Cassiopaea Forum Reading Workshops - Public

(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 30 66.7%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 15 33.3%

  • Total voters
Says invalid again 😁
It looks like Zoom requires everyone joining to update. Does it give you that option? Just in case, I've closed the meeting and started a new one. Here's a new link.

Hi everyone,

Here are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group discussion on The Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive by Laura Knight-Jadczyk.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slide show

We will start Chapter 6 and read to the end of page 183, (up to but not including the subsection Cyclic Catastrophes) for our next workshop at 7 pm Sydney AEDST time (GMT+11).

See you all then!

Below are the links to what we discussed:
Session 30 May 2009- about Paleochristianity and Cathars:
A: How about "Paleochristianity"?

Q:(L) Would you define Paleochristianity for us?
A: The knowledge of realms that all men comprehended before the "fall".

Q: (L) Why is it called Christianity? Isn't Christianity strictly related to Christianity as we know it?

A: Oh no! The word was co-opted and everything you know of as Christianity is distorted. For example, the earliest "Christ" was a woman.

Q: (L) Okay. Were the Bogomils and the Cathars - as I have surmised - close to understanding this original reality?

A: They had some very close approximations, but they were still influenced by many of the distorted religious ideas of the time.

Q: (L) Okay, what is the importance of Paleochristianity?

A: The only hope for the survival of your realm and species.

Q: (L) In what sense do you mean that?

A: Unification of aim: survival and avoidance of the destruction hanging over your heads as a consequence of the machinations of psychopathy.

Session 23 March 2019- about Cathars, Caesar & the Last Supper
Q: (Pierre) Oh... Next question: The Cathars, just before surrendering in Montsegur, they negotiated this truce for a few days to realize a secret celebration. We don't know what it was about. It was around the 14th of March. Was it related to a celebration of Caesar's death?

A: Yes. The Last Supper is a commemoration of Caesar.

Stunning contemporary woodwork sculpture
Some amazing floors inside cathedrals in Italy:
The Last Judgement depicted on the inside of the Duomo in Florence, painted by Vasari
More detail of the amazing floor of the Duomo which is an optical illusion:

In the context of the mixing of the bloodlines (between Adamic & pre-Adamics), here is the part in the NT (Matthew 10:34-36) that Laura is referring to:
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn
a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household." (New International Version)

With regards to paying for the sins of the father, as Beorn mentioned, it is in the OT, in Exodus 20:5 and 34:7. The NT focuses more on repentance and forgiveness through faith in Christ.
You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.”
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Speaking of faith in Christ, here is Peterson's tweet attacking Candace Owens over the whole 'Christ is King' issue (the issue being that some are trying to make it seem an anti-Semitic slur and designate people who say this as being online extremists/domestic terrorists):

Here is Candace talking more about it and showing the video/report produced by the National Contagion Research Institute (apparently founded & funded by the ADL), of which Peterson was one of the academics involved:
Here are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group discussion on The Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive by Laura Knight-Jadczyk.
Hi folks, apologies for not mentioning in advance that I wouldn't be able to attend this workshop. Some quick thoughts on the discussion:

Gnosticism and Catharism didn't see the two 'Gods' on the same level, as I understand it. The Universal Creator God had primacy and superiority over the Demiurge, however the Demiurge was permitted a certain range of power in order to assist in creation.

Re: "the earliest Christ was a woman", I was thinking along similar lines to 987baz for this: the "earliest Christ" could have been hundreds of thousands of years ago and she may have represented a more 'all-embracing' archetype than the one exemplified by Caesar, perhaps more aligned with the Siberian Shamanic mysticism that Laura mentioned. I agree that it would be interesting to ask the C's some questions regarding this.

Also interesting to consider that if the Cathars were knowingly worshipping Caesar at the time of the siege of Montségur, then it would appear that knowledge of "Caesar as Jesus" was preserved all the way to at least the mid-13th century and probably became hermetic/esoteric knowledge afterwards until present day public rediscovery.
Hi y'alls,

The Am-EU group finishes three of the subchapters in chapter 1 of Laurent Guyénot's From Yaweh to Zion on March 9th, led by Turgon. Here's Video and Audio for the meeting.

