Cayce on Armageddon

RedFox said:
Mac said:
None of us were recruited or asked to follow walk this path.

The way I see it, if I have a soul (or at least the potential for a soul), then perhaps at some level (before I was born?) I chose to be here at this time to follow this path and play my walk on role in this war.
So I think (even if it may not seem like it) most of us here did choose to walk this path, as some level at least.

My personal thought on that is that it's probably the case. fwiw.
anart said:
ripvanwinkle said:
I'm fascinated every day by what is posted. I have tried to alert others about what I read here on this website and on the books that I have read. However, when I try to tell others about the things I read here I get one of two responses. Apathy or ridicule, sometimes both. Most people just don't want to know about something that might affect their physical life negatively. They don't want to hear anything that won't enhance their lives financially or possibly physically. And forget about anything spiritual. My own adult kids refuse to read or even listen. It gets very frustrating.

It IS frustrating! Which is probably how we learn to allow others their own lesson, no matter how painful it may be to us.

So, this is my understanding of it, which may be directly on target - or it may be off target - I can't know that from where I currently stand. It's merely the explanation that best fits the facts I know at the current time. Basically, we are human beings alive on this planet in a time of extraordinary change and upheaval. We only see glimpses of it at this point, and because of this, the majority of us are completely oblivious to what is going on, other than fleeting discomfort, unhappiness, ill-health and depression. The vast majority knows something is wrong but they don't know what it is and they don't have enough energy to really care.

Some of us do care enough to try to figure it out. What we've figured out is that there IS a war going on, only it's not a war that is easily seen. It is a war of the mind and the soul - of beliefs, of facts, of truth and of reality and, mostly, of choices. It is a war that is just as deadly as one fought with depleted uranium weapons and just as urgent, only most people are oblivious to it, and want to be oblivious to it, thus they are not battling in this war at all (or they are already lost).

In that vast group of those who are oblivious, there are a rare few who only need to be given stronger glimpses of what is actually going on in order to 'get it' and start to wake up so they can actively take part in this war. There are also those who see the glimpses of the war and are beginning to understand that this battle is through them, within them, but they're so isolated and worn down that it seems to make the horror of it all worse, because while they see the war, they can't yet see how powerful they are to battle it - or how. It is for those that we continue to publish pages and answer questions.

Those who have seen the glimpses and are grasping the truth are almost always surrounded by those who do not - this makes things especially difficult.

What I've come to understand is that, in this war of the mind and the soul, the power of one person who CAN see what is going on and who does base their choices every day on that is much more strong than we can imagine. This means that it DOES matter if even one more person 'gets it' - because each person who does has a potential non-linear effect on the outcome of this particular war in this portion of space/time. So much so that it might even help those who are 'lost'.

It is a war of the mind and the soul, and it is real. As members of that group of people who can glimpse what is going on and who can understand that we do play a part - what we know, what we accept as truth, what we choose to align ourselves with in all our actions - does play a part, we are here to support one another and help one another get better at accepting only objective truth - or at least recognizing that truth when we see it.

I have no idea if any of that makes any sense at all - and I do apologize for the lengthy ramble - but it's my current understanding of this war we're engaged in, and our 'walk-on part' in it. In fact, this line from Pink Floyd always struck me: "Did you exchange a walk on part in a war, for a lead role in a cage?" Those who are oblivious, and choose to be so, have a lead role in their own personal cage. We have our walk-on parts in this war and knowledge, understanding and networking are our most powerful weapons. Or so I think at this point in time.

