Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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I have been trying to find an article that I saw 1-2 days ago, where the junta punishers admitted to targetting civilian infrastructure. If any of you have seen it and can put a link here, I would much appreciate it.
griffin said:
It is here:

Thanks Griffin. It must have been right in front of my eyes :-[
Hundreds trying to break into Ukraine president’s office in Kiev

Several hundred protesters have reportedly tried to break into the Ukrainian president’s administrational office in the country’s capital Kiev, but were repelled by security forces guarding the building. The stand-off grew into clashes in the street.

The demonstrators, who demand access to the administration’s conference room in order to make a TV statement, are still clashing with the National Guard, TASS reports.

Earlier, protesters managed to break through the first cordon of security forces, but were prevented from entering the building.

The rioters’ demands include the introduction of martial law in Ukraine over the fighting with the rebels in the southeast of the country. They also insisted on the resignation of the heads of all Ukrainian security agencies – from defense minister to prosecutor general – due to their incompetence.

The Ukrainian Interior Ministry has, however, denied there were any attempts to storm the president’s HQ.

“There was no storming. There’s also nobody being detained and no one was injured during the action,” a ministry spokesman said.

Tuesday’s protest in Kiev was called by the All-Ukrainian Battalion Brotherhood, a fresh group that includes formers volunteer fighters, who went to eastern Ukraine, as well as Maidan activists.

The Ukrainian capital has already seen several protests by volunteer troops, who returned from Ukraine’s war-torn Donetsk and Lugansk regions, after the government disbanded the Aidar volunteer battalion last week. On Sunday and Monday, Aidar fighters staged a protest and burnt tires outside the Defense Ministry.

Source: _
Sott said:
Comment: …The Ukraine war is escalating and not looking good for Kiev.

I know it's a fast-moving war situation and it's difficult to be sure of what's going on, but SOTT are daydreaming at the wheel. Confirmation bias: the war is 'not looking good for Kiev' because SOTT wants the war not to be good for Kiev.

The actual emerging story is that Ukraine is acquitting itself impressively in the recent intense fighting. Despite the much vaunted assaults of a confident and well equipped enemy the Ukrainian line has withstood the assault along the entire length of the front. It is a formidable and significant achievement.

Yuri Butusov 2.2.15 (Butusov is a bright guy, MP on the military staff of the National Guard, often its critic. He is capable of reporting the bad with the good. I believe this report possibly comes from the 'cauldron' of Debaltseve, supposedly encircled according to claims from the Russian side.
Butusov said:
Debaltsevskaya arc. Ukrainian troops after 8 days of fighting successfully repelled the attack Russian teams. Analysis of the operational situation on February 2.

Battle for Debaltseve - the most fierce and ambitious at the moment the battle of the Russian-Ukrainian war. This is not Ilovaysk not Lugansk, Donetsk airport is not. This full maneuverable fighting modern mechanized forces, the interaction of intelligence, infantry, artillery and armored vehicles, artillery and means of electronic intelligence. Ukrainian army for the first time in its history, held a successful defensive operation on a broad front, and fully accomplished the combat mission.

Russian army of mercenaries attempted to destroy the whole Ukrainian defense in the Donbass, and dramatically change the course of the war. And today we can say with confidence - the enemy offensive successfully reflected. The enemy was unable to break the defense of our troops, and our attempts to assault fortified, well covered with artillery, suffered heavy losses.

Currently active hostilities on Debaltsevskoy arc for the first 8 days suspended.

Surroundings and the "pot", which for so long excitedly wrote and repeated Russian propaganda false, were a fake. "The Road of Life" M-103 and Debaltseve remain under the control of Ukrainian troops.

The Parties shall regroup the troops got a break.

Action strategy in Russia and forecast of the enemy offensive "Tsenzor.Net" examined in detail in an analytical article of January 27, all I had written was fully confirmed, so I will not dwell on the evaluation of the offensive, his motives, the enemy forces, courses of action, who wants to can see:

So Debaltsevskaya arc. Why do we keep this area?

This is a key springboard for operations against Gorlovki. A Horlovks, in turn, is the key to Donetsk.

What are the key challenges of defense?

1. The presence of only one line of supply - the M-103 Artemivs'k - Debaltseve.

2. The inability to provide the necessary density of troops around the perimeter of the bridgehead. On such a broad front combat troops stability can be achieved only in the presence of large operational reserves of armored and mechanized forces.

3. Small footprint - all springboard sweep the entire depth of the enemy's artillery.

What happened to Debaltsevskoy arc? The battle

Russian command concentrated two percussion groups on the flanks of the arc, and attempted to cut sudden powerful attack debaltsevsky ledge at the base. Gorlovskij group became the nucleus of the so-called 3rd Brigade, Brigade "Hold" and "Kalmius" and nucleus Brjankovsky group became the 4th Brigade "RRT Batman." Also in battles involving the main forces of the brigade "Ghost." This is the best unit "LC" and DNR." In the fierce fighting on 23-24 January enemy managed to break into the village and the village of Trinity Svetlodarsk that posed a threat to the M-103. Obviously, the goal was to completely surround debaltsevskuyu group and go to the road itself. However, the Ukrainian command to prepare for such actions of the enemy. Timely provision of armored counterattack allowed to drive the enemy from the Trinity, and securely in it to gain a foothold. At the same time the enemy was thrown from Svetlodarsk. The enemy was repulsed at all points of reference - including Chernukhin, Redkodub, Nikishin.

The battle from the start is conducted with unprecedented for the Russian-Ukrainian war ferocity. Russian mercenaries attack is preceded by a powerful artillery preparation, including the use of heavy howitzers, the opponent does not spare shells.

It should be noted that the efforts of the Russian special services to recruit mercenaries with combat experience, led to the formation of the occupied territory in fact private military companies. Dramatically increased combat effectiveness and coherence of mercenary bands, turning them into real military units - the result of transferring a large number of "vacationers".

His shock of the Russian command staffed by mercenaries with combat experience, and the proportion of Russians in such professional units, especially tanks and artillery comes to 80-90% of the personnel. [This predominant proportion of Russian fighters among the DNR and LHR forces is a consistent feature of Ukrainian reports from this front.]
Key role in repelling attacks played effective action Ukrainian artillery fortifications and reliable. Small size springboard allow grouping Ukrainian artillery massed applied around the perimeter of the defensive line.

It is an effective fire on the enemy concentration areas provided combat stability of Defense. Artillery ammunition is provided, and performs application around the clock. Massing artillery shells and a big expense for reliable target destruction on such a scale is used by our army for the first time since the war began. This, obviously, was a surprise to the enemy.

