Channelling the Cassiopaeans

Laura said:
The take home message is: don't be concerned about "The Wave", there is so much happening in real world terms that you don't need any mystical, metaphysical idea to contemplate.

Hi Laura,

I indeed find myself thinking and worrying about the happenings in the real world. Storms, quakes, fire balls, false name it. Primarily for the purpose of staying informed. And when appropriate, preparation. But I also recall when session participants expressed similar concerns and worries, a common reply from the C's was (and I paraphrase) "that's so 3rd density thinking." The implication being there's something else, something better. Can you perhaps elaborate on what that something else might be? It would be of great value to me, and maybe to others as well. Thanks in advance.

PS Also can you give us an idea as to your latest thoughts regarding the developing conduit?

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sitting said:
I indeed find myself thinking and worrying about the happenings in the real world. Storms, quakes, fire balls, false name it. Primarily for the purpose of staying informed. And when appropriate, preparation. But I also recall when session participants expressed similar concerns and worries, a common reply from the C's was (and I paraphrase) "that's so 3rd density thinking." The implication being there's something else, something better. Can you perhaps elaborate on what that something else might be? It would be of great value to me, and maybe to others as well. Thanks in advance.

Getting worried and upset is bad; being forewarned, thus forearmed and prepared is good. Paying close attention to reality and not having illusions is good; shutting out the real world is bad. Standing up for truth and helping others so that this can manifest in our world through you is good; standing around saying "I'm living in love and light" while doing nothing is bad. Finding what you can do, within your actual life situation, and doing it to the best of your ability, as though the fate of the universe depended on you, is good; overreaching and wearing yourself out or taking on too much, or neglecting your family is bad.

See? It's really pretty simple.
Sorry for taking so long, did not notice this until now Ryan thanks to Anart posting on Odyssey.

When I read the original post in question I thought of it in line of the Leo 6 crew looking for there own brand and flavor. I also got the feeling that something surreptitious was intended behind the questions.

That could be assumption on my part, but I am saying that is what I thought and felt at the time.

Then I wrote based on what I thought to be true at the time.

A bit too familiar in my tone of voice, if I recall, more and more anonymous people were coming to the site in line with the JakeSully thing. Seemed to me to be a bit of a ripple effect of the confusion and not knowing who is friend or foe, an "infiltration" is how my mind, quite literally, registered.

Fear that an anonymous forum makes very real and very easily. Who, what, huh, how, what are they talking about, so and so did not hear and listen to what that one over there said, this one over here is talking nonsense, that is too long to read, etc, etc.

When I read this forum there are times when it seems to be a lot of cross-competing purposes, and there is no clarity whatsoever in terms of what people are saying to one another. At times, this frustrates me and quite point blank it runs through my mind whether this is truly the place for me or not. I generally keep quiet and just observe, but that is not entirely the trick, is it, then I take a less than tactful approach such as the message before, which is also not the trick.

It really is hard to tell friend or foe at times I think. very few people ever actually meet.

I hope that helps explain myself.

short question, am I bothered, about as bothered as the world is these days.


PS - Another way I see this when reading that post of mine again is that I went into a sunken sullen state for some reason and was kinda whining in my own way and indirectly took it out on ziggy. I was not sure to take such a name seriously - ziggy, star, lust, and though I know it is is un PC its what I thought I see. seeing snakes in shadows when theyre in the trees. if that is the OP is frequent here on this site, I thought it a new name and recently registered ala "anon" moving in. not very clear or straight thinking on my part at all I'm afraid.

RyanX said:
Herakles said:
Huh? bub?


no comprehendre diggystarlust



This response was rather rude and uncalled for.

As far as I can tell ziggystarlust just asked a simple question and it seems like you kind of went off on him for no reason.

Is there something bothering you at the moment?
ignis.intimus said:
Herakles said:
Leo 6 was mentioned recently on this forum which in the zodiac marks a critical degree of blindness lost in the folly of life and one's own grand delusions.

