Channelling the Cassiopaeans

sitting said:
I draw a distinction between conduit versus channeling. Based on my study of Laura's writings, channeling is getting information from higher sources. Conduit on the other hand, is a transitional vehicle of escape hatch if you will. But since knowledge is essential in developing a conduit, one can say the two are intimately related.

My question to Laura really was on the nature and progress of the "escape hatch".

It is my understanding that a conduit is not an 'escape hatch'. It is not a vehicle. It is merely the connection between two equal points, through which something may travel - in Laura's case, information from her 'future self' and her questions to her future self.

You also seem to be very interested in attempting to channel or use the ouija board, which is why I suggested that you watch the Knowledge and Being video again, because wandering into such territory without sufficient knowledge is very dangerous.
sitting said:
I draw a distinction between conduit versus channeling. Based on my study of Laura's writings, channeling is getting information from higher sources. Conduit on the other hand, is a transitional vehicle of escape hatch if you will. But since knowledge is essential in developing a conduit, one can say the two are intimately related.
I think its very important to not think of the terms channeling and conduit in such simplistic ways such as simply "getting information" or "escape hatches." Reading carefully and pondering over the Wave series, The Adventures Series and watching the videos will definitely help put these terms in proper context and relationship.

Some clarification on the idea of 'conduit' is given here (emphasis mine):

Going back to the idea of the human being as a transducing unit with a "lens capacity," what seems to be so is that the process of Ascension begins with the choice of tuning the lens. If the individual chooses to "adjust the dial" to see the entire field of Thought Centers influencing creation, he can then begin to select those that enhance and enliven Creation and Being - the Thought Centers of Awakened Consciousness - then a feedback loop that selects that probable future will be established.

A human being can, by great effort, expand their "field of view" toward greater and greater objectivity. With a wider and farther field of view, the awareness of those things which emanate from the Thought Centers come into focus. When thought centers are more in focus, the individual then has greater ability to discern whether impressions emanate from the Thought Centers of being, or from the Thought Centers of non-being. At this stage, the individual is then able to further "shape" his emotions and direct his actions so as to become an efficient transducing unit of the cosmic energies of Being into this reality. This is knowledge utilization which generates energy which generates light.

As this process continues, as the feedback loop is activated between the Cosmic observer and the transducing/actions of the creature - the organic unit, the transducing organ, so to say - strengthens and the exchange between it and the Cosmic Observer accelerates and intensifies. The transducing organ then begins to act as a "homing beacon" for greater levels of that chosen Thought Center energy - that "observer from the future" - the "eye" that is the creator.

In the development of such a feedback loop, the human being - as a conduit of creation, a vessel - becomes an active participant of the creation of his own FUTURE in the act of choosing which observation platform and scope he accepts as "real" - objective or subjective. Furthermore, as the energy of such a being is changed and enhanced by the "flow of cosmic energy" passing through him, as he perceives more and more of the creative expressions of Infinite potential, and chooses those he wishes to align with, he becomes co-linear with those other expressions of Being - other organic units that may be quite different in make-up, but similarly aware of Infinite Potential - and is thus able to interact with them in a manner that further expands and commutates the energy of transducing.

This can then lead to exponential amplification of the transducing of the energies of Being which can then completely alter the physical nature of the organic unit. Just as a pipe that is used to channel water gets wet from the water flowing through it, so does the human being who has begun the process of aligning with Being becomes saturated with the higher energies being manifested through him or her. This process leads to permeation of the organic nature of the vessel which leads to transformation in that it "awakens" the "sleeping matter" of the organic unit and makes it a full participant in Being, rather than a weight for the soul to carry or struggle against. The energy of the organic vehicle is then available in the terms described in Einstein's famous formula, which might give some indication of the potential of such a being.

As the reader can easily see by now, the teachings of the current spate of New Age Gurus, constitute the idea that we can exert our will and voice that exists "down here" upward to change what is "above" us in order to change our reality down here. They tell us that we can change our lives, our thinking, move our brains into harmony, or aid the "heart in opening," obtaining "harmony and balance" which is then going to "open windows in our mind, our heart, and our spirit," etc. It is claimed that we can do this basically by assuming God's point of view that "all is one, all is love." It is stated, (with some truth I should add, since good disinformation is always wrapped in a warm and fuzzy truth), that, "without Divine Unity inside of us, these windows of inspiration are rarely available." What they do NOT tell you is that the staircase to Divine Unity of Being requires a full field of awareness of Being and Non-being, and this can only be achieved by divesting oneself of the controls of Nonbeing which are, indeed, part of Being, but which seek to obviate Being in a paradoxical sleep of "Unification" which often begins by believing the lie that "knowledge protects" simply by having it.

And some more here in the glossary that I think relates to the term 'conduit' (emphasis mine):

A soul can grow or shrink over an incarnation. It is not stationary or immutable. Engaging in magic for commanding higher spiritual forces for one's earthly gain can for example damage one's soul. The soul has no necessary relation to intellectual capacity, psychic senses or physical prowess, but it would seem that for a soul to be incarnate the physical body's DNA needs to be somehow compatible with this. Also, based on the Cassiopaea material, the soul-DNA interaction can be a two-way street with DNA being on one hand a prerequisite and on the other hand being affected by the soul's presence.
anart said:
You also seem to be very interested in attempting to channel or use the ouija board,

That would be a misread. : )

I have no interest in trying to channel myself, and I have absolutely no desire to even go NEAR a ouija board. I know my limitations. That said, I'm grateful that some others CAN indeed do both. And I stand as a beneficiary of their efforts.