Yes, anart (what does your nick mean I wonder, is that Gaelic?), I can attest to everything that you just wrote. I've already written in another thread about a girl, a friend of mine, who is involved in a thought reform internet cult- yeah, cults that operate over the internet does sound strange (more than three years have passed since she joined them) and how I tried to make her realize what the true intent of that group- mostly their culprit leader- is (collecting money from people who have been emotionally neglected and/or physically abused by their parents/caretakers, implanting their minds with slogans and catchphrases that serve to eliminate every analytical thought so that critical thinking becomes improbable) by sending her mails with links to articles, blogs and forums that have exposed them for what they are- money milking scammers who sell bogus self improvement courses and try to recruit ppl in their MLM pyramid scheme.
I never met this girl physically but I have developed feelings for her- no, not romantic feelings but I care for her as a friend. Many times have I cried because she simply can't see past the smoke screen no matter how hard I tried to tell her that she is being emotionally and mentally abused (though she is convinced it's the other way around- that she has found her refuge and her true family, so to speak) spending money and trying to recruit more ppl in that fraud. Ever since I left their forum, she refuses to communicate with me (they've convinced their members that anyone who criticizes them or leave them is an abuser, hater, liar and doesn't deserve to live because in their eyes they are against equality (their leader's version of "equality").
It really is hard to resist the desire to send her mails, but my reason is telling me that she won't hear me, not yet at least. It is painful to know and see how she is being used by this malevolent con artist and yet being helpless to do anything about it. For a long time I was blaming myself for not being able to help her and really make her realize what she's doing to herself. I can only hope that she will learn her lessons and get to her senses before it's too late (before they drain almost every brain cell and suck her dry of her emotional intelligence). Also, for a long time I felt like shit for not being more capable to see that group for who they really are. To me, this is like I'm having the dark night of the soul. A feeling like something is tearing me up from inside. I guess learning isn't just about having fun while you're at it.

I apologize for derailing the thread with this text, but I just wanted to share how I feel and to get this burden off my shoulders finally.
I've learned a lot from this cult episode in my life. Those who don't know the past are doomed to repeat it or as my good friend has told me: Draw from the past; don't let the past draw from you.
Denis said:
It really is hard to resist the desire to send her mails, but my reason is telling me that she won't hear me, not yet at least.

I think it's really important to understand that it's her life - not yours. It's also not up to you to determine what anyone else should or shouldn't be doing - it's not your life and if they aren't asking for help, then it's their choice. Even if these people are who you think they are, it's still her choice and her lesson path.
It's also not up to you to determine what anyone else should or shouldn't be doing - it's not your life and if they aren't asking for help, then it's their choice.

I think that can also be called external consideration...It is one of the hardest lessons that I have been working with. I am learning all of these new concepts and ideas, my ego loves to share new information and show how smart "I" am. I notice so many times my "helping" someone else is a form of feeding my ego. When I am thinking I am being STO it is actually a STS. I have had many "internally heated" moments when I am just keeping my mouth closed and listening to the other person and truly answer what they are asking for. (And it it hard to hear them sometimes over my internal "I" screaming it's know-it-all thoughts)
anart said:
Denis said:
It really is hard to resist the desire to send her mails, but my reason is telling me that she won't hear me, not yet at least.

I think it's really important to understand that it's her life - not yours. It's also not up to you to determine what anyone else should or shouldn't be doing - it's not your life and if they aren't asking for help, then it's their choice. Even if these people are who you think they are, it's still her choice and her lesson path.

I understand this now, but to really accept it is the hard part for me. Or it's hard for my ego, actually. Yup, I'm letting this go. And yes, in general you are right. I have my own life to live and from now on I choose to invest my time and energy in learning and doing anything that is constructive.

Thanks for the feedback!
To me, this is like I'm having the dark night of the soul. A feeling like something is tearing me up from inside.

After the dark there comes the light, and knowing that helps to hold on, It's also easier if we only observe what's happening, being completely neutral which requires concentration.
Perhaps I came off as being too judgmental toward the group overall due to what I have written in my previous posts. This was certainly not my intention so by writing more on this subject I intend to shed more light on it.
Except for the core group (consisting of a head honcho and a few close associates) most of their members are well educated, idealistic and compassionate toward others' pain and suffering, so naturally they are looking for solutions to clean up the mess on our planet (abuse and atrocities happening worldwide due to our psychopathic system of class division & differential advantage). And majority of them are young, naive and inexperienced (read: easily misled and manipulated). Same applies to the girl I mentioned earlier (I see she has some potential, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered thinking about her). I respect her and appreciate her, she's a good girl with a heart of gold, but the problem is when you don’t use your prefrontal cortex for critical thinking you’re bound to end up used and manipulated by someone sooner or later, and she (along with many other youngsters and some older folks that experienced many hardships and suffered some addictions in life who've decided to join this group) is not an exception to this rule.