The failure of the attack has not forced the Russian command to abandon the intention to take control of the road itself. The enemy is flexible, tries to keep the combat capability of the fighting groups. Faced with an organized enemy resistance moves and handles our positions with artillery. Therefore retracement of the Trinity and Svetlodarsk, Russian mercenaries team regrouped and then went on the attack. Assess the strength of resistance in the neck debaltsevskoy arc enemy struck south of the Trinity and Svetlodarsk.

The main forces were concentrated on the east bridgehead face. The enemy attempted to capture the ridge heights, control M103 road between Trinity and Debaltseve.

Enemy occupied the village Sanzharovka and then fierce fighting took place at the height of 307.9, as well as the settlement Red Plowman. Additional part of the Russian artillery efforts of the enemy. At the same time the Russian artillery reconnaissance units began to calculate the position of our self-propelled artillery, and the enemy started a counter-battery fire.

Simultaneously with the transfer of impact direction on the eastern end of the bulge, the same maneuver the enemy made and on the west end of the bulge bridgehead. Not having sufficient armored reserves, Ukrainian command could not control the entire perimeter defense. Therefore undertaken January 29 hit with large forces on Uglegorskaya proved successful for the enemy and completely unexpected for the Ukrainian command. As a result of the diversion of our forces to repulse attack Russian troops in other areas, the city was covered with only a small unit of Ukrainian soldiers from the 13th Battalion of Chernigov (former battalion Teroborony called now mechanized infantry) and Volyn spetsroty MIA "Svitiaz." During the defense checkpoint at the entrance to Uglegorsk department had chernigovchan competent enemy resistance. Three Russian tank was blown up by a mine, and the fourth burst onto our positions, crushed the dugout, but was destroyed by rocket-propelled grenades and crew - this is confirmed by a video report of the Russians. However, the superior enemy forces were able to capture the checkpoint. There is no doubt that in this episode, it is necessary to investigate the responsibility of officials, senior officer in charge of the defense of the city.

Uglegorsk was not prepared for defense, within the city were not equipped with strong points and antitank positions. According to the commander, "Svityaz" Alexander Fatsevicha battery antitank defense on the outskirts was broken, there was one self-propelled anti-tank missile complex "Sturm-C", and the men "Svityaz" came into close combat with enemy tanks and infantry on the streets. The enemy at first met minimal resistance - except 72 fighters "Svityaz" and there was no army. However, it is a checkpoint on the outskirts of the city kept our fighters. A small garrison in the city began to adjust artillery fire on the advanced part of the enemy, and Gorlovskaya group failed to build on their success. Incidentally, the company "Svitiaz" contrary to many reports was not surrounded by a Uglegorsk. They fought for two days, and after checking the safe escape route out of the road, our soldiers organized departed.

At the same time for a counterattack were deployed reserve units of the National Guard, which in conjunction with the Army tank units to successfully attack the enemy on the eastern outskirts of Uglegorsk. Ukrainian commanders need to act quickly. Having lost control of the city, it was necessary to contain the enemy counterattacks, because otherwise the action Gorlovskij groups were unpredictable. Soldiers of the National Guard of the battalion Kulchytskyy and tankers attacked immediately, without preparation. It was a very important and timely decision.

I can not mention the initiative of the commander of the 25th mechanized infantry battalion "Kievan Rus', which at the first news of a breakthrough on Uglegorsk own battle group gathered for a counterattack. When the order came, the soldiers went into battle without delay. 25th Battalion shows excellent fighting qualities, and in no way inferior parts personnel.
The speed and determination to counter-Ukrainian units to stop the advance of the enemy. These attacks allow Ukrainian command regroup and localize possible breakthrough by Uglegorsk on Debaltseve, which is just 14 kilometers. Eastern outskirts of the city turned into a battlefield. Ukrainians reconnaissance and attacked the enemy in the city center. During a TV broadcast, where the speaker and leader of the Russian special services "DNR" Zaharchenko urged Ukrainian soldiers to surrender, and said that Debaltseve surrounded, Ukrainian sniper injured one of the guards of the terrorist. Ukrainian tankers were stubborn battles with armored enemies who are trying to get out of Uglegorsk Debaltseve. And the enemy was stopped.
January 29 after a massive artillery barrage the enemy struck again at our centers of resistance. Were attacked all positions on the eastern end of the bulge debaltsevskoy arc. After the great damage caused by our heavy artillery fortifications of the enemy, our units withdrew from organized Nikishin. The fighting in this village lasted four months and were particularly fierce. The decision on withdrawal was justified, our troops occupied the prepared rear position.
[ie, an orderly withdrawal from Nikishne, not the retreat announced by pro-Russian commentators.]

Information People's Deputy Taras Shepherd that "the National Guard left Debaltseve" led to another panic rumors, but in fact the deputy saw the extension unit to another combat mission, and to panic did not have any.
February 2 the intensity of the fighting has fallen sharply. It is obvious that the enemy offensive on Debaltsevskuyu arc goes flat. There was another pause operational.

Why the enemy ceased offensive? Demoralization of Russian mercenaries "DNR" and "LC"

For the first time during the war, the Russian command recognized very large losses, which in fact led to the suspension of the offensive. The head of one of the largest recruiting terrorists items in St. Petersburg Russian Alexander Zhuchkovsky, welcomed the results of an enemy attack:
"I am very pleased with our success in the district Debaltseve. But now the mood somber. Bear huge losses. So many fighters in the sand-Avdeyevka lost, but in the end, even away from the positions previously occupied. And when surrounded by so many Debaltseve already buried, that any surrender or, God forbid, a truce on unfavorable conditions for us - it is morally completely unacceptable. "

It is obvious that the enemy is demoralized. This was confirmed during the defeat of the great columns from the 4th Brigade "Batman" under Debaltseve February 1. As the "Granite" - one of the commanders of the 4th Brigade in an interview with Russian bloggers, the leading social networking community terrorists, column consisting of a large number of tanks, guns and infantry withdrew from the Diamond and was ambushed Ukrainian troops in the area Annovki. Russian mercenary said that enraged terrible losses brigade intelligence chief "Batman" came to the command post and shot a foot brigade commander - the call "Diamond". "Diamond" with serious injuries were taken to Moscow.
Artilleryman 3rd Brigade Gorlovskij Russian mercenaries "DNR" Eugene Kryzhina wrote in his blog:

"Well, the bad news ...
Loss of the 3rd Brigade under Uglegorsky quite serious. Basically - neobstrelyannye who went to his first and last fight. The exact number can not say yet. Approximately - up to 300 people and our 1000 Ukropov."

