Cassiopaea Forum Reading Workshops - Public

(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 30 66.7%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 15 33.3%

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We had the 10th Au-Asia-Am Reading Workshop (20th June 2020), with @rrraven, @Keit, @Aya, @Arwenn, @sid, @Rashi, @Bobo08, @Nathancat7 and @yumi. We reviewed Chapter 16. Thank you all for attending!

Here is the link to the video of the session, and audio. Here is the link to the folder to access future sessions as well.

The following are notes from the discussion.

The Wave Chapter 16: All There Is Is Lessons, or Laura Finds Reiki and Ends Up in the Soup… Pea Soup, That Is
  • An expose of the danger New Age tenets of light & love and forgiveness, L had a cathartic released followed by a realization which led her to not wanting to judge others and forgive them.
  • Tim's exorcism - "entities influencing people to perform certain actions that would facilitate entry"
  • Sid's experience in ritual cults, lower your defenses and priming
  • Hostage to the Devil, Malachi Martin - Maryanne, liberal mindset, priest who exorcised her died
  • Entities attracted to passion and negative emotion
  • Spirit Release Therapy being a violation of free will, putting a piece of one's being in place of attachment. DID and personality fragments. Removal of entities should include personal effort and will to work on oneself. Spirit can attach again - "nature abhors a void", SoTT podcasts (see below), actual recording of exorcism
  • Sid's story of possessed servant boy in India
  • Rashi's experience of physical violence utilized in spirit release
  • Keit - Witchcraft in African culture
  • Believing in superstition making it have an effect
  • Weak mental hygiene and lack of knowledge strengthening superstition
  • Despiritualization of Western world acting in favour of more entity possession due to ignorance
  • Rashi's experience joining a trance ceremony
  • Neuroticism and hypersensitivity
  • Homeopathy for infant-mother couples. G's saying souls not fully present until later. Poltergeist phenomena due to hormonal instability of children and women
  • Soviet Union. Poltergeist phenomenon on country level. Related to window fallers. Magick practices more prevalent in some regions.
  • Rashi's story - Calcutta. Kali (Hindu goddess of destruction) temple. To sacrifice a sheep in one blow if your wish comes true. Couldn't complete the sacrifice in one blow, both sons died 30 mins apart.
  • Animal slaughter in different cultures
  • Ganesha worship in Maharashthra, superstition in West Bengal, belief in superstition and egregores, spiders
  • Rashi's Christmas party drinking. People watching. Entities in bar situations hopping on to indulge passions. Alcohol-fueled situation opening for attack due to lack of awareness.
  • L's experience. Feeding dynamics. Her kindness and naivete being used. Niceness as dissimulation or keeping quiet and selling out.
  • Arwenn's parent's religion, life experience. Keit's religious and life experience.
  • Keit's experience in practicing Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). Secular vs. religious peoples and mannerism.
  • Aya's experience. Tried to become Christian in the US. Question about different colored people, why dinosaurs existed with Adam and Eve. Shinto religion of nature worship.
  • Hoang's experience with religion in Vietnam. Confucianism. Government limited religious practice. Similar to Japan. Belief in struggle between light and dark. Buddhism. Withdrawal from life to achieve Nirvana.
  • Arwenn's experience in Hong Kong. Feng Shui. Bad to build tall buildings in front of the waterfront. HK architectural design
  • Feng Shui and house construction/location.
  • Modern architecture, sharp angles, use of glass, vs. ancient and older architecture using stone, etc.
  • Postmodern art vs. artwork in older Churches
  • F0C3XK.jpg


