Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

I would like to report that the last 3 days there have been quite a lot of chem trails over where I live.

I have been in this new residence since last June, and have not seen hardly any chem trails until just recently.

What is different with these chem trails then the many I used to see where I had lived is that these have several "twists" to the chem trail, which makes me think that it is military planes making them.

I do live close to an air force base and these twists look like when a plane does a rollover. And there are usually 3 or more twists in the chem trail. (It's like if two people were holding a long piece of ribbon, and one of the people started twisting their end, the ribbon would have several twists in it.) And these are not dissipating. Just spreading out into thin clouds which, right now, are an almost complete overcast.

It could just be that the atmosphere is conducive to these trails now and haven't been before, but just wanted to report it.
I have been seeing the same thing where I live, here in south Georgia. I'm currently undergoing state-sponsored occupational training at a local community technical college. I get to shool by 7:15 am. At this time of the morning, the skies are often mostly clear, but the planes are already making some trails - some "curvy" but most of them straight.
By 10:00 am - 11:00 am, like Nienna says "these are not dissipating. Just spreading out into thin clouds which, right now, are an almost complete overcast."

I also never fail to note that when I observe everyone that I can see anywhere around me, noone ever seems to notice.

Often, the weekends seem normal with little activity in the skies.
Same thing here in Northern California. The last two days have been overcast via chemtrails...and, yes, I have noticed those curly chemtrails recently. They look like long, thin tornadoes. Today is overcast with dark rain clouds. Always wondered if the same activity occurs under cover of the natural cloud coverings.

Laura may be on to what the chemtrails are for...part of a mind-control project.

Used to think chemtrails were a big part of the reason why many people in the US are so apathetic about the increasingly dangerous changes to their freedoms, economic conditions, social issues, political corruption, etc. within the past ten years. Yet, Europe has chemtrails, too. Why are so many Europeans, like in Greece, Italy, Spain, and France, still able to assemble large protests when their governments and corporations attempt to take away their educational and occupational gains, along with successfully toppling some very corrupt political parties due to public pressure? (These sorts of actions may change very soon as agents provocateurs of the PTB create violent scenarios and more false flag events as a convenient excuse to reign in any dissent.) Is it because many of US residents are so dumbed-down, programmed to think they're still the "best" and still "free", distracted, and self-centered, that the mass hypnosis (via chemtrails or whatever means) is more effective?

Almost daily, I listen to people who are worried, yet still cling to the fantasy that these bad times are only temporary, and that things will get better due to Obama or some other political/economic magician.

Still continue to watch the skies. Whenever chemtrails and its subsequent overcast appears, I tend to be more mindful about my surroundings and thoughts.
Something odd the other day happened to me, to be specific on Tuesday (though maybe Wednesday) the 10th. Before getting my kid off to school I stepped out for a smoke. It was a nice morning, versus what had been regular, daily rain. There were 3 chem(con)trails in the sky and another one forming/being sprayed from a plane that was making its way north to south. My only thought at the time was, "man they're really going for it today." For part of the week my child had early dismissal for parent teacher conferences.

Later as I was going to get my kid there was a really odd con(chem)trail that I noticed where it was going north to south but the farthest northern part was starting to dissipate (turn more cloud like) and flowing slightly west at an arc going to my left. The weird thing, that I have no clue as to what to make of was that there was a darker gray line that was straight. Reimplying for clarity: The line of exhaust was going North to South, but on the norther horizon up about a quarter of the way was dissipating/turning cloud like and moving west, while there was a dark, sort of shadow and was in a straight line going north to south, with no dissipation, more solid and certainly straight (no look of dissipation). I'm kind of kicking myself in the butt for not getting a picture, which I could have, though it didn't dawn on me at the time.