Of course, our real loss of Ukrainian soldiers in the battle for Uglegorsk - not a thousand. Thousand - is much more than the entire population of our soldiers on that site. Interesting fixation enemy of his own loss. The loss of the army and the National Guard in the battle for Uglegorsk actually 10 times less than the loss of the enemy.

However, fierce fighting and shelling were powerful and in other parts of the front. Unfortunately, we had lost all reference points. Russian artillery beat massively.

For eight days the offensive on a broad front the enemy was able to capture at least 11 of our soldiers. such a small number of prisoners eloquently shows that there is no collapse of the defense did not happen. And our part in the whole fight and retreated in some places organized.

Subtotals battle on Debaltsevskoy arc on February 2, 2015

The enemy offensive has not led to decisive results, since assumed the character of punching fortified positions that interact well with artillery. The enemy was unable to break through the defense of our troops. But debaltsevsky bridgehead tight "crimped" enemy troops on the perimeter. And the fighting continues.

This night for the first time in eight days was no longer a crisis, and has been generally calm (calm - means fewer shells poured, but quiet at the front did not). Our troops have performed in the most difficult conditions it is difficult combat mission in combat with the enemy, which was well motivated, professionally prepared, a huge number of military equipment and ammunition.

Russian commanders had full tactical initiative and freedom of action, and in a number of items failed to achieve numerical superiority.

Lost our strongholds in Nikishin, but it did not violate the integrity of our defense as neighboring positions are held securely. Our stood in Redkodub, Chernukhin, reliably monitor the tomb mound Acute - height 331.

However, it should be recognized that the enemy carried out a dangerous break-in near the village of Red plowman near Trinity, in the area near the height of 307.9 Sanzharovki that retain a threat to the M-103. Lost much of Uglegorsk, and it can also be a springboard for a breakthrough to Debaltseve dangerous.

Positions in Redkodub also need to be strengthened, as well as the entire eastern bridgehead FAS.

Many very exaggerated the danger of losing Debaltseve speak of Russian reconnaissance in the city. The fact that such a danger existed all the time "truce" because the enemy controlled and controls the height of 332 Debaltseve and we tactically disadvantageous to defend the eastern edge of the village and suburb named 8th of March.

Therefore wander enemy reconnaissance, fighting with them, are caught. Breakthrough large enemy forces in Debaltseve currently impossible because our firmly held strongholds in Chernukhin.

It should be noted that in many cases the command of Ukrainian sector "C" acted correctly and in a timely manner and we try to respond quickly, but a number of decisions were still ill-considered or taken late. This is a question not only to the commanders in the sector, but also to the General Staff. And to specific units and commanders.

Can not relax. The enemy is not defeated - he gives himself up and rearranged. Insecurity on Debaltsevskoy arc persists. And new attacks may follow.

Fighting revealed a number of problems that must be urgently corrected. Nekotoyre commanders demonstrated his unfitness for military action. In many cases, the enemy stopped heroism rather than professionalism. We stood under attack, but the war continues, and the enemy does not stop trying to find vulnerabilities on our front.

Ukrainian command must take urgent measures to complex rotation parts, transfer of reserves, strengthen the position. Needed and staffing decisions. Situation, I emphasize, is extremely dangerous. I'll write about it again in the evening.

We need not only tactical steps - but also global strategic decisions.

After this ordeal Ukraine has become much stronger. It is impossible to estimate how much the words grew the professional level of the army and the National Guard in this battle. It's hard to describe the admiration of resistance and heroism of our soldiers. This is the real heroes.
Low bow, guys.

Tymchuk's sitrep supports this assessment. (2.2.15, Google translation):

I don't know when the probable failure of the offensive will filter through to pro-Russian reporters (SOTT included) and if the course of these events will be given their true delineation. The talk on pro-Russian sites has been of a string of 'NAF' victories, leading to the successful sealing of the Debaltseve bridgehead. (The UAF always claimed the 'Road of Life', M-103 was open and under their control.) If the reports above are accurate, Debaltseve, with its 5-10,000 Ukrainian troops has not fallen, nor is it about to. After accusing the Ukrainian side of provoking the escalation, the massive storming operations proclaimed by Zaharchenko have stalled.
Kiev government continues their inhumanity: has said:
Posted By admin on 03.02.2015
Large explosions were heard in the center of Donetsk, according to preliminary information, the projectiles destroyed Kyiv and Kalininsky districts.
One of the shells fell in the Central station of blood transfusion on the Rosa Luxemburg street, it killed the driver of the station, the doctor was injured. Also several nearby buildings are damaged, including the Institute of physico-organic chemistry and the children’s playground. Buildings in Kiev Avenue, Mira Avenue and other streets of Kiev, Kuibyshev and public areas are damaged.
The West is apparently okay with the mayhem their darling makes and wish to support it, still: said:
The Ukrainian Army Is Bleeding to Death
Western weapons supplies cannot change a situation caused by poor leadership and political division
Alexander Mercouris
The Ukrainian military failed to win the war in the period from April to July when its margin of superiority over the militia in weapons was overwhelming. That margin of superiority is lost forever. Supplies of Western weapons will not change that or claim that margin of superiority back.

Western supplies of weapons will not enable Ukraine to “achieve victory” (as Ukraine’s Western champions hope) or “deter Russian aggression” (as they pretend). Rather they - and the calls to supply such weapons - merely prolong the war, causing more Ukrainians to be sent uselessly to their deaths. By making such calls Ukraine’s Western champions are not helping “to save Ukraine”. They are making themselves complicit in the slaughter.
One can say, "They are making", but really" They have already made themselves complicit through orchestrating the coup d'etat in Kiev and through their silence, silence about the use of illegal weapons for example. The pictures below show, it is claimed, the results of incendiary weapons and are taken around February first at a hospital in Donetsk. I found two sources, with similar though not identical pictures:


  • Donetsk incendiary weapon February 1 - 2015.jpg
    Donetsk incendiary weapon February 1 - 2015.jpg
    132.9 KB · Views: 167
Lumiere_du_Code said:
junta fears of their own troops?


Militiamen shot down a missile "Tochka-U" near Lugansk

Head of department of inquiry of Alchevsk military commandant Alexander Bely said that the station of missile defense in city of Bryanka on the night of February 2 managed to intercept and destroy released from the north-west direction a missile "Tochka-U". Presumably, purpose of missiles was to become one of residential areas of Lugansk.

"Parts of rocket fell inside the plant, about radius of scattered fragments of about a one kilometer. Now they are found to collect in one place, for submission to international organizations." - said Bely.

