ripvanwinkle said:
I'm fascinated every day by what is posted. I have tried to alert others about what I read here on this website and on the books that I have read. However, when I try to tell others about the things I read here I get one of two responses. Apathy or ridicule, sometimes both. Most people just don't want to know about something that might affect their physical life negatively. They don't want to hear anything that won't enhance their lives financially or possibly physically. And forget about anything spiritual. My own adult kids refuse to read or even listen. It gets very frustrating.
It IS frustrating! Which is probably how we learn to allow others their own lesson, no matter how painful it may be to us.
So, this is my understanding of it, which may be directly on target - or it may be off target - I can't know that from where I currently stand. It's merely the explanation that best fits the facts I know at the current time. Basically, we are human beings alive on this planet in a time of extraordinary change and upheaval. We only see glimpses of it at this point, and because of this, the majority of us are completely oblivious to what is going on, other than fleeting discomfort, unhappiness, ill-health and depression. The vast majority knows something is wrong but they don't know what it is and they don't have enough energy to really care.
Some of us do care enough to try to figure it out. What we've figured out is that there IS a war going on, only it's not a war that is easily seen. It is a war of the mind and the soul - of beliefs, of facts, of truth and of reality and, mostly, of choices. It is a war that is just as deadly as one fought with depleted uranium weapons and just as urgent, only most people are oblivious to it, and want to be oblivious to it, thus they are not battling in this war at all (or they are already lost).
In that vast group of those who are oblivious, there are a rare few who only need to be given stronger glimpses of what is actually going on in order to 'get it' and start to wake up so they can actively take part in this war. There are also those who see the glimpses of the war and are beginning to understand that this battle is through them, within them, but they're so isolated and worn down that it seems to make the horror of it all worse, because while they see the war, they can't yet see how powerful they are to battle it - or how. It is for those that we continue to publish pages and answer questions.
Those who have seen the glimpses and are grasping the truth are almost always surrounded by those who do not - this makes things especially difficult.
What I've come to understand is that, in this war of the mind and the soul, the power of one person who CAN see what is going on and who does base their choices every day on that is much more strong than we can imagine. This means that it DOES matter if even one more person 'gets it' - because each person who does has a potential non-linear effect on the outcome of this particular war in this portion of space/time. So much so that it might even help those who are 'lost'.
It is a war of the mind and the soul, and it is real. As members of that group of people who can glimpse what is going on and who can understand that we do play a part - what we know, what we accept as truth, what we choose to align ourselves with in all our actions - does play a part, we are here to support one another and help one another get better at accepting only objective truth - or at least recognizing that truth when we see it.
I have no idea if any of that makes any sense at all - and I do apologize for the lengthy ramble - but it's my current understanding of this war we're engaged in, and our 'walk-on part' in it. In fact, this line from Pink Floyd always struck me: "Did you exchange a walk on part in a war, for a lead role in a cage?" Those who are oblivious, and choose to be so, have a lead role in their own personal cage. We have our walk-on parts in this war and knowledge, understanding and networking are our most powerful weapons. Or so I think at this point in time.