The oddity is there was no source of light to cause a shadow, and nothing in the sky to project a shadow on-the sky was clear in that direction. Later that day it rained.
What ever there spraying , ( who in the hell " they" are .?) these chemical trials are at times time creating flue and cold like symptoms, ..........As i have experienced some days its light spray early morning other times its so thick late afternoon that the sky looks likes a giant picture screen waiting for the movie to start ...........i can say three weeks ago when it was a very thick spray day, that, that week i became ill, as if i had a cold or flue like symptoms , and that friend in the medical profession claimed that they were seeing many elderly patients reporting problem's coming to the hospital clinics for respiratory issues..........? its hard to verify..........pophistorians finds .........but what ever the truth whom ever is involved in the activity it is covert and well funded and "they" wants to keep it quiet by making any talk of the activity's as kooky talk .........!there's no doubt there something happening and after reading the transcrpits about said subject ..........from what i can tell there right on the money ....on all facets..........and u can take that to the "knowledge" bank..!
M.A.O. said:
As i have experienced some days its light spray early morning other times its so thick late afternoon that the sky looks likes a giant picture screen waiting for the movie to start

I have to say that, while I know nothing about the subject, I have observed this phenomenon; I call it "milky sky".

A lot of trails appear early in the day, and then they spread out and "settle" into a covering that doesn't let any sky through at all. There's never any rain either that night or the next day, and it tends to last around 24hrs or so.

There does seem to be an air temperature factor involved. It never happens when it's cold. And always on a still, windless day. For example, I haven't seen anything over the winter, but when we had the first relatively warm spring day this year, I saw trails again. Don't remember what the sky was like that evening though.
Just to note that the past three days (3/24 - 3/27) in the San Francisco Bay Area have had intense chemtrail activity. Lots of X marks the spot trails and long skinny tornado types turning into misty cobwebs that cover the skies. While walking back to my SF workplace on Thursday around noon, I looked up at the sky and saw a series of perpendicular lines being formed overhead.

Today, the same type of activity is happening north of the city in Marin and Sonoma Counties.
NormaRegula said:
Just to note that the past three days (3/24 - 3/27) in the San Francisco Bay Area have had intense chemtrail activity. Lots of X marks the spot trails and long skinny tornado types turning into misty cobwebs that cover the skies.

Same thing in the skies over south Georgia, especially this morning (Mon, 3/30).
Now, it's 3 pm, the planes aren't near as frequent, and the haze has almost completely covered the skies.
I looked up at the sky and saw a series of perpendicular lines being formed overhead.

Here is a calculation: planes fly in air corridors and with the air stream chemtrails shift so we have parallel lines.

However I do not know if air streams can be different at various altitude to shift other chemtrails corresponding to other air corridors so we have the squaring. More it does not explain why some chemtrails are very persistent. Another question is, since how long we can see persistent chemtrails ?
Ellipse said:
However I do not know if air streams can be different at various altitude to shift other chemtrails corresponding to other air corridors so we have the squaring. More it does not explain why some chemtrails are very persistent. Another question is, since how long we can see persistent chemtrails ?

Air streams can definitely vary in direction and speed according to altitude, it is called wind shear.

For example, this phenomena (more sensible when wind speed is low) is taken into account when setting the sails of race boats.

Wind shear, sometimes referred to as windshear or wind gradient, is a difference in wind speed and direction over a relatively short distance in the atmosphere. Wind shear can be broken down into vertical and horizontal components, with horizontal wind shear seen across weather fronts and near the coast, and vertical shear typically near the surface, though also at higher levels in the atmosphere near upper level jets and frontal zones aloft.

Wind shear itself is a microscale meteorological phenomenon occurring over a very small distance, but it can be associated with mesoscale or synoptic scale weather features such as squall lines and cold fronts. It is commonly observed near microbursts and downbursts caused by thunderstorms, weather fronts, areas of locally higher low level winds referred to as low level jets, near mountains, radiation inversions that occur due to clear skies and calm winds, buildings, wind turbines, and sailboats. Wind shear has a significant effect during take-off and landing of aircraft due to their effects on control of the aircraft, and was a significant cause of aircraft accidents involving large loss of life within the United States.