  • Church of the Spilled Blood - built on site of Alexander II's death
  • Yahweh to Zion: After destruction of Constantinople, tradition continued in Provoslav'j church Russia.
  • Russian Language. Similarity to Sanskrit. Many Russian words are imported.
  • Malaysian culture. Black magic and Shamanism is normalized. Actually was referring to: Hilarious antics of shaman looking for MH370. Mona Fandey: Creepy actress turned murderous black magic shaman.
  • Shamanism in Muslim culture.
  • Entity prevention. Talismans and paraphernalia. Heat and light making Tim's entity squirm. Multiple entities.
  • Sid's story on an exorcist. Died after 3rd exorcism. Entities using shame from past as entry. Girl met man at a party, man became priest, entity brought back the past. Some people give up and die because of past misdeeds. Akashic library storage. Psychic hygiene. Non-identification. Not to be prisoner to thoughts.
  • Episode of man who gave symbol to L and died in car crash. Hospital event where L listened to her intuition and stopped procedure.
  • Candy thought that it might have been an etheric cord. Psychic hygiene is related to company that you keep. Vectors of attack. Relatives and close associations. Identification with suffering of others can make attachments jump to you. Health industry and getting entities due to too much kindness. Need to be cruel to be kind.
  • Similar to stock exchange - "Entity Exchange". Different countries having different compositions of entities depending on the times, no. of deaths.
  • Children and entity attachments. Child entities & imaginary friends. Indigo kids with psychopathic tendencies. Suitable bodies for entities. Soul marries with genetics. 4DSTS designs for humans. Anarchist children in States. Vegans.
  • Entities preference for souled individuals.
  • Peterson's - "People don't have ideas, ideas have people". Ideas as entities.
  • Psychopaths as tools. Possession as another technique for capturing souls in struggle.
  • 4DSTS manipulating reality for beings who want to grow a soul. Healing Developmental Trauma. Inheriting entities from parents. Generational trauma.
  • Reincarnation. Grandfather coming back as child. Strong element in Indian culture. Vishnu as symbolic representative of 7 passes of Venus.
  • Afterlife studies. Reincarnation being hard to accept. Being nice not enough to learn lessons. Turning the other cheek. Giving part of yourself to someone who doesn't deserve it you sacrifice part of your essence. L's feeling of isolation and disappointment with others, e.g. in Reiki group. People not liking you because of light.
  • Draining from others. OPs feeding on energy, thus not able to deal with being alone.
  • Maintaining psychic hygiene in interactions with people. Keep quiet and diplomatically disconnect. Being inconspicuous. Don't provide excitement. Being the Gray Rock.
  • Being happy causes us to let our guard down. Self control in, crowds when dealing with people. Being careful about displaying beauty, happiness, joy in situations.
  • Comparing Victorian times to now. "If you're not a liberal when you're young, you have no heart, if you're not a conservative when you're old, have no brain".
  • Liberal culture. breaking down barriers, promiscuity and incestuousness. Horror movie "It" [Stephen King]. [Actually a story of a shape-shifter, window faller type entity taking on the appearance of a clown]
  • Comparison to Toxoplasmosis. Women become more promiscuous, men become grumpier and lack hygiene. People with toxoplasma antibodies have more car crashes. More attracted to dangerous situations like motorbike riding. Organs from motorbike riders not preferred due to potential toxo infection [no references found on this statement]. STS hierarchy of control at the microorganism level. Personality influenced by gut microbiome.
  • Promiscuity and lack of spirituality. YOLO and hedonism.
  • Video on KGB Agent and how to take over a state. Another video. 4 stages - Destabilization, Chaos and normalization. Black lives matter. luc's post on Interpretation of Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Takeover of ideology through media and academic institutions as outlined in Protocols.
  • Normalization of fascism does not turn out as expected. First to get lined up and shot. Conversion to liberals->materialists->postmodernists, activates animal instincts. Analogy of teaching a wild cat activation of animal instincts preventing domestication. Destruction of the land is needed to reset humanity.
  • Joe Rogan interview with Brett Weinstein. White people not allowed to Evergreen University for a day. He visited. People going ballistic. No one stood up for him. Replication of this in society.
  • Coddling of the American Mind. Event above included in book. Professor and wife forced to resign. Career destroyed.
  • Reiki being an objective healing modality. L lost sensation of pain and it changed her mind.
  • Reversing of Reiki symbols. Similarity to reversal of Swastika.
  • Swastika and Aryans connection with India. Dravidians invaded by Alexander. Prior to Alexander invasion, Bronze Age, Aryans from Caucasus invading North India. Swastika symbolizing tyranny.
  • Arwenn's Reiki practice. Distance healing to mother. 3 main symbols. Energy healings. Clearing machine to become a better conduit. Mitigation of karmic burden by getting and giving Reiki. Accessing of information field through symbols. Flipping or reversing symbols will change meaning.
Related podcasts:

The next Reading Workshop for the Au-Asia-Am group is on the 27th June 2020 at 10AM UTC, discussing Chapter 17 (All There Is Is Lessons, or Wandering Around in Third Density Can Be Hazardous to Your Health). See you there!
Hi, would you guys add me to the Au-Asia-Am Reading Workshop please. Thanks!
Hi, would you guys add me to the Au-Asia-Am Reading Workshop please. Thanks!
Hi @Kaigen,

No problem at all, you are welcome to attend at any time our Reading Workshops are held. As mentioned in our last Workshop summary:

The next Reading Workshop for the Au-Asia-Am group is on the 5th July 2020 at 10AM UTC, discussing Chapter 18 (All There Is Is Lessons, or A Trip to “Alligator Alley”). See you there!

