Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

Lately the skis have been silent ( at least in the Reno NV. u.s.a. ) of any "Ariel" spraying activity, as their are some jets ( i assume commuter ) but there spray trails are visible but short and do not linger as the heavy ones that are laid and spread fasts and like honey seem to drip and widen to add to clearing of blue sky to white haze. That effect of whiting the sky seems add a clocking effect that seems to enhance the ability of the usual fare of white of lighted type UFOs that i have witnessed.......... :/......... I would share the footage that have but a lake knowledge of how to bring the information to this form i have yet to figure out how to access use of the tools of the form platform to bring to the visual evidence to table for viewing ....... :whistle:.............Sometimes i wounder why the chem starters are not here then where are they in the part of the country if not the world and why are they there and not here ..... :huh:........Does this situation of chemtrail pattern movement indicate the sporadic movement of Vail thinning and as a moving pattern (and perhaps a very large one indeed ) and or are these areas where there might be heavy activity indicative of UFOs transiting in to bases and (as mentioned in the sessions) preparation for the coming changes with chem activity being a gauge of how busy they are ( who ever they are, its sort of a gray area ) ..... :cool2:...?
anart said:
billowy cloud said:
LQB, in answer to your question about degradation of short term memory, yes. I've noticed that I'm more forgetful. I have a funny feeling that it hits people with brown eyes harder, something in the genetics. I've seen the black line in front of the spray plane and it's amazing to say the least! Can't possibily be a shadow. Could memory problems be associated with the black lines? The funny thing about memory is nobody wants to admit that they can't learn, makes them look stupid, or they attribute it to aging. Sometimes I have clarity and other days you can just forget about it! I make stupid choices at work when I know better. It's been rough....
I know. Since that last post of mine, I've talked with more people and family that admit to the same. I've also seen evidence of some folk rambling way off topic in conversations - people that didn't use to do this in the past. Personally, I have found that remaining as aware as possible of this helps. This is really equivalent to maintaining as heightened awareness as possible to prevent dropping into habitual patterns in which I notice that these errors are typically made (at least in myself).

anart said:
billowy cloud said:
Hi billowycloud, welcome to the forum!

Regarding your memory problems, you might want to review the information in the diet and health section on diet and detox. Toxicity and inflammation are directly related to cognitive problems.

I've also seen the black line in front of certain plains in the sky on very rare occasions - and for the record on your genetics remark, I have green eyes. As far as your feeling that losing short term memory hits brown eyed people (over 50% of Earth's population) harder - is there any data available to back that up? Just curious.
Welcome billowy cloud from me too! And I agree very much with anart on the reference to diet and detox. Our internal and external environments have become polluted with everything from metals to pesticides/chemicals. At the same time, the nutrient content of our foods has been dropping much over recent decades. So between detoxs - fresh, clean, nutrient-dense foods are a must (here, the Weston Price folks and their research can be a big help).
A new kind of clouds has been recognized in 2009; the Asperatus.




The C's said:

C's said:
(J) I want to know about these strange formations on the radar image of Hurricane Rita.
A: 4th density “battle.” Also includes some “practice.”
Q: (L) They’re practicing with new weapons. (J) Some people said Katrina was the product of HAARP heating up the waters in the Gulf.
A: We’ve already dealt with HAARP and weather. Read transcripts.
Q: (W) (Quoting transcripts) “HAARP has nothing to do with the weather or EM associated with same.” (H) Which suggests that there is EM associated with the weather. There could be some EM stuff associated with the weather that isn’t part of HAARP. (L) 4th density. (J) Were any of the storms manufactured from 3rd density or was it a natural storm?
A: Mfg in 3D? No. As we have said… 4D battles represent as weather. But the “veil” is thinning.
Q: (R) So if there is more weather it is due to more battles, and it being thinner. (J) Possibly. The thinning of the veil creates more natural… (L) Or unnatural, depending upon how you look at it.

Wikipedia says :
Undulus asperatus (or alternately, asperatus) is a rare, newly recognized cloud formation, that was proposed in 2009 as the first cloud formation added since cirrus intortus in 1951 to the official World Meteorological Organization list of cloud types.[1] The name translates approximately as roughened or agitated waves.

Well, maybe something new is going on up in the air.
They remind me a bit of the clouds of Jupiter, which C's said were so because the planet is 4th density (more or less... didn't find the session from the sessions.exe).