Can you provide a reference for that Herakles? I would be interested to read more about that idea, but can't find any references to it.

the only reference I can give is typing 6th degree of leo and finding some sites like this:

Definition of Leo Individual Degrees accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.)

(Abbreviations: neb, nebulae; cl, cluster; v, variable.)




5°.....Homicide, aviation accidents.


6°7' 1°33' N (cl) Presaepe, 44m Cancri. The manger of the Aselli: a nebulous cluster. (Mars Moon) Adventure, wantonness, brutality; at other times fortunate, though liable to loss through others; industry, order and fecundity; large business. Rising, or conjunction an afflicted Moon: blindness, especially of left eye; ophthalmia; facial injuries; fevers, wounds. If Sun oppose Mars or Asc.: violent death. If culminating: disgrace, ruin, violent death.

6°25' 3°11'N (5) North Asellus, Gamma Cancri. Identified with Balaam's ass. The Aselli represent the asses ridden by Bacchus and Vulcan in the war between the Gods and the Titans. (Mars Sun - Sun sextile Mars) Patience, beneficence, courage; sometimes marital preferment; heroic and defiant leaders.

7°36' 0°4'N (4) South Asellus, Delta Cancri. (Mars Sun - Sun > Mars) Fevers, quarrels, slander.


6 Degrees of Cancer possible physical disability and to a lesser extent, 6 degrees, Libra, Capricorn and Aries. Especially if the planet occupies the first house.

6 Degrees of Leo/Aquarius is bad for eyesight.

12 Degrees of Leo, degree of beauty.

I added flavor to the interpretation with using the traits of Leo, grand theatrical ness, with loss of sight, or delusions of grandeur.

basically my interpretation based on reading that 6 Leo/Aqua is bad for eyesight. Have to check, cannot recall, but may originate in Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos.
Herakles said:
Sorry for taking so long, did not notice this until now Ryan thanks to Anart posting on Odyssey.

When I read the original post in question I thought of it in line of the Leo 6 crew looking for there own brand and flavor. I also got the feeling that something surreptitious was intended behind the questions.

That could be assumption on my part, but I am saying that is what I thought and felt at the time.

Then I wrote based on what I thought to be true at the time.

A bit too familiar in my tone of voice, if I recall, more and more anonymous people were coming to the site in line with the JakeSully thing. Seemed to me to be a bit of a ripple effect of the confusion and not knowing who is friend or foe, an "infiltration" is how my mind, quite literally, registered.

Fear that an anonymous forum makes very real and very easily. Who, what, huh, how, what are they talking about, so and so did not hear and listen to what that one over there said, this one over here is talking nonsense, that is too long to read, etc, etc.

When I read this forum there are times when it seems to be a lot of cross-competing purposes, and there is no clarity whatsoever in terms of what people are saying to one another. At times, this frustrates me and quite point blank it runs through my mind whether this is truly the place for me or not. I generally keep quiet and just observe, but that is not entirely the trick, is it, then I take a less than tactful approach such as the message before, which is also not the trick.

It really is hard to tell friend or foe at times I think. very few people ever actually meet.

I hope that helps explain myself.

short question, am I bothered, about as bothered as the world is these days.


PS - Another way I see this when reading that post of mine again is that I went into a sunken sullen state for some reason and was kinda whining in my own way and indirectly took it out on ziggy. I was not sure to take such a name seriously - ziggy, star, lust, and though I know it is is un PC its what I thought I see. seeing snakes in shadows when theyre in the trees. if that is the OP is frequent here on this site, I thought it a new name and recently registered ala "anon" moving in. not very clear or straight thinking on my part at all I'm afraid.

Hi Herakles, not only were you entirely lacking in external consideration, but this entire post indicates that your thinking is unbalanced. It is more than just a little disconcerting. How is your diet? Brain inflammation can create all kinds of problems, including paranoia, muddled thinking, reactionary actions and seeing snakes in every shadow. In short, from what you've written here, something is seriously amiss. I strongly recommend removing gluten, dairy, sugar, processed foods and most carbs from your diet. If you've already done that and your thinking is still this unbalanced, then there are other things we can work on.