I've also attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here:

Chapter 1: The People of Seth
  • (Anya112003): It's disturbing that Trump is cracking down on anti-Semitism.
The Birth of Israel
  • Mainstream historians recount the Omrides dynasty creating Israel in northern Palestine at the end of the tenth century BCE. In 842 BCE, the general Jehu took over Israel, and it's said that he was the one who made Yahweh popular in there. This god resembled the war-like features of the Assyrian god, Assur.
    • Israel suffered at the defeat by the Assyrians, driving them south in Judea. They swore to retake the northern lands under the banner of Yahweh. The book of Isaiah codified these sentiments, aiming to make Zion the center of the world.
  • (Mari): According to Laura this story of Solomon and David is rewritten from Omri and Ahab. In the Bible, Ahab marries Jezebel, who was Phoenician.
  • (Bluefyre): Yahweh is depicted here as a psychopath searching for conquest.
  • (Mari): Shares Session 13 May 2023:
    (mkrnhr) Is Yahweh an example of a 4D entity taking the role of an "egregore”?
    A: Yes.
  • (Turgon): Fear and Loathing in New Jerusalem by Cooper - covers the Palestine conflict and how the British helped establish Israel. Israel then turns its back on the British by attacking them.

Ezra the Proto-Zionist
  • Deuteronomic history consists of the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel I & II, and Kings I & II, which recounts the history of Israel from Moses to Josiah. The author calls the ideological mold of Deuteronomy as Yahwism or Yahwistic in nature.
    • In line with Deuteronomic ideology, Ezra and Nehemiah sought to bring about rule by a caste of priests along with a weak king (or none at all).
  • (Bluefyre): I wonder if the portal in the Middle East was as active as it is now.
  • (Mari): The fundies are rooting for the Zionists so the second coming can come so Jews will either be destroyed or convert to Christianity. It's like a trickery on both sides, pitting them against one another. It's from Laura's "Most Dangerous Cult of the World".

Hasmonean Literary Production
  • The Maccabean revolution was a civil war between two Jewish factions: the Ioudaismoi who sought integration with gentile customs, and the Hellenismoi who didn't want to.
    • The Maccabees took control of Judea and created the Hasmonean dynasy that lasted for many decades up until 63 BCE. They were on a warpath absorbing other regions in the area and converting them to the cult of Yahweh in Jerusalem.
    • (Turgon): I wonder if Judas Maccabeus is similar to the renegade Judas as written in Laura's From Paul to Mark.
      • (Mari): It says 167 BC, so it could be an ancestor of this Judas that Josephus speaks of?
      • (Bluefyre): They made a movie about the Maccabee revolt, which I think it was against the Roman empire.
  • The Book of Jubilees is described to be text of Hasmonean propaganda that reaffirms the supranational destiny of Israel. This being Yahweh's promise to Abraham where essentially he will give to Israel the entire Earth and let them rule it forever.
  • One month before Easter, the Jews celebrate Purim, which is a celebration of the triumph of the imaginary story Ester for the Jews.
    • The Greek version of Ester tells a story of a plan by Xerxes planning to implement a "final solution" against the jews, stating they have a penchant to venomously harm entire nations and peoples. The king is then seduced by the Jewish Ester, who manages to convince the king to instead destroy the enemies of the jews (Haman and his ten sons in this case). Later on, the Jews would extend this towards Christians--enemies of their people.
    • The stories of Joseph and Daniel follow a similar pattern where Jews become close advisors to kings and slyly reap benefits for Jews as a whole at the expense of the people they pretend to serve. They siphon their money and resources and enslave them in debt.
  • There's evidence that the Torah wasn't as old as the Jews claim it was.
    • (Bluefyre): The Cs mentioned Greek enforcers--I wonder how it links with all this.

For Next Meeting - March 16th, 2025

For our next meeting we'll be covering the remaining subchapters of chapter 1, starting with Kenites, Midianites, and Arabs.


Hi folks, unfortunately I won't be there at the Am-EU workshop today--I am helping my brother move into his new place. If someone wants to cover note-taking this week, please feel free to. If not, I'll await the video and transcribe some notes. See y'all next time!
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