Strange bunch they are. Can't wait for new pictures to be taken of them.
Interestingly enough that 3rd picture there was taken in my home city. We have been getting a lot of funky weather the last couple years here in the midwest.
These clouds are stunning from their look, if this weren't photos I would say: nice computer work.
And somehow surreal.

Namaste said:

This one reminds a little bit of the movie "Donnie Darko"
abcdefghiJoerg said:
These clouds are stunning from their look, if this weren't photos I would say: nice computer work.
And somehow surreal.

That's exactly what I think when I look at the last picture over the city, it just doesn't look real. Infact it looks like a badly rendered CG sky! :huh:

abcdefghiJoerg said:
This one reminds a little bit of the movie "Donnie Darko"

Wow! Your right, I didn't see that until now. The scene where everything kind of comes together near the end.
RedFox said:
abcdefghiJoerg said:
These clouds are stunning from their look, if this weren't photos I would say: nice computer work.
And somehow surreal.

That's exactly what I think when I look at the last picture over the city, it just doesn't look real. Infact it looks like a badly rendered CG sky! :huh:

I've also seen clouds similar to this, though only very rarely. They are bizarre.
RedFox said:
abcdefghiJoerg said:
These clouds are stunning from their look, if this weren't photos I would say: nice computer work.
And somehow surreal.

That's exactly what I think when I look at the last picture over the city, it just doesn't look real. Infact it looks like a badly rendered CG sky! :huh:

Yes, seems one cannot trust photogaphs nowadays, but I have seen strange clouds such as these with mine own eyes… And have wondered about them…

Smallwood said:
They remind me a bit of the clouds of Jupiter, which C's said were so because the planet is 4th density (more or less... didn't find the session from the sessions.exe).

[quote author=session 950304] A: Jupiter is already a star.
Q: (L) Why do we not perceive it as a star?
A: You are still learning. Earth is a star to be.

Q: (L) It will appear as a gas planet? (J) Just as Jupiter appears to
A: Jupiter is level 4 density. [/quote]

Perhaps these clouds are indicative to the thinning of the veil preceding the incoming Wave?

:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
I started seeing clouds like these back in the 80s; not a whole sky full, but here and there (in Florida), and occasionally the whole sky. It was not that often, but it has gotten more frequent over the years. I've always been an avid sky/cloud watcher so I was asking "what the heck is going on" back then, even, because I knew that these were not your ordinary clouds. Well, perhaps they are ordinary under some circumstances, they just weren't ordinary for the weather pattern we had experienced for my whole life up to that point.

Now, we often see bizarre clouds here and photograph them regularly. One day when I have some bandwidth, I'm going to upload a photo album of our sky photos.

Yup, sure does look like Jupiter!
Laura said:
I started seeing clouds like these back in the 80s; not a whole sky full, but here and there (in Florida), and occasionally the whole sky. It was not that often, but it has gotten more frequent over the years. I've always been an avid sky/cloud watcher so I was asking "what the heck is going on" back then, even, because I knew that these were not your ordinary clouds. Well, perhaps they are ordinary under some circumstances, they just weren't ordinary for the weather pattern we had experienced for my whole life up to that point.

Now, we often see bizarre clouds here and photograph them regularly. One day when I have some bandwidth, I'm going to upload a photo album of our sky photos.

Yup, sure does look like Jupiter!

Have you ever seen numbers formed in the clouds? Just numbers? I saw an almost perfect '3' in a clear blue sky once on a trip out West. A group of people with me also saw what appeared to be a huge "eye in the sky" made of clouds between two thunderstorms. Sometimes these occured in tandem with a rainbow, but in opposite sections of the sky. Sometimes we'd see "the eye" by itself. It was freaky.
Hello everybody, I would say that I'm from Spain.Regarding the phenomenon of Chemtrails I believe that a year and a half or two years ago when I was walking along the railroad tracks at a friend's home, I saw the phenomenon for the first time and I was surprised but I forgot it quickly.
A short time ago (a month or two ago that I'm looking quite upset a lot of information and many answers) I found information about chemtrails in this blog:


There are a lot of information contained in it and although I think it is in Spanish can be translated into several languages.
The information in it is varied, having some things though more credible than others, the author's intention is just to inform everyone and make your own conclusions.

Returning to the topic at hand: There is a video in Spanish on television from the regional Canary Islands in which a scholar of the subject spoken of this phenomenon.