Since I am aware that change is the only constant in our universe (this 3D school and playground we're presently focused/manifested in) there is always a possibility that this group will change their ways somewhere in the future- however I don't see it happening anytime soon, I'm open for surprises though lol- unless they serve the agenda of 4D STS overlords. From where I am standing currently it's difficult to determine that with 100% accuracy, but there are some clues that point to this conclusion.

Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused by derailing this thread with what I have written & posted here.

Kakoolookia! ;)
Denis said:
And majority of them are young, naive and inexperienced (read: easily misled and manipulated). Same applies to the girl I mentioned earlier (I see she has some potential, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered thinking about her).

Hi Denis, do you realize that this sounds rather arrogant - as if you have 'deemed' this girl acceptable enough to you to be 'bothered' with thinking about her? It actually brings everything else you've written about these people into question...

denis said:
I respect her and appreciate her, she's a good girl with a heart of gold, but the problem is when you don’t use your prefrontal cortex for critical thinking you’re bound to end up used and manipulated by someone sooner or later, and she (along with many other youngsters and some older folks that experienced many hardships and suffered some addictions in life who've decided to join this group) is not an exception to this rule.

Again, this sounds like you honestly think that you are in a position to determine whether or not she is a 'good girl'. Why would that be up to you to determine? It reads as excessively condescending.

denis said:
Since I am aware that change is the only constant in our universe (this 3D school and playground we're presently focused/manifested in) there is always a possibility that this group will change their ways somewhere in the future- however I don't see it happening anytime soon, I'm open for surprises though lol- unless they serve the agenda of 4D STS overlords. From where I am standing currently it's difficult to determine that with 100% accuracy, but there are some clues that point to this conclusion.

Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused by derailing this thread with what I have written & posted here.

I think, perhaps, you would be much better served focusing on yourself and your own issues than those of others. fwiw.
anart said:
Denis said:
And majority of them are young, naive and inexperienced (read: easily misled and manipulated). Same applies to the girl I mentioned earlier (I see she has some potential, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered thinking about her).

Hi Denis, do you realize that this sounds rather arrogant - as if you have 'deemed' this girl acceptable enough to you to be 'bothered' with thinking about her? It actually brings everything else you've written about these people into question...

denis said:
I respect her and appreciate her, she's a good girl with a heart of gold, but the problem is when you don’t use your prefrontal cortex for critical thinking you’re bound to end up used and manipulated by someone sooner or later, and she (along with many other youngsters and some older folks that experienced many hardships and suffered some addictions in life who've decided to join this group) is not an exception to this rule.

Again, this sounds like you honestly think that you are in a position to determine whether or not she is a 'good girl'. Why would that be up to you to determine? It reads as excessively condescending.

denis said:
Since I am aware that change is the only constant in our universe (this 3D school and playground we're presently focused/manifested in) there is always a possibility that this group will change their ways somewhere in the future- however I don't see it happening anytime soon, I'm open for surprises though lol- unless they serve the agenda of 4D STS overlords. From where I am standing currently it's difficult to determine that with 100% accuracy, but there are some clues that point to this conclusion.

Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused by derailing this thread with what I have written & posted here.

I think, perhaps, you would be much better served focusing on yourself and your own issues than those of others. fwiw.

Yes, I've made the decision to focus on myself by stating it here as well and you got me, by continuing to write about her I haven't really lived up to my words.
Thanks for exposing me (man can really learn a lot about himself from others because obviously they can provide him with objective mirroring that he/she cannot (at least by oneself) and that's exactly what I like about this forum, it reveals many inner workings in human beings and unsolved issues that need to be dealed with- and I am not an exception to the rule). ;)
So I have fallen in that regard. BUT, I am standing up once again. I realize that by continuing to write about her I became somewhat obsessed with her and this I recognize as a problem (yep, not healthy at all). As for the group in question, I won't say a word more about them after this post (unless specifically asked). Anyway they are discussed in the Baked noodles section. I participated on their forum and by investigating them I have simultaneously gained more understanding on how cults operate & why I was attracted to them (the Desteni group) in the 1st place.
Yep, dysfunctional family while growing up, fucked up childhood & the whole enchelada...