Sound movement through the atmosphere is affected by wind shear, which can bend the wave front, causing sounds to be heard where they normally would not, or vice versa. Strong vertical wind shear within the troposphere also inhibits tropical cyclone development, but helps to organize individual thunderstorms into living longer life cycles which can then produce severe weather. The thermal wind concept explains with how differences in wind speed with height are dependent on horizontal temperature differences, and explains the existence of the jet stream
Balberon said:
Later as I was going to get my kid there was a really odd con(chem)trail that I noticed where it was going north to south but the farthest northern part was starting to dissipate (turn more cloud like) and flowing slightly west at an arc going to my left. The weird thing, that I have no clue as to what to make of was that there was a darker gray line that was straight. Reimplying for clarity: The line of exhaust was going North to South, but on the norther horizon up about a quarter of the way was dissipating/turning cloud like and moving west, while there was a dark, sort of shadow and was in a straight line going north to south, with no dissipation, more solid and certainly straight (no look of dissipation). I'm kind of kicking myself in the butt for not getting a picture, which I could have, though it didn't dawn on me at the time.

I've seen the same thing in the Denver area - a clear dark line (as if a shadow) quite parallel to the chemtrail. The impression is that they are related. I'm not sure if the following is related to this spraying activity, but I have talked with numerous folk that admit to a self-perceived degradation in short-term memory (including myself). Has anyone else noticed similar?
I want ask if those in areas of high activity as aim experiencing here are presenting issues of reasoning ............or the ability to follow through with personal issues that require action for resolve ....i have noticed a few friend's that have had this situation ( possibly including myself ) where the reasoning dictated a solution to personal issues that come to realize and then go the opposite way......which adds more confusion ..... as the question of apathy that some have said, could they both be a by product of the activity of the chem being put back too sleep so to speak......?
M.A.O. said:
I want ask if those in areas of high activity as aim experiencing here are presenting issues of reasoning ............or the ability to follow through with personal issues that require action for resolve ....i have noticed a few friend's that have had this situation ( possibly including myself ) where the reasoning dictated a solution to personal issues that come to realize and then go the opposite way......which adds more confusion ..... as the question of apathy that some have said, could they both be a by product of the activity of the chem being put back too sleep so to speak......?

I'm not sure if I'm addressing the question, but IF short term memory loss is related to the spraying, then I would think that other effects such as confusion and lack of coherency might be results as well. It could be related to EM or a combination of both.
LQB, in answer to your question about degradation of short term memory, yes. I've noticed that I'm more forgetful. I have a funny feeling that it hits people with brown eyes harder, something in the genetics. I've seen the black line in front of the spray plane and it's amazing to say the least! Can't possibily be a shadow. Could memory problems be associated with the black lines? The funny thing about memory is nobody wants to admit that they can't learn, makes them look stupid, or they attribute it to aging. Sometimes I have clarity and other days you can just forget about it! I make stupid choices at work when I know better. It's been rough....
billowy cloud said:
LQB, in answer to your question about degradation of short term memory, yes. I've noticed that I'm more forgetful. I have a funny feeling that it hits people with brown eyes harder, something in the genetics. I've seen the black line in front of the spray plane and it's amazing to say the least! Can't possibily be a shadow. Could memory problems be associated with the black lines? The funny thing about memory is nobody wants to admit that they can't learn, makes them look stupid, or they attribute it to aging. Sometimes I have clarity and other days you can just forget about it! I make stupid choices at work when I know better. It's been rough....

Hi billowycloud, welcome to the forum!

Regarding your memory problems, you might want to review the information in the diet and health section on diet and detox. Toxicity and inflammation are directly related to cognitive problems.

I've also seen the black line in front of certain plains in the sky on very rare occasions - and for the record on your genetics remark, I have green eyes. As far as your feeling that losing short term memory hits brown eyed people (over 50% of Earth's population) harder - is there any data available to back that up? Just curious.
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