Posts Tagged ‘planet x’
I’m going to begin this installment of the Cs Hit List by picking up where we left off in the last one: the idea that our sun has a companion star. After publishing Cs Hit List 06 and reflecting on it some more, I realised that my argument for why our sun might have a […]
The eagle screams, And with pale beak tears corpses. . . . Mountains dash together, Heroes go the way to Hel, And heaven is rent in twain. . . . All men abandon their homesteads When the warder of Midgard In wrath slays the serpent. The sun grows dark, The earth sinks into the sea, […]
Immanuel Velikovsky demonstrated rather convincingly that there was massive evidence of both a literary and scientific nature that great catastrophic earth changes had occurred during the second millennium BC due to cometary showers and the close passage of Venus. He settled on a date of 1450 BC, but more recent scientific evidence points to the […]
Is Nibiru going to appear in April, 2003 as is being claimed by certain New Age Gurus? In a word, NO. And you can take that to the bank. It is part of a COINTELPRO operation designed to drive believers over the edge and force legislation against alternative ideas, research, and the free exchange of […]
Posted in The Cassiopaean "Hit" List