Here is a video where they found one part of the Tochka-U short range ballistic missile that fell near Alchevsk
: For more on Toshka-U: and also know as SS-21. Toshka-U is a variety of SS-21. It weighs 2000 kg, is 6.4 m long and 0.65 in diameter and has a range of up to 120 km. The warhead is around 480 kg. You can see pictures of it here:
_ and here
_ If you look at the pictures and compare, then it looks like they have got the real deal. However, at the end of the above video the soldiers talk about it again and someone says Smerch. I began to wonder if they had been mistaken about the identification of the rocket as a Tochka-U. In any case the Smerch system is described here _ This missile has a diameter of 0.30 m weighs 800 kg and has a range of 20-90 km. The warhead is around 240 kg. However on the video one notices that the rocket has a guide on the outside. This is not possible for a Smerch, because it is fired through a tube and has no fins for stearing.
As some may know there were two Russian journalist captured by Kiev. Finian CUNNINGHAM wrote an article about this on this blog. said:
Mission Imperative: Why the West and Kiev Regime Must Kill the Truth
Finian CUNNINGHAM | 02.02.2015 | 00:00

The detention, incommunicado, of two female Russian journalists over the weekend by Kiev’s secret police, the SBU, was said to be on the grounds of «national security». That admission by the Kiev authorities, ironically, reveals more than is intended. Journalists «armed» only with cameras threatening national security, you may ask? Yes, you better believe it – because any truth being reported about the nature of the Western-backed Kiev regime and its military onslaught in eastern Ukraine is indeed a very real «security threat» – the threat of being exposed for war crimes and unlawful aggression towards Russia. The legal consequences for the Kiev regime and its Western patrons would be devastating.

The two journalists were named as correspondent Elizaveta Khramtsova and photographer Natalia Kalysheva, who both work for LifeNews based in Moscow. The media outlet’s director Markian Lubkovsky reportedly said he only found out about the detention of his staff after one of them managed to make a hurried phone call before they were «disappeared». Their whereabouts was not known even after several hours from them having been taken into detention. That amounts to abduction and is a grave abuse of international law. Russia’s foreign ministry has demanded that the pair be released immediately. The Kiev-based SBU reportedly would only confirm that the two women will be «expelled in the near future» and that they would be denied future entry into Ukraine.


There is a huge amount at stake in the West’s propaganda war against Russia. If Western propaganda were to be exposed then Western governments and media organisations should be prosecuted for gross breaches of international law, including capital offences and inciting a wider war with Russia. And Russia should likewise be compensated with billions of dollars for this unlawful aggression, including economic damages and defamation. Also, if the mass of people in the West were to know the full extent of their governments’ and media’s criminality there would be hell to pay on the streets.

That is why Russian and other independent journalists must be – at all costs – killed, abducted, intimidated or deported from Ukraine by this Western-backed regime. The West cannot afford – absolutely cannot afford – to let the facts get in the way of their «story» that seeks to criminalise Russia.
Indeed and now The Guardian is happy to announce that:
_ said:
British army creates team of Facebook warriors
Soldiers familiar with social media sought for 77th Brigade, which will be responsible for ‘non-lethal warfare’

Ewen MacAskill, defence correspondent
Saturday 31 January 2015 11.48 GMT
The British army is creating a special force of Facebook warriors, skilled in psychological operations and use of social media to engage in unconventional warfare in the information age.

The 77th Brigade, to be based in Hermitage, near Newbury, in Berkshire, will be about 1,500-strong and formed of units drawn from across the army. It will formally come into being in April.

The brigade will be responsible for what is described as non-lethal warfare. Both the Israeli and US army already engage heavily in psychological operations.

Against a background of 24-hour news, smartphones and social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, the force will attempt to control the narrative.
Nato has so far been unable to find a counter to what the US and UK claim is Russia creating unrest by sending in regular troops disguised as local militia, allowing president Vladimir Putin to deny responsibility.Isis has proved adept at exploiting social media to attract fighters from around the world.

The Israel Defence Forces have pioneered state military engagement with social media, with dedicated teams operating since Operation Cast Lead, its war in Gaza in 2008-9. The IDF is active on 30 platforms – including Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Instagram – in six languages. “It enables us to engage with an audience we otherwise wouldn’t reach,” said an Israeli army spokesman.

It has been approached by several western countries, keen to learn from its expertise.

During last summer’s war in Gaza, Operation Protective Edge, the IDF and Hamas’s military wing, the Qassam Brigades, tweeted prolifically, sometimes engaging directly with one another.
The creation of 77th Brigade comes as the commander of Nato special operations headquarters, Lt Gen Marshall Webb, speaking in Washington this week, expressed concern about Russia and about Isis.

“Special operations headquarters is uniquely placed to address this,” he said. “We tend to take an indirect approach. We can engage without being escalatory or aggressive. We tend to view things from an oblique angle, and we absolutely acknowledge that trust, information-sharing and interagency collaboration is crucial.”
And probably there is more than one narrative to be protected. What about the TIPP aggrement between the US and the EU. It is very important for big business: where one finds a short clip:
Strictly speaking this has nothing to do with the Ukraine situation, on the other hand the Ukraine situation could also be seen as a destraction, as it takes time away from doing other things that also might be important. But if any of the Maidanites read this post, they could perhaps consider, if they would like to live in and be part of the Europe that is being planned for us.
Be said:
Sott said:
Comment: …The Ukraine war is escalating and not looking good for Kiev.

I know it's a fast-moving war situation and it's difficult to be sure of what's going on, but SOTT are daydreaming at the wheel. Confirmation bias: the war is 'not looking good for Kiev' because SOTT wants the war not to be good for Kiev.

The actual emerging story is that Ukraine is acquitting itself impressively in the recent intense fighting. Despite the much vaunted assaults of a confident and well equipped enemy the Ukrainian line has withstood the assault along the entire length of the front. It is a formidable and significant achievement.

Yuri Butusov 2.2.15 (Butusov is a bright guy, MP on the military staff of the National Guard, often its critic. He is capable of reporting the bad with the good. I believe this report possibly comes from the 'cauldron' of Debaltseve, supposedly encircled according to claims from the Russian side.
Butusov said:
Debaltsevskaya arc. Ukrainian troops after 8 days of fighting successfully repelled the attack Russian teams. Analysis of the operational situation on February 2.

