Cayce on Armageddon

DontBSkerred said:
Oh yes, I'd have to say that our being on this site would be some of the first steps in the right direction. But it just seems that most of this is how to cope with is and what could be. And not just this site, but almost all sites I've come across in the past 10-13 years. I don't know what could be done, and I suppose endorsing the methods expressed here are about as good a start as anything. It's just frustrating to think that someone somewhere IS planning another 9/11 or Hiroshima while I post on a forum in between games of Free Cell (I am on one helluva tear though, one loss out of 428, and that was because someone closed out my

What if you consider the fact that 'someone' can be planning that right now because you and everyone you know is sound asleep playing free cell, watching tv, stressing over work or 'love' or something, drinking, making merry, or fighting food-supply induced illness, all oblivious to their own complete lack of knowledge and understanding - even if they feel that tug inside that something isn't right with the world. What if the ONLY way to stop 'them' from planning and executing more destruction is to wake up those around you so these monsters can be seen for what they are and their power removed? What if the ONLY way to wake up those around you is to be completely awake yourself? If that is the case, then you need others who are already awake, because a man cannot wake up alone, he will always fall back asleep, taking the alarm clocks he's built as lullabies.

If all of this is true (or even theoretically possible) then what is more important than reading, researching, networking and gaining enough knowledge and understanding that you DO wake up and then can help others do the same before the whole place goes up in flames? What if the human mind itself holds such subtle power that enough people actually Seeing and understanding what is going on, and all that entails, could mitigate what is coming. What if there is more to human experience than our sleep allows us to See?

That's what we're doing here - step by step, person by person, alarm clock by alarm clock. Will it be enough and 'in time'. We don't know - but it's sure as heck worth trying and each person who raises her or his head from slumber, if only a little at first, makes us all more powerful. At least this is my current understanding.
DontBSkerred said:
[...] It's just frustrating to think that someone somewhere IS planning another 9/11 or Hiroshima while I post on a forum in between games of Free Cell (I am on one helluva tear though, one loss out of 428, and that was because someone closed out my
Lol, I've been a frequent freecell player too, never really cared about the scores though and even indulged in undoing moves, which my dad for one thinks is cheating and would ruin the game. It's self calming, whenever something was making me tense I'd open up that game and I could relax while my main machine had a holiday in front of the screen and I could daydream in the background. At a point it got so regular that the name felt like a cosmic joke: "FREECELL" a tiny spot you can go around and apt description of our situation. Perhaps try to notice next time why you are being hijacked into that specific cell.
anart said:
DontBSkerred said:
Oh yes, I'd have to say that our being on this site would be some of the first steps in the right direction. But it just seems that most of this is how to cope with is and what could be. And not just this site, but almost all sites I've come across in the past 10-13 years. I don't know what could be done, and I suppose endorsing the methods expressed here are about as good a start as anything. It's just frustrating to think that someone somewhere IS planning another 9/11 or Hiroshima while I post on a forum in between games of Free Cell (I am on one helluva tear though, one loss out of 428, and that was because someone closed out my

What if you consider the fact that 'someone' can be planning that right now because you and everyone you know is sound asleep playing free cell, watching tv, stressing over work or 'love' or something, drinking, making merry, or fighting food-supply induced illness, all oblivious to their own complete lack of knowledge and understanding - even if they feel that tug inside that something isn't right with the world. What if the ONLY way to stop 'them' from planning and executing more destruction is to wake up those around you so these monsters can be seen for what they are and their power removed? What if the ONLY way to wake up those around you is to be completely awake yourself? If that is the case, then you need others who are already awake, because a man cannot wake up alone, he will always fall back asleep, taking the alarm clocks he's built as lullabies.

If all of this is true (or even theoretically possible) then what is more important than reading, researching, networking and gaining enough knowledge and understanding that you DO wake up and then can help others do the same before the whole place goes up in flames? What if the human mind itself holds such subtle power that enough people actually Seeing and understanding what is going on, and all that entails, could mitigate what is coming. What if there is more to human experience than our sleep allows us to See?

That's what we're doing here - step by step, person by person, alarm clock by alarm clock. Will it be enough and 'in time'. We don't know - but it's sure as heck worth trying and each person who raises her or his head from slumber, if only a little at first, makes us all more powerful. At least this is my current understanding.

I def get what you're saying. It's just, regardless of whether something is happening or nothing is happening, and whether or not beings of another planet, realm, dimension, or consciousness are involved one thing remains true: the public is being held back and in check by it's leaders. And it's on every level. Usually small stuff that most go unnoticed. Things that force you into spending more money (it's amazing how the roads are set up to burn as much of the already way too expensive fuel when you travel) than you should be. Things that occupy your brain and stress and worry, and take your focus off anything other than surviving. Rights being stripped away, more police activity (I swear, we're being primed for a police state and they're so good at it, they can get people behind it). It doesn't matter what you believe, we're getting shafted.

