as people showing some of the manifestations associated with various psychiatric disorders.  Many professional and lay observers in recent years have commented on the sadistic […]

A basic hypothesis of Psychopathy: Excerpts From The Mask of Sanity, by Hervey Cleckley, 5th edition

Now that we have proceeded with our task through the stages of (1) presenting observations of the gross material and (2) sifting and tabulating as conveniently and intelligibly as we were able the pertinent residue of our data, let us attempt the next step. This will consist in searching for some concept or formulating some […]

Psychopath vs. Antisocial Personality Disorder and Sociopathy

Discussion Excerpts: Robert Hare “When I was working on my Ph.D.,” Hare recalls, “I was interested in the effects of punishment on human behavior.  My dissertation looked at the frequency, intensity, duration, and delay effects of punishment.  Of course, I needed to start thinking about people who were resistant to the effects of punishment, so […]

The Genesis of Evil on a Macrosocial Scale

THE HYSTEROIDAL CYCLE Ever since human societies and civilizations have been created on our globe, people have longed for happy times full of tranquility and justice, which would have allowed everyone to herd his sheep in peace, search for fertile valleys, plow the earth, dig for treasures, or build houses and palaces. Man desires peace […]

Discussion of Psychopathy Traits: Excerpts From The Mask of Sanity, by Hervey Cleckley, 5th edition

More often than not, the typical psychopath will seem particularly agreeable and make a distinctly positive impression when he is first encountered. Alert and friendly in his attitude, he is easy to talk with and seems to have a good many genuine interests. There is nothing at all odd or queer about him, and in […]

The Psychopath as Physician: Excerpt from The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley, M.D.

25. The psychopath as physician When first seen by me, he was still in his early forties. From the country town in which he was practicing medicine an inquiry came concerning his professional ability. Everyone regarded him as a brilliant man. His patients loved him, and while he was working regularly, his collections were more […]

How Psychopaths View Their World

Most psychopaths are very arrogant and cocky. However, when charming a potential victim, they say all the “right” things and make you believe they are kind-hearted souls; not always, but often enough. The truth is, psychopaths are not altruistic and do not really care about friendships or ties. Guggenbuhl-Craig states that they are very talented […]

What Is a Psychopath?

Our Sincere Thanks to the Owner of the website on Psychopathic Personality Disorder for kind permission to quote her research in assembling this report. The terms sociopath or psychopath often bring to mind images of sadistically violent individuals such as Ted Bundy or the fictional character of Dr. Hannibal “The Cannibal” Lecter in the book […]

The Inner Landscape of the Psychopath

From: The Mask of Sanity, by Hervey Cleckley, 5th edition The surface of the psychopath, however, that is, all of him that can be reached by verbal exploration and direct examination, shows up as equal to or better than normal and gives no hint at all of a disorder within. Nothing about him suggests oddness, […]

The Psychopath – The Mask of Sanity

Imagine – if you can – not having a conscience, none at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members. Imagine no struggles with shame, not a single one in your whole life, no matter what […]