Please let us know, so we can help - if you're not interested in help on that, then perhaps this isn't the place for you?
[quote author=herakles ]
Another way I see this when reading that post of mine again is that I went into a sunken sullen state for some reason and was kinda whining in my own way and indirectly took it out on ziggy. I was not sure to take such a name seriously - ziggy, star, lust, and though I know it is is un PC its what I thought I see. seeing snakes in shadows when theyre in the trees. if that is the OP is frequent here on this site, I thought it a new name and recently registered ala "anon" moving in. not very clear or straight thinking on my part at all I'm afraid.

No, not really. Ziggy's actually been on the forum since 2006. I'll also add that, even if your suspicions were right, your response still would have been uncalled for. You were essentially stooping down to the level of the troll. Why would you want a newbie to experience that upon entering the forum?
In fact I think most of us older forumites should stop and note how this sudden influx of new people at Jakesully thread was handled and keep that in mind during similar interactions in the future.
It was initially with uneasy feeling that I read through that thread as our safe haven for a moment felt invaded en mass by this way of communication which seems to be norm elsewhere on the net. But then after a while and seeing how it was tackled I felt safe and proud to belong to this community.
I feel that at least one of those newbies was shown new information and maybe helped with their personal awakening and this is really invaluable.

Heracles I concur with Anart, if its not the diet the Swamp is very spacious so perhaps the time has come for you to grab the devil by its horns. Remember we are all here for you every step of the way.
Laura said:
The Cassiopaeans have mentioned being in contact with 1) Kantekkians way in the past; 2) Something called "The Quorum". Regarding who and what and how the Cassiopaeans are and who could possibly contact them, they have said "We are you in the future." What does that "you" mean? Based on the answers the Cs have given, it is a number of individual "consciousness units" that are members of a particular soul group. (They may or may not be incarnated.) Thus, channeling the Cs would probably depend on whether or not that individual is a member of that particular soul group. The Cs have also said that the constellations in the sky are information about various soul groups, so there are clearly others. They also indicated this in their remark "we are where we are." They have also said "next stop, Leo." My guess is that, since the Cassiopaean transmissions apparently are possible because of the supernova in Cassiopaea, then that suggests a supernova event in Leo. As it happens, there is a report of such last year: the American Association of Variable Star Observer’s Report #222 stated: “Bright Supernova in UGC 5189A: SN 2010jl
November 5, 2010
See: (I actually just found this info so I'm surprised because that rather fits with some things the Cs hinted back in 2010 including their new "signature".)

The bottom line of that would seem to be that anyone who channeled the Cassiopaeans would be a member of our soul group, i.e. colinear.

As to who can or can't do it, the Cs have said:

Q: ... (BRH) Is there any way I can
contact you guys directly?
A: Well, D***, only if you present yourself into the
presence of these 3rd densities here. Remember, their
request was hard earned, and one of them has been
channeling throughout this incarnation, much to his
detriment. Those neighborhood kids usually do not respond
favorably to psychic awareness, now do they? Another one
here has literally turned the world upside down in search
of the greatest truths for all of humanity, much to her
potential peril. And the third one here had to endure
almost unimaginable hardships and tests of stamina in
order to realize his destined path of bringing your 3rd
density realm to the brink of 4th density transitional
adjustment. So, the path is open to you. Wanna follow?!?

You may have noticed that we have been in the process of "grooving" other channels at our sessions. While some men can participate, if they are of a certain nature, the position is really only open to women, as it was in our ancient past.

Noticed that Andromeda was grooving on the boards with you. Interesting information regarding channeling and the point of Feminine Nature. To me, there was always the idea that a balanced or prime masculinity requires a certain amount femininity to balance out the aggression and it would seem likely that femininity requires a certain measure of masculinity as a catalyst/impetus of doing. 80:20, 60:40? The ratios are unknown and maybe individualistic if indeed it is a correct assumption. Don't know if I picked it up from another source such as Seth, or formulated the idea originally from other sources.