The real point I was initially making was at what point does someone stand up and declare enough is enough? I get it, information will set you free, but there's no way enough people are reached without something drastic to point them in this direction. Someone's gotta take a stance, publicly, and rally troops. I don't think it'd be very easy for everyone to buy into a New Age wave of thinking, but everyone can get behind not tolerating what we already know is too much.

The one thing I've always been looking for are answers. All I ever get is more questions. Sometimes, I wish I could just know something is true.
Rights being stripped away, more police activity (I swear, we're being primed for a police state and they're so good at it, they can get people behind it). It doesn't matter what you believe, we're getting shafted.

The real point I was initially making was at what point does someone stand up and declare enough is enough? I get it, information will set you free, but there's no way enough people are reached without something drastic to point them in this direction. Someone's gotta take a stance, publicly, and rally troops.
Who? You? Other SOTT members? Many people have already taken The Stand, shouted and published until they are “blue in the face,” to no avail. As long as the general population of people remain “asleep,” unconscious to The Matrix that surrounds them they cannot see the truth before their eyes. It might be helpful for you to learn about/review the concept of “strategic enclosure,” and read the discussions on how even when people are confronted with factual data, their deeply held, internal belief systems (sacred cows) will not allow them to accept the factual truth of a situation. They will create a scenario that will allow them to maintain their current beliefs—they are incapable of change. (I tried to find these discussions in the search function but I do not remember enough key words to be successful. If anyone remembers them would you please contribute that information? Thanks.)

I don't think it'd be very easy for everyone to buy into a New Age wave of thinking,
It sounds like you are unclear on how this forum is NOT based on New Age thinking, nor endorses its popular concepts. This is a forum for exploring spiritual, as well as other concepts, from a true scientific methodology, not wishful thinking and uninformed belief systems. Also read the most recent edition of the Dot Connector Magazine.

but everyone can get behind not tolerating what we already know is too much.
The one thing I've always been looking for are answers. All I ever get is more questions.
Ah, welcome to the Forum!

Sometimes, I wish I could just know something is true.

Don’t we all! Knowledge of truth is not a gift, a right, or words that can be given away. The Truth is out there; objective reality exists, but we must do The Work and CHANGE OURSELVES from asleep sheeple to humans capable of recognizing The Truth—only then can we act.
DontBSkerred said:
Someone's gotta take a stance, publicly, and rally troops.

This is what SoTT does every day. It shows anyone who will listen the truth of the world we live in.
Now, if you mean 'direct action' - shouting from the roof tops, protesting, publicity campaigns, hunger strikes (you may wish to see this thread), direct actions etc.....are you not aware of all the groups around the planet (hundreds of thousands of them) doing exactly that? They've been doing it for years and years.

What effect can hundreds of thousands of protesting sleeping people have?
What effects have they had on the world??

The world is still burning, people have not woken up, we are still in the same place. Sure some leaders get replaced, but (after a period of time) people realise that they are just as bad as before, there just better at hiding it.

The other thing to consider is 'direct action' is something the PTB are Very good at dealing with. Either with laws or truncheons or guns/tanks/bombs/prison etc.

So rather than feeling despair at seeing no way out or that you have to take 'direct action' consider a possible third way. Change from within having a direct/lasting impact on the world around you.
This is what we do here. It isn't for everyone, but most of us here have figured nothing else we've seen (repeated throughout human history, over and over) works.
I can say for sure that my own efforts on myself have changed dramatically both the quality and objectivity of my own life, and (without forcing the changes on others) some of the lives of those around me have also improved dramatically.

Wishing to change the way the world is, is completely understandable. But this always avoids the path of changing the self, from which all real lasting change comes. Sometimes the only way to understand that is to fail repeatedly at trying to change the world outside of yourself - if you are not lost in despair/burnt out/full of hate/convinced there can never be change at the end of that (which is again a trap to stop real change).
DontBSkerred said:
The real point I was initially making was at what point does someone stand up and declare enough is enough? I get it, information will set you free, but there's no way enough people are reached without something drastic to point them in this direction. Someone's gotta take a stance, publicly, and rally troops. I don't think it'd be very easy for everyone to buy into a New Age wave of thinking, but everyone can get behind not tolerating what we already know is too much.
I don't know, since that may very well be dependent on what the group mind decides to do based on how awake they are and what illusions about themselves and beliefs about the world that they are willing to sacrifice. For all I know maybe humanity wants to get clobbered by comets and everything else just so that they can keep going round and round in their blissful ignorant illusions, even from one lifetime to the next? But are you able to sacrifice their illusions for them and learn their lessons for them? All you can do is struggle to wake yourself up along with the help of others and help to create those conditions that help others to awaken who are so inclined to do so from their own free will.