Just use this Zoom link at the above prescribed time and date to join the next Au-Asia-Am Reading Workshop.

I will also post the link as a reminder shortly before start of the session on this thread. Looking forward to your presence there!
Hi @Kaigen,

No problem at all, you are welcome to attend at any time our Reading Workshops are held. As mentioned in our last Workshop summary:

Just use this Zoom link at the above prescribed time and date to join the next Au-Asia-Am Reading Workshop.

I will also post the link as a reminder shortly before start of the session on this thread. Looking forward to your presence there!

Hi @Kaigen - my mistake - the Reading Workshop is today, 4th of July, 10 AM UTC, marking USA's Independence Day. I'm really sorry for the miscommunication there. I'll send out the reminder as well before the show.
We had the 12th Au-Asia-Am Reading Workshop (4th July 2020), with @Keit, @aimarok, @Arwenn, @sid, @Rashi, @Bobo08, @Nathancat7 and @yumi. We reviewed Chapter 18 (All There Is Is Lessons, or A Trip to “Alligator Alley”). Thank you all for attending!

Here is the link to the video of the session, and audio. Here is the link to the folder to access future sessions as well.

The following are notes from the discussion.

Discussion notes
  • STS has a deep desire to advance to dominate others. Want to dominate the world. Hate other cultures. Believe that they are performing a service to the greater good.
  • L further states, both STO & STS serve others, however STS -manipulates via disseminations via spreading ideology and thought patterns. What intent is, STO helps others, to be of service, STS is of service with full intent of manipulation.
  • STS at higher level probably don't believe they are serving others. STO serve by own volition. STS by nature of hierarchical system have to serve others.
  • Black and white thinking about STS/STO. Learning not to help others in some cases. May be a violation of other's lessons.
  • Elites not only believe they have the right or ability to rule over others, they think they know better.
  • Examples: Gurdjieff, Caesar, Putin. Rulers by choice of the people. 3 attributes of leaders: Free Will, Knowledge & Networking. If this is not present between rulers and subjects - more STS than STO.
  • Bill Gates and vaccinations - probably feels that he is performing a service
  • Thanos in Avengers where he kills half the population and goes hiding in the mountains
  • Subtle form of denial where deep down you think that you can sell it not only to the world but also to yourself.
  • Apex being is afraid of creativity. Wants humanity to go back to sleep. Desire to capture and convert everything to sleeping consciousness. Soul bidding and converting potential STO candidates into STS - complete subsumation into hierarchy.
  • 1,000 year period to decide on polarity after transition to 4D. Arwenn: Why are 4DSTS so desperate for control of population? Sid: Lizzies dying race, desperate to control. Keit: Easier to control people in 3D. STS don't care about how many people they can harvest. Sid: Underlying motto being control and not increase in numbers.
  • L's interaction with Metaphysical Church members. Draining but gives them benefit of doubt. Tries to help. Made the mistake of attributing her same high ideals on motives onto others. Not all have the same emotional substratum. Rashi: Still falls into this trap. Fighting against personality and nature. Sid: Extension of "make nice" program. "STO individuals can be [inaudible], tend to see good in individuals, always ready to serve." Always thinking that there may be some good left in the other. May be a projection of psyche on others. Rashi: E.g. of Sid's mother. Manipulative, strong and cunning person. Sid's falling for emotional hooks from females, paying their bills. White Knight complex. Keit: This will not work in the female's dynamic. L being a sweetheart. Keit wouldn't tolerate Lilly's antics.
  • External Considering and Good Manners thread. People not showing good courtesy at the Chateau and Farm. Drawing line between comfort with people's levels of growth and "make nice" program.
  • Bobo08: External consideration- making things easy for others and yourself. Only focus on others is not. Sid: Ext.C. intermingles with Free will. Keit: If you can someone's program, don't confront but go around it. Don't manipulate, but make it easier for them. Don't give them mirror if not asked for. Arwenn: Difference between ext/internal considering. Make nice program very covert. Rashi: We are not strong emotionally. Arwenn: Ego. Thinking well about oneself. JP and Solzhenitsyn - 9/10 times we are the camp guard committing atrocities. Keit: Don't know what we will do in that situation. Sid: Thankful for the experience of "White Knight" syndrome. Always testing himself and seeing improvement. Arwenn: L was abused of her good will and generosity. Keit: People say L is harsh, but her books show her earlier character. Arwenn: Interesting to see L's journey. Keit: People constantly try pity trip on her. Keit: Dave Paulides - Missing 411, attacks. L being gaslighted similar to David's current experience. L wanting to give up the fight. Vincent Bridges. Needing to be on guard.