If my memory is correct, I believe the term "escape hatch" was actually used in a session, maybe not by the C's. And I draw a parallel from the extensive discussion regarding the "silver thread" conduit which connected 3rd and 5th densities.

The sessions have also described how some will transit from 3rd to 4th without a 5th layover. Apparently by means of a conduit. I was trying to get more clarity on that concept as well.

Thank you for your reply.
sitting said:
kenlee said:
Some clarification on the idea of 'conduit' is given here (emphasis mine):


I need to be more careful in navigating the quote marks. Thank you for an outstanding read.
sitting said:
I have no interest in trying to channel myself, and I have absolutely no desire to even go NEAR a ouija board.

Good to know.

sitting said:
If my memory is correct, I believe the term "escape hatch" was actually used in a session, maybe not by the C's. And I draw a parallel from the extensive discussion regarding the "silver thread" conduit which connected 3rd and 5th densities.

The conduit present, and in use at the board and the 'silver thread' connecting a soul to 5th density are two different things.
anart said:
The conduit present, and in use at the board and the 'silver thread' connecting a soul to 5th density are two different things.

Yes. I was aware of the difference. : )

What's confusing me at the moment is your use of the term "conduit" as in during board sessions. I thought that involved a channel. And the "grooving" required was the grooving of a channel...not of a conduit. The strong impression I got from the transcripts was that conduit and channel are two very different "things". The two concepts not being interchangeable. If I was wrong, then I'm very happy to have this misconception corrected. It's a rather important point I think.

BTW...I do appreciate you taking the time to walk me through these matters.
sitting said:
anart said:
The conduit present, and in use at the board and the 'silver thread' connecting a soul to 5th density are two different things.

Yes. I was aware of the difference. : )

What's confusing me at the moment is your use of the term "conduit" as in during board sessions. I thought that involved a channel. And the "grooving" required was the grooving of a channel...not of a conduit. The strong impression I got from the transcripts was that conduit and channel are two very different "things". The two concepts not being interchangeable. If I was wrong, then I'm very happy to have this misconception corrected. It's a rather important point I think.

You are confusing the two terms. They are channeling at the board, utilizing a conduit between Laura (and her soul group) and the 6D STO Cassiopaeans. When a body expires on earth, the soul travels through an impenetrable conduit (silver thread) from 3D to 5D. Just because the word describing these two things is the same, 'conduit' does not mean that the two things are the same. A conduit can be many, many things. I'm not sure why you are confusing the two, but perhaps you are engaging in legalistic nitpicking? Perhaps if you read the Wave in its entirety (or re-read it), rather than spending time just reading the sessions in the evening, these things would be clarified. It is all plainly explained in the Wave Series.
anart said:
but perhaps you are engaging in legalistic nitpicking?

No. I dislike legalistic nitpickers. : )

I will take up your suggestion and go over the Wave material with greater care. Thanks for the help.
sitting said:
I will take up your suggestion and go over the Wave material with greater care. Thanks for the help.

Reading the raw transcripts without knowing what was in my head and what was going on in the background to which many questions refer is like spinning your wheels. It's not holy writ, remember, it is mostly answers given to me in pretty specific situations or based on research I was doing at the time which is not always apparent in the framing of the question.

PLUS, I discovered that writing the Wave AND Adventures was another form of channeling because people would write and ask me for clarification and I would ask the question more or less in my head, and "forces" would act in my life to bring the answer to me in the form of books, experiences, some bits from sessions, etc. I was quite amazed at the process. It was an incredible dance with the Universe in terms of questions and answers on a whole other level. I can't stress that enough.
sitting said:
Can you perhaps elaborate on what that something else might be?

I do not know if you will like my reply or if you will even conisder it as being an answer, but it is an answer. What can be better? Thinking and researching. I know, it sounds like a hard job, but it can go far beyond the material world. Thoughts forms - you know? Create valuable and original thoughts and you will be rewarded, and probably not in this world.
Laura said:
Extremely supporting and nurturing and active on behalf of, feminine nature.

I agree, I've been observing that kind of essence on some men, and those are the ones that are awlays helping. Did not see it in that way before, feminine nature, interesting.


I think the poster confuse the number of people with the number of STO groups that I think are 16.
ark said:
sitting said:
Can you perhaps elaborate on what that something else might be?

I do not know if you will like my reply or if you will even conisder it as being an answer,

Trust me Ark, I read everything from you with great care. : )
sitting said:
Trust me Ark, I read everything from you with great care. : )

So, I will have to be more active here. Thanks for the tip.
If I recall correctly most other contacts were at some time in the past. To receive a high degree of objectivity from any channeling apparently requires many years of 'grooving' i.e. cleaning one's 'machine' to reduce as much as possible any subjective interference in the information received. Given that the Cs have a very good track record with Laura, I'm not sure what the point in someone else trying would be. Basically, 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it"

Cleaning the machine alone takes a long time and hard work, is almost impossible if you live inside the USA which is rather sad.
I was an ignorant vegerarian for so many years that whenever I ate chicken or meat, it is too much on my stomach that I drop dead of sleep.

On another note I would like to add that Jewish and muslims believe that there is something missing in man that prayer does not count if is not in company of at least another man, contrary to women they can pray alone.

I am only grateful that I found Laura and now you (everybody)
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