(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 28 65.1%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 15 34.9%

  • Total voters
Today we discussed some suggestions on books for the next reading (hopefully I´ve listed them all 😅):

If you remember some other book or would like to suggest any, please add it to the list.
Next time will be voting. :-)
Another option is to watch the movie, "What the Bleep Do We Know." (2004) It stars Marlee Matlin, the deaf actress from"Children of a Lesser God." I found it fascinating and it touches on many of the topics in ECHCC.

Here is one person's overview:
"What the #$*! Do We Know!? is a 2004 American pseudo-scientific film that posits a spiritual connection between quantum physics and consciousness (as part of a belief system known as quantum mysticism). The plot follows the fictional story of a photographer, using documentary-style interviews and computer-animated graphics, as she encounters emotional and existential obstacles in her life and begins to consider the idea that individual and group consciousness can influence the material world."

One of the incidents I recall being discussed was that a group of people meditating together at a polluted pond turned it into clean water.
Here are some links where you can find new and used books:

This one searches multiple portals for new and used books:

I personaly use ABEbooks portal to search for used books. Sometimes there is almost no difference between new on Amazon and used on ABEbooks, but sometimes you can catch a book for under 2€ (if you don´t mind pages being yellow 😅)! The shipping usually costs the same or more than the book, but many times I managed to buy i.e. 2 books for 11€ (with shipping from UK to Germany).

Here is the list

For readers from Germany, I also recommend https://www.medimops.de/ - but they have very limited offer.

Happy reading! 😊
Hi Aus-Asia-Am peeps, I need to start the meeting later by an hour & 15 minutes (8:15 pm AEDST, GMT+11) as I have another commitment this evening. Please let me know if doesn’t suit or y’all want to postpone, otherwise I will post the usual reminder about 45 minutes before we are due to start.

See you all then!
Howdy folks,

The Am-EU group finishes chapters 40-41 of Pierre and Laura's Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection September 22nd. Here's the Video and Audio link to the discussion collated by Turgon.

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here:

Chapter 40: Collective Resonance
  • Telepathy is "the 'transmission of information' from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction.
  • When a pair of minds influence an event, is the influence greater than a single individual? Jahn and Dunne sought to answer these by having pairs of people acting in concert to influence an event with their minds.
    • They found that:
      1. Same sex pairs tended to have a very slight negative effect.
      2. Opposite sex pairs showed a complimentary effect, producing more than 3.5x the effect of individuals.
      3. Bonded pairs had the most profound effect with almost 6x the effect compared to individuals.
    • (Mari): Same sex marriages, such as two females, tend to be very emotional, which may cause imbalance. Shares post by Laura.
      • (Laurs): The process of receiving information is enhanced in married couples
      • (Turgon): What does this mean for same-sex friends? Does some of this apply as well?
      • (polly): Maybe it has more to do with how clear is one's mind at the present moment.
      • (cassandra): The PTB is pushing homosexuality and hatred of women--stuff that drives men and women apart
  • "Being close may create coherence"and it is this closeness that creates resonance, thereby increasing the effect.
    • Closeness may imply a similar and shared information set that is both intellectual and emotional, creating frequency resonance.
    • Resonance occurs between two waves are in sync with each other--the resultant waves reach their maximum amplitude. The two waves, when combined, result in the addition of their amplitudes.
      • In this simple example, this resonance doesn't result in synergy, where the combined effect is more than the sum of its parts.
    • (Daniela): From the book, it says being closed and in coherence, if you take a look at complimentary sine waves, it combines to create a more amplified wave. The primal trauma of the fall causes a lot of incoherence in our brain waves. It lessens the possibility of amplification.
      • (Redfox): You can be coherent in a negative direction just like in a positive direction.
      • (Turgon): STS takes energy, so they perhaps grow their own sine waves, while STO seek to combine theirs to create a unified, amplified wave--perhaps greater than the sum of its parts.
  • Robert D. Nelson went beyond pair testing and tested larger crowds using a portable random event generator (REG) at various venues and cities. He found deviations in the REG when shows triggered peak attention from the crowd. Deviations that were greater than what an individual could do alone.
    • The important part was that "everyone was thinking the same thought".
  • A larger experiment was done by Dean Radin by setting up 27 REGs around the world during the Y2K New Year. His hypothesis was correct in that he found a relevant deviation in a ten-minute period around midnight.
  • Rupert Sheldrake coined the term morphic resonance to describe what may occur between morphic fields--"the influence of like upon like through space and time".
    • Morphic fields, while attenuated over time, display cumulative effects where the first generation influences the second, the second influences the third, etc. It hints at a collective memory, where a group learns something in one place makes it easier for others to learn all over the world.
      • The book calls this connection between one another as the Cosmic Information Field.