Here I translate some of the information from the interview (which I thought most significant):

Composition of Chemtrails: Aluminum (long exposure may cause Alzheimer's), Barium (may cause difficulty in breathing, increase blood pressure, accelerated heart rate, stomach irritation, brain enema, muscle weakness, and damage to organs like the liver, heart, kidney and spleen), Lead, Lithium, dry cells and polymer fibers.

This man says that all the components are the most abundant heavy metals that are harmful .--->

It comes to utilities that may have Chemtrails in this interview he talks about numerous assumptions :

1-Protect the planet of lightning UVA -----> As a side effect to stop receiving these rays might kill an estimated two billion people . It further states that the OMS(organización mundial de la salud--->health) has recognized this fact when we suffer the deprivation of these rays.

2-Create a layer driver that supports an electromagnetic beam, creating an electromagnetic shield to help fend off possible attacks based weapons ray plasma and / or laser beams.

3-Mass poisoning ---> the flow of eugenics and claims that they might want to reduce world population to 500 million .

4-Handling of human society ( subliminal messages )---> Creating a conductive layer of low-frequency waves, in line with the mobile antenna and with satellite controls - stimulate conducata human beings.

5-Modify climate (for gun drought hurricanes, earthquakes .... )states that at this moment we might be in third world war, that we are not aware and which they are using this type of weapons.He says that last year registered the largest number in Chemtrails at the Canary Islands and that this year was the driest since 1949 .

In the interview he also talks that in the United States there are over 150 patents to control the weather, being the first one recorded in 1920 and whose value was assumed to produce artificial clouds. He says as a very relevant fact, that to patent something in USA it has to be tested previously.

He also calls for public education for the survival accumulating cans, drinking water and pills also calling for people to wake up in the life of consumption and entertainment.

Here I put links to the blog of this gentleman (in Spanish):


I tried to be understood but i guess my english is not very good. Sorry :-[
when I came home in '98, to northern michigan, I found myself in the midst of the Michigan Militia. My fathers endless conspiracies and "intel" took me to the very edges of sanity so sadly I did not pay as much attention as I could have. At the time the Chemtrails were very very bad here, as of late they have petered off to almost nothing.

What I gleaned from all of that, that I can recall was;

a. there were numerous groups doing their chemtrails for different reasons and they likely were not in cahoots with one another ( this one everyone seemed very certain of)

b. the high level spraying was involved with HAARP or radio frequencies manipulations. - I always noticed these trails seemed to spread out thin and disappear.

c. the low level spraying usually involved a "bromide" additive that was specifically meant for our water supply/consumption. i was told that specific bromides caused calcification of the brain stem and basically dumbed ya down to the "oh well who cares" frame of mind. - the lower trails always spread out really thick and literally settled down, and sometimes I could find it on the grass and leaves like the film on dishes in a dishwasher.

these are not claims, FWIW I am just passing along what the militia had accepted as credible facts (out of literally dozens of theories) about ten years ago.
There are many good sites that provide information on the chemtrail, weather modification, geo-engineering, etc. Whatever you call them, there are about 65 documented aerosol programs on the DoD sites that are actually budgeted. Go to _ (read her 'Articles' index), or _ to get off to a start. There's lots of documentation at both sites, also good and bad interviews with some people who might have good information, or possibly always, research, keep your head and draw open-ended semi-conclusions with time...and then keep making adjustments.

What is true about the chemtrails is this. Whatever the purposes of these programs (and there are probably many), there has been enough air testing and ground testing by enough folks that you can surmise that they are toxic. With that in mind, what you eat and the suppliments that you take, herbs, water quality, etc, are very important! As for so many things that are talked about here, nutrition is really, really important, if you want to survive, if you want to thrive. But, concerning the heavy metals in the aerosol programs, anything that chelates heavy metals out of your system, is essential to lessening the effect of the chemtrail particulates. Green stuff, organic green juices, lots and lots of vitamin your homework. The _ site is a great place for information on getting heavy metals out of your system and way more. He's impeccable with nutritional information. I think, his site is a given for anyone who wants to optimize their health.

Anyway, the point to all of this is don't feel like a victim and get proactive. There are always lots of things that you can and should do---always need to educate your self.

BTW: I've taken lots of photos and video footage over the last three years, of chemtrails, everywhere I've traveled with my band. I've personally taken them in all over this country, France, UK, get the idea. It's a world-wide program. The only places I haven't seen them is in Peru and Jamaica, which was interesting to me.
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