In the Toronto Area there are four channels that I know of. 3 are males and one of the males channelled Hilarion and has published numerous books. (I'll have to check if Adpop did a discussion on this) Other than the Hilarion material, which was okay, it was the C's that answered my pertinent questions. Never personally inquired about the other local channels and what they may have had to say.

As an aside to other members, I have been a member going back to the original Casschat days at Yahoo---maybe 9-10 years in total
sitting said:
Laura said:
The take home message is: don't be concerned about "The Wave", there is so much happening in real world terms that you don't need any mystical, metaphysical idea to contemplate.

PS Also can you give us an idea as to your latest thoughts regarding the developing conduit?

Key words- "Prejudice"- "Anticipation" that as i understand, constrict the conduit to grove.

Also the is another session (Still looking) that described a Friend that would garden, and was able to channel, in this meditative state of relaxation, (though that is my perception or thought) in a free, and clear atmosphere, that was part of the process of a mild state of mediation, perhaps.

But it's not like one can walk up the plate, and just start swing home runs. i think that this individual had, or was gifted as a channel, (or medium) and slowly became aware of this unique ability. Cultivate it, with others of similar make up, or disposition, that also had the ability to grove a channel, that was free and clear of corruption. Rare. :halo:

July 19, 1995

Q: (L) What is the true significance of the Masonic Apron?
A: In what way?
Q: (L) There are hieroglyphics and carvings from ancient Egypt
showing high priests wearing aprons and there are many secret
societies down through the ages for centuries and possibly even
further back than that where the initiates wore aprons. Now, the
aprons have been either white cloth or sheepskin. What is the
significance of the apron? Why an apron?
A: It is simply a tradition born of ritual.
Q: (L) What was the origin of this tradition? What did it symbolize to
put on the apron?
A: Perhaps it could best be described as attempts to shield from
negative or evil spirits.
Q: (L) Okay, SV and I did some research on all our past sessions
and we came to the realization that after other people began coming
regularly there was a
significant increase, in fact a doubling, of the number of answers
received through this source, that were basically refusals to answer,
as in: up to you, open, maybe, close, and so forth. In general, what
we noticed was a great reduction in the level and type of information
we were being given. Could you give us a reason for this?
A: The best answer to that is that when you have a greater and
greater number of subjects present for any formal channeling
sessions, of course the mental energy and the thought waves are
more of a conflicting nature, and of course the answers must be
carefully given in order to avoid conflict that is unnecessary by the
observers or within the ranks of the observers, so, therefore, some
questions are better left unanswered if it is felt or known that the true
answers will cause grave
distress by some who are receiving them. And, the more subjects
you have present, the more likely that this situation is to be
apparent. Therefore, sometimes
questions must be either passed over or each individual subject
must find a way to answer the question for themselves that they feel
comfortable with.
Q: (L) That seems to say that the way that is most conducive to
receiving information is to limit the number of individuals present,
thereby limiting the amount of
conflicting thought patterns.
A: That is one possible outlook.
Q: (L) Does it require a state of absolute openness to receive the
A: No, it does not, however to receive absolute information in
uninterrupted flow, such a state would be required. But, such states
are very rare on third density.
Q: (L) Well, it seemed to me that in the initial six months or so that
we were receiving the information, that the information was much
more open and the answers
were more open. It seems that when I ask questions I ask because I
really want to HEAR what may be said without putting any
expectations on it whatsoever. I
have realized that with all of the enormous work I have done in this
life, that I have not been able to figure out the answers, and I am
ready to shut up and listen...
When other people ask questions, it often seems that they are just
asking just to confirm the answer they have already formed in their
own mind against whatever
answer may come through.
A: This is a correct perception on your part, however such prejudice
as described is something that all on third density are guilty of to a
greater or lesser extent at
various question and answer opportunities. Therefore if you were to
study the answers more thoroughly, you might also find that there
are varying degrees of what
you describe as openness or willingness to dispense information
even during those sessions where fewer people were present.
Q: (L) That is true. The thing is, from my point of view, to continually
strive to reduce the number of prejudices, to expand and broaden
the willingness to hear the
information, and to not have a preconceived notion of what the
answer is going to be. In the initial stages, of course, I was testing
and examining what kinds of
answers came through and what the parameters were, and I actually
think, interestingly, that even with my, more or less rigid testing
process, that better and more
complete answers were given than were given in later sessions
where others were present.
A: It's possible.
Q: (L) What would be the reason for this?
A: We have already described this in the previous answer. The more
subjects you have present, the more opportunity for prejudice,
c.a. said:
sitting said:
PS Also can you give us an idea as to your latest thoughts regarding the developing conduit?