Chapter 41: The Truth Factor
  • With relation to the true-false duality and for clarity, the book states that information can be true or false, given a provision that information aligned with truth has "a depth, an objectivity and relevance that goes beyond a 'representation'".
    • A collection of true information displays a high level of coherence, paving the way towards the emergence of a higher-level order.
      • Each of eyes contribute one 2D representation of what we see. When amalgamated, it gives us an extra dimension--depth.
    • Strings of false information doesn't have this consistency. They don't resonate with each other and partly cancel each other out, thereby hindering a path towards a higher-level order.
  • Colinearity: Shared motivation, objectives, and vision of the world.
    • (Turgon): Darrell Cooper and Tucker Carlson interview - one can see that the shared vision of Zionism fueled something to create Israel. It's a very STS operation with lots of competition, but still had a shared vision--especially when you compare that to other disparate peoples.
    • (Mari): In the book Defying Hitler - Over time, normal working folks that aren't extreme itself, were led to be more extreme due to the war and the efforts leading up to it.
    • (Mari): Gurdieff and the 200 men & women.
    • (Breo): The Cs say that it's early infancy programming that defines Jews and others. Decent people are led due to their triggers, cause these people to resonate with negativity.
      • (RedFox): Could it build on that morphic field where generations of people add on to one another. Jordan Peterson appears to be sucked into that field.
      • (cassandra): They've learned to not associate too close with people.
      • (Breo): Many of these folks resonate more with atheism than secularism--yet they still resonate with this field. Knowing some Jewish folks, it's hard to talk about these things. Programs of hate are abound. Kids have started out as sweet, but over time they become more poisoned by the programming.
  • When true information interact, they are synergistic. I.e. their results combine towards a greater effect, which is more than the sum of their individual effects alone.
    • For synergy to occur, individual interest must come second to the interests of the group.
    • Relatively rare in humans (due to propaganda, misinformation, psyops, etc.), but not so for some animal groups like ants.
    • The Jahn and Dunne research in the previous chapter suggests that achieving synergy is more than just sharing information and being colinear. There's also a need to be complimentary.
  • Stacked lies at a collective level produces incoherency, attenuating the signal of humanity. While weak, these signals are correlated to major cataclysmic phenomena.
    • Despite mitigating factors, our modern world today, with its 7+ billion people, never before has there been a strong and "coherent" lie-signal. This is in part due to the world-wide network of disinformation campaigns.
    • Humanity is but one factor of these mass extinction events. The last five past events occurred before the appearance of human beings.
    • This may be a way to prune those who don't have "adequate information-processing units". There needs to be a way for balance to be achieved.
  • (Mari): Believing a lie today means choosing the lie over truth. Some don't have the will to do the work to gain truth.
    • (Redfox): You don't know that you don't know. They aren't aware of the power that they have the choice to choose.
    • (Turgon): Knows some people who've gone down the rabbit hole who fell into traps and programming aimed at deceiving them.
    • (saki): Up to 1975, folks have been saying "we're winning the war in Vietnam!" When 1975, they announce that they lost.
    • (Laurs): Those who take the shots choose not to explore further and learn. They feel comfortable in the lie given to them.
      • (RedFox): The undisciplined brain seeks comfort and will avoid things that are uncomfortable.
      • (Breo): There needs to be balance and have in them the idea of conscious suffering to get around them. A professional group she knows, after some philosophical discussion, they concluded that there's no absolute truth.
      • (Redfox): There is an absolute truth, but it's very difficult for humans--we can only get closer and approximate.
      • (Redrock12): Search truth via research and we compile them together to get to objective truths. Truth stands by itself.
      • (Turgon): Like in criminal investigation, there is an absolute truth to uncover.
    • (RedFox): One of his distant friends sought weather modification theories, but when he shared a related SOTT article, they laugh it off.
    • (Turgon): Shared similar problems with the those in the truth movement. They don't seek further to uncover real truths.