I am so impressed with the last two pages of responces in this page that I thought I would comment on how great I feel about being apart of this forum, Its because of people like yourselfs that I am where I am, both spiritually and mentally (truth seeking).

It is truly an honor to be amoungst you all, your perspectives on all subjects are invaluable to me and my progress during this time/space :P

Thankyou So Much for everything..
Gandalf said:
ripvanwinkle said:
I'm fascinated every day by what is posted. I have tried to alert others about what I read here on this website and on the books that I have read. However, when I try to tell others about the things I read here I get one of two responses. Apathy or ridicule, sometimes both. Most people just don't want to know about something that might affect their physical life negatively. They don't want to hear anything that won't enhance their lives financially or possibly physically. And forget about anything spiritual. My own adult kids refuse to read or even listen. It gets very frustrating.

As someone said once :

« The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. When you are inside you look around – what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, and carpenters – the very minds of the people we are trying to save. But, until we do, these people are still part of that system and that makes them our enemy.
You have to understand : most of these people are not ready to be unplugged – and many of them are so inert, so inured – hopelessly dependent on the system – that they will fight to protect it. »
Morpheus from The Matrix

This thread kind of got lost through the cracks for me since I first posted. I forgot to check the "Notify me of replies." check box. I'm sorry about that but, I'm glad I rediscovered it though. So many excellent responses that I can actually try to apply to some emotional and mental blocks that I'm having right now. I think I made a crack in the dam with what I've read here today. Much thanks to Gandalf, anart, Denis, Oxajil and chaps23 for your words of wisdom. It amazes me sometimes how just reading a few carefully selected words can make such a change in attitude that a persons emotional state can reverse from negative to positive on the turn of a dime; and the "notify me of replies" check box has been checked.
Here is a video of Edgar Cayce's predictions, life, which one came out true, which one was not etc. What I found interesting is the section that shows maps of which geographical parts go down and raise after the catastrophe. I am not sure how his predictions were translated into maps, but thought very interesting.

I believe the quote was something like, "The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea."
You have to make sure the original translation (if any) is correct.

Lets assume for the moment that it was. The word to watch is "INTO". 'INTO' doesn't mean the same as 'UNDER'. I can walk into my living room, it doesn't necessarily mean 'under'.
* Is there anything else he wrote in this regard?

I'm do not know if you are familiar with Japan, but it has over 14,000 islands with 4-main (large) ones towards the north.

North-west of those islands is the SEA OF JAPAN (aka East Sea). It separates Japan from South Korea, North Korea and China.

So with luck perhaps it means a northward movement of the main islands into (but not under!) the Sea of Japan.

If so, this would mean manga and anime production is still safe.
Here is a video of Edgar Cayce's predictions, life, which one came out true, which one was not etc. What I found interesting is the section that shows maps of which geographical parts go down and raise after the catastrophe. I am not sure how his predictions were translated into maps, but thought very interesting.

I am quite sure that the maps in the video is the creation of Gordon Michael Scallion, a futurist and psychic active in the eighties and nineties I believe. I think some of his predictions includes cometary bombardments and polar shift. Dunno about accuracy or "strike rate", its been a very long time since I read about him and his visions.
When I look at the map above and see the new waterways in africa this (from 22.10.2022) comes in mind:

(Rancho Relaxo) In the session of December 3rd of 1994 the C's gave a list of marker events connected to the Wave, including: Ukraine explosion; chemical or nuclear. Is this still on the menu, so to speak?

A: With minor modifications. Note floods in Africa.

Q: (L) I don't think floods in Africa were a part of that sequence. That was mentioned at another time.

A: Yes

May be some connections here? Could all the floods in africa be a precursior?
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