  • Sid: Asking for proof is STS. People's personalities hiding their essence. Work being process of stripping away personality. STS arranging events for confirmation. Keit: Synchronicities; STO make decision and see how it unfolds. STS you first make prediction, which makes one think that this is proof. Sid: C's forum not reliant upon proof. World set up on scientific mindset of requiring proof - deception. Lack of faith in process. Keit: L tested C's. Observe by their deeds. In a sense demanded proof. Sid: Laura being a skeptic but not in the sense of the skeptics out there in the world. Arwenn: Evidence based medicine. 4D abilities incomprehensible to us. Miracles of 4D removes our free will because we have no choice but to believe. beetlemaniac: Walking razor's edge of non-anticipation. Arwenn: C's - Accessing infinite realms of knowledge possible without assumptions. Having intent and visualizing carefully without anticipate of bringing it about. Keit: Channeling and anticipation of letters. Brain observes reality by concepts, forms, patterns, letting go of these is hard. Arwenn: Third man syndrome. Putting someone in hypnotic trance and them not seeing person in room. Sid: Knowledge is unlimited, some things can't be proven. Faith in higher reality rather than Jesus as a figure. Arwenn: Belief being entropic and closed, adjusting as new info comes along. Diet studies. beetlemaniac: L said most mysteries have been solved as a group. Keit: New discoveries in Intelligent design
  • Sid: Studies on topic of Liechtenberg effect. Grand Canyon suffered massive lightning strike, machining of surface. Other mountain ranges Himalayas, South America, South coast of Chile, Great Lakes. Experiment to replicate effect. Mariana Trench. Plate tectonics? Wall Thornhill, Electric Universe. Weakening of the magnetic field. Grand Solar Minimum. Electomachining happening every 3600 years.
  • Discussion about sun. Living under the sun's corona. Jupiter's ability to become a star, looks like earth in 4D, same composition as sun. Binary star system. Nemesis and grounding.
  • Mental blocking. Casswiki: To assert one's position or one's being. Internally certain and undivided. Attacking party expects reaction, either aggression or backing out. Mental blocking can be giving no response. Not to be ensnared by curiosity, a desire to change world or attacker, emotional hooks, self-importance. Conservatism in Russia. Russia not to be idealized.
  • Promiscuous societies being a sign of civilizational collapse. Looking up to leaders, Julius Caesar, Putin.
  • Hostage to the Devil. Possessions based on people believing in lies. "A bird has wings because it flies". L says read only when you have enough knowledge.
  • Lizard changing DNA of rape victim. Process of abduction. The event on Lilly being a screen.
  • DNA was changed via light. Rare physical rapes. Deformed fetus.
  • Ideomotor signals. Lily being Greenbaumed. Assassin alter.
  • Candy having great potential for STO. 156 million people Greenbaumed. Mainly in Military Industrial Complex.
  • Elaine and Sisters of Light. Dr. Rebecca Brown a fraud.
  • Out of every 1000 people, 20 are programmed. 2.4 from 20 are programmed by people, 17 by 4DSTS. Physical in nature.
  • Entrainment from entertainment industry, social media,
  • SRT thread. Unless FRV is changed, they will keep coming back. Similarly diet, microbiome, need correction or infections return. Wanderers more vulnerable to entities. Constantly assimilating knowledge could send entities into the light.
  • OPs and Wanderers. L's abduction experience.
  • Lilly, Candy making repeatedly bad choices. Greenbaum programming in other countries. Parapsychology experiments in Russia. Soviet Union. HAARP. Stations around the world. Magnetic lab in Urals. One world government. Moving to Russia. Virtual government. COVID lockdown and control
  • Movie: Network. "I'm mad as hell and I can't take it anymore". One world system. No countries. Corporatocracy.
  • Movie: Contagion. Lockdown in America due to a virus. Reality is a one world lockdown
  • Sid's closing statement: "4D battles preventing complete destruction on earth."
The next Reading Workshop for the Au-Asia-Am group is on the 11th July 2020 at 10AM UTC, discussing Chapter 19 (All There Is Is Lessons, or Dr. Greenbaum and the Soul Hackers). See you there!
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