General Notes
  • We've discussed possible books for our next reading. See these posts:
    • Today we discussed some suggestions on books for the next reading (hopefully I´ve listed them all 😅):

      If you remember some other book or would like to suggest any, please add it to the list.
      Next time will be voting. :-)
    • Two other books that were suggested:

      °The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen hanselman

      It was mentioned a few times on the forum, especially here and here.

      Dicipline Is Destiny by Ryan Holiday
    • Am-Eu group, if y’all are still reading Pierre and Laura's Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection, I wanted to suggest the series of 12 articles written by Randall Carlson on the Cosmic connection with the Grail mysteries.

      It’s a very interesting series of articles, even to the point of analysing certain words & their etymology & how that relates to cometary bombardment. For example,
      *Disaster meaning- a sudden calamitous event leading to great destruction
      From Greek, Dis=apart, opposite, deprive, expel. Aster=Astro or star

      *Catastrophe meaning- an extreme tragic event leading to total ruin
      Cata from Greek kata- down. Astro = star. Strophe in Greek means turning or whirling
      (so a total ruin or a violent change related to a star whirling down)

      Below is a synopsis of Sangreal, The Holy Grail:recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity series of articles:
      Article 1- exobiology, panspermia, appearance of the Grail mysteries in the South of France c 1180 AD (along with Gothic cathedrals, Cathars, troubadours etc)
      Article 2- Grail mythos is a cryptogram, the inextricable bond between the stars and man’s destiny
      Article 3- the Green Language, Alchemy
      Article 4- More on the Grail mysticism, Holy Grail, Holy Blood
      Article 5- Revelations Ch 8 describes onset of the Apocalypse which sounds like cometary bombardment, echoes of this in Mahabharata & Chinese mythology
      Article 6- dragons representing comets in mythology, red rain falling in Sri Lanka in 2001 & 2012 containing organic cells but without DNA
      Article 7- symbolism of the lance, King Arthur & the dual role of the Grail in provoking destruction but thereby also the means of restoration
      Article 8- the 5 stages in the life cycle of comets
      Article 9- the correlation of the Grail mythos to these 5 stages, and the evolutionary changes to Earth & humans from this fusion of celestial & terrestrial master within the crater
      Article 10- etymology, effects of large impacts to Earth, rare Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) & their unique oroperties
      Article 11- more of the effects of PGMs. Palladium named after asteroid Pallas, Iridium crystal’s effects on pituitary gland, Ruthenium (named after Russia) which when bonded to ribose in DNA backbone, acts as a superconductor
      Article 12- Megalithic sites & electrical conductivity, Grail mythos is encoded science of planetary & individual regeneration devoted to the restoration of terrestrial nature in the wake of cosmic catastrophe.

      It is a fascinating read, along with Laura’s series of articles on the Greek philosophers & her article on Supernovae: Vehicle of Ascension..
  • Here are additional books that we've listed:
    • Comets and the Horns of Moses (The Secret History of the World) by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
    • Paul and the Stoics by Troels Engberg Pedersen
    • Paul's Necessary Sin by Timothy Ashworth
    • Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobaczewski
    • The Polyvagal Theory by Stephen W. Porges PhD (is this the right one?)
    • Meetings with Remarkable Men by G. I. Gurdjieff

For Next Meeting - October 20th, 2024

So there's only chapter 42 - "Branching Universe", and the conclusion left! We'll likely finish the book for this upcoming meeting.

See y'alls!


  • Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection Mindmap Chapters 40-41 (10_13_24)_Page 1-[172938...pdf
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  • Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection Mindmap Chapters 40-41 (10_13_24)_Page 1-[172938...png
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