Posts Tagged ‘war on terror’
Today I read Paul Craig Robert’s new essay on the state of the U.S. I couldn’t have said it better, though I already figured out that 9/11 was an inside job and Roberts is having a hard time going there. Roberts points out with succinct clarity that: Freedom and democracy in America have been reduced to no-fly […]
I have to admit that I felt fiendishly gleeful when the reports came out that Hugo Chavez had exposed the CIA’s little political destabilization game in Venezuela by getting his hands on the“Operation Pincer” memorandum and publishing it! What a hoot! It was just TOO priceless that the Man Behind the Curtain was exposed as less […]
Later that day, he issued a statement on the Extraordinary Administrative Radio Conference to Allocate Frequency Bands for Space Radio Communication Purposes, held in Geneva, Switzerland from October 7 to November 8, 1963. He invited other nations to participate in setting up a global communication satellite system. He spoke of “a peace system worldwide in scope.” […]
Israel’s leading historian on the topic, Benny Morris, although having done more than anyone else to clarify exactly what happened, nonetheless concludes that, morally, it was a good thing – just as, in his view, the “annihilation” of Native Americans was a good thing – that, legally, Palestinians have no right to return to their […]
Not too long following the revelation that CNN and BBC broadcast videos indicated that both news sources had reported the collapse of WTC7 at least 20 minutes BEFORE it was “pulled,” (which suggests government and media complicity in the 911 attacks), Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the man accused of masterminding the 9/11 attacks, has now appeared before […]
Reading Robert Parry’s When a Great Power Goes Mad gave me the shivers especially when I read: With the fifth anniversary of the Iraq War and the grim milestone of 4,000 US dead, the nation has been awash with news retrospectives on the war and speeches by politicians, mostly offering sanitized versions of what’s transpired. […]
©Julian Baum Today we are going to look at the Summary of Conclusions about Fireballs and Meteorites that Victor Clube attached to his cover letter to the Chief, Physics and BMD Coordinator of the European Office of Aerospace Research and Development back in 1996, 5 years before September 11, 2001; that, and a few […]
©Unknown Cometary fire ruins, as seen from the corner of Dearborn and Monroe Streets, Chicago, 1871. Last night we watched Super Comet – After the Impact, a Discovery Channel special that basically takes the comet that wiped out the dinosaurs and put into modern times. They added some cheesy drama, following the struggles of several […]
There exists in our world today a powerful and dangerous secret cult. So wrote Victor Marchetti, a former high-ranking CIA official, in his book The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence. This is the first book the U.S. Government ever went to court to censor before publication. In this book, Marchetti tells us that there […]
Posted in Commentary, NWO & Global Elite