Battle for Debaltseve - the most fierce and ambitious at the moment the battle of the Russian-Ukrainian war. This is not Ilovaysk not Lugansk, Donetsk airport is not. This full maneuverable fighting modern mechanized forces, the interaction of intelligence, infantry, artillery and armored vehicles, artillery and means of electronic intelligence. Ukrainian army for the first time in its history, held a successful defensive operation on a broad front, and fully accomplished the combat mission.

Russian army of mercenaries attempted to destroy the whole Ukrainian defense in the Donbass, and dramatically change the course of the war. And today we can say with confidence - the enemy offensive successfully reflected. The enemy was unable to break the defense of our troops, and our attempts to assault fortified, well covered with artillery, suffered heavy losses.

Currently active hostilities on Debaltsevskoy arc for the first 8 days suspended.

Surroundings and the "pot", which for so long excitedly wrote and repeated Russian propaganda false, were a fake. "The Road of Life" M-103 and Debaltseve remain under the control of Ukrainian troops.

The Parties shall regroup the troops got a break.

Action strategy in Russia and forecast of the enemy offensive "Tsenzor.Net" examined in detail in an analytical article of January 27, all I had written was fully confirmed, so I will not dwell on the evaluation of the offensive, his motives, the enemy forces, courses of action, who wants to can see:

Tymchuk's sitrep supports this assessment. (2.2.15, Google translation):

I don't know when the probable failure of the offensive will filter through to pro-Russian reporters (SOTT included) and if the course of these events will be given their true delineation. The talk on pro-Russian sites has been of a string of 'NAF' victories, leading to the successful sealing of the Debaltseve bridgehead. (The UAF always claimed the 'Road of Life', M-103 was open and under their control.) If the reports above are accurate, Debaltseve, with its 5-10,000 Ukrainian troops has not fallen, nor is it about to. After accusing the Ukrainian side of provoking the escalation, the massive storming operations proclaimed by Zaharchenko have stalled.

hey, supporter of Kiev junta, it's you again! :mad: you still have not answered my previous comment a few months ago. and now you blame and pour shit again. I know who is Yury Butusov - it chief editor of dirtiest media dumps of Ukraine, "tsensor". I guess you have not read how he personally called his readers a morons and pigs. like all Ukrainian "conscious" sheeps, you're doing same thing: come to shit and declares BS, where there are no facts, links, objectivity and truth. it is only your own fantasies and wishful thinking.
what is aim you want here? spit in soup-and-run, - a favorite activity of "true" Ukrainians - I see this infinite number of times in this damn country, so I can determine this immediately. if I was moderator, I would have banned you, because IMO, such people as you are the cause of endless conflicts and provocations, you spread lies, and it is because of such bastards Ukraine fell into bloodshed, lawlessness and chaos.
You better to go back to your scrapyard to your Goebbels (Butusov).
Someone posted a comment about the alleged Jewish relations of some of the current political figures in Ukraine:
_ said:
President-Poroshenko (Vlatsman) - Jew
President Turchinov (Kogan) - Jew
Prime Minister - Yatsenyuk (Buckeye) - Jew
Minister of Finance - Alexander Shlapak - Jew
Secretary of national security and Defence - Andrew Parubiy- Jew
Vice Prime Minister - Vladimir Groisman - a Jew
Interior Minister Arsen Avakov - Armenian Jew
Minister of Culture - Sergei Nischuk - Jew
Mason - Director of the National Bank - Stepan Kubiv - Jew
Head of the Administration of President - Sergey Pashinskiy- Jew

The main presidential candidates from the opposition:

Yulia Tymoshenko (Celia Kapitelman) - Jewish
Vitali Klitschko (Etinzon) - a Jew by his father
Oleg Tyagnibok (Frotman) - a Jew mom
Dmitry (Avdimou) Yarosh - Jew Hasid
However when one traces the details, some of it does not hold up. For example, it is often said that Yulia Timoshenko is Jewish, but in it is not clear that her mother was Jewish, whereas her grandfather was, but that is not the same thing as Yulia Timoshenko being Jewish, in my opinion. Besides in Ukraine which has had a large Jewish population, having a Jewish ancestor, or being otherwise related was and is probably not uncommon.

Then I found this list, which is similar but also different:
[...he mentions the same names as above but adds:..]

The oligarchs in Ukraine – all Jews: I. Kolomoisky, E. Hurwitz, H. Bogolyubov, Poroshenko, D. Firtash, S. Liovochkin, V. Haiduk, V.Nemirovsky, K. Zhevago, V. Pinchuk, E. Prutnik, Akhmetov, A. Martynov, B. Kostelman, E.Sigal, B. Kolesnikov, A. Feldman, F. Shpyg, N. Shufrych, Rodnyanskii A., I. Butler, A. Abdinov, V. Ermolaev, M. Kiperman, E. Zviagilskiy, F. Zhebrovskaya, S. Ronis, H. Korban, G. Surkis, I. Surkis, V. Shamotiy, A. Leszczynski, J. Rodin, M. Becker.
All media – in the hands of Jews P. Poroshenko, I. Kolomoisky, D. Firtash, V. Pinchuk, Akhmetov.
How many of these people are in fact Jewish by actually having a Jewish mother, it does not say, and their are no references, and that would be needed fo morer confirmation.
In this French article there are a couple of details about the powerstructure, also Jewish, in Eastern Ukraine:

About the 20th century history of the Jews in Ukraine there are a few details in this old article:

In any case no matter who the oligarchs are, and how much they may have chosen to be part of the present Government, some of them now think there has to be another way: said:
Oligarchs Propose a Referendum 2/3/2015

Oligarchs Propose a Referendum

Rada Deputy Viktor Baloga proposes to hold a referendum on the status of the Donbass.

By Vladimir Dergachev

Translated from Russian by J.Hawk

Influential Ukrainian oligarchs have spoken against continuing the war against the Donbass separatists. Viktor Baloga, a Rada Deputy and the “boss of Transcarpathia” proposed to make this issue the subject of a national referendum. Similar proposals were made earlier by Gennadiy Korban, deputy governor of Dnepropetrovsk, Igor Kolomoysky’s second in command. According to the experts, the situation had begun to seriously threaten the positions of the financial elite and requires a change in approach.

Viktor Baloga proposed to hold a referendum on the question of whether to continue the war or let the South-East go. According to the deputy, the choice is simple: “either a civilized parting of ways or a war for many years which will weaken the state, finish off the economy, and make every Ukrainian even poorer”. “If the people are prepared for it, we fight on. But if not, the referendum will determine that the occupied territories are not part of Ukraine, Putin will not give them back to us, as if it were damaged goods. But in strategic sense we will be able to save the state, strengthen the economy, grow stronger, and carry out reforms,” Baloga wrote on his facebook page. At the same time Baloga hopes that Donbass will soon “see the light” and ask to return to Ukraine.