Awareness is a very rare thing, so if you are more aware you can participate in the process of awakening others. As to how the mass mind chooses to respond to this, as to how the different quality energies will mix and work through the mass mind at the more unconscious levels to direct and focus itself, whether it be in this direction or that direction so as to deal or not deal with the tyrannical power structure and as to how events will infold within the general mass of sleeping humanity in this dynamic process, I don't think anyone can know. Maybe only the universe can know and will respond only if responded to.

But I think if general humanity awakens even a little bit, beyond a certain critical threshold (assuming its not too late), then that could make a big difference in outcomes since they will have a somewhat clearer focus of what the real objective problem is as they awaken and begin to direct their energies in whatever way it gets directed as the general mass of humanity deals with it. That's assuming of course if people begin to awaken at all.
DontBSkerred said:
(I swear, we're being primed for a police state and they're so good at it, they can get people behind it). It doesn't matter what you believe, we're getting shafted.

The police state is already here - that door is already locked.

dbs said:
Someone's gotta take a stance, publicly, and rally troops.

What troops? 'Rallying the troops' gets you one thing in this situation - dead. You and all the backyard soldiers in this country can't go up against their firepower, it would be a suicide mission and playing right into 'their' hands. Even John Lennon knew that - he said that once you get violent, they know how to handle you. It is NOT the way to go about things.

dbs said:
I don't think it'd be very easy for everyone to buy into a New Age wave of thinking,

We're about as far from newage thinking as you can get. We deal in reality here - and the reality of the situation is that you can't 'rally' your way out of this.
anart said:

What if the ONLY way to stop 'them' from planning and executing more destruction is to wake up those around you so these monsters can be seen for what they are and their power removed? What if the ONLY way to wake up those around you is to be completely awake yourself?

I'm fascinated every day by what is posted. I have tried to alert others about what I read here on this website and on the books that I have read. However, when I try to tell others about the things I read here I get one of two responses. Apathy or ridicule, sometimes both. Most people just don't want to know about something that might affect their physical life negatively. They don't want to hear anything that won't enhance their lives financially or possibly physically. And forget about anything spiritual. My own adult kids refuse to read or even listen. It gets very frustrating.
ripvanwinkle said:
I'm fascinated every day by what is posted. I have tried to alert others about what I read here on this website and on the books that I have read. However, when I try to tell others about the things I read here I get one of two responses. Apathy or ridicule, sometimes both. Most people just don't want to know about something that might affect their physical life negatively. They don't want to hear anything that won't enhance their lives financially or possibly physically. And forget about anything spiritual. My own adult kids refuse to read or even listen. It gets very frustrating.

As someone said once :

« The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. When you are inside you look around – what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, and carpenters – the very minds of the people we are trying to save. But, until we do, these people are still part of that system and that makes them our enemy.
You have to understand : most of these people are not ready to be unplugged – and many of them are so inert, so inured – hopelessly dependent on the system – that they will fight to protect it. »
Morpheus from The Matrix
Gandalf said:
ripvanwinkle said:
I'm fascinated every day by what is posted. I have tried to alert others about what I read here on this website and on the books that I have read. However, when I try to tell others about the things I read here I get one of two responses. Apathy or ridicule, sometimes both. Most people just don't want to know about something that might affect their physical life negatively. They don't want to hear anything that won't enhance their lives financially or possibly physically. And forget about anything spiritual. My own adult kids refuse to read or even listen. It gets very frustrating.

As someone said once :

« The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. When you are inside you look around – what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, and carpenters – the very minds of the people we are trying to save. But, until we do, these people are still part of that system and that makes them our enemy.
You have to understand : most of these people are not ready to be unplugged – and many of them are so inert, so inured – hopelessly dependent on the system – that they will fight to protect it. »
Morpheus from The Matrix

And here is something that personally helped me a lot with my same frustrations in the past:

PepperFritz said:
You have to work on getting to the point of being able to see that person as being MORE, so much MORE than who/what you currently see them to be, to see them as a unique soul who has their own lessons to learn -- in quite distinct separation from you -- and has freely made their own choices to be who and what they are at this moment in time.
ripvanwinkle said:
I'm fascinated every day by what is posted. I have tried to alert others about what I read here on this website and on the books that I have read. However, when I try to tell others about the things I read here I get one of two responses. Apathy or ridicule, sometimes both. Most people just don't want to know about something that might affect their physical life negatively. They don't want to hear anything that won't enhance their lives financially or possibly physically. And forget about anything spiritual. My own adult kids refuse to read or even listen. It gets very frustrating.