Key words- "Prejudice"- "Anticipation" that as i understand, constrict the conduit to grove.

Hi c.a.,

Thank you for your comments. I have tried to think deeply about the issue of "anticipation". It's not so easy to do.

To a certain degree, I associate it with the concept of "awareness...onto emptiness...onto nothingness" in chigong. And the practice most useful (for me at least) is zhan zhuang (standing meditation, like a tree). Daoist tradition hold trees in great reverence, even if trees are 2nd density only. I believe this "anticipation" issue is influenced by both physical activity as well as mental.

I draw a distinction between conduit versus channeling. Based on my study of Laura's writings, channeling is getting information from higher sources. Conduit on the other hand, is a transitional vehicle of escape hatch if you will. But since knowledge is essential in developing a conduit, one can say the two are intimately related.

My question to Laura really was on the nature and progress of the "escape hatch".

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sitting said:
c.a. said:
sitting said:
PS Also can you give us an idea as to your latest thoughts regarding the developing conduit?

Key words- "Prejudice"- "Anticipation" that as i understand, constrict the conduit to grove.

Hi c.a.,

Thank you for your comments. I have tried to think deeply about the issue of "anticipation". It's not so easy to do.

To a certain degree, I associate it with the concept of "awareness...onto emptiness...onto nothingness" in chigong. And the practice most useful (for me at least) is zhan zhuang (standing meditation, like a tree). Daoist tradition hold trees in great reverence, even if trees are 2nd density only. I believe this "anticipation" issue is influenced by both physical activity as well as mental.

I draw a distinction between conduit versus channeling. Based on my study of Laura's writings, channeling is getting information from higher sources. Conduit on the other hand, is a transitional vehicle of escape hatch if you will. But since knowledge is essential in developing a conduit, one can say the two are intimately related.

My question to Laura really was on the nature and progress of the "escape hatch".

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You appear to have some deep misunderstandings regarding conduits and channelings. Have you read the Wave and Adventure Series in their entirety? Have you watched the Knowledge and Being video? Perhaps a re-read and re-watch are in order if you have?
anart said:
You appear to have some deep misunderstandings regarding conduits and channelings. Have you read the Wave and Adventure Series in their entirety? Have you watched the Knowledge and Being video? Perhaps a re-read and re-watch are in order if you have?

Yes...yes...and yes. : )
sitting said:
anart said:
You appear to have some deep misunderstandings regarding conduits and channelings. Have you read the Wave and Adventure Series in their entirety? Have you watched the Knowledge and Being video? Perhaps a re-read and re-watch are in order if you have?

Yes...yes...and yes. : )

Does that mean that you are going to re-read them?
anart said:
sitting said:
anart said:
You appear to have some deep misunderstandings regarding conduits and channelings. Have you read the Wave and Adventure Series in their entirety? Have you watched the Knowledge and Being video? Perhaps a re-read and re-watch are in order if you have?

Yes...yes...and yes. : )

Does that mean that you are going to re-read them?

"Yes" means yes. : )

I'm constantly reviewing material I deem important. I do not have a photographic memory, not even a good one, so repetition is quite necessary. New things keep popping out each time. The Wave and Adventure Series, Laura's books, print outs of SOTT articles, etc are scattered all over my office. I often just pick out an item and re-read a chapter or two at a time. I'm fortunate to HAVE the luxury of free time. The exercise I enjoy most is the review of the C transcripts. Each day I pick out one session (often randomly) and I sit in a quiet place and read.

I would be most interested to hear your specifics as to where I went off track in this present exchange. Thanks in advance.
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