Several days earlier Igor Kolomoysky’s deputy Gennadiy Korban appeared with a similar announcement. “The local politicians ought to understand: if their blitzkrieg fails, then you have to lay down your crown and negotiate. Like they do in business,” he said in an interview with

When asked with whom to negotiate, with Putin or the separatists, Korban answered “We need to negotiate. I don’t know with whom, I can’t comment on that. Maybe with Zakharchenko. I would negotiate if I had no more strength… The main task is not the economy or the corruption, it’s the fact that people are dying. We are bringing back the remains every day, it affects you…But in Kiev they are treating this like statisticians, while we see it with our own eyes… I think it is possible to reach an understanding even with the devil himself, so long as people stop dying.”
But while more and more Ukrainians are tired of war and lifeless corpses, somebody else wants more war [b said:
Obama & Merkel to Discuss Arming Ukraine in Washington Next Week[/b]
and of course there is also the issues of mercenaries. said:
Poland has become the main transit point for mercenaries in the Donbass

Posted By admin on 02.02.2015

Poland has become a major transit point of mercenaries fighting on the side of the Ukrainian security forces in the Donbass.

“According to our data, the main transshipment base of mercenaries is here (in Poland),” – says the representative of TV station REN-TV.

REN-TV notes that according to its information in the sending of mercenaries to Ukraine in Poland is engaged, in particular, a company «Salvor», which appeared instead of the recently disbanded military company «ASBS Otago». “According to some data, this organization has hired mercenaries, who are currently fighting in Ukraine”, – said the TV station.

“Really a lot of poles are fighting at the Kyiv side in this conflict. They go there and join to the volunteer battalions as individuals, but the official Polish government will not confirm it, though they secretly help the recruiters,” says the leader of the ultra-right Polish organization “Falanga” Bartosz Becker.

REN-TV reports that on the side of the Ukrainian security forces are fighting mercenaries from other European countries such as UK, Sweden and Italy. Although the mercenaries say they get little money for this. “Now they pay us about $ 200 a month,” said the Italian Francesco Falcone, who had been fighting previously in the ranks of the volunteer battalion “Azov”.
It is not known who pays the mercenaries that amount of money. A UA soldier receives 70 USD, or what a foreign mercenary earns in 1 day.
Curious about the Polish connections, I found the following, but the Polish authorities and the suspected company denies everything.
_ said:
Polish mercenaries in Donbas? The representative of Salvor for WP: This is bizarre situation
Logo provider WP | Added 2015-02-02 (13:38)

Returns affair "Polish mercenaries" in the Donbas. According to the Russian REN-TV television consulting company Salvor & Partners finds volunteers who feed the troops in the Donbas. - This is a bizarre situation, and it makes no sense to comment on these reports - denied this information in an interview with the HR Łukasz Antas from the company Salvor and Partners.

According to the material REN-TV, Poland has become a transit base in Ukraine for mercenaries from the West. According to Russian TV, the Donbas leave the Polish military, but also the UK, Sweden and Italy. They are to be recruited by Salvor and Partners.

According to Russian television replaced the ASBS Othago terminated belonging to former Interior Minister Bartholomew Sienkiewicz.

As pointed out by REN-TV, the seat of the company Salvor & Partners is located in front of the Consulate of Ukraine in Poland al. Szucha in Warsaw.

Bartosz Bekier organization "Phalanx" REN-TV said that many Poles coming to Ukraine and joins the local battalions. He added that "the Polish authorities do not want to admit it."

- This is a bizarre situation, and it makes no sense to comment on these reports. A year ago, it was the same. It's a waste of our time and energy to engage in this matter. We focus on that to assist clients and not comment on bizarre news - WP Łukasz Antas said the company Salvor and Partners.

As we read on the website "Salvor company's mission is to support and Partners Polish companies in international competition." The company specializes in strategic consulting for the energy sector.

Last year, Russian media also wrote about the training of fighters from Kiev Maidan in Poland. MFA explicitly denied this information.

Watch the video. Residents of Donetsk are forced to live underground
[ Polish...]
The company website is _ It does not seem there is a smoking gun for this company, but would it make sense for anyone to leave one?
Article about the city of Rostov in Russian Federation; bordering the War zone in Ukraine.

And Quieter Flows Don

Novaya Gazeta
Publication: CFD: Economy and Politics | Provider: Media LLC Report | February 04, 2015 (10:10)

On January 22 Vasily Golubev , Rostov Region Governor gave a traditional press conference for the local media on the results of the past year and the authorities’ plans for the future. To be accredited, the journalists had to apply in advance (almost a month prior) submitting a list of questions they would like to be answered. One of the 140 accredited journalists was Sergey Helm, correspondent of Kiev agency "Slavic news», who introduced himself as "a representative of the media of Donetsk People's Republic."
He said that in Kiev there is "unbridled aggravation of a pre-war situation", that a package of documents for formal declaration of war with Russia is ready, and Ukrainian nationalist politicians (Moseychuk, Korchinskiy and others) "will win back the Crimea, using the passage through Rostov region and Kuban". In this regard, the journalist asked for a list of measures that the region was implementing "to somehow prepare, or to reassure the population, or indicates some kind of bomb shelters".
Judging by the calm reaction of Vasily Golubev, the question of war, it seems, was not a surprise to him. His response indicated that there are no reasons for alarm among the population of Rostov region neighboring warring Donbas. But the theme of shelters seems to have become relevant to the region’s residents and the authorities of border areas. For the first time the air-raid shelters of Rostov region (their preparedness to accommodate the civilian population in the event of "unfavorable developments" to be checked) were mentioned by Communist deputies of the State Duma in August 2014. At that time large-scale trainings of reserve troops were announced in Russia, the Donbas region saw another active phase of the antiterrorist operation (ATO), which ended in September with the Minsk cease-fire agreement between Kiev and separatists.
The truce has reflected on the situation in Rostov region: Grad shells stopped flying into the gardens of residents of the border areas, armored vehicles disappeared from the region’s roads (at least in the daytime), the number of men in camouflage with ‘Novorossiya’ insignia in Rostov railway stations diminished significantly, activity in social networks groups recruiting Russian volunteers for Donbass decreased. And the cellars, that can be used as shelters for population in case of war, were not mentioned in Rostov region.
The subject emerged again in the end of January 2015. By this time the situation in the region has changed.
There were much more military vehicles on the roads - the same federal highways M23 and M4 "Don" - in the daytime. These are mainly sheeted KamAZs and Urals. In contrast to the summer and autumn, this time some vehicles had "People" signs on them and the number plates with the letters "DK" (according to unofficial information, this designation Donetsk - Ukrainian – commandant’s office). Again (as in summer - early autumn) caravans of military tank trucks, wheeled armored vehicles, special vehicles were moving towards the border.
Armoured vehicles reappeared in the towns of Don. In particular, in the evening of January 22, 2015 residents of a neighborhood adjacent to the new railway station in Taganrog saw a train composed of more than 60 platforms arrive from the direction of Rostov. There were armored vehicles (tanks, self-propelled guns, armored personnel carriers, etc.) on the platforms. The train stayed at the station of Taganrog for more than 12 hours. Then it departed in the direction of Martsevo station. Later on the same day armored vehicles were seen by the inhabitants of the district center Pokrovsky. Earlier, before the war in the east of Ukraine , trains to Ukrainian Ilovaysk and Donetsk used to pass through Martsevo and Pokrovskoye. Now passenger traffic in that direction is completely stopped. But commenting on the fact that Russian conscripts are forced to sign a contract, and then go to war in Donbass, member of the "VKontakte" social network group "My Taganrog" under the name of IvanAbdulaev wrote: "Those who live near the new station could see convoys with vehicles + a few passenger cars every night ".
Another sign of "militarization of space" were sales points, unusual for Rostov.
Rostov, located at the intersection of transport routes, has traditionally been a trading city, whose merchants vividly caught changing market demand and responded quickly with an offer. So, popular articles of the recent weeks are tactical gear, dry rations, camouflage, night vision devices, optical sights, special communication devices etc.
Starting from January 20, 2015 in the Rostov region has seen a growing number of residents of Donbass, fleeing shelling and destruction. The flow of refugees has decreased in late September - October last year, and Don began to close temporary accommodation centres, only four stationary camps remained, and Ukrainians began to return home. But having come back, many have found there was no heating and electricity in their homes, banks don’t operate, shops are closed, and they chose to survive the cold season returning to the same camps they left a few months ago. According to the regional officials, the number of people entering the region from Ukraine daily is 2.5 thousand more than those travelling in the opposite direction (people began to flee to escape not only cold and hunger, but also shelling).
In this situation - growing number of military vehicles in the roads of the region, increasing flow of refugees, emergence of military stores etc. – people in Rostov started talking about bomb shelters again. Answers to the question "Where and with what one should run in the event of a threat (not specifying which threat)?" were first discussed by vigilant residents of Taganrog. Some recommended to apply to the recruitment office, to the authorities, flee to Siberia or tropical islands, other people reported the basements’ locations, and others stated that everything was hopeless – no bomb shelters will save you in case of world war three. Then the topic of cellars was picked by Rostov diggers who inspected four Rostov bomb shelters.
In early February the authorities became concerned with protection of population against shelling from Ukrainian side. However, not regional authorities, but only the leaders of the Kuibyshev district bordering Donetsk region. During the fighting farms and villages of the area were most often subjected to shelling from the neighboring state’s side.
According to the district head, Alexander Krivorotov, the villages are quiet, "fighting is far away, even the sound of shooting cannot be heard". But what will happen next - is unclear. Therefore, the district head ordered to clean up the basements of all permanent buildings - take out trash, repair walls, electricity and other utilities, install benches, tables, etc. Krivorotov stressed that the authorities want to be prepared for the events to develop according to any scenario.

Hospital shelled in Ukraine's rebel Donetsk, multiple casualties reported
casualties reported

Published time: February 04, 2015 10:20
Edited time: February 04, 2015 11:39

A hospital in the rebel stronghold of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine was hit by artillery shelling, local authorities said. One person has been confirmed killed, with initial reports of over 15 feared dead.

“There are multiple casualties at the hospital. A preliminary count says more than 15 people were killed,” local emergency services told Interfax.

The midday barrage also damaged a residential building nearby and a high-voltage power line, the city council said. The entire neighborhood is without power.

“The OSCE monitors should investigate the site of the attack, determine the direction and the location, from which the barrage was fired and report their findings,” a spokesman for the self-proclaimed Donetsk Peoples' Republic, Andrey Purgin, said.

Donetsk - a stronghold of forces opposed to the Kiev government - comes under artillery fire on a daily basis. The attacks continued even during the shaky ceasefire announced in September, but intensified in January when the truce collapsed.

Kiev routinely claims that the rebels themselves target civilians in order to frame their opponents. But a number of reports from international human rights organizations like Amnesty International confirmed that at least some of the attacks came from Ukrainian side.

Rights advocates accuse Ukrainian troops and rebels of using indiscriminate weapons like multiple rocket launchers against residential areas. Such actions violate rules of war because they make it practically impossible to avoid civilian casualties.

The civil war in Eastern Ukraine has claimed at least 5,358 lives, according to the latest UN count.
From the OSCE official monitoring teams - use of cluster bombs in civilian areas of Luganks (LPR territory)

Spot report by the OSCE SMM, 3 February 2015: Civilians killed and wounded in strike with cluster munitions in Izvestkova Street in Luhansk city

At approximately 18:15hrs and 22:45hrs on 27 January, the SMM, based in Luhansk city centre (“Lugansk People’s Republic” –“LPR”-controlled), heard intensive incoming shelling and impact explosions about 5km west of its location. On 28 January, upon receipt of information about shelling from the Russian Federation Armed Forces staff, assigned to the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination (JCCC) in Luhansk city, the SMM departed to the south-western suburbs of the city at 10:30hrs.

Upon their arrival at 10:40hrs on 28 January the SMM observed that a large residential area in the Artemivskyi district of Luhansk city, 6.6km south-west of the SMM’s location, a rectangular area measuring approximately 1.5km by 1.3km, had been impacted by rockets. The centre of the affected area around Izvestkova Street (7.5km south-west of Luhansk city centre) was most impacted.

The SMM observed the affected area along Izvestkovaya Street, Korolenko Street, Dekabristiv Street, as well as at Michurina Street and Sumska Street - a residential area consisting of small, detached houses. The SMM spoke to the owners of the properties and other local residents who said that they had been shelled twice on 27 January, first at about 18:10hrs and at about 22:45hrs.

The SMM saw considerable damage caused by the impacts of rocket shelling, such as broken windows, fences, gates and walls. The SMM assessed that some of the damage to the buildings, e.g. a series of parallel rows of strike marks on a gate and wall, were consistent with damage typically caused by shrapnel elements from cluster munition. According to the SMM’s assessment, a hole in a roof of a house was caused by the impact of what appears to be a bomblet, with small calibre.

The SMM discovered parts of rockets, including engines, fins and cargo compartments, in the front and backyards of several houses; the cargo compartment in particular is typical of a rocket carrying cluster munitions. Some parts sighted by the SMM at the impact site (1.5 cm white metal fragments, 6 by 3 cm black metal fragments of bomblets cases) are typical for cluster munition. The SMM identified them as parts consistent with 9M55K model “Smerch” rockets (calibre 300mm). The SMM observed a crater (diameter approximately 4m, depth approximately 3m) at the backyard of the house located at Dekabristiv Street 106 which had been caused by the explosion of a “Smerch” rocket, according to the SMM’s assessment.

The SMM measured by compass the angle between north and the axis of cargo remains. The SMM measured the incoming azimuth for the three cargo remains of the “Smerch” rockets, indicating a general incoming north-north-west direction.

Local residents of the impacted area of Artemivskyi district told the SMM during its visit on 28 January to the site that one man was killed in his residence at Korolenko Street 33. The JCCC and the “emergency services department” of the “LPR” both confirmed the same casualty figures.
On 30 January, the SMM visited the central morgue in Luhansk city and met representatives of the regional pathologist office, who stated that their post-mortem examination confirmed that two individuals had died as a result of the shelling. The first individual died as a result of being struck in the chest and abdomen by metal fragments. The second individual died from stress-related heart-failure as a result of shelling.
The SMM met, on 30 January, the deputy head of the central regional hospital who confirmed that two persons wounded on 27 January were still staying in hospital for surgery and medical treatment. On 3 February the hospital confirmed to the SMM the information previously received.
Here is a good video from an Ukrainian depute and former presidential candidate (1999 &2004), Nataliya Vitrenko. She tells it as it is and has no illusions as to what is happening. The war is a convenient distraction from the economic situation in Ukraine and the privatization of all assets. The video has English subtitles.

As she says, she is well aware of the risks she is taking by making this appeal, but at the same time says that she can't keep silent about it.

Kudos to her!

Edit: About her from wikipedia:

Nataliya Mikhailivna Vitrenko (Ukrainian: Натáлія Михáйлівна Вітрéнко) (born December 28, 1951 in Kiev) is a Ukrainian politician and scientist. She has a Ph.D in Statistics and Dr. of Social Sciences.

She was a candidate in the 2004 Ukrainian presidential election, nominated by the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, which she has chaired since 1996. In the Ukrainian parliamentary election, 2002 her party won 3.22% of the votes. She was a presidential candidate in 1999, when she won 11% of the votes to finish in 4th place. In the 2004 elections, however, she finished in fifth place and received less than 5% of the vote.

On October 2, 1999, Vitrenko was attacked and wounded following a campaign rally when two unknown assailants threw two hand grenades at a crowd gathered outside one of her campaign events.[1]
and now you blame and pour shit again. I know who is Yury Butusov - it chief editor of dirtiest media dumps of Ukraine, "tsensor".
Poisoning the well. Why is tsensor less reliable as a news source than, say, Fortruss?
Butusov is a patriot. Is that a bad thing? Putin is a patriot (amplified because of his position as leader of a state). Are you a patriot?
I guess you have not read how he personally called his readers a morons and pigs.
No, I haven't. I know Butusov from his FB page, and he is extremely coherent. Why don't you quote the context where Butusov said that so we can more fully evaluate his validity as a source?

Are you aware that your own name calling is much more inflammatory than 'morons' and 'pigs'? You do this routinely, as a matter of mechanical habit.

like all Ukrainian "conscious" sheeps, you're doing same thing: come to shit and declares BS, where there are no facts, links, objectivity and truth.

Such as? Where are the absence of facts, objectivity and truth in the Butusov post? Why don't you point them out?
it is only your own fantasies and wishful thinking.
Asserting that your ideas are right, does not make them right.

Anyone who thinks they have all the answers and knows the full truth about the situation in Ukraine is indulging in fantasy. The facts on the ground are hard to make out, even if you read both 'sides' in the conflict. (Ultimately human beings are fighting human beings.) If you want to go looking for causes, and strategical objectives, there is an endless rabbit hole of conspiracy theories to explore. Conspiracy theories get very difficult to ascertain with certainty. They normally require a leap of faith at some point, like that required to adopt a religious belief. People are often unaware when they have slipped into 'faith' in a belief, and like to think they are assessing matters objectively and coming to conclusions that reflect the truth.

Behind every conflict is possibly a '4-D' force that benefits from division between people. Emotions out of control generates endless distraction. Pumps you up, doesn't it, rooting for someone, hating someone else? Emotion causes bias (it could even be said, emotion is bias). The sources of emotion are not examined.

what is aim you want here? spit in soup-and-run, - a favorite activity of "true" Ukrainians - I see this infinite number of times in this damn country, so I can determine this immediately. if I was moderator, I would have banned you, because IMO, such people as you are the cause of endless conflicts and provocations,

It sounds as if anyone who challenges your picture of reality is the cause of conflict and provocation. I guess that's true! What is causing that sense of 'conflict' and 'provocation'?
you spread lies
Such as? Why don't you identify them? You are simply name calling.
, and it is because of such bastards Ukraine fell into bloodshed, lawlessness and chaos.
So I am responsible for the state of Ukraine because I didn't answer your earlier reply? (Apologies, will try to get to that if I can backtrack through the thread!)

Notice the shape of your argument.

  • You spit in the soup.
    You are like a Ukrainian.
    Therefore, you are a Ukrainian.

    Ukrainians are nazis and psychopaths.
    They start wars and cause bloodshed and lawlessness.
    Therefore, people like you cause bloodshed and lawlessness.

You are creating a self serving argument that makes you right. It is self serving. You are indulging in name calling, that makes you feel right. You are serving your emotions. Which serve your opinions.

You better to go back to your scrapyard to your Goebbels (Butusov).
Butusov is no Goebbels, please. You are ranting.

Goebbels would probably enjoy RT, a source you admire. Yes? If Goebbels = Nazi = bad guy (the sense you are using him in) then you are close to being hoisted by your own petard. Careful, you'll be calling yourself a Nazi next.

You clearly are massively emotional about the situation in Ukraine. Many are. Are you aware that emotion will distort your 'reading machine'? Do you have a bias to declare? Why is it you want one side to win so much? Have you tried to find the root of that desire?

Gurdjieff went to Essentsuki rather than participate in the Russian revolution, where the entirety of Russian society was forced to polarise into opposing camps. Perhaps he was right?
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