It IS frustrating! Which is probably how we learn to allow others their own lesson, no matter how painful it may be to us.

So, this is my understanding of it, which may be directly on target - or it may be off target - I can't know that from where I currently stand. It's merely the explanation that best fits the facts I know at the current time. Basically, we are human beings alive on this planet in a time of extraordinary change and upheaval. We only see glimpses of it at this point, and because of this, the majority of us are completely oblivious to what is going on, other than fleeting discomfort, unhappiness, ill-health and depression. The vast majority knows something is wrong but they don't know what it is and they don't have enough energy to really care.

Some of us do care enough to try to figure it out. What we've figured out is that there IS a war going on, only it's not a war that is easily seen. It is a war of the mind and the soul - of beliefs, of facts, of truth and of reality and, mostly, of choices. It is a war that is just as deadly as one fought with depleted uranium weapons and just as urgent, only most people are oblivious to it, and want to be oblivious to it, thus they are not battling in this war at all (or they are already lost).

In that vast group of those who are oblivious, there are a rare few who only need to be given stronger glimpses of what is actually going on in order to 'get it' and start to wake up so they can actively take part in this war. There are also those who see the glimpses of the war and are beginning to understand that this battle is through them, within them, but they're so isolated and worn down that it seems to make the horror of it all worse, because while they see the war, they can't yet see how powerful they are to battle it - or how. It is for those that we continue to publish pages and answer questions.

Those who have seen the glimpses and are grasping the truth are almost always surrounded by those who do not - this makes things especially difficult.

What I've come to understand is that, in this war of the mind and the soul, the power of one person who CAN see what is going on and who does base their choices every day on that is much more strong than we can imagine. This means that it DOES matter if even one more person 'gets it' - because each person who does has a potential non-linear effect on the outcome of this particular war in this portion of space/time. So much so that it might even help those who are 'lost'.

It is a war of the mind and the soul, and it is real. As members of that group of people who can glimpse what is going on and who can understand that we do play a part - what we know, what we accept as truth, what we choose to align ourselves with in all our actions - does play a part, we are here to support one another and help one another get better at accepting only objective truth - or at least recognizing that truth when we see it.

I have no idea if any of that makes any sense at all - and I do apologize for the lengthy ramble - but it's my current understanding of this war we're engaged in, and our 'walk-on part' in it. In fact, this line from Pink Floyd always struck me: "Did you exchange a walk on part in a war, for a lead role in a cage?" Those who are oblivious, and choose to be so, have a lead role in their own personal cage. We have our walk-on parts in this war and knowledge, understanding and networking are our most powerful weapons. Or so I think at this point in time.
Well, it's only a proxy measure at best, but the Facebook 'like' counter on SOTT is creeping up steadily, day-by-day. Will be into five figures before too much longer.

In my experience, people are slowly getting more open-minded. I've had plenty of conversations over lunch at work with co-workers about 9/11 etc. and yes, most of them just don't have it within them to see that any people could be that evil, despite the holes in the official story. I don't push it.

Just yesterday we discussed The Vegetarian Myth (I'm halfway through it) and how monumentally screwed a population of 6 bn people might be that is dependent on crops that make them ill, grown on decimated and dying topsoil with fertilizer from dwindling fossil fuels.

They listened and talked, but ultimately with news that big there's not really a lot to do other than sit there and blink, is there?

I've not tried too many of them on superluminally-channeled communication from the future however! One step at a time.
Well said, Anart:

We're all walk-ons here aren't we. None of us were recruited or asked to follow walk this path. But for a few curious mouse clicks following a few interestingly phrased words during a period when the path I was on had grown stale and hollow I likely would have sunk into to deep despair.

The trail we are on is very hard. Questioning everything about my life, every belief, every assumption and finding most of it based on nothing at all keeps me on a razors edge every day.

But what is worth pursuing if not the truth. So much to learn, so many lies to unravel. But Holy Christ I dearly love it. I am so thankful that we have this place where the walking wounded can be healed.

It's very lonely in daily life when I rarely see glimmer in the eyes of those around me. We all live in a cage, but so few are looking for the keys.

Mac said:
None of us were recruited or asked to follow walk this path.

The way I see it, if I have a soul (or at least the potential for a soul), then perhaps at some level (before I was born?) I chose to be here at this time to follow this path and play my walk on role in this war.
So I think (even if it may not seem like it) most of us here did choose to walk this